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Just got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed.

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Neo Member
All 4 of mine had to go at once, as well as surgery on my jaw at the same time.
Took like 2 days for the swelling to go completely away and a week and a half to actually be able to eat again.
The inability to eat and bearing the resemblance to a puffer fish drove me nuts... so try not to do that.


I got a huge bottle of Hydrocodone pills when I got mine taken out, so I couldn't feel a damn thing. THe bleeding is the worst part about it, especially waking up in the morning with old gauze in your mouth


Well day 2 and while I can taste a bit of blood no more of it seems to actually be coming out :D

pain has gone down a bunch too and it wasnt even that bad on the first day.


I have six that need to be removed. You should feel privileged you weren't born with two extra wisdom teeth!!!


I had all 4 of mine removed in one visit too. Got knocked out for the operation. It's the best thing I could have done since they were a pain in the ass to brush and there was always an issue of getting an infection. If you have dental insurance just get them taken out
Chris Murphy said:
Americans are weird... foreskins and wisdom teeth must be purged!

Most people get their wisdom teeth removed to avoid months of pain and or if your mouth will push teeth in crappy ways to make room for them. Not everyone has to have them removed.

If I have to choose between four shitty days of moderate pain or months of minor irritating pain I would choose the former.

If I have to choose between four less teeth noone will ever see anyways, or a full set of snaggle teeth, I'll choose the former.

I had all 4 removed at once and basically healed up super fast. Like within a day or two.


I got my top wisdom teeth removed hours before taking a final exam. Blood all over the place good thing I had a bottle so I could drain the blood and spit. Then I found out I was allergic to penicillin. Rash or something all over my body. Worst feeling ever. Like the most powerful itching sensation.
Had all 4 removed about 5 years ago and never felt any pain thankfully, but I have a pretty freakishly high tolerance for pain.

Unfortunately one of the stitches or whatever they were ruptured and I pretty much gushed blood for a good day or so before calling the doctor in on a Saturday to get it fixed. After that the process went much smoother. Food mixed with a ton of blood and then puking was quite the adventure though.


wwm0nkey said:
Dude getting knocked out is AMAZING, last thing you will remember is them getting ready with there medical equipment and them BAM you will probably be in you car or home.

I somewhat remember getting into my car via wheel chair though.
Seriously, it's easier than a haircut. I got the nitrous before my procedure. One second I'm relaxing in my chair staring up at the ceiling, the next second I wake up in the same position and it's over. Best dental appointment ever. (If only the recovery had been so easy.)

Teh Hamburglar said:
at least we don't remove foreskins with our wisdom teeth!
We don't? What kind of doctor do you go to?
It only really hurt me for 1 day, the pain was horrible but bearable. The taste of blood is really annoying though, I had a lot of soup because the pain everytime I bit sometime hard.
A week ago my right gland started swelling up, I thought it was a viral infection. Eventually, my back tooth on my bottom right row started getting really sore. Now it's in agony and I can't even open my mouth properly and my wisdom tooth is half covered in my gum, now to mention I can see my gum on the other side slowly starting to do the same.

I have an appointment at the dentist tomorrow for 9am.


I got mine out when I was 16, all 4 at once. They gave me novocaine to numb me, but it seemed to numb only the front of my face, not the back of my jaw where my wisdom teeth were. They also gave me an IV anesthetic (I don't recall the name of it), but that didn't really work either. They kept pushing more and more of this syringe of the stuff into me, and asking me "do you feel anything?" and I kept replying "no." After the full syringe was administered and I said, "no," the oral surgeon said, "let's begin," and went to work.

My mouth was pried open with a rubber wedge, and 2 of the 4 teeth needed to be broken and removed in pieces. I was conscious of and remember feeling the whole thing. When they finally removed the wedge I was shaking and sobbing. My mother asked me what was wrong, to which one of the nurses replied, "oh that's just a side-effect of the anesthesia." I've had my appendix rupture and have had my gall bladder leak bile into my abdomen, and I will say this is up there with those experiences in terms of pain level.

On the plus side, after that, the recovery process was very fast, and not very painful.


Dang I've been feeling the pain with one cutting through my gums.

Ha, someone caught my edit, wrong thread! Might need to close one of these 50 tabs.

I had some damn good improv for the quick recovery too.
flak57 said:
My memory may be foggy on the Harry Potter books, and this isn't an necessarily an inconsistency, but don't Voldemort and the Death Eaters seem a little insignificant to the wizard community as a whole? I mean it was stated there were 100,000 wizards at one of the Quidditch World Cups, and we always hear about these same 10 or so guys/gals causing trouble. with the aid of a few sympathizers.

The last fight felt more like a battle for the little Hogwarts community than for the entire wizard world, which correct me if I'm wrong was what it was portrayed to be.



I was told last Thursday that I've to remove my 4 wisdom teeth and get braces. I'm still dealing with the matter >.<

My teeth are perfect, no caries, but the wisdom teeth are slightly overgrown and my lower teeth have been pushed inwards by those fuckers.


Had mine out (4) last month wasn't bad at all. The best thing you can do is ice your cheeks for the first 3 or 4 days, I did it and got no swelling whats so ever.

The worst thing you can do is psych yourself out, remain calm try not to worry to much before hand. Just make sure your icing your cheeks none stop for the first few days it does wonders


Had one out last Friday. My fucking god, the noise of my tooth (which already had a filling) snapping mid yank was disgusting! He had to scrape the remains of my tooth out.. not pleasant.

Anyway, wasn't too much blood. Could taste it in my mouth, but that was all. However, the 3rd day, I just woke up with a mouth full of blood. Dunno if I knocked it in my sleep or what. Was horrible. Used another swab and that did the trick.


Showmeyamoves said:
My advice to you is...

Ice-cream. Lots and lots of Ice-cream.

I forgot when the pain went away though.

It will suck for a while, but it gets better really fast. I do not have pleasant memories about it, my bottom ones were really hard to extract, the dentist had to break both of them since they were placed horizontally and later on he removed both parts.

God, I hate dentists.
Chris Murphy said:
Don't start that bad teeth crap, there's a graph around here somewhere that proves that myth false. :p

Lack of wisdom teeth removal is one of the reasons many foreigners don't have straight teeth though


I had all 4 removed over a month ago. The important thing is to just follow all the instructions the surgeon gives you. Also, ice packs work great the first two days.


I thought the same thing. Why would anyone have their wisdom teeth removed? It's just a scam! Then they started coming in like this:


And one of my teeth cracked :(

So yeah, sometimes you need them out.

I was 23 when I had them pulled.


foodtaster said:
My teeth are straight and I have never had my wisdom teeth removed. Am I doing it wrong?

No. Not all people have to get their wisdom teeth removed. Though you can have straight teeth and still have to get them removed.


I got 2 impacted lower wisdoms. They're horizontal lying 90 degrees, and practically touching my second molar, so there's no bone in between them.

A highly regarded oral surgeon who specializes in jaw surgery and wisdom teeth extraction said he would be able to take them out. Didn't mention anything about having complications with my second molars. My dentist suggests taking the wisdoms out, and bone will grow in the area where the wisdom teeth was in order to support the second molars, or if not then bone grafting will do the trick.

My periodontists feels strongly that I should not get those impacted wisdom teeth taken out, otherwise due to a lack of support on the sides my second molars might come out too.

I have no idea who to trust.


Had mine taken out a couple years ago, there are still indentations where they used to be. Ate porridge, congee, yogurt, etc. for the first two weeks, then got stitches removed, then it was a quick transition from soft to hard foods. I stopped syringing after a week when a good mouth rinsing could flush junk in the holes.

Related (all credit to Don Hertzfeldt):














You guys are going to hate me but I went to the dentist for the first in four years a couple of months back and the dentist was like...

"Oh, all your wisdom teeth have come in perfectly, how did that happen?"

Apparently only Samoans and Scandinavians have their wisdom teeth come through perfectly (I'm Scottish). Guess my ancestors were raped by badass vikings.

In short: I have Scandinavian-God-King teeth genetics.


I have 4 still, though I'm still waiting for my appointment to get my lower left one taken out. The other 3 are fine with zero complications.

How is it when you get only one out?
You guys are going to hate me but I went to the dentist for the first in four years a couple of months back and the dentist was like...

"Oh, all your wisdom teeth have come in perfectly, how did that happen?"

Apparently only Samoans and Scandinavians have their wisdom teeth come through perfectly (I'm Scottish). Guess my ancestors were raped by badass vikings.

In short: I have Scandinavian-God-King teeth genetics.

I'm 7/8ths Norwegian and 1/8 Danish and I had to have 2 removed...


I got 2 impacted lower wisdoms. They're horizontal lying 90 degrees, and practically touching my second molar, so there's no bone in between them.

A highly regarded oral surgeon who specializes in jaw surgery and wisdom teeth extraction said he would be able to take them out. Didn't mention anything about having complications with my second molars. My dentist suggests taking the wisdoms out, and bone will grow in the area where the wisdom teeth was in order to support the second molars, or if not then bone grafting will do the trick.

My periodontists feels strongly that I should not get those impacted wisdom teeth taken out, otherwise due to a lack of support on the sides my second molars might come out too.

I have no idea who to trust.

Your perio is an idiot. You are a young man, the area will heal fine, if you are so much concern get grafting at that site.

It's best to get them out now then wait latter. complications is proportional to patients age. I have never heard of the possibilty of 2nd molar to just majically exfoliate because of 3rd molar extraction, unless there is some pathology associated with 3rd. At worst you might get perio defect at distal of 2nd molar. In that case like I said you can always get the grafting


I have six that need to be removed. You should feel privileged you weren't born with two extra wisdom teeth!!!

Bite me. I have eight wisdom teeth and I had a third set of supernumerary teeth that I had to have taken out as a youngster.

This is the cause of it all.


I had all three of mine taken out in August 2010 and could eat normally within three days or so. I think I have some sort of Wolverine-like healing factor.


Mine are coming out next month, but they came in perfectly. =/ The main reason is that they are super far in the back of my mouth, apparently...


Tomorrow's the day GAF. All four out :(

Anybody get knocked out but still have a hard time with recovery the day after? That's what I'm really worried about...
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