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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features


I have to assume 'family members' are accounts linked to the home console, and there will be restrictions on how you can change that. Otherwise people would be trying to get around all the other borrowing restrictions.

probably... plus family accounts can play at other locations when logged in so my step-kids can play "our" family games at a buddy's house when he logs into his GT from there


The thing is, PS3 right now allows individual publishers to decide what DRM they want to use. PS4 will be exactly the same. Sure, some will do it, but that just gives the consumers the ability to deny publishers sales at the game-by-game basis, which is a highly effective way of sending a message.

Yeah, and i think that the only big publisher using the bitchy DRM on PS3 is Capcom
I was really hoping that any kind of internet check-in would only be for playing games off the hard drive. I mean, if I have the disc in the drive that should be proof enough that I own it, right? Not on Xbox One, I guess.

If the policies remain as outlined in that article, then I'm out. I won't buy your console, Microsoft. This basically means that whenever Microsoft decides to shut down the authentication servers, all Xbox One games become unplayable within 24 hours. I don't know whether it's funny or sad that in a decade or two it may still be possible to get a working Sega Genesis or N64 but not a working Xbox One.


With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies

I hope someone compiles not only a list of sites that defend this news, but developers like Jaffe and Bleszinski so for those of us who do keep our word on boycotts know who to avoid.


Releasing the digital copy on the same day as the disc-one is awesome, the only thing im hoping for is that the pricing of the digital copy will be in line with the disc. As of today, the digital prices are sky-high and does not match the disc pricing. The same game on disc is 15€ but the digital one is 60€, and they don't seem to lower it even though it's 2 years old...


This hurts me the most. I gamefly. I loan, and I sell on ebay or half.com. :(

I buy new, used, rent through Gamefly, and sell my games if i don't like them enough to keep them.

I'm the problem with gaming and Microsoft fixed the glitch.

Sony....don't do it.


Looool fucking ridiculous! I hope this anti consumer piece of shit gets blocked from EU sales.

Never buying this garbage. And if PS4 is the same, I wont buy it either.
No they didn't.

The policy was that you can install the game (digital copy) on up to 5 systems at a time.

It was twisted around by gamers, who figured out that 5 systems could mean 5 different gamers.

Sony got wind of it, and then they shrugged and said, "Eh, sure, why not."

Then I think later on, they changed the policy? I have no idea what the policy is now. But officially, it only meant 5 installs (and it was suppose to be your own systems).

yup that's how I got into the MAG beta

I think it's only 2 now
"A new generation of games with power from the cloud: Because every Xbox One owner has a broadband connection, developers can create massive, persistent worlds that evolve even when you’re not playing. "

No broadband? Get out. You aren't a Xbone owner.


. If me and my brother can share our games easily even when we are in different parts of the US then it will be awesome.

I think it will be registered to house hold family members. If MS don't do impose this rule then we could say anyone of our friends is a family member.

But if you are right then yeah this is ideal for you.


of course you can buy used games
It's so cute how you give microsoft the benefit of the doubt when they have dropped a flaming turd on your doorstep.

Used games will not happen. The discs are worthless after they are authenticated once.
Jaffe loves it too. All publishers and developers are actually celebrating right now. Having champagne parties. MS has saved the industry.


I don't understand this family sharing stuff. The way it's worded isn't clear but it sounds like only one person can play at a time, but even then it seems highly abusable. Share with a bunch of friends, take turns to buy games, just make sure you aren't trying o play at the same time.


I bet they actually use kinect to verify who you are and who your family members are.
Imagine if they use face recognition to verify who's tied to what system and what account



It's because if people want to get physical boxes, they can't resell or lend without restrictions. Steam is DD only platform so that's expected.
But the PC platform still offers disc-based games. Its just that Steam is more orientated around DD. I still have trouble seeing the difference, because both consoles are transitioning to DD, what with the whole "buy it online and play instantly".


This is awful. Sadly, Sony is likely to follow the "trades only at some retailers" policy thanks to publisher pressure. Next gen is here and it's horrible :(
I guess I'm pretty dumb - why is anyone bothering comparing this to Steam? Did I miss the part where Microsoft said they'll be having huge sales?

Because they aren't comparing the services, they are comparing a solitary feature. It is like creating an Op-ed piece. You compare the aspects that benefit your product. In this case, "oh look at that, you can actually GIVE a game to a friend AT NO ADDITIONAL COST compared to having to BUY a game for a friend"


Jaffe's already coming up with strategies:


Sure, being allowed to sell the game you just bought when its value has decreased greatly sounds awesome.

This is all garbage, it isn't any better than before, and frankly I doubt Sony won't have similar bullshit in place.
Speaking for the whole of South Africa, with rampant internet cable theft and some of the most expensive mobile bandwidth, this fucking suuuuuuuuuuucks donkey BALLS.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LOL at Kotaku comparing this to Steam. No way we see anything like Steam sales on XBone.


Why are people getting so knotted up about this? It is basically Steam but with stricter online requirements (24 hour check) and the ability to actually trade your games. We've been doing this for years now, welcome to the digital age people.

It's all the restrictions of DD, while still accepting physical media. It's some weird hybrid thing. Maybe even forward-thinking, in that this is all shit that would come up next gen and is getting here five years early. It is the death of the old ways, and that brings concern.

But if I can seriously game share with my brother by putting us on a family account, we'd save so much money. So I still think that aspect is neat.


It's not clear at all. The OP says "Up to 10 family members can play your games from any console at any time", which isn't true. It's not "Up to", its only one of a any time. Also, people in this thread are wondering whether it means all 10 at the same time.

So no, it's not clear.

it says "one at any given time".

Which basically means 1 concurrent user of your library, plus you at any time.

it seems to me they are playing the words to make it sound positive right now, but eventually they will have to explain it anyway and then what? Very shortsighted.
As we move into this new generation of games and entertainment, from time to time, Microsoft may change its policies, terms, products and services to reflect modifications and improvements to our services, feedback from customers and our business partners or changes in our business priorities and business models or for other reasons. We may also cease to offer certain services or products for similar reasons.

So they can change any and all of these these policies at any time for better or for worse.

This E3 will be so bittersweet with all the platform exclusive games that wont be bought because of these anti consumer policies.


I like the family shit. Now me and my son don't have to buy two copies of CoD to play online. Good shit.

Also, hooray to day one DD. Will never buy another disc.

Ehm - I don't think you can use the same DD on two different consoles at the same time. That's why on secondary consoles there's a 1h check...
Umm, this sounds pretty amazing to me.

This right here is how I will let people borrow my games, only it sounds to me like I'll also be able to play my own games at the same exact time as up to 10 of my friends and family are. This is fucking amazing, if true. Microsoft needs to be asked about this for clarification pronto!!!

My biggest concern about used games (which I don't buy) was being able to let friends or family borrow and play my games, and it sounds like that's completely addressed with this system. I'm a happy camper. There is only a restriction if you plan on giving someone your physical game disc. They have to be on your friends list for at least 30 days, and each game disc can only be given once. Microsoft also needs to be asked about this specific part here. Are they saying that they original giver of the game disc can not receive the game disc back from the friend they gave it to? Or are they saying that the original owner can only ever give their physical game disc to one person ever, but that the original giver of the game disc should also be able to receive that game disc back and have it work with no issues?

I was like WTF? Then I looked on the username...

I can accept "not as bad as I expected" but amazing? are you fucking kidding me?
I don't understand why people are saying this is "Not as bad as I had thought"

What did you think then? This is everything we've known, just confirmed.


Because it isnt as bad as gaf was making it out to be. Sony is probably going to take a similar route regarding DRM and the Xbone can still share games. It could have been much much worse.
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