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Am I Alone in not buying the Elden Ring hype?


Gold Member
I read some random tweet that kind of encapsulates this, saying you see all these glowing reviews, but they are like reviews of this super spicy new hot sauce, from fans that love spicy food. And if you don't generally like spicy food you're like, dang, this sounds really good! But it's coming from a different, very specialized opinion base. And if you can't stand spicy food, no matter how exquisite and deep this new hot pepper sauce is, you gonna be like, fuck this it burning my tongue.


I think this game is definitely special, its really obvious its something next level the moment you start playing the game. I get the same feeling I did when I played Myst for the first time in the early 90s.
Having loved the first dark souls to bits, I found my interest for the series gradually wane with subsequent DS entries. In the end I dropped DS3 pretty fast. It's just a bit too samey. Even Elden Ring looks very much unchanged. Same high fantasy asthetic, very similar combat system...just now in a bigger world. Add to that the lackluster performance across systems...and yes. Not buying the hype.

I haven't played Sekiro yet and it looks more interesting to me.




No, you are not alone OP.

I played DS1 and Bloodborne. I completely failed to see where the fun was. And now From Software gives us Elden Ring - same core souls experience "refreshed" with open-world design.

For me souls and hype around it is one of the most incomprehensible phenomenon in gaming culture. I genuinely don't understand hype behind it.

Not even talking about the fact that 90% of hyped playerbase won't pass through first boss and abandon the game.
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These types of games are not for me either. The whole vibe of them just reminds me of a gaming version of Magic the Gathering or Dungeons and Dragons. That being said clearly many people see something in them so who am I to deny them their fun.
Which is exactly why they are so cool, one of the reasons, of many. If you don't like fantasy or rpgs then yeah you won't like it. I dont like games like gone home so I stay away from those. You don't have to like it.

I would say it's more akin to a 3d castlevania game.


The nicest person on this forum
I genuinely don't understand hype behind it.
I dont understand post like this, you only will accept the "hype" the game you like, but it puzzling to you that other people liking games you dont like....Am I getting this right?
I'll get it eventually, but I can't get excited for games with no personality. Character doesn't even talk. Probably seen single cutscene in the trailers. After I'm done with Horizon. My next game is Stranger in Paradise.


How can people say it is overrated or "lacks fun" without even having played it?
It's the cope of being filtered in the previous games.
Just played a couple of hours just now and ER is good. The open world is top tier shit with little details in the world every where. Every thing is unique.
Its going to be interesting to see what Botw2 open world is going to be like.
The combat is pretty snappy like Sekiro as well but obviously not as focused like in Sekiro.
Any that enjoyed any Soulsborne even just liking Sekiro! Should be playing ER right now.
Honestly Soulsborne games are not even hard as well. It's all about understanding the basic systems like combat and how you need to not button mash and time your attacks, be slow and methodical, shield always up etc.. Similar to the monster hunter series. Other than that you need to accept the game over screen. Every one dies hundreds of times.
Git gud scrubs maybe I'll see you in the great filter Elden Ring.


My only issue with near universal praise is is it a review of the game or a review of the genre? There's always insane hype around Souls games.


The nicest person on this forum
My only issue with near universal praise is is it a review of the game or a review of the genre? There's always insane hype around Souls games.
My question is why does it matter what other people hyping? You play what you like and dont play the game you dont like......Seriously, do you guy decide what games to buy based on other people?
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Neo Member
I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.
You state you knew nothing about the game until a few days ago and then state you watched multiple reviews and hours of footage. Seems clear to me these types of games aren’t meant for a person like you and you are for some reason bitter about that fact and decided we all needed to know how you felt. You must have a lot of free time to watch hours of footage on games you have no interest in. I feel like most people can judge a game’s personal relevance to their taste based on a review or two. I’ve been lurking here for years and there’s always threads around major releases along the lines of “Am I the only one that doesn’t get XXXX?” For starters, no, you aren’t the only one. You aren’t that special or unique. Most people just don’t feel the need to express that feeling (or lack thereof) in a pointless way at best, and a negative way at worst. Get over the FOMO and move on to what you enjoy. This game just isn’t for you.


I dont understand post like this, you only will accept the "hype" the game you like, but it puzzling to you that other people liking games you dont like....Am I getting this right?
I just spoke out my confusion about souls games.

Time will pass and we will observe what percent of player base has gotten through first boss and then half of the game. And I know in advance those numbers will be very poor. Just like any souls games. Check achievement statistics.
People buy them on hype basis and then realize it's not the type of game they enjoy. History repeats itself everytime.

Elden Ring is no different.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
In the same boat. I disliked whatever I had played of this genre in the past. Decided to watch some videos like you, and was not impressed either. It looked to play essentially the same as the previous games, and it wasn't terribly impressive on visual note - at least technically (I do dig the Lovecraftian inspired art design).


Gold Member
Of course not. Elden Ring could get an average of 10/10 and still wouldn’t interest me.

It’ll just remain the highest rated game in a genre I don’t enjoy to begin with.


Gold Member
Dude who never had any interest in Souls games and learned about Elden Ring only a short while before release starts a thread to ask people if they are also as ignorant as him. Quality content, OP. Thanks.


The nicest person on this forum
I just spoke out my confusion about souls games.

Time will pass and we will observe what percent of player base has gotten through first boss and then half of the game. And I know in advance those numbers will be very poor. Just like any souls games. Check achievement statistics.
People buy them on hype basis and then realize it's not the type of game they enjoy. History repeats itself everytime.

Elden Ring is no different.
Im not sure about trophy statistics but me and most people who are fan of Souls games play and finish them, so I don’t see why wouldn’t we finish this game as well?


Gold Member
Look at you being all brave and individualistic. Other people might lose their minds and get caught up in the hype, but not you. You're perceptive enough to see through all the bullshit and see the utterly unremarkable shell of a game that lies underneath, and you're gonna let everyone know it by making a thread about it asking a question you already know the answer to.

People who don't like From Software games truly are the vegans of the gaming world :messenger_tears_of_joy:
You should really see someone about all that repressed anger and passive aggressive behaviour. ;)
He doesnt like the game and wanted to talk about it. Thats fine too. People have to accept that fact that people love souls game and vise versa. In no case is it necessary to behave hostile (however clever the hostility is disguised.)

Be happy - spread the joy. :)


I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.
You are alone, sadly :D
kidding aside, my son, he is 10 years old, he prefers to play Splatoon, but this is a different story...the beauty of taste and opinions.
The fun factor is subjective, it has nothing to do with 'buying' or 'not buying' the ""Hype"".
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As you said, Souls is not your style so... After it's undeniable the huge impact Souls had on the gaming medium so it's normal there is so much hype around it.

As an hardcore Soulsborne fan, I can't wait to play it (PLEASE DELIVERY MAN COME ALREADY !) and it looks like it will live up to my hype.

There are several "best games of all time" that I don't care at all like Mario games or GTA. I get the hype and excitement around them but I personally don't get any interest in them.

You like some stuff and don't like some other. Looks normal to me.


I am not even buying it lol.
I played every other Souls game but I don't care about this one.
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Played for 2 hours the new (old) best thing in gaming ever, according to everything. Feels the same sucker punch simulator that been rolling for all these years, janky as ever.

Don't feel like it's worth all the cortisol release fucking your body.
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You only have the right to criticize something if you actually understand the very thing that you are criticizing. Or else your opinion will not be taken seriously.

Not liking something is different from criticizing something, if you don't like the hype simply avoid it, don't click into any thread that does not provoke your interest in their title.
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Fun is subjective so it’s okay that these games aren’t for everyone. It’s nice to see so many people loving this and being excited about it, though.

It always seems like there are the fans who love these games for everything that they are and then the people who hate them because they see no appeal in dying all the time, etc. All that is understandable. For me, though, I’m somewhere in the middle in that I love the worlds and the lore and I really enjoy challenging games (I loved Sekiro, etc.), learning patterns, and getting better slowly, but I just can’t get on with how… awkward and dated the games feel. Maybe as Sekiro was a faster game, this helped. I bought Demon’s Souls on PS5 and loved that world but it felt like I was playing a PS2 game or something, albeit presented as one of the most beautiful games I’ve played. I guess I’m in the minority here but that’s just my opinion. I don’t see many people who are right in the middle of the lovers and haters of the genre.


I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.
If you haven't learned to appreciate any of the other soulsborne games, let alone played some way through the masterpiece that is Bloodborne, there is little anyone can say to convince you.

Regarding the hype, it's always wise to disregard the hype train for the sake of your own enjoyment. But there's no denying there's an incredible zeitgeist surrounding this game right now. Rightfully so from my past experience with Fromsoft games.



Report me if I continue to console war
Souls like games are an aquired taste, they are definitely not the most Popular console games. So you are not alone in not being that fussed about elden ring.

Its why reviews are only are a guide, if you dont like the style of game the metacritic means sweet fanny adams.


You're not alone. The hype for this game has been ridiculous. At least though it is giving the fans of the game what they want which is an open world souls game. I do wonder how well it is doing though sales-wise.
Fun is subjective so it’s okay that these games aren’t for everyone. It’s nice to see so many people loving this and being excited about it, though.

It always seems like there are the fans who love these games for everything that they are and then the people who hate them because they see no appeal in dying all the time, etc. All that is understandable. For me, though, I’m somewhere in the middle in that I love the worlds and the lore and I really enjoy challenging games (I loved Sekiro, etc.), learning patterns, and getting better slowly, but I just can’t get on with how… awkward and dated the games feel. Maybe as Sekiro was a faster game, this helped. I bought Demon’s Souls on PS5 and loved that world but it felt like I was playing a PS2 game or something, albeit presented as one of the most beautiful games I’ve played. I guess I’m in the minority here but that’s just my opinion. I don’t see many people who are right in the middle of the lovers and haters of the genre.
If this had not been a souls game I would have definitely jumped in and bought this game since I do think the world seems interesting and I like the visual style of the game even though the graphics do look archaic.


Given the quality of their game design in the past I've no reason to doubt how good the game is......if it's not your thing then fine,but these games are brilliantly designed and if they have managed to keep that in an open world enviroment then that is a pretty great achievement imho.


Given the quality of their game design in the past I've no reason to doubt how good the game is......if it's not your thing then fine,but these games are brilliantly designed and if they have managed to keep that in an open world enviroment then that is a pretty great achievement imho.
I definitely think these From games are an acquired taste.
I think Elden Ring looks great, but it's not really my thing.
Having really enjoyed God of War, it's not that I don't like third person action games per se.

For me, it's the combat that let's these games down.

I'm not a big fan of the more methodical, parry and block, type of fighting.

Ghost of Tsushima, Jedi Fallen Order, stuff like that, are my limit when it comes to that kind of combat.
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Of course you are not on your own and shouldn't feel like it's a bad thing to 'not be taken in with the hype'. In fact, I'd say a healthy dose of sceptism and - well a mind of your own - is more important than blind loyality.


With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.
I can say exactly same thing about any moba/multiplayer shooter/battle royale game, so juggernauts like fortnite, csgo, pubg, apex, lol, dota, cod warzone,destiny 1/2 and all its expacks, and few other similar shit games(from my pov) that have tons of players :)


I definitely think these From games are an acquired taste.
I think Elden Ring looks great, but it's not really my thing.
Having really enjoyed God of War, it's not that I don't like third person action games per se.

For me, it's the combat that let's these games down.

I'm not a big fan of the more methodical, parry and block, type of fighting.

Ghost of Tsushima, Jedi Fallen Order, stuff like that, are my limit when it comes to that kind of combat.
Yea,you need a certain frame of mind to enjoy these games for sure.I've played and finished Dark Souls,Dark Souls III and Bloodborne and had a great time with them,but I don't really have the patience for them any more.Although being open world Elden Ring does look a bit more accessible.


I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.
Maybe you should play it rather than watching videos you silly chud. Why do some people think watching a game is the same as playing it? That's so dumb.


I don’t like over the top difficult games, but those reviews are hard to ignore. Especially the bit where you can level up before having to go and fight bosses.

But I have other games to play and the performance issues are making it easy to resist.

Mr Branding

From's games are really hit or miss for me. Barely finished DS and playing it a second time now makes me wonder how I did it the first time. Also went pretty far in Sekiro but dropped it due to life so I'm hesitant to pick it back up.
On the other hand, DS3 and BB were pretty fun and easier. This game looks really intriguing being open-world so I'm kinda wanting to play it but I feel I'll wait a sale or smth.


I read some random tweet that kind of encapsulates this, saying you see all these glowing reviews, but they are like reviews of this super spicy new hot sauce, from fans that love spicy food. And if you don't generally like spicy food you're like, dang, this sounds really good! But it's coming from a different, very specialized opinion base. And if you can't stand spicy food, no matter how exquisite and deep this new hot pepper sauce is, you gonna be like, fuck this it burning my tongue.
if you know you don't like spicy food and you think "that spicy sauce looks good", the problem is you, not the reviews


Neo Member
I am too busy enjoying Horizon Forbidden West but then GT7 is out next week
I'll leave Elden Ring for the time being
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