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Act 3 is easily the best in BG3


Gold Member
I am not seeing the compliants about act3 being the weakest. The lower city is fucking awesome. It is one of the best towns in a RPG ever. It is full of city life and tons of mysteries around every corner. The sidequests are very rewarding.

I'd say that the second act is the weakest but still very good.


People were talking a lot of shit to find something bad to say

It seems there was performance issues tho (I didn't experienced any)
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It is the best if only for house of hope. But it is a bit too dense, they should have spread the emergence of quests more over time. And it needed few bugfixes when I played it.


Nah, Act 3 is where I think the game loses a lot of steam (and made me feel like a lot of the reviewers may not have played the game through, because the scores don't reflect the issues with the late game areas)
Hmmm, I thought the general consensus was that Act 3 was the weakest given it was half baked, missing elements, and technically abysmal


Tapped out at Act 2.
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Nah, Act 3 is where I think the game loses a lot of steam (and made me feel like a lot of the reviewers may not have played the game through, because the scores don't reflect the issues with the late game areas)

A 10/10 does not necessarily mean a perfect game. Also, encountering bugs and glitches has clearly been a case by case situation and not a guarantee for everyone. Plus, plenty of people were clearly pleased with the gameplay and/or content in Act 3.

I’m not saying it’s possible some reviewers didn’t finish the game (claiming “a lot” is a bit much though), but I don’t think their score is necessarily evidence of that.
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The internet always has a hyperbole point they love to parrot all the time about other games regardless if its valid or not it kicks in and becomes the talking point of everyone and haters take advantage of that.
RDR2 - controls are clunky
BoTW - breakable weapons
GOWR - its just a Dlc
Witcher 3 - muh combat
BG3 - act 3!!!!!! muh cut content
FF16 - its not le jrpg
Elden Ring - bosses are poorly designed

And many more
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Wasn't Act 3 bugged and that's when they streamline the game towards it's conclusion and you get to make less choices and really wants to push you in one direction. Unlike the rest of the game?


Wasn't Act 3 bugged and that's when they streamline the game towards its econclusion and you get to make less choices and really wants to push you in one direction. Unlike the rest of the game?

We’re talking about Baldur’s Gate 3, not the 3rd installment of Mass Effect.

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office

But seriously, no. There’s a ton of options in the order you can fight the two remaining villains, one you don’t even have to fight depending on your choices. There’s a major optional boss that also unlocks other ending options if you go that route. And quite a few character questlines have major areas here, there’s one more non-main party member to be found here, and a bunch of NPCs met in Act 1 and/or 2 have their storylines continued here with more side quest options.

”Less choices” is about as inaccurate a description as one could give Act 3. In fact, Act 2 had less options and was a bit more linear compared to Act 1 and 3.
The internet always has a hyperbole point they love to parrot all the time about other games regardless if its valid or not it kicks in and becomes the talking point of everyone and haters take advantage of that.
RDR2 - controls are clunky
BoTW - breakable weapons
GOWR - its just a Dlc
Witcher 3 - muh combat
BG3 - act 3!!!!!! muh cut content
FF16 - its not le jrpg
Elden Ring - bosses are poorly designed

And many more
What? Some of those complaints are legitimate or are all those games flawless?


A 10/10 does not necessarily mean a perfect game. Also, encountering bugs and glitches has clearly been a case by case situation and not a guarantee for everyone. Plus, plenty of people were clearly pleased with the gameplay and/or content in Act 3.

I’m not saying it’s possible some reviewers didn’t finish the game (claiming “a lot” is a bit much though), but I don’t think their score is necessarily evidence of that.
I know it doesn’t mean “perfect”, I’m saying claims made about the game in some reviews are directly contradicted by act 3 and how it was at launch, and not even a passing mention of that in the reviews makes me question how many reviewers actually got that far.


Act 3 on PS5 runs so shit, it ruined it a bit for me. Plus its soooo much talking, I felt it lost momentum. Still enjoying it but for me Act 1 was 10/10, Act 2 9/10, Act 3 8/10.

i havent finished it because I'm hoping a patch might sort the issues out, screen tearing is just a huge problem for me and its pretty bad when the frames drop, which is all the time.


Gold Member
I’ve spent a few hours in ACT 3 now and still haven’t actually got to BG yet. I feel like I’ve done as much as I can in the early area now though, so I’ll be heading there soon. I was hoping to get to level 9 first, but I’m just a sliver away.


I just got to Act 3. Was debating whether to continue on or take a break for other games (Cyberpunk, Starfield) while waiting for them to drop the next big patch.

Loving the game so far. The game feels so much like playing a real DnD campaign. Act 1 was sort of the open start where you have a story hook but then go around doing whatever side quests you want as you unravel the mystery. Act 2 is a little more railroaded as you go to fight the big bad in a smaller but still very cool area. Then you reset, heading off to the city for some more open world stuff, but at higher levels with higher stakes. Such a dense game. Once you clear a map you realize each area isn’t really that big, but just jam packed with stuff.
It's been patched op. When I played it at launch act 3 was like a frickin bethesda game

Had to turn pc settings down because it had way worse performance than act 1 and 2 which both looked great and ran very smooth. It runs well now after the patch except when I activate ithillid powers, prepare to throw an item during battle (yes I'm carrying a lot of stuff) or separate my party by a long distance, these things cause issues. Act 3 must be just awful on console, if I had to guess.

Act 3 was filled with fun killing bugs in the first month. I blew up a prison but would still see video footage of people trapped in the exploded prison in the steelworks foundry. Then when I rescued a guy from the foundry, I was walking around looting with him standing there, and he stopped me and made me pass an ability check for tresspassing. The guy I was rescuing stopped me for tresspassing in the place he was imprisoned halfway through me rescuing him from it! My shovel stopped working and I needed 2 shovels to dig up chests, my wizard found a cool staff with a glowing light on the end but the light would just glow in the wrong place away from the staff floating in the air. There was a haunted painting quest that just glitched out and the people wouldn't talk to me. There were lots of weird conversations that, based on how glitchy everything else was, I felt lines or scenes were missing from.

During the ending cutscene, there is shot of people standing outside a building called sorcerous sundries. The building didn't even have textures in this cutscene. Not low res textures - NO textures. I took a screencap if u don't believe me. Useful abilities I get from equipment would just stop working in act 3. I would look through all the menus during battle and couldn't find them, the only way to get the ability back is to wait until after the battle, unequip the gear and reequip it. The doomlobber gloves is one such example, it lets you cast spells in melee without penalty but it stopped working in an important battle.

That problem is still there after the patch actually, although I think it happens less often. During my second playthrough on tactician, my thief had clothing that bestows the "cat's grace" ability and it wasn't working in act 3 until he unequipped and reequipped it. There are other problems post patch as well. I rescued prisoners and blew up that prison again, and the foundry now no longer shows footage of prisoners trapped in a facility that doesn't exist anymore. But, during the rescue I clicked on a security camera showing footage of the prisoner's cells after busting them out, and it show doubles of the prisoners. One still trapped in their cell, and another standing front of the cell as they headed towards the exit. After completing the whole daring escape and thinking I'll just climb out of the escape boat and then quicksave, the game crashed with a black screen as I was climbing out and I had to do the whole mission again, which didn't happen on my first playthrough. When I slayed a dragon and picked up a magic helmet the dialogue for picking it up played twice, then when I warped to camp and I talked to character about it there, their dialogue played twice as well. I got a kickass magic trident in act 3 that magically comes back to your hands when you throw it - it's in the item description. Or it did, on my first playthrough. Now it no longer consistently works, and I have to find the trident after throwing or load the game when it disappears. None of these flaws are enough to ruin an amazing game, but they are still noteworthy problems.

Act 3 does a great job with story and quests. Personally I think Ketheric is much more interesting than Gortash and Orin combined, but there are good story payoffs for companions and callbacks to things that happened way back in act 1 in act 3. Even if you screwed up a quest in act 1 it can sort of partially payoff in act 3. Like there was a lady whose husband I was meant to rescue but instead he died screwing up the quest. But I was able to meet a cat in act 3 and convince it to bring companionship to the widowed lady. That's really impressive attention to detail. However if you like gameplay more than story there's a very bad kill to talk ratio in act 3. When I'd like to fight a series of battles followed by an interesting conversation I'm more likely more likely to get stuck in a series of conversations and finally a battle afterwards. You also spend more than half the act at max level with no level ups to look forward to which is a bummer.

TL,DR: Act 3 is great now after the patch, but it is still the buggiest of the 3 acts. And the weakest overall in my opinion. But I don't think a player would feel this way if they were playing primarily for story.


Gold Member
me? i began, but never managed to finish, chapter 3 in either divinity game (i basically got bored), so i'm hoping the op's correct...


Decided to roll on into Act 3. I love how in classic RPG fashion you’re on a mission to save the world yet can’t help but get involved in every little squabble you come across.

There was even a line I had my PC say that was like “Why does it seem like everyone we meet is in an argument?” 😂
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