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Adult Language...? :)


About a week ago I went ahead and purchased Full Spectrum Warrior for the Xbox and was pleasantly surprised by its well thought out tutorial, amazing mission detail, and a purely brilliant team based structure acquiring players to think about the good of the team and the successful completion of a mission as opposed to one man versus a hundred armies. But it wasn't refreshing just for that -- it actually immersed you with something a little more colorful -- swearing.

Although I'm not much of a connoisseur when it comes to swearing in profuse strings, I do understand the use for it here and there especially in the military and I do understand that it is indeed how people express themselves more often then not. It's something that's real and there will probably always be there for the rest of our lives. Another example of this is the Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay which I'm sure many of you have heard as well.

My point is, does anyone else find this refreshing and much more realistic? I know it's not exactly FFX FMV quality graphics I'm talking about here revolutionizing the gaming industry or anything like that, but I do find that every little bit helps in terms of immersion and I welcome this with open arms.

[Sidenote] -- I do realize these are not the first games to do this by any stretch, but I do think these are the first games to do this profusely on a home console. Correct me if I am wrong of course.


Meh I says!

Language in games is always something of an issue...because Little Timmy is allowed to rip the spine out of Testiclure and beat him over the head with it but as soon as Mr. Smegma says "Shit" before he gets creamed then there's a problem!


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
deathrow and of course the recent gta games have been chaulk full of bad words...

i think whats particularly cool in fsw is that only a few of the characters cuss... its not just canned lines for each player unit, but a tool to flesh out the personality of the individual soilders


op_ivy said:
deathrow and of course the recent gta games have been chaulk full of bad words...

i think whats particularly cool in fsw is that only a few of the characters cuss... its not just canned lines for each player unit, but a tool to flesh out the personality of the individual soilders

Absolutely agreed. I noticed this as well. It's not like every other word is fuck or anything like in a Chris Rock stand-up routine, but it is used often enough that it seems very authentic.
Censorship is strange in general. Nudity seems like a huge no-no (outside of XXX games, it don't exist) but you can have limbs-a-flying and the walls painted red.

Anyway, I like it when dialog matches that of "real life" dialog. Not every other word has to be "fuck" but a swear here and there is ok. I always seems strange when there are explosions all around and the situation looks dire and the only thing the protagonist can muster is "Oh, shoot!" or something equally stupid.


Yeah, I think M rated games should say and do just as much stuff as the R rated movies do. I hope the next GTA goes all out this time, MFer, N-word, C-word, whole nine yards. I'm not saying GTA will be any less of a great game if they don't, but I makes the characters and the world feel so much more authentic like people already stated. Vice City kinda had mature dialogue, but I noticed for the most part it was just pg-13 language in a larger quantity, they never went past bitch, dick, ass, to say Tommy was an ex-con, he sure had a fairly clean mouth.


Well, in terms of violence, game designers always find new ways to push the envelope and please even the most fickle of gamers while the larger issues of everyday life -- sex, nudity, and swearing -- are very taboo and also only touched on if mentioned. It's pretty sad I can see a guy thrown into a wood chipper and mutilate others with per pixel damage bullet wounds, but characters are rarely seen nude or saying "fuck you."

Ranger X

I don't know if someone played The Suffering here but the language was very bad... or realistic? I think this game was pushing it a bit too far actually. It always like "everything" or "nothing". No games seems to find a comfortable middle range.
The first game I ever played that made good use of swearing was Fallout. It made it seem more realistic and gave me a good laugh, as well.

For console games, I remember Perfect Dark saying shit and below. On a console, I don't remember fuck being used.
I loved playing true crime and state of emergency.....Especially True Crime when u messed up or did something cool he had a funny ass remark to it...and u really f*cked up he cuss up a storm....Snoop was tight too in that game...


Tag of Excellence
As long as they keep the swearing to fairly realistic levels (ie: what would be said in the situation by somewhat average people or a character keeping in tone) then I fully support whatever language they feel in using. Sometimes when they overdo the swearing it becomes really childish and it becomes annoying.

The Suffering while being filled to the brim with cursing was completely in-character with the enviroment. I don't have an example for an overuse of swearing sadly.


op_ivy said:
deathrow and of course the recent gta games have been chaulk full of bad words...

i think whats particularly cool in fsw is that only a few of the characters cuss... its not just canned lines for each player unit, but a tool to flesh out the personality of the individual soilders

There's a bit where the commanding officer chides one of the soldiers for saying, "fubar."

Whoever wrote the voice over for this game has a great ear for dialogue.

This kind of attention to detail needs to be more common in games.


Scary Euro Man
Plenty of swearing in The Getaway as well... even if it's sometimes you at the characters on screen. "Fuck off, you stupid bastard - I said roll, not run straight into the laser. Twat."


The Suffering while being filled to the brim with cursing was completely in-character with the enviroment. I don't have an example for an overuse of swearing sadly.

Kingpin: Life of Crime, they over didn't it, but for alot of people that was one of the games main charms. I've never been called mothafucka so many times in my life!

I also hear Roadkill had an overuse of swearing, but I haven't got to play that yet.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Sho Nuff said:
They used the "C-word" in the Suffering -- holy crap!

Yes they did...

Also play Getaway if you want some Guy Ritchie like cussing
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