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Am I Alone in not buying the Elden Ring hype?


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.


Staring Evil Eyes GIF by Tennis TV


Gold Member
Fun is relative.

And even not being huge on souls game myself i still have to recognize gameplay in souls games are very good, at least way better than the stuff people usually get in big these releases.

And now that good gameplay loop is being applied to a large scale open world that also happens to be excelently designed amidst lots of ubisoft open worlds filled with check lists and open wilds of nothingness.

I don't feel much hype either, but i can still understand why people are so excited for this.
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Has playing the game to find out what all the fuss is about ever crossed your mind? How can you say the game lacks fun without even playing it? Or are you like that other user who claims he has the power to "judge how good a game is" only by watching footage?

Idk if you are serious or just trolling.


I would imagine it has a lot to do with the sense of discovery. And also reviewers have been fairly vocal about only being able to show a small portion of the game in review material. So possibly a lot of good things in the game that they aren't allowed to either talk about or show?


Im not into these games. Any gaming topic somehow comes back to dark souls or demon souls or whatever. I may try the game but I am not paying full price as I'm sure I wont enjoy it like everyone else. The game looks exactly like demon souls to me...like the exact same.

I do wish I was into these games as I am missing quite a few, but after watching some video I expected to see something new. Ready for this hype to die down and move on to the next thing.
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I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.
Git gud.

From Software is delivering amazing games since 2009 and the praise emerged naturally from the players. Different of some other game franchises where journalists artificially hype and give perfect scores just because it is franchise "X" or "Y".

Graphics may be nothing special but the gameplay is top notch.


Gold Member
You love something
You hate something
Ce la vie

There’s so much love going around to where I’m almost anticipating the hate.


The bear of bad news
I'm hyped in the sense it's another Dark Souls game, but after watching a lot of footage, I feel the shilling review community trying to make it seem like it's leaps and bounds better, which it isn't. Bloodborne was more exciting to me.
Did you say Souls lack fun? I couldn't disagree more. You think everyone is playing them for the cutscenes and story?

They're videogames in their purest form. That's what makes them fun and why they're beloved. The challenge keeps you engaged, instead of just boringly going through the motions like you do in most modern games. That's a lot more fun than just going to thousands of map markers with no real sense of danger or accomplishment.
Maybe I'm not experienced to comment on this topic, but FromSoftware love remixing the same formula with a few added ingredients. All of their games look and feel the exact same, perhaps it's time they applied those lessons to something fresh and unexpected...

A fishing simulator perhaps?


The nicest person on this forum
???? Then dont buy the game? No one is forcing you if are not in to it and people are allowed to hype the game they are excited about regardless of if you personally dont find the game fun.

I'm not exactly sure whats the point of this thread? Do you want people agree with you about why you are not hype for this game as everybody else?
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Look at you being all brave and individualistic. Other people might lose their minds and get caught up in the hype, but not you. You're perceptive enough to see through all the bullshit and see the utterly unremarkable shell of a game that lies underneath, and you're gonna let everyone know it by making a thread about it asking a question you already know the answer to.

People who don't like From Software games truly are the vegans of the gaming world :messenger_tears_of_joy:


are in a big trouble
I wasn't hyped for this game at all. imo these games play the same but does it make it a bad game? No it doesn't at all.

I'm delighted to see so much people here and other places getting hyped for this game. I love the positive discussions around it. Again not being hyped for it doesn't mean I can't love the reaction it's getting and trust me I do.

I will buy it just not right now... Maybe ok maybe in the morning but I don't know 😂😂


Gold Member
These types of games are not for me either. The whole vibe of them just reminds me of a gaming version of Magic the Gathering or Dungeons and Dragons. That being said clearly many people see something in them so who am I to deny them their fun.


I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.
Filtered. Git gud scrub.


Did you say Souls lack fun? I couldn't disagree more. You think everyone is playing them for the cutscenes and story?

They're videogames in their purest form. That's what makes them fun and why they're beloved. The challenge keeps you engaged, instead of just boringly going through the motions like you do in most modern games. That's a lot more fun than just going to thousands of map markers with no real sense of danger or accomplishment.

I honestly think the Souls fad is due mostly to it having been a darling of gaming content creators. It was an easy game to make content: the game was inherently frustrating and the frustration made making content easy. The meta for gaming content online has been moving towards group content, though, and I personally feel like the game is showing it's age and even the content creators who birthed the phenomenon are bored w/ it now.


Has playing the game to find out what all the fuss is about ever crossed your mind? How can you say the game lacks fun without even playing it? Or are you like that other user who claims he has the power to "judge how good a game is" only by watching footage?

Idk if you are serious or just trolling.
You make too much sense.

Sad Season 4 GIF by The Simpsons


Nope, I'm not buying it since it still has 0 inclusive difficulty options and I'm ok with that. I have Destiny2; Witch Queen, Edgeof Eternity, Horizon, FF:Chaos & Forespoken to keep me busy. No need for FOMO, just play sonething else that suits you.
I honestly think the Souls fad is due mostly to it having been a darling of gaming content creators. It was an easy game to make content: the game was inherently frustrating and the frustration made making content easy. The meta for gaming content online has been moving towards group content, though, and I personally feel like the game is showing it's age and even the content creators who birthed the phenomenon are bored w/ it now.
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