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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features

Or.... now that I can think about it, but they may use the whole 24-hour/1-hour thing. So it's 10 accounts that are primary on the same XBone. So if a bunch of friends get together, congrats, 9 of them just traded the 24-hour check-in for a mandatory 1-hour check-in instead, and only 1 of them can play a game at any time. And due to the 1-hour check, you can't have someone log on, start a game, and then cut their internet to "log-off" and allow someone else to play the same game at the same time for a long enough period to make it worthwhile.

Hmmm... maybe that is how they'll do it. They could also add a restriction that you can only add a game to your account on your primary system.

This is what I've been saying. They're not going to care because of these factors. Don't take the "family" list literally. It will be any 10 people you designate as family.


It all makes sense now.

The used games sales publishers have been bitching about aren't their retail partners at Gamestop, Best Buy, etc. giving $10 in trade value for a game they'll turn around and sell for $55.

No, the used games "problem" in the industry is us shitty consumers. We let untold MILLIONS of people just borrow our games, we sell them on the black market that benefits NO ONE (not directly affiliated with the publishers themselves), and we have this inordinate sense of entitlement whereby we think that if a game is shit we shouldn't be stuck with it until they personally feel it's acceptable for us to trade it in to their specific list of retail partners.

This isn't anti-used games. This is anti-consumer in it's purest form. Consumers are the only target here (except Gamefly I guess). Microsoft and their partners are literally saying the problem with the industry are their customers.

Absolutely brilliant conclusion. How could this have played out any better? Gamestop, Best Buy, etc. were just handed a monopoly on buying used games. Why give $10 for that game you'll sell for $55 now? Why not just give $5? Its not like these poor saps will KEEP it since it won't work in 10 years when the XB1 servers are shut down and you can't update your 24 hour registration.

Fucking hell. Die in a fire games industry.

Quoted for truth. These policies are an attack on gamers themselves. Big retailers will be OK, but those of us who can't afford to shell out $60 for a new game, and depend on game resales to furnish new game purchases, are SOL. If Sony follows suit, I am done with this next generation. Perfectly happy to exclusively game on the 3DS.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Most probably, "family" means that you can activate a game for multiple accounts on the "primary console", similar to the activation of Computers/Devices on iTunes. After that, the game can be played on any of these accounts on any console, but only by one account at the time. In addition, the "primary console" can deactivate game activations for these accounts at any time.


Maaaaan, I'm gonna game that '10 family membes' system so hard. Microsoft will never see me coming, OH NO!

Me and the lads are set for this gen.

You're crazy if you think Microsoft didn't notice how people abused the PS3's gamesharing system. They're gonna locked that shit down to family members somehow.


I must admit , first browse of the news article I was ok with it , but this is all kinds of bullshit.

You could not make this console reveal up......could anyone have genuinely predicted it would go this bad ? I loved the 360 as well , can't believe this is the same company that release it.


So me and my sister could play any of my games and any of her games, on two different Xboxs at the same time, both online? For the price of one copy?
This seems like the situation. Although we are not sure if you can both be playing the game at the exact same time yet. Either way, it's not worth giving up offline games and used games.


Neo Member
yeah i'm genuinely confused about sony being pulled into this, when they have repeatedly stated the ps4 will not need a persistent internet connection, or even the internet at all (IIRC)

I'm ppretty sure it's been confirmed that Diablo and killzone ps4 have OFFLINE MODES not to mention it being said many times

Fuck fanboys trying to justify this crap
Looks like the Microsoft shills over at the Rotten Tomatoes general video game discussion have absolutley no problem with this.

People like that are going to be the ones who justify all of this bullshit for these companies with their wallets.


I think GameStop might be happy with the used games policy. They continue doing business as is and not have any real competition.
People are okay with steam and steam basically has the same system besides the 24 hour/month difference that probably no one will notice, so I can easily see people being okay with this.

There is a lot more of this than just the 24 hour check. In fact I think thats one of the least important changes to console gaming that MS is introducing.

And thats an important point here. Steam is now what it always has been. MS is changing console gaming from the way we know it into something else, in the process taking away a lot of options that we currently have when it comes to control of the physical media we hold in our hands.

Instead of actually, really owning a disc, you are now just paying for some permissions insteads.

Sad how this one news release nullifies every single one of these points. This is about as far from simple, instant, and complete as you can get.


I'm going to imagine its because they've never used it, or haven't used it in many years.
You must be a happy person. I believe they say so because it's one of the most convenient pseudo-arguments for steering the discussion in a more comfortable direction.


does your internet connection really go out that much? mine hasn't been out for over 24 hrs without a power outage being the cause in a very, very long time.

Lets see. I move quite often, so it takes time for the internet to be sorted. I can still play bloody games though! Not in the future I guess. Or maybe I can, since I won't be buying this POS.

And why are so many juniors defending this (knows reason)
Sharing that link on Facebook. Hope I can at least educate some of my friends that aren't as "in the know" with the industry or the Xbox One's "Features" yet.


That's just as anti-consumer as what MS have implemented. Why should publishers be able to dictate when you can sell something? Especially with games, where they lose resale value the longer it is after release.

Physical games are no different from any other consumer item. First sale doctrine applies. Once I have bought something, it is mine to sell when, and to whomever, I want.

There are lots of physical things you can't resell, the PC gaming world has dealt with that for a long time now. Does Gamestop accept my Crysis 3 PC disc for trade in?
I have to assume the 10 person family plan thing will have lots of gotchas making it undesirable for anyone who wants to set up a 10 person game share. For example, I think current family plans have weird restrictions about who can add MS points, allowances, etc. I think every game will have to be registered on the originating account's hardware. I also suspect each Xbox One will require its own paid Gold membership to function in the first place.


Alot of broadband networks have dynamic IP allocation. So this won't work.

Wouldn't matter. Your ip might change but the console stays where it is, thus updating your "home."

Of course there would be workarounds (bringing console to a friends when you activate a game, but there's always workarounds.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Hope the family thing lets you play 2 player co op games on separate systems with 1 copy of the game. Kinda like split screen but each gets there own screen.

Looks like used games up to developers now, you all can take your angry on them now lol.


Btw, I'm certain that number of 10 shared will change eventually. Remember, Sony used to allow games to be shared 5 times, now it's 2. This is the initial deal sweetener. Well, I say sweetener when really it's like adding sugar to a pile of shit.
You're crazy if you think Microsoft didn't notice how people abused the PS3's gamesharing system. They're gonna locked that shit down to family members somehow.

No, it's just locked down to only one person at a time can play. That's probably good enough.


Looking at his history: yes, he did.

That one is not joking, shill as well.

Many of them aren't "people" as such.

It gets better when you start looking at the posting history of these accounts.

You find accounts with 40 posts that are only active to either defend Microsoft or shit on the products of one of its competitors, over years. You find people that implied XB1 hardware secret sauce right up to the reveal. Then you can start identifying the various diversionary tactics that have been designed to deflect from or counter genuine issues, and how they evolve over time. It's a dark place, and discovering it has made me a more angry poster.

Oh man, Bish really needs to follow up on making that thread on the topic that you are addressing here.


Yeah, making obvious statements that everyone should already know means I'm flaunting some sort of expertise on the subject.

Japanese CEOs and American CEOs have the same goal: to make money, however possible.

all that differs is which path they believe will get them more.


I'm going to be a fool and go way out to left field here.

I don't want an always online or always on device when Microsoft agreed to allow the government to mine data on its customers.


Obviously this doesn't have anything to do with piracy or used game sales even. This is just plain greed and abuse of your rights as a consumer.
it's disgusting to see people regurgitating ms taking points,as consumers... bending over for a company Fucking you over and explaining why it feels good with no lube.
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