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4chan News exclusive: The PlayStation Experience June 28, 2021

Exiting times ahead not only for PlayStation but for Xbox and Nintendo too.When everyone is doing great the whole industry will benefit and profit,which will do only good things for this hobby and it’s Future.


PlayStation don't have that type of awareness at the moment IMO.... however I would be seriously impressed if they did do a PS Experience. It would mean a lot.


-unknown tripcode
-zero proof or corroborating element
-reasonable but vague stuff
-thread archived after 5 posts

The bar for leaks has really become low those days.


-unknown tripcode
-zero proof or corroborating element
-reasonable but vague stuff
-thread archived after 5 posts

The bar for leaks has really become low those days.
I know right? Why aren't we vetting leaks and so called "insiders" like in the past on Gaf?
I know I'd personally like to see a return to that standard, because it gave the actual leaks and rumors that were shared on here considerably more weight and credibility.
Which in turn, made the speculation around that information more interesting read and engage in because there was at least something mostly credible to speculate on.
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Blue point making chrono trigger for Ps5 would legit be a giga ton. I’m saying this is 100 percent fake.
I wonder if the Dragon Quest 3 Remake is a test run for Dragon Quest 5, 7, 8, Final Fantasy IV, V, VI and Chrono Trigger remakes all in the Octopath Style.


So, I guess we're just posting everything from 4Chan now.

I saw one that said Microsoft was going to buy Sony. We should post that - it's a real rumour, the guy said he had insider info!


Man I hope this “big news” from this shit isn’t another remake. I am sick of all the remakes. Give us new IP to get excited about, not stuff we’ve already played.
Remake by Bluepoint and Square-Enix?

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Ah, yes. The barely disguised rpg copycat of Resident Evil - fuck, it even sounds almost the same.

why would anyone still care for that second rate stuff from first PlayStation console?
Remake by Bluepoint and Square-Enix?

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Man I hope this “big news” from this shit isn’t another remake. I am sick of all the remakes. Give us new IP to get excited about, not stuff we’ve already played.
and it's weird, the remakes they seemingly choose aren't even for games many people care about (except for the rumored mgs remake)


What time is it?
Remake by Bluepoint and Square-Enix?

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It seems pretty reasonable but only in the sense that it's expected.

I'm going to say I'm on team fake for this


Didn't bluepoint recently say they are not currently working with Sony on anything.
Receipts, please? The most similar thing I remember was a Bloodborne modder saying an insider told him that Bluepoint didn't plan to update Demon's Souls more because they already completed their job on that game. Which is different than 'not currently working with Sony on anything'.

Do EA and Sony have a good relationship? I've only seen marketing deals between EA and Xbox in the recent past. Interesting.
I thought Sony had the FIFA marketing deals.

Team fake on this one. If this is an email that was went to an attendee, why would Sony reveal in the email what the release date of Horizon 2 is? That makes no sense. Also, didn't Sony already say PSVR 2 is still a ways away? It's not a good look optically to announce new hardware when your customers are still having problems procuring a PS5.
Yeah, seems bullshit. PlayStation Experience was the name of a presential event, and they won't do any big presential event this summer. Regarding Bluepoint making a remake for Square doesn't make sense. Square has been making themselves remakes during decades, they don't need Bluepoint.

Regarding PSVR2, as I remember Jimbo said they weren't going to released last or this year. So 2022 or 2023 are pretty likely. I agree it wouldn't make sense to make a big reveal now that people is still having issues to get a PS5. But I think it can announce their name and show a couple of photos of the device (just to avoid leaks) announcing they are sending the first devkits to the devs.

But I think it could fit in a video about 'the future of PS5' where they would show PSVR2, the future PS Now running in both console/PC/tv/mobile and some of the cool future PS5 features still to be announced like the AI/big data driven in-game support stuff they patented, betting ingame stuff on eSports matches similar to Twich, etc. A type of video similar to this, with actors acting as if they were real players using these things:
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Pretty reasonable for Sony not to let Microsoft steal all the show at E3 so I definitely believe we’ll get something in June. There was that rumour recently about earlier FF remakes plus Sony acquiring SE so this Bluepoint rumour just adds ⛽️ to that 🔥. As a sucker for everything Final Fantasy this improves my mood very very much.

Iced Arcade

Receipts, please? The most similar thing I remember was a Bloodborne modder saying an insider told him that Bluepoint didn't plan to update Demon's Souls more because they already completed their job on that game. Which is different than 'not currently working with Sony on anything'.
At the top there is a little magnifying glass icon. Type "bluepoint not working with Sony anymore" or some shit like that. (Or try google)

Didn't post it as a fact. Was more of a question soooo holster your barrels bravestar.
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No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
Bluepoint+square enix?!?

hmm, if true, could be something extremely big.

I vote it being chrono trigger just for the hell of it


A proper Bluepoint remake of FFVII would be awesome.

(No, FFVII Remake is not a remake of FFVII. Despite it's name).
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Sony will put out a playstation experience video after Microsoft has had theres either a day after or week or two after, last yr sony didnt have a e3 and where just putting a video presentation up, and was only delayed due to what went on with blm etc i can see microsoft nintendo and sony all having presentations up around e3
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