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New York Comic Con 2012 lOTl Cosplayers, Video games, Comics, and Panels oh my!

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I have a few questions. Sorry if they sound dumb. This is my first convention ever so I just want to know what to expect.

-Do they have any restrictions on bags that you can carry with you or anything like that? Im assuming theres lots of stuff to buy and Ill need someplace to carry it. Any suggestions here? I typically cram everything I need into my pockets. I doubt that going to fly here. OP also suggests food/water so Ill need a place to carry that.
-Do the people signing autographs typically have autographable merchandise for sale too? I dont really collect much so I dont have a lot that can be autographed but Id definitely pick up stuff at the show if its available.
-Can you come and go to the show as you please as long as you have your ticket?

Im still debating on if I want to get a camera or if my 4 year old Sony Cybershot will be good enough. I guess I have 2 weeks to make up my mind.

Got my tickets today. I got so happy when I saw that envelope in the mail. Im unbelievably excited for this and I dont know why.
Everything Amir0x said is correct but I have a few things to add.

1) I have brought a backpack every year and I have never had a problem. If you so wish you should be able to find various free/promotional shopping bags as you walk the show floor. I would just recommend that you bring a bag that is big enough to fill your needs and that will be comfortable to have with you for the entire day.

2) From my experience, some autograph fees include something simple (like a head shot) but most don't. Every celeb should at least have something for sale along with their signature. Your best bet is to plan who you want to see in advance and check the site for their details.
I know Lou Ferrigno, for example, has offered Polaroid shots with him (for an extra fee of course) in past years that he would then sign. Another reason to figure out who you want to meet in advance- the lines can be very long. In general I highly suggest you work out a rough schedule in advance and take line times into account. Expect long lines for everything for the entire time that you are there.

3) You can come and go as you please but I would not recommend it. You will waste a huge chunk of your day if you do that and besides, there are no good/cheap food options close to the convention center. You should either bring food in advance or accept that you will be overpaying for the food that is there. I always just bite the bullet and spend the $12 for a crap meal. I just accept it as part of the cost of going.


Got my schedule. All day Saturday and Sunday @ the Show Floor once again. No Thursday afternoon unfortunately.


I updated the OP with the maps in case anybody wants to view and familiarize themselves with it and the latest roster update. The Show Floor is much bigger this year with Artist Alley being in the North Concourse instead of on a separate area of the Show Floor which means that area is its own space now.

I shall be going to the Con on that Thursday when Press/Pros get in to pick up my pass/shirt and shoot the breeze at the floor/with some co-workers (provided Area Managers aren't hounding them down). I'll be down there some time after 4 as I'll be walking down there from my college (which is at in the UES).


The Anime Festival used to be in E-Hall or on the fourth floor. I know that this year it has been "folded" into NYCC (minus the Masquerade meaning it's basically been abolished), but I was just curious what- if anything- is going on in the fourth floor? If I recall correctly, two years ago the fourth floor and Javits North wasn't really being utilized. This year it looks like E-Hall and the Fourth Floor aren't really being utilized, but the show floor should be even crazier.

Maybe it is just me but there doesn't seem to be as many "must attend" panels this year which means even more people on the floor!


I agree on the panels even though I don't go to too many. Too soon to begin real hype for the next Marvel movie so there probably won't be anything as ridiculous as all of the Avengers related stuff last year.

Hrm, looks like the Artist Alley is where Autographing/Tabletop Gaming was last year...pretty big room though not sure they are gaining any space. It certainly seems like a better room for the artist alley given how bright it is in there as compared to the show floor.

Looks like a more efficient setup as I don't believe they used the B-Hall at all last year outside of the Capcom football game and for extra queue room in the mornings.


my fiancee "surprised" me with a Max Payne outfit.

Looks exactly like this:


Even the shirt she purchased me looks like that one. Got gun holsters and toy guns too. I think she got this outfit together because my hairstyle currently looks exactly like the Max Payne photo - shaved head, but a beard. She wants me to dress up and take pictures, 'cause my sisters do it every year. Fuuuuck no, ain't no way in hell. But I'll save the outfit for Halloween.


When does the convention open on Saturday?

Floor opens at 10am. However, if you don't want to wait in a huge-ass line, you might want to get there at 11 since the queue line will be more or less gone by then.

I got a 3 day pass, and I'll definitely be there at least two days. Right now it's looking like Saturday and Sunday.

I think I'm probably going to spend most or all of the con on the show floor. I've never been a huge panel guy and usually there's more than enough stuff on the floor to keep me occupied. The biggest goal for me this year is probably to get something signed by Bryan Lee O Malley, he's going to be signing all three days so hopefully I can get a hold of him at one point. Amano would be great too but, ugh, it sounds like I'd have to get there at like 6am for a chance at an autograph ticket. That's too much for me.

Also, someone mentioned what to do about food - what I usually do is go outside and either buy from the hotdog stand or the gyro stand outside the center. Both are waaaaaayyyy more reasonable that the ridiculously overpriced junk in the Javits food court. The gyro stand usually has a line but it's worth it. A friend has told me there's also a McDonalds walking distance from the center, although I haven't been there myself.
m0dus and I will be there Thurs-Sun :D. It's our first Comic Con and we are super excited about it. Feel free to PM either one of us your cell # if you want to meet up! Otherwise you can just look for us wandering the floor somewhere. We are definitely going to be dressed up, just haven't decided 100% which stuff we're bringing with us.

Is the food as bad as E3 food as far as over-priced-ness and general quality? :S


my fiancee "surprised" me with a Max Payne outfit.

Looks exactly like this:


Even the shirt she purchased me looks like that one. Got gun holsters and toy guns too. I think she got this outfit together because my hairstyle currently looks exactly like the Max Payne photo - shaved head, but a beard. She wants me to dress up and take pictures, 'cause my sisters do it every year. Fuuuuck no, ain't no way in hell. But I'll save the outfit for Halloween.



From my experience, crowds are usually pretty accommodating to someone in a wheel chair and will generally be polite and move aside. I've also felt the Javis was a very spacious center, so you don't get near the amount of bottlenecking people that SDCC has. I hope she decides to come and has a fun time :)
We would only go to SDCC since it's closer to where we live :\ My GF bought your Sailor Moon print at Fanime 2012, beautiful.

Last year I took my mom to the Comic Con on the second day. She really wanted to experience it, and because it was only a few weeks after her kidneys had failed and she was really depressed, it really made her light up. We rolled her around in a wheel chair. The crowds were very frequently parting to allow us to pass, although sometimes we would have to speak up to get people to notice. The main thing is to be careful about moving deliberately, because it's very easy to skim the back of someone's feet, and that is painful.

And if it's the same as last year, AVOID AT ALL COSTS the anime con section in a wheel chair. That thing was fucking ridiculous to navigate last year.
Sounds great, thanks for the details. I find hard to not run over someones feet, especially when they are reluctant to move or just are oblivious.


my fiancee "surprised" me with a Max Payne outfit.

Looks exactly like this:


Even the shirt she purchased me looks like that one. Got gun holsters and toy guns too. I think she got this outfit together because my hairstyle currently looks exactly like the Max Payne photo - shaved head, but a beard. She wants me to dress up and take pictures, 'cause my sisters do it every year. Fuuuuck no, ain't no way in hell. But I'll save the outfit for Halloween.


Just do it. And shave.

I'm shaving for Bane.


Here a link/article on How to Survive NY Comic Con in 12 Easy Steps. I'll add this to the OP as well as soon as I get on a computer. It should be very useful but many tips have already been mentioned in this thread.

Also an update from my work schedule. I'm going to be working on Thursday afternoon as well in Panel A on top of the stressful life of being a full time student/student government senator.


Something that I feel is worth mentioning:

If you have a smart phone, it is highly encouraged that you download the NYCC app (well my employers highly encourage it to everyone) to make your life much, much easier. Don't ask me anything about it because I don't know much about it despite having it on my phone. I heard the app was cumbersome to use last year so maybe they made a significant update to it this year.

Heh, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement, but the reason why NYCC strongly emphasizes downloading the smartphone app is because it downloads all of the exhibitor/autograph/panel info straight to your phone so you don't need to be online to check for information. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but wifi and cellphone reception SUCKS in the Javits. Usually I'm barely able to make a phone call, let alone use 3G/LTE. The Javits itself has Wifi but it's a huge ripoff - something like $10 an hour for 128k internet (are you kidding me???). The "How to survive NYCC" page mentions that the Starz booth will have a wifi hotspot but I can guarantee you it's going to be congested as hell.

As for the app itself, it looks...kinda mediocre. But it's better than nothing, I guess. There's an interactive show floor map but it's kinda clunky. My understanding is that you can sync the app with the show planner on the NYCC website but I don't think you can add stuff to the planner through the app itself, which seems kinda counter-inuitive. Also you can turn on push notifications, I assume this notifies you in advance of panels/autographs you've added to your planner.
Me and the lil' lady will be there as well. I'll be StreetPassin' like a freak if you happen to pass me by!

Me: Beat from Jet Set Radio
Her: Korra from Legend of Korra

She will have far more fans.


Thanks for the tips everyone. Ill be sure to keep all that in mind.

Im not sure if Ill be able to meet up with any gaffers but Ill try. Ill have my 3DS with me too so if any of you street pass with someone named Jeremy who looks like a poor mans Harry Potter, thats me.


Ill be there saturday. I was hoping to get an amano signature but from the OP says I doubt Ill be able to get a ticket =(



Just do it. And shave.

I'm shaving for Bane.

no way mang, I don't want to walk around the city all day looking like a weirdo. Plus, I am afraid I'll get tackled by police when they see the gun holsters from afar and my fake guns lol

But if I did go, I couldn't shave. I have to look like Max Payne from the third game, after all.


GameFan Alumnus
Just found out I won't be going to ComiCon after all. Please remove from the list of attendees.


I'll be there with my girl but sadly not as anyone this year. Bills have been brutal recently. I will be Streetpassing and Near...whatevering like mad that day!
Jipan, could you please add m0dus and I to the list? :) We'll be in NY on Thursday night but we'll be at the Con from Friday-Sunday. Would anyone be interested in having a meetup dinner? Wandering meetups are always a lot harder to pull off (based on past experience with the E3 meetups) and it would be nice to get some good food in NYC with some of you fine folks!

I will also have my 3DS with me, looking forward to a deluge of street passes :D.


I'm traveling back to NYC to do setup for the Con next week and will most likely be working the morning shifts on Fri, Sat & Sun.

Is there a GAF Con meet up planned?


Just got confirmed for a press pass

So I guess I'll be going for parts of it.

Don't think I can do 4 days again this year


Yes please shower, or at least spray some fragrance.
Hahaha. That reminds me of when I was managing the line for Street Fighter X Tekken and Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 last year. Every now and then it smelled pretty funky; I had the audacity to cover up my nose in front of people's faces, waved my hand in front of my nose every now and then, and would occasionally say that it stinks. Lines for fighting games/video games tend to be the worst offenders for the god awful odors. Especially since it's a freaking sauna up in the Show Floor with the huge amounts of bodies packed like sardines. I know it's going to be 10 times worse this year.
Jipan, could you please add m0dus and I to the list? :) We'll be in NY on Thursday night but we'll be at the Con from Friday-Sunday. Would anyone be interested in having a meetup dinner? Wandering meetups are always a lot harder to pull off (based on past experience with the E3 meetups) and it would be nice to get some good food in NYC with some of you fine folks!

I will also have my 3DS with me, looking forward to a deluge of street passes :D.
Done. The roster is up to date (removed Eggo as requested) with all the latest people along with the 12 Steps to surviving Comic Con. I also added in the additional day that I'm going to be working on (again, Thursday afternoon at Panel A).

Meet up dinner you say? I would be interested depending on the day and time. Where at and what day do you have in mind so I could add it to the OP if a decent amount of people are interested?
I'm traveling back to NYC to do setup for the Con next week and will most likely be working the morning shifts on Fri, Sat & Sun.

Is there a GAF Con meet up planned?
Are you fellow a Crew member as well or an Exhibitor?

To answer your question, yes. Halo GAF is assembling in full force if you're one of them. Either way, GAF is GAF. It's just a matter of where and figuring out times (again, the entrance is a easy spot to meet up at) that work best for everyone each day.

Can a few of you guys clarify what days you're going to be there on? Particularly, kaiwing and Admiral Snackbar. Thanks guys.


I like how #3 on the list of ways to survive NYCC is "Shower."

They actually had to inform the guests to shower lol


First time going and first time press. What time can we pick up the press badges? And don't worry I'm not one of those bitchy people that need to feel entitled. Just happy to be there.
Meet up dinner you say? I would be interested depending on the day and time. Where at and what day do you have in mind so I could add it to the OP if a decent amount of people are interested?

I have no clue honestly, I'm not from NY. I have no plans for Friday or Saturday dinner, but I think those two days would be best anyway since a lot of people may be traveling on Sunday evening. I was hoping someone from the area might have some ideas? Admiral Snackbar? ;D


Do we know of any other videogames that will be shown or playable at the show? Im aware of Halo 4, AC3, and Sleeping Dogs (DLC). Any other announcements? Is there typically a strong videogame presence at NYCC?


Capcom has been big that last two years primarily because of Marvel Versus. This year they've got several panels and the highlights are Remember Me, DMC reboot, and Lost Planet 3.


Getting excited for this! I arrive Thursday evening so I'm around all day Friday and Saturday.

Is the Aliens panel the only professional thing you're doing there? Nothing for Oliver?

Do we know of any other videogames that will be shown or playable at the show? Im aware of Halo 4, AC3, and Sleeping Dogs (DLC). Any other announcements? Is there typically a strong videogame presence at NYCC?

Videogames get a bigger presence at NYCC every year, I've found. Capcom, Square Enix, Ubisoft, and Nintendo have had decent-sized booths there for a while now. I don't think Nintendo has explicitly said anything yet but I imagine they'll have Wii U stuff since they had it at PAX. Looking at the map, it looks like SCEA will be there this year too. And Namco is going to have an actual free-play arcade at their ShiftyLook booth, which I'm totally looking forward to.
Is the Aliens panel the only professional thing you're doing there? Nothing for Oliver?
Oliver's not ready to show yet, more likely at WonderCon or SDCC next year. So yeah the Aliens thing is all I'm officially doing, unless I get roped into anything else in the meantime.
Well, in previous years there were separate hours for press/pros. The floor was pretty sparse and it was pretty lax. Now that they include VIP passes, it's crowded and a little stressful.

Really wished they gave back pro hours again... even if it's just a single hour. :

This. This is what SDCC needs to START doing. It's a fucking madhouse otherwise. I had to go back to Square Enix about 5 times to do a booth photoshoot of their figures because they could only open up the cases for me when there wasn't a mad crush of people around (so that people wouldn't try to touch the figures or worse; most of them were prototypes and theft at SDCC is a real thing that happens). It's not SE's fault in the least (and they're some of the best, friendliest folks to work with) but getting work done when there's so many people around becomes really, really hard.
Oh, I see. That's pretty cool. It looks like Destructoid but with a white color palette and focused on toys instead of video games...fascinating. I know you're going to be super tired from being all over the place. I'm going to assume you're the dude with the tiger picture on the website. Is that right?

I seem to recall your OkCupid trials by fire; you landed yourself a date last I heard from you and things were going well. I go to Destructoid for news (yeah Jim Sterling is annoying, but not as annoying as GAF paints him); the site's pretty good Jim Sterling aside. I was talking to a guy who's a community manager on the Destructoid forums last year and he told me that he totally understands the Jim Sterling hate, but there's no reason to hate the site to which I agreed.

Yep, that's me. :) And the date went well; ended up leading to my current relationship and got too busy to reply back and let folks know how things went.

On the tired part, as long as you pace yourself and do some training beforehand, it's easily workable. And training = distance walking/jogging/whatever. Your legs are always the first thing to go (I learned this at PAX Prime 08 in the worst possible way) so you want to make sure they can handle lots of walking and standing. Beyond that, you just need to keep yourself hydrated and get enough sleep and you're usually good to go.


I'm going to be an Exhibitor, working the Midtown Comics booth.
That's pretty sweet given that Midtown Comics has a huge presence in NYCC. I'll be on the look out for you when I'm working on the Show Floor or passing by there on Thursday. Either that, or I'll be scavenging for free stuff with some coworkers after we close the floor.
First time going and first time press. What time can we pick up the press badges? And don't worry I'm not one of those bitchy people that need to feel entitled. Just happy to be there.
I think you guys go get them on Thursday IIRC since last year when I was talking to a couple of press dudes, they told me that they already saw half of the stuff that's on the Show Floor a few days before. Thursday is only open to "Press, Professionals, VIPS and fans that purchase a 4-Day Pass." Also Crew as well since we run the behind the scenes stuff.
I have no clue honestly, I'm not from NY. I have no plans for Friday or Saturday dinner, but I think those two days would be best anyway since a lot of people may be traveling on Sunday evening. I was hoping someone from the area might have some ideas? Admiral Snackbar? ;D
I don't know if you guys might like the idea of eating Quiznos or Wendy's as dinner. I know the area pretty well, but in terms of restaurants? Not so much. There's a diner on the corner of 34th and 8th (never been there before; have pass by there thousands of times). There's also Friday's and a Chinese restaurant somewhere on 34th and 9th avenue methinks as well as several bars along that avenue that I imagine serve dinner. How much are you guys willing to spend on dinner? I'll also throw out these results that I found on Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=restaurants+near+javits+center&find_loc=Manhattan%2C+NY&ns=1#l=g:-74.00294065475464,40.75410049255913,-73.9965033531189,40.75900919406845.

Do we know of any other videogames that will be shown or playable at the show? Im aware of Halo 4, AC3, and Sleeping Dogs (DLC). Any other announcements? Is there typically a strong videogame presence at NYCC?
Basically everything that BiggNife and DaveH said. Activision had a pretty big presence last year at the Turtle Beach booth (which was pretty big). Rockstar was also pretty big with promoting Max Payne 3 as their crown jewel as well as GTA III for IOS given that they have a building in NYC and all. Who knows, maybe they'll show GTA V this year. Nintendo also had a pretty decent presence, as well as Warner Bros with Batman: Arkham City. So expect all the big devs to have a pretty decent to big presence along with the Big 3.

If anyone still desperately wants/needs a pass and doesn't want to pony up the $45-$65 to go (I know that feel bro), you guys can apply to volunteer 6 hour shifts for this exhibitor in exchange for a free pass, free shirts, and a 20% discount for the shirts that they sell for a year. I'll leave the link here, and add it to the OP as well: http://www.superherostuff.com/convention-volunteers.html

Yep, that's me. :) And the date went well; ended up leading to my current relationship and got too busy to reply back and let folks know how things went.

On the tired part, as long as you pace yourself and do some training beforehand, it's easily workable. And training = distance walking/jogging/whatever. Your legs are always the first thing to go (I learned this at PAX Prime 08 in the worst possible way) so you want to make sure they can handle lots of walking and standing. Beyond that, you just need to keep yourself hydrated and get enough sleep and you're usually good to go.
I'd figure as much.

I see. That's pretty damn good that something finally came of it. I'm pretty happy for you. I've pretty much been ignoring my OKC account since I went back to school. It's trial by fire for sure even though NYC is a big singles city and all, but I haven't had much luck. School is faring much better though. I'm pretty well trained having walked massive amount of blocks thanks to NYC being a great walkable city as well as work out. Comfortable shoes are must.


Bitches love smiley faces
I don't know if you guys might like the idea of eating Quiznos or Wendy's as dinner. I know the area pretty well, but in terms of restaurants? Not so much. There's a diner on the corner of 34th and 8th (never been there before; have pass by there thousands of times). There's also Friday's and a Chinese restaurant somewhere on 34th and 9th avenue methinks as well as several bars along that avenue that I imagine serve dinner. How much are you guys willing to spend on dinner? I'll also throw out these results that I found on Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=restaurants+near+javits+center&find_loc=Manhattan%2C+NY&ns=1#l=g:-74.00294065475464,40.75410049255913,-73.9965033531189,40.75900919406845.
That diner (Skylight Diner) is okay. Nothing really special, but I think it's the closest option that isn't fast food. (If you order corned beef hash, it does come out pretty crispy.)

I'm probably going to head up to Daisy May's on 46th and 11th on either Friday or Saturday for dinner if any gaffers want to meet up and get some BBQ.


I don't know if you guys might like the idea of eating Quiznos or Wendy's as dinner. I know the area pretty well, but in terms of restaurants? Not so much. There's a diner on the corner of 34th and 8th (never been there before; have pass by there thousands of times). There's also Friday's and a Chinese restaurant somewhere on 34th and 9th avenue methinks as well as several bars along that avenue that I imagine serve dinner. How much are you guys willing to spend on dinner? I'll also throw out these results that I found on Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=restaurants+near+javits+center&find_loc=Manhattan%2C+NY&ns=1#l=g:-74.00294065475464,40.75410049255913,-73.9965033531189,40.75900919406845.

Is that the Tick Tock Diner in front of the New Yorker? Pretty good burgers there. I'm up in One Penn so I know the area pretty well. There is also a chinese and sushi place up on 8th a few blocks. Always have Brother Jimmys across from the post office.

Don't judge, but Tracks inside Penn Station is godly.


Is that the Tick Tock Diner in front of the New Yorker? Pretty good burgers there. I'm up in One Penn so I know the area pretty well. There is also a chinese and sushi place up on 8th a few blocks. Always have Brother Jimmys across from the post office.

Don't judge, but Tracks inside Penn Station is godly.
I don't know it by name, but I believe that's the place; it's right next to The New Yorker. The Chinese buffet next to Wendy's is ok; the food was hit or miss for the most part. There's also a White Castle on 35th 8th as we've ate there twice in two GAF meet ups. But since you're a restaurant pro around that area, I'll trust your opinion.

I also heard from a coworker that there's a Five Guys around there 2 avenues over. I've been through Penn Station thousands of times to get to the A train, but what's Tracks again? Is that the place that's next to Subway or is it a small bar looking restaurant near a small book store/ Kmart? I've never ate there before so I can't really judge.

Friday works for me I suppose since it's my only night off. Saturday night does as well to a far lesser extent as I get off at 9:30pm (they typically let us go early there's no places to be assigned to), unless I stick around with the coworkers afterwards like I did last year.


I managed to get a 4-day pass on Ebay. My main attraction will be playing Halo 4 as many time as I can/feel like depending on the line but I will also spend some time walking around just to experience NYCC. I have never been to a Con before so I'm totally oblivious as far as what to expect but I am pretty excited.


It should have said "...and SHOWER!" on every single one of the con survival tips.

Have to say that one food stand that's straight across from the food court that has salads and paninis was pretty decent and not too terribly priced last year. (if you don't feel like leaving the show)

Also ordered a Back to the Future 2 poster to get signed by Christopher Lloyd :D 50 dollars doesn't seem too bad considering Mark Hamill was charging 100 last year. Think that's the only paid autograph I'll be springing for. Lots of prints,sketches, and books to buy.
I don't know if you guys might like the idea of eating Quiznos or Wendy's as dinner. I know the area pretty well, but in terms of restaurants? Not so much. There's a diner on the corner of 34th and 8th (never been there before; have pass by there thousands of times). There's also Friday's and a Chinese restaurant somewhere on 34th and 9th avenue methinks as well as several bars along that avenue that I imagine serve dinner. How much are you guys willing to spend on dinner? I'll also throw out these results that I found on Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=restaurants+near+javits+center&find_loc=Manhattan%2C+NY&ns=1#l=g:-74.00294065475464,40.75410049255913,-73.9965033531189,40.75900919406845.

Ha!! I am not going all the way to NYC and eating fast food or at a diner!!! XD we don't have to stay in the area, I don't mind taking a cab or hopping on the subway to eat somewhere nice. I don't spending some more money on a dinner ($20-ish a plate) but it would be nice to choose something that is more in the budget of most people, though maybe NYC is always expensive, who knows. I would just love to experience some good food I can't get back home, some place with housemade pasta and local ingredients or something, I dunno. I'm at your mercy NY-Gaf! Help us out! Let's have a tasty dinner! :D


Bitches love smiley faces
Ha!! I am not going all the way to NYC and eating fast food or at a diner!!! XD we don't have to stay in the area, I don't mind taking a cab or hopping on the subway to eat somewhere nice. I don't spending some more money on a dinner ($20-ish a plate) but it would be nice to choose something that is more in the budget of most people, though maybe NYC is always expensive, who knows. I would just love to experience some good food I can't get back home, some place with housemade pasta and local ingredients or something, I dunno. I'm at your mercy NY-Gaf! Help us out! Let's have a tasty dinner! :D

If you want a sampling of various NY eateries, Madison Square Eats is back. Lots of different variety and vendors. I would definitely go just for Roberta's. It's some of the best pizza in the city and it's pretty convenient to just go to Madison Square Park for it, compared to Bushwick. Also, Arancini Bros. makes the best riceballs in the city.
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