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6th-Gen Era Gaming Consoles (GC, PS2, DC, XBOX, etc)...Which was your favorite and why?


Hold onto your panties
Which console did you have the most fun with or greatest experience with during the sixth-generation era?

The year 2000 was new beginnings for Microsoft with the first XBOX and sad losses with the untimely fate I the Sega Dreamcast. We saw the PlayStation 2, XBOX original, Nintendo GameCube, and Sega Dreamcast all launch between 1998 and 2001. What are your memories about things like console exclusive games, the (at the time) cutting-edge texture filters, and overall amazing titles the 6-gen had to offer us?

For me, I spent most of my time with the PS2 and GameCube initially. With the PS2 I enjoyed Gran Turismo 3, Okami, and Suikoden 3-5 the most. The GameCube got me at first with Zelda: The WindWaker, Luigi's Mansion, and Metroid Prime. I never owned the first XBOX but I recall attending LAN parties to play Halo 2 which was a great experience. The Dreamcast was one I purchased long after it's release during the 7th-gen. I bought one used and found that Sonic Adventure was much more fun to me than Sonic Heroes (which came out a few years after).

Please be friendly with your posts. You have to admit, all the 6th-gen consoles had something uniquely great about them. Obviously, some more than others 😉





Toss up between GameCube and PS2. DC I loved, but support died early and Xbox I only got late and mostly for KOTOR and didn’t use that much. Probably played PS2 more so I'll give the edge to that I guess. Some note the local MP as a big GC draw, but that was lost on me as I was either living with my fiance at the time who didn't game or alone. PS1 and N64 were the peak local co-op for me as that hit high school and the couple years I was in dorms/apartments with friends over all the time.

Anyway that was an odd generation for me as it’s so well regarded, but for a good chunk of it I was swamped and stressed with finishing college and then adapting to grad school and living in a big city for the first time etc. So it’s the generation I was probably the least into gaming. At least after the first couple of years as I did play a lot of Dreamcast and early GC games.

I also hadn’t quite figured out that my tastes had shifted away from harder gameplay focused stuff so I spent a lot of time frustrated and not finishing a lot of games I started. Gaming less, and really barely at all the end of that generation and start of the next was a needed break to get over burnout and reassess what types of games I enjoyed. Haven’t missed a beat since.\
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1. PS2 - The sheer amount and variety of games.
2. Xbox - The image qualty and texture quality, Halo.
3. Dreamcast - Too short lived, but a handful of genuine must buy games.
4. Gamecube - A few gems, but weak support, and probably my least played, even compared to Dreamcast.
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Dream cast followed by Xbox.

A lot of the games that came out for those console were just fucking awesome. So much new shit that hasn't been tried before or since. Advent rising, death row, breakdown, brute force, blue stinger, sonic, rush 2049, spawn, head hunter, kingdom under fire, halo, powerstone....


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The PS2 is obviously the GOAT console, still with the highest number of lifetime sales of anything ever. Tons of amazing games.

The other consoles were great for their exclusives though. This is the generation that gifted us stuff like Halo, Fable, Elder Scrolls (on console), Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, and Animal Crossing.


PS2 is and will always remain the legend to me. The library was immense and tons of amazing franchise were born on it.

Also the DVD function was a great part of its succes and the reason I could convince my parents to buy me one


Gold Member
I had all of them, but my main console was the GameCube. The other consoles were for exclusives. The main reason why the GameCube was my primary console was the WaveBird, since the Logitech wireless controllers for the PS2 and Xbox hadn’t come out yet. True wireless controllers were probably the best thing to come out of that generation.
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PS2 because its the GOAT of gaming and deserving of that title. What a godlike system. These systems today could never. Could fucking never.


Hold onto your panties
The PS2 is obviously the GOAT console, still with the highest number of lifetime sales of anything ever. Tons of amazing games.

The other consoles were great for their exclusives though. This is the generation that gifted us stuff like Halo, Fable, Elder Scrolls (on console), Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, and Animal Crossing.
I would have made a poll on this, but I didn't want it to get too heavy. The PS2 also saw like 10-years of sales life. It was on the shelves at least 4-years into the 7th-generation. Enormous library the PS2 and I figure someone's bound to reference SotC soon...just wait.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I would have made a poll on this, but I didn't want it to get too heavy. The PS2 also saw like 10-years of sales life. It was on the shelves at least 4-years into the 7th-generation. Enormous library the PS2 and I figure someone's bound to reference SotC soon...just wait.
When I went to the store to buy a WiiU, they still had new PS2 consoles on the shelves here. System had some crazy long legs.
Gamecube. I just love that thing and it was my first proper foray into Nintendo's games.

Wind Waker wow'd me and I didn't even know that people hated its appearance until many years later!!!!

Also got to replay classics such as Skies of Arcadia, Gotcha Force, Billy Hatcher, Super Monkey Ball and Baten Kaitos recently.

I got it purely for Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 but got more out of it than I care to admit. Smash Bros Melee, Warioware MegaGames, Wind Waker, Viewtiful Joe, Pikmin, Pokemon Colleseum (and Pokemon Box) and 4 Swords Adventures with the GBA.

I guess I love the Gamecube for showing me the other side to gaming other than the PS2. (which I also owned but my Brother was into that more than me)
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Dreamcast by a country mile. Sega's first party output was at its peak, Capcom backed it to the hilt too, ports of PSX games differed like night and day, Soul Calibur bettered anything the other lesser 6th gen consoles had, we had online gaming and web browsing, homebrew content was a huge bonus, it was a fantastic system.

Gamecube was my second choice, mostly for reasons similar to the above, quality Nintendo games, cool exclusives at the time like RE Remake and The Twin Snakes but it was such a cool looking little box too. And the tiny discs were sweet as.

Xbox I only bought for Sega games and the PS2, well, the dvd playback was welcome.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
For me, it was PlayStation 2 > Dreamcast > Gamecube > Xbox.

Rockstar was great back then on PS2 with so many games other than just GTA. Max Payne 1 & 2, The Warriors and Manhunt were all great. Dreamcast was awesome for Sega's sports titles, a few amazing RPG's, Headhunter and RE Code Veronica. Gamecube was literally a two game console for me - REmake and Eternal Darkness. Had no interest in anything else. Xbox was just for ESPN NFL 2K5 which was years after it released.

Overall, an amazing generation regardless of which console(s) you were playing.


Unconfirmed Member
well duh obviously the NUON was the system to get. probably the best console of all time and the fact that it was also a DVD player made it super popular among parents and casua gamers.


Oh boy, I just don't know. They were all great in their own way. This gen was the absolute best, it was ridiculously good.

Dreamcast : incredible library, arcade perfect ports, VGA, early online access, Shenmue, PSO, Seaman

Xbox : incredible specs, 720p, the best multiplats, Xbox Live, Fable, Panzer Dragoon Orta, JSRF, Ninja Gaiden, Halo

PS2 : Peak Playstation, PS1 BC, DVD player, incredible exclusives, all the Japanese games from budget stuff to AAA, GTA, Silent Hill 2 and 3, Persona 4, ZOE 2.

GameCube : fantastic build quality, small form factor, great multiplayer machine, Nintendo doing a lot of original stuff, Metroid Prime, FZero GX, Zelda WW, Melee, Pikmin 2, Mario Party

I was team Gamecube at the time, then became a PS2 guy, then a Dreamcast lover, and I eventually took a liking to Xbox. So no preference here !


Hold onto your panties
Dreamcast by a country mile. Sega's first party output was at its peak, Capcom backed it to the hilt too, ports of PSX games differed like night and day, Soul Calibur bettered anything the other lesser 6th gen consoles had, we had online gaming and web browsing, homebrew content was a huge bonus, it was a fantastic system.

Gamecube was my second choice, mostly for reasons similar to the above, quality Nintendo games, cool exclusives at the time like RE Remake and The Twin Snakes but it was such a cool looking little box too. And the tiny discs were sweet as.

Xbox I only bought for Sega games and the PS2, well, the dvd playback was welcome.
I was waiting for you to come in on behalf of the Dreamcast. It's one of my favorites and I felt it would have made a tough contender had it stayed in production longer. It was way ahead of it's time (still is). Unfortunately, I didn't buy my first Dreamcast until about 2010 at a used game store. I used to be a Nintendo fanboy and was still too focused on the N64 during the time they launched the Dreamcast. I recall seeing the commercials for Sonic Adventure and thinking it looked great. I was only 12 at the time and mowing lawns wasn't enough to buy anything new. Once I finally did buy it (randomly a decade or more after launch)...it quickly became a favourite.


PS2 had GTA III, San Andreas and many more (DQ8, The Warriors etc.)
Gamecube - many games still look good today (F-ZeroGX, Resident Evil 1 Remake, Zelda WW, Paper Mario etc.)
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Really tough choice. I owned all except Dreamcast.

The PS2 had the most variety, the XBox had the most power for multiplats, and the Gamecube had Nintendo games.

I can't pick one *Shrug*.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
It's hard

I guess that if I want to do a dumb analogy, my Dreamcast would be my sweetheart of girlfriend that needed to go away from me, the Game Cube was a girlfriend that was hot as hell but lives far from mmy home, and the PS2 was a girlfriend that we have crazy sex and that's it.


GameCube simply because the games I played on that little box blew me away so much and it was still the go to console for local multiplayer with your mates.

The games I played on GC have stayed with me more than any other console to date. I have no idea why...


Hold onto your panties
GameCube simply because the games I played on that little box blew me away so much and it was still the go to console for local multiplayer with your mates.

The games I played on GC have stayed with me more than any other console to date. I have no idea why...
It surprised me how powerful the GameCube was. I had the PS2 first and bought the GameCube when the Onyx came out around 2003. From the most elaborate (Resident Evil ports) to the most simple styled (Pikmin, Paper Mario TYD) it was impressive. I moved to Mexico in 2016 and left behind 3 consoles by accident. The GameCube was on my list of consoles to import from Illinois to Mexico. I had my platinum and onyx GC brought over. I forgot the start-up disc for the Game Boy Player attachment. I wonder how many people bought that attachment and lost the disc...


1. Dreamcast
The jump from the 32bit was massive.
And all the sega games...the games from capcom, plus soulcabur, glorious.

2. PS2.
For the library

3 Xbox/gamecube
Xbox Because of the power of machine, the hdd, halo...buffy , dead or alive and the sega games.
GameCube Some very good games but I hate the gamepad
Dreamcast at 480p via VGA was the highlight of the gen for me, tho the Ps2 had a crazy library and was where I first dipped my toes into online gaming for consoles funnily enough. The Xbox was a beast with some quality games too such as Rainbow 6 via Live and probably could've gone another year or two, the GameCube was a bit meh really.

Tough to pick I guess, would likely go Dreamcast

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
1. PS2
2. Xbox
3. Gamecube
4. Dreamcast

And I say that despite absolutely loving the Dreamcast.

Such an amazing generation after the comparative dumpster fire of those ugly early 3D PS1/N64 games. I remember booting up Sonic Adventure and Soul Calibur for the first time and feeling like I could finally tell what the hell was happening on the screen instead of a loose mess of jaggy polygons.

The PS2 is the clear winner though with its massive library of amazing games that have aged very, very well.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
The only one I didn't like was the GC. I think the PS2 had the most games, the DC had a really good library, albeit small compared to PS2 (I mean, it died). The XBox was the best hardware back then but not that many games I enjoyed.


Hold onto your panties
1. PS2
2. Xbox
3. Gamecube
4. Dreamcast

And I say that despite absolutely loving the Dreamcast.

Such an amazing generation after the comparative dumpster fire of those ugly early 3D PS1/N64 games. I remember booting up Sonic Adventure and Soul Calibur for the first time and feeling like I could finally tell what the hell was happening on the screen instead of a loose mess of jaggy polygons.

The PS2 is the clear winner though with its massive library of amazing games that have aged very, very well.
I never have a range list to those generational consoles. Dreamcast would have been higher up if I had been able to afford it and play it during its first years. It made the Saturn, PS1, and N64 look like dinosaurs. I mean it had a developmental internet, memory card with LCD + mini-games, and was such a huge upscale prologue to modern texture filtering. I feel that Sega were almost always ahead of their time with consoles (except the 32X add-on...that was a disaster).

I guess GameCube won for me with PS2 and Dreamcast as close seconds. I don't put the XBOX in my top tier because by the time I did buy one (used and in like 2009); most of the online support was going and everyone I wanted to multiplay with had upgraded to the the 360. As an engine, the XBOX original was something grand.
PS2 for the sheer breadth of games. I liked the Gamecube a lot as well though - It was my first Nintendo console.

Xbox is pretty good but I didn't get it until much, much later - around 2010 or so.
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I have to give it to the PS2 because MGS 2, 3, FFX, and DMC1/3 all came out on the same console. That's insane. Xbox and Gamecube had lots of great games too, and Xbox Live changed console gaming forever.

God, what a time to have lived through. All three consoles were fantastic. If there ever was a golden age of gaming, that was it. It's been a slow descent downhill ever since.


I liked them all, but the Xbox just had that cutting edge feel like nothing else did. Games like Riddick, Splinter, Doom 3, Half Life 2, Rallisport 2 were a glimpse into the future.


PS2, closely followed by Dreamcast/GCN and a distant last xbox (never owned nor cared for).

Dreamcast was my first non-Nintendo console and it had all my fav arcade games from Sega and Capcom all on one system.

I got a PS2 for GT3 when it came out. Being a car enthusiast at the time, I eventually got a wheel and i never looked back! I discovered other PS exclusives like God of War among other 3rd party games too. I spent most of my time here.

Lastly the Gamecube. I love Nintendo but this was a swing and a miss mostly, but Zelda Twilight Princess was the highlight, followed by Fzero GX, and while I disliked it's debut reveal, I did play and have some fun with Zelda Wind Waker. There just wasn't that much memorable here for me.

Edit: While I didn't own it, I borrowed my friends copy and completed Metroid Prime, which was awesome.
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The PS2 is the best system of all time. Huge library of games across a ton of genres. There might be better games on other systems but nothing has come close to what this machine brought.


Neo Member
Every sixth-gen console was amazing. The PlayStation 2 was the JRPG console and had so many wonderful exclusives. The GameCube was an amazingly designed and engineered machine with a solid first-party library, even if it lacked the same third-party and networking support. The Xbox brought the power of PC gaming to consoles and I'll always love games like Morrowind, Jade Empire, Knights of the Old Republic, DOOM 3, etc. The Dreamcast was truly ahead of its time, too. It came out years before the other sixth-gen consoles and already had things like internet capability in mind. It was truly forward-thinking.

That being said, on a purely subjective level, the GameCube was my favorite, just because it's associated with the most happy memories for me. I got mine when they were doing that promotion where they were including the Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition disc for free, and that started my lifelong love of Zelda.

Honestly, I wish I could go back to like... 2005 and live there permanently.

Manji Uzuki

1. PS2 I think this console is hardly beatable. The catalogue was a beast with lots of things for everyone. It has a bunch of my favourite games of all times like MGS 2 and 3, Persona 3 and 4, Silent Hill 2 and 3, FFXII, Xenosaga trilogy, Zone of the enders 2, the first two God of War... And the list continues, it's just crazy

2. Dreamcast Mostly for all the great ports of fighting games which were so much better than in other consoles. Also lot of great Sega games and arcade ports of all types. The Dreamcast is arcade paradise for me.

3. GameCube. Zelda WW blew my mind when it came out. That big ocean to explore without loading times it felt like a different gen. It had all the good Ninte do stuff plus truly great games like Killer 7 and Resident Evil 4.

4. Xbox I didn't care much for this one at first but I ended up getting one towards the end of the gen as I found a good deal. In the end I played it much more than I thought and I think its a great console just ivershadowed by the others because this gen was incredible. Games like Ninja Gaiden Black, DOA3, Jet set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta and the first two Halos game me a lot of fun


Definitely the Dreamcast, I got the console at launch and it was a huge improvement over previous consoles. GC and Xbox, while being more powerful, did not make that big of a gap, but I still had great fun with these as well. Never enjoyed PS2, graphics and especially picture quality felt pretty bad to me, so I never invested in it.

Dreamcast though was were I had the most fun. The games were awesome even though the console was short lived. I still play this console very often, as you can get a very good picture on HD TVs through VGA or through an Akura Box.
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