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Any reason to think Final Fantasy XV won't disappoint?


I think they already lost me through the action game like combat

That said, it looks pretty solid for a game that went through development hell.


Crystal Bearer
I don't think this applies to MMOs (and I've never played an FF MMO). :p

The vanilla FFXIV was terrible due to the overall structure... How did ARR change though? Does it have a good story and presumably good NPCs?

I was talking more about the story and characters, which were never a problem in XIV.


I think you forgot Crisis Core was released in 2008.


I actually finished Crisis Core during a series of long flights (US -> Europe and back) and I wish I could block that game out of my mind. The combat is that of a shallow ARPG and it reads like a FF7 fanfic, not my thing.


This is one thing for me.

The idea of an Int. Version. Nomura has hit it out of the park with KH1, 2 and BBS Final Mixs. I only hope XV's is half as good.

Of course, we wouldn't get that version given the track record with the International versions. Unless it gets some kind of re-release years later.

1 on 1 vs Gilgamesh.

Dude who can use multiple weapons vs dude who can use multiple weapons.

That could be pretty amazing.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

Birth by Sleep
Final Fantasy type-0 (yes I didn't play it but I heard it was pretty good)

I was talking more about the story and characters, which were never a problem in XIV.

Just wondering, what elements suffered in FFXI? I kinda doubt it's the story and the characters though.

Although the gameplay of FFXII can be a hit or miss too.

Beth Cyra


I actually finished Crisis Core during a series of long flights (US -> Europe and back) and I wish I could block that game out of my mind. The combat is that of a shallow ARPG and it reads like a FF7 fanfic, not my thing.
Off topic a bit, but ever dince it was announced he was Co-directing. Part of me has wondered if this could getting Tabata some real console experience so he could lead an FF VII follow up or remake.

As it stands he has worked in the world, and produced a game that performed well both critically and sales wise. Kitase said he would wanr Nomura to do it, but with everything Nomura has going maybe he would push an experienced Director into the role.


the way i think about it, either the game is going to have a huge development period or it's going to be horrible. my expectations are in check.

Beth Cyra

Of course, we wouldn't get that version given the track record with the International versions. Unless it gets some kind of re-release years later.

That could be pretty amazing.
I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm going to import the hell out of the J base version and will be more then happy to do the same with the Int. Just as I did The Final Mixes in the past.
honestly looks like everything i couldn't of imagined to ask for. dont disappoint me square.

if they are really making it available for the pc like they keep talking im going to go ahead and start saving building a beefy pc thats gonna run it at full after acquiring a ps4.

i cant deal with the disappointment of not having games running at max settings on the consoles anyways. and it already appears from the looks of e3 the devs are already reaching beyond what our not to be had consoles are capable of anyways. first party studio machines in the end


Crystal Bearer
Birth by Sleep
Final Fantasy type-0 (yes I didn't play it but I heard it was pretty good)

Just wondering, what elements suffered in FFXI? I kinda doubt it's the story and the characters though.

Although the gameplay of FFXII can be a hit or miss too.

My problem with XI is the steep learning curve.


as long as it plays like kingdom hearts then i won't be disappointed. The story's gonna suck, i know it is
Have you played KH2?

Did you think it was super cool? Then feel free to be excited.
Did you think it was a bunch of convoluted nonsense wrapped around a terribly shallow button mash combat system? Then don't get your hopes up.


At this point I'm tired of games that fall flat in one portion of them or another. What I mean is, I'm tired of games having decent gameplay but terrible stories - or good stories and terrible gameplay. Is it wrong to want all pillars of a game to support it equally?

It's wrong to expect that of a game Square Enix puts on a console, yes. If this was coming to hand-held, then maybe, but expecting SE to do anything right on a console that isn't related to graphics or music is setting yourself up for disappointment.

Beth Cyra

It's wrong to expect that of a game Square Enix puts on a console, yes. If this was coming to hand-held, then maybe, but expecting SE to do anything right on a console that isn't related to graphics or music is setting yourself up for disappointment.

I don't see how Console alone would change Nojima's writing ability and his last few outings have been pretty good (the FF VII expansion novels are all good reads) or Nomura's ablility to lead a team creating a fun battle system.


I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm going to import the hell out of the J base version and will be more then happy to do the same with the Int. Just as I did The Final Mixes in the past.

Admittedly, I might be tempted to import the Int. My problem would be that I can't read Japanese so I could end up a bit lost potentially. Unless there are subtitles or something, I don't know.


Honestly, everything about this game looks absolutely awesome...I can't wait.

I haven't been excited about Final Fantasy since FF7.
I'm already set gameplay and graphics-wise. Most important thing now is story and characters, and from the bits they chose to show in the latest trailer, I'm optimistic.


I don't see how Console alone would change Nojima's writing ability and his last few outings have been pretty good (the FF VII expansion novels are all good reads) or Nomura's ablility to lead a team creating a fun battle system.

Which would only make it all the more disappointing when it doesn't meet your expectations. Expect nothing good of Square and you cannot be disappointed. It's been the mantra for a full generation now.


Not Wario
This was a sideline FF game from the Kingdom Hearts team that looks, naturally, like Kingdom Hearts: Modern Fantasy edition. Just because its ridiculous dev cycle led Squeenix to relable the game XV does not mean the series is shifting to real time combat permanently.
It's wrong to expect that of a game Square Enix puts on a console, yes. If this was coming to hand-held, then maybe, but expecting SE to do anything right on a console that isn't related to graphics or music is setting yourself up for disappointment.
I'll disagree. Square isn't a single team, and the people responsible for XV aren't responsible for what is usually considered to be the company's bad output.

Beth Cyra

Which would only make it all the more disappointing when it doesn't meet your expectations. Expect nothing good of Square and you cannot be disappointed. It's been the mantra for a full generation now.

Given they've produced several quality products during the last gen, this is not a mantra I share.


Given they've produced several quality products during the last gen, this is not a mantra I share.

Well, there's TWEWY, Birth By Sleep (and arguably Dream Drop Distance), Type-0 being a debatable one and Bravely Default...

If you like XIII, that's good for the people who did, especially since the XIII titles (and XIV) have been getting the most attention out of the Japanese side of Square for the past several years. If not, the ones that people regard as high quality either came out 3-5 years ago or have been completely snubbed in terms of localization.

Beth Cyra

Well, there's TWEWY, Birth By Sleep (and arguably Dream Drop Distance), Type-0 being a debatable one and Bravely Default...

If you like XIII, that's good for the people who did, especially since the XIII titles (and XIV) have been getting the most attention out of the Japanese side of Square for the past several years. If not, the ones that people regard as high quality either came out 3-5 years ago or have been completely snubbed in terms of localization.

I liked XIII, but not XIII-2.

I don't however agree that these two games regardless of their quality somehow cancel out Dissidia, Birth By Sleep, Dream Drop Distance, TWEWY, Type-0, Theaterythm, Dragon Quest VIIr, Dissidia 012, BDFF, and CC FFVII. Just because these aren't on consoles and don't have the budgets of XIII doesn't mean they are any lesser in my eyes. Each and everyone of those titles were good to excellent and all very much worth the asking price.

Not having them localized, doesn't stop them from being quality products that SE has produced over the last few years. 2 titles by a crap director doesn't really change the fact they've had some amazing output.


Gold Member
XV looks unlike any previous FF. It looks unlike the first 10. It looks unlike 12, 13, 13-2 and lightning returns. Honestly I don't know what to think. No FF has ever disappointed me. Yes, even 13 and 13-2 I thought were well made and ultimately fun to go through. I have faith in SE and XV/Versus has been in development for a long time. I have a good feeling about the game. I hope I'm not wrong.
I'm hopeful but very worried about the quality of the game. I was very burned with XIII, especially with how much I loved XII (even though it wasn't perfect). I put over 200 hours in that game, filling out the whole bestiary and Sky Pirate's Den. I never finished XIII.

I worry given how long it's been since announcement, the development hurdles, the change of platforms. Things at Square just seemed really out of whack and mismanaged. It really showed with XIII. Even XII, a phenomenal game, you could sense that there were some development issues in the second half of the game. The story kind of weakened in the second half.

I'm not sure if a game that is as pretty as XV can have the amount of content I want in an FF. The graphics are amazing, but I don't want all the focus to go to visuals. I want openness and freedom, towns and NPCs. I've always liked FF over most AAA games because they were long and had lots of content.

I have faith in Nomura, but the series has a lot to prove to me that it can be a great in HD without sacrificing all the JRPG staples that fans of the series love.


I liked XIII, but not XIII-2.

I don't however agree that these two games regardless of their quality somehow cancel out Dissidia, Birth By Sleep, Dream Drop Distance, TWEWY, Type-0, Theaterythm, Dragon Quest VIIr, Dissidia 012, BDFF, and CC FFVII. Just because these aren't on consoles and don't have the budgets of XIII doesn't mean they are any lesser in my eyes. Each and everyone of those titles were good to excellent and all very much worth the asking price.

Not having them localized, doesn't stop them from being quality products that SE has produced over the last few years. 2 titles by a crap director doesn't really change the fact they've had some amazing output.

But all those things are on handhelds, and what I was talking about was consoles only, where it remains true. Square's output for consoles last gen was not a place to retain even the slightest hope that things would go well. And XV having been born in that era will inevitably have to overcome those misgivings.

Handheld Square was stellar last gen, no one will debate it. But Console Square was most definitely not.


the gameplay trailers look cool and all, but i have very little faith in Square Japan. i can only hope it lives up to expectations.
I have a thousand different reasons, but I'll just summarize the biggest ones here:

1.) Nomura is taking A LOT of queues from Final Fantasy XII

Tetsuya Nomura has stated that he wants the characters to be "realistic and believable as real people" and not "anime-like" or "fictional." In pursuit of his goal, he appointed Jun Akiyama to be the event director due to his experience directing the event scenes in Final Fantasy XII. Tetsuya Nomura believes the characters in Final Fantasy XII felt like real people rather than the fictional characters one would normally associate with the Final Fantasy series.

The game will also have a traversable 3D world map similar to that seen in Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX. However, as with the world of Final Fantasy XII, the world map will be modeled in accurate scale to the characters. As a result of this, the world map is truly vast and it would take a long time to traverse from one end to the other by foot. Therefore, to facilitate easy navigation for the player, the game will feature various forms of transportation such as cars, chocobos and airships. There will also be a Day/Night cycle on the world map and different enemies will appear at different times of day.

These quotes are from the game's wikipedia page, taken from various interviews he's given over the years. That's the approach he wants for this game, and it sounds fantastic.

2.) The game takes place in a more modern realistic world as opposed to the more fantastical worlds of FFX/FFXIII. I think it's a great change of pace, and everything I've seen of the game gives me a FF8 atmosphere, which I love. I also love the warring kingdoms/hamlet/shakespeare vibe.

3.) The cast of characters look amazing IMO. No lolis, no children, no extremely flamboyant clothing. Everyone looks very subdued/relaxed/mature.

4.) I liked the Kingdom Hearts battle system but I also felt like it needed more depth. It looks like Nomura is doing exactly that with the game.

5.) Yoko Shimomura is composing the soundtrack, and she's just as good (or very, very close to) Uematsu or Mitsuda as far as I'm concerned, so the soundtrack is guaranteed to be at least "very good."

Everything about this game sounds like a modern day HD Final Fantasy 8, except with older and more interesting characters, a fully traversible world on the scale of FFXII, a fresh new action-based combat system, and most of all, bears no semblance to FFXIII AT ALL. I can't think of a reason why I shouldn't be excited for it. The XIII team is not involved.


seeing FFXV reminds me of the mid 90s when FFVII previews started rolling around. you get the feel of a game that's very inspired.

the only thing i'm worried about is the characters/story. definitely seems darker and mature but i'm not convinced it'll get rid of alot of the animu tropes that wore some of the newer games down. the story is interesting but nothing really amazing. i mean i don't expect it to be BioShock Infinite, but a game this ambitious needs to have more than TEH CRYSTALS backing up the narrative. we'll see

Beth Cyra

But all those things are on handhelds, and what I was talking about was consoles only, where it remains true. Square's output for consoles last gen was not a place to retain even the slightest hope that things would go well. And XV having been born in that era will inevitably have to overcome those misgivings.

Handheld Square was stellar last gen, no one will debate it. But Console Square was most definitely not.

Yes but the thing is, Handheld Square is the one making FF XV.

This would be like worrying about X turning out okay because a team at Monolith Soft made SRW Exceed/NxC/PxZ. These directors and teams have continued to prove themselves time after time.


Well honestly, I don't think this will be disappointing for several reasons.

First off, 'Versus XIII' felt like more of a spin off back in the latter years.
There was no direct 'seriousness' behind the title as it seems it was an extension under the Final Fantasy XIII franchise.

Taking how they completely followed through the Lightining Saga this gen, I feel like that by changing the title to Final Fantasy XV, we could be assured that Square will heavily focus on its dynamic system from what they learned from the past.

Second is that this is next gen -- A fresh start. I hope they can learn from the FFXIII what the general audience wants:

-Non-linear gameplay
-Repetitive static battle system

Hopefully it doesn't disappoint. Time will tell until its released (If ever for that matter)


Has any game with a development like this ever turned out well?

I don't know, but SE surely hopes the story about a FF whose development started in one generation, isn't going anywhere, sees the next generation begin, with impressive tech demo, then is moved to said next gen has a happy ending this time.


I doubt it, in fact I'm pretty sure its going to be awesome. Well, I imagine a large portion of the Versus fanbase who hyped it as the second coming of Jesus Christ might end up disappointed but I have no reason to be. Usually Square is pretty ace with mainline FF games, FFXII being that exception.

What was that last great non-remake Square developed game?

I'm highly skeptical that the gameplay is going to be anything deeper than Kingdom Hearts or Birth by Sleep, which will already be a disappointment to me.
I have a thousand different reasons, but I'll just summarize the biggest ones here:

1.) Nomura is taking A LOT of queues from Final Fantasy XII

Tetsuya Nomura has stated that he wants the characters to be "realistic and believable as real people" and not "anime-like" or "fictional." In pursuit of his goal, he appointed Jun Akiyama to be the event director due to his experience directing the event scenes in Final Fantasy XII. Tetsuya Nomura believes the characters in Final Fantasy XII felt like real people rather than the fictional characters one would normally associate with the Final Fantasy series.

The game will also have a traversable 3D world map similar to that seen in Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX. However, as with the world of Final Fantasy XII, the world map will be modeled in accurate scale to the characters. As a result of this, the world map is truly vast and it would take a long time to traverse from one end to the other by foot. Therefore, to facilitate easy navigation for the player, the game will feature various forms of transportation such as cars, chocobos and airships. There will also be a Day/Night cycle on the world map and different enemies will appear at different times of day.
This all sounds very promising. I just hope that none of these things were changed when switching to PS4 or just during the long development.

I've never seen the part where Nomura said that about XII's characters feeling human. I felt the same way playing it, and it was great. Usually people associate Nomura with really anime characters, so it's interesting that he of all people likes XII's characters and wants to have a more human cast. Having the cutscene director from that game raises my hopes for the story actually.

Maybe we'll actually see FF truly evolve all the steps forward that XII made, Unlike all the steps back XIII took. And like Kagari, I also want it to be the whole package. I'm sick of games that do things so well but other things horribly.
If the game provides a large explorable world and has fast, strategic combat with a deep leveling system then I will be happy.

I don't care about graphics and my expectations of a good story in a videogame are non-existent.

I will be very disappointed if Square does not allow people to play the game sometime this year, hopefully at TGS. The game has been in development for long enough - it is time to prove that it is playable.
I've felt this way for years, every time a Versus XIII tidbit would surface and hype would flow. This game has been in development since at least early 2006 (seven years!!). Is there any precedent where this hasn't spelt doom for the finished product?

Final Fantasy XIII was in development for six years for comparison.

I keep seeing this and I get really surprised. The game hasn't been in development since 2006.
Once again, just because this game is not doing a turn based system does not mean that the next FF won't use it or at least some new variation of turn-based. Additionally, Ito hasn't done an FF in some time so there's the chance he could be doing XVI. And he's the guy that invented most of the battle systems used in FF.

You haven't played some of the older games then I take it? Because there were sci-fi elements in a lot of those such as VI, VII, VIII, and XII with the various technologies they displayed. The modern look with part of XV is a bit new, but appears to be unique to the city the main character hails from.
I've played every Final Fantasy and I know that they have had sci-fi elements in the past, but the games were still based in high fantasy first and technology was sprinkled in. It seems the other way around now. All I'm saying is there is room for both to co-exist.

And I'm not talking variants. XIII is a variant of a turn based system, but it isn't turn based. You still can't control your whole party. Like I said earlier, the last FF that had a true turn based system was FFX (X-2 if you count that). How long ago was that? Turn based is not coming back unfortunately.
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