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In your honest opinion, who is the better gaming company leader? Phil Spencer or Jim Ryan?

Who is the better gaming leader?

  • Phil Spencer

    Votes: 201 48.9%
  • Jim Ryan

    Votes: 156 38.0%
  • Doug Bowser

    Votes: 54 13.1%

  • Total voters
I know it's fun to joke and have memes about both of these leaders of the two big console companies, Some people mock and hate them, and some people praise them.

But I'm curious in real opinions, which leader of gaming do you find better, Xbox's Phil Spencer or Sony's Jim Ryan?

What do you REALLY think about Phil Spencer? Is he doing a good job? Is he benefitting gamers?

What do you REALLY think about Jim Ryan? Is he doing a good job? Is he benefitting gamers?

What's you're non-meme take on both?


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Gold Member
Phil spencer.

Jim Ryan is a business man. PS was in good position when he got the business.

Phil on other hand had sinking xbox handed to him. Fixed that, and its on good position.


Jim Ryan is elevating a good PS business to a higher degree.

Phil Spencer made Xbox good for everyone. Just need to work on game output.
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It all depends how you look at it. They have both been good.

Jim ryan has been great for the business side of sony but not so much in the pr/eyes of the consumer. Sony is already the market leader no need bend over for the consumer. Maximize profits until they start losing market share.

Phil spencer has been great for pr/eyes of the consumer but maybe not so much on the business side of things like maximizing profit. Xbox brand image took a huge hit during the xbox one era, so his consumer friendly moves are doing a good job of building goodwill with consumers and getting people back on board with xbox at the expense of maximizing profits.
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Kaz Hirai..

Phil hasn't done shit than weaken the value of MS IPs to 1 dolla .. Phil has not done anything. The guy lacks keen eye to score potentials. MS has other streams for making billions. At this point they can just buy everything and make themself relevant ...rather than making new IPs.

Jim lacks personality and is running off the path Kaz set after the bombastic failure of PS3.
They’re both shit.

Phil gets the war chest of MS and has done what? Buy up studios and still cannot deliver a single fucking game? Shit.

Ryan gets all of the momentum Sony built up and has managed to do what? Destroy all of the goodwill built up with shit policies, bad practices and overall garbage decisions that have done nothing but piss off gamers? Shit.

Fuck them both.
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Ryan's a businessman, delivering solid results to Sony's shareholders. He's overseen price increases across the board, and will sheppard in the transition into a GaaS focus for a good number of Sony's studios. However, this comes at the expense of the long-term brand image. Last generation was "4 the Players" - that image slowing being wiped away under Ryan, who's making it clear that PlayStation simply costs more. That'll do wonders for his bonuses, not so great for the brand's position in five years when people are tired of being fleeced for another full price re-re-release of TLOU. It's hard not to see Ryan as someone simply cashing in on the hard work and dedication of House, Boyd, and Yoshida last generation.

Spencer's a good businessman, but he also knows his games. He's worked hard to get Xbox in line after the disaster of the Xbone. Xbox's approach under Spencer gets more games into my hands with Game Pass, without jacking up the price across the board. However, Xbox's first party always feels like it's just one more year away from greatness. High profile disasters like Halo Infinite certainly don't help that perception - six years for that? Under Spencer, Xbox is building the long-term image of "the best deal in gaming", and it's clearly working: Xbox is having its best generation yet. The long-term brand image looks incredibly bright, profits are strong, and in five years, they could well rival Sony for the top-dog position.

I think Spencer is better for me as the gamer, whereas Ryan is probably better for the shareholders.
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Not a fan of either. Phil is absolutely a better frontman. Very likeable and good personality. I just don't believe anything he says at this point and all that charm hasn't turned into results yet.

Jim Ryan barely says anything at all, is incredibly unlikeable and doesn't appear to be a fan of his own product in the least (not that that's required).

As a fan, I don't remember a time where it has been worse.


Gold Member
Both are good with what they do but Ryan was handed a well oiled machine and is pissing a lot of die hard PS fans off with the whole PC port thing, which I personally love

Exactly what I was about to say. If we frame the question from the point of view of the hand these two were dealt when they became CEO then no doubt Phil Spencer is the man.

But Jim Ryan's PlayStation is still cranking out the games. He hasn't screwed that up yet.

House Of Cards GIF
Phil Spencer because of the culture he developed with in gamepass that benefits me and my pockets. I have a tight budget due to a few external factors. Gamepass has genuinely allowed me to save a ton of money. Just in the past two weeks I've been playing Vampire Survivor, Immortality, NORCO and Citizen Sleeper are up next. Pentiment and High on life soon after. I do enjoy Sony games a ton (despite some fatigue by their formula) but them being adamant on keeping the market the same exact way would have made it almost impossible to play the games I really enjoy. So I appreciate that and the evolving of the industry to benefit me and my wallet.


Gold Member
Exactly what I was about to say. If we frame the question from the point of view of the hand these two were dealt when they became CEO then no doubt Phil Spencer is the man.

But Jim Ryan's PlayStation is still cranking out the games. He hasn't screwed that up yet.

House Of Cards GIF
I think we are learning the PlayStation kind of runs itself, no matter who is sitting in the chair. Phil on the other hand was given a mess, and given us game pass, and the most powerful console, and a budget one for others. Dude is killing it.
i am glad jim ryan and Hermen are expanding the first party studios, and so far have acquired a lot more talent in the past couple of years. I think buying more support studios and increasing the size of the main studios will ultimately be a good thing.

I’m also not mad at them expanding the diversity in PS Studios line up. It’s gonna be nice to have some good multiplayer games mixed in with the single player stuff, especially bringing Bungie into the fold.


Gold Member
I think we are learning the PlayStation kind of runs itself, no matter who is sitting in the chair. Phil on the other hand was given a mess, and given us game pass, and the most powerful console, and a budget one for others. Dude is killing it.

I agree, for the most part. Still not happy about the game output from Xbox but hopefully that won't be an issue starting next year. Game Pass was a great plan to make the Xbox ecosystem relevant again. I don't think console power has mattered at all though. But yeah, overall Spencer has done a good job.
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