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Inarius and Litlith are now in Cod Warzone and they look completely out of place


Gold Member
That's some goofy looking stuff, what's next?



Gold Member
That's right I have never looked at the store. But while playing, I didn't notice much bad skins either. But that was also a few months ago.

Yeah there have been some really out-there skins. CoD jumped this particular shark some time ago.


CoD has turned out to be one of the shittiest franchise... and no matter how much crap they throw in the game, it will still sell.

To think of the early days when the game was just a pure and fun multiplayer experience on pc...


Gold Member
I'm in the market for a shooter where everything is appropriately tacticool, no clown shoes or celebrity/hero skins.
Just grizzled manly men with ludicrous weapon customization and balaclavas available in three shades of black.
Wait for XDefiant, but this stuff is inevitable in any gaashit.


I will never understand the fascination of out of place cosmetics. Looks absolutely disgusting. Never gonna play and not interested, but wonder if you can turn this all off in options so you don't see any stupid characters/designs etc.
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Nah these are awesome, I've been running around as ash from evil dead two and it's an absolute blast.

edit: obligatory ew playstation branded trailer.
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I love all the dumb stuff personally. Like when they did all that dumb Carl's Jr collab stuff. The writing was on the wall, it was only a matter of time, lol. Besides, if you want a more "realistic" experience, there's plenty of other games that do it better. COD hasn't been that for a LONG time.
I absolutely hate this trend of online shooters adding these absurd skins and characters into games. COD, Halo Infinite, Gears, etc

The industry is in a bad place even if there are still many good games. This kind of thing is always there to drag down the experience (not just skins but pay to win mechanics, limited times events, always online, woke bullshit, etc etc).

It'd be a much more enjoyable hobby without all the crap.
I will never understand the fascination of out of place cosmetics. Looks absolutely disgusting. Never gonna play and not interested, but wonder if you turn this all off in options so you don't see any stupid characters/designs etc.

They'd never give us that option because they're so fucking greedy. They know human behavior will see more people buying those skins simply by seeing other players with them. There's a subconscious desire to fit in that none of us are completely exempt from and the publishers know it. Every aspect of games today us designed to encourage microtransactions. Same idea behind commercials.

So it's here to stay. Sucks man. Last thing I wanna see playing Gears of War 5 is some asshole looking like fucking Sara Connor or Terminator while carrying a multicolored "pride" shotgun.
All these games that we've enjoyed and been immersed in for the past 15-20 years are like this now: Halo, BF, COD, Gears etc.

Actually, it's way worse than this- CrossPlay is now shoved down our throats in these games in hopes of driving up player numbers to sell more battle passes. So console gamers who used to be able to enjoy these games with a fair and even playingfield now have to go up against PC players on mouse and keyboard and have to deal with PC cheaters.

I'd it any wonder so many people are unhappy with multiplayer these days? Any wonder these games are literally dying?


Suffers from extreme PDS
Buying character skins in a FPS is shocking. Buying skins that look like that in what once was a military shooter defies all logic. Too many kiddos and teenagers with mommy's credit card these days.
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