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Anvil Strategies polled Star Wars fans on the Skywalker saga: LOL @ GAF

To those people saying it’s a one man show that’s literally impossible at a 3400 sample size. He would need a call center to execute that size. Unless it’s just completely made up which seems doubtful.
A one-person firm outsources that shit. Even big firms outsource the actual dials.
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My biggest complaint with TLJ was the fat asian who got way too much screen time and has literally no significance to the rest of the plot.

What pisses me off about her is the fact that Finn, an established character, had to become stupid and lame so she could represent... that's the problem with the woke movies, they can't find ways to make great female characters, so instead they dumb down the men... and this motherfuckers don't get it...

I've never seen a man complain about Ripley in Alien. Never. General consensus is "that's a fucking amazing character". Same for Sarah Connor, Same for Lara Croft in games and same for any movie/game/book/series character done right... and that's what pisses me off, the fucking assholes don't get it, it's not about equality, gender or whatever, it's about the fucking characters.
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Gold Member
Finn is there from the start of the film, is integral to one of the sub plots and has a character arc.
Lando is simply a plot device to entrap Han and Leia, he is as much a main character as Wicket is in Return of the Jedi, meaning he is not a main character.
And he still manages to be completely useless even with that, what a great main character :ROFLMAO:
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Lightspeed Kamikaze thread if old.

I think this is my favourite bit.

"Basically, the there's some real evidence that the backlash to the Last Jedi was driven by sad white conservative men who didn't like the incorporation of women and minorities. Fans, like critics, mostly loved the film."

I just can't wrap my head around the absolute determination to defend this film to the bitter end.

This isn't someone saying "it's just a dumb action movie, I enjoyed it for what it was, why can't you".
This isn't someone saying "I loved the movie and I think some of the criticisms are stupid".
This isn't even someone saying "some of these critics are a bit over the top and need to get a life".

No. This is someone literally saying that if you hated the movie then it's because you are Sexist AND Racist.

Where have you ever even seen this being pushed to this level before?

For example, I have "defended" Pokemon Sword & Shield and my opinion is that basically the game is what it is, fun for kids and new gamers. I think some of the people criticizing the game have shitty criticisms and shitty attitudes and I have no problem having a few jabs at them on forums. That's where it ends. In a sense I am having fun with the disagreement.

For The Last Jedi it just seems so wild that people can't accept that others really dislike the movie.
can't accept it to the point where if you didn't like the movie then sexism and racism must be the only answers.

This is a film where I saw Princess Leia flying through space and Luke Skywalker drinking alien milk direcly from an alien's tit.
That's right off the top of my head.

The film has been broken down and the criticisms have been laid out so clearly that it's an impossibility to look at the movie and say "oh it's just sad conservative men who hate it because of the women and minorities".

The only explanation is malicious agenda.
Which is fucking dumb because it's a movie from 2 years ago and for the most part people are only shitting on it now for entertainment purposes.

It's just so crazy to me.
This is a dumb action movie at best.
It's not a deep exploration of the human condition.
It has basically nothing to say regarding race or gender or anything like that.
Yet, here it is being held up as some kind of acid test on whether or not someone is a far-right nutter.


I think the intense zealotry of last jedi fans have made me hate the film more than the film itself. They just cant grapple with the fact that not everyone loved it like they did. Its actually pretty immature if you think about it. I'm a huge fan of the movie aliens but if someone said they didn't like it and thought alien 3 ( which I didn't like by the way) was better, I wouldn't get all upset that someone had the audacity of not sharing my exact view point.
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"Out of the white people I polled, I can conclude that white people are the problem."

Can someone do a break down of the number of this group of people he is making to draw this conclusion on? I have a feeling that he is using a small number to represent an entire group of people.
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Gun Animal

white conservative males are probably the most critical demographic in general. i imagine they have the most unfavorable views on the prequels, or the ewoks in Jedi, for example.


Gold Member
its kind of fucked either way.

if rise of skywalker does well they will feel vindicated that their alignment with TLJ is correct
if rise of skywalker does poorly they will say the movie pandered to the manbabies so it bombed making them correct


Gold Member
All the main characters fail, that's the point of the film.
Oh cmon, luke and mary sue have far more success than him in that film...
Luke make a distraction for that crybaby shithead and mary remove the boulders with the force and win against the red guards.
shit hit the finn is completely and utterly useless with a shitty subplot in the casinó and an ultra shitty stuff with female fat chinese quota...
He is a joke of a character, even more than the others...
And he still manages to be completely useless even with that, what a great main character :ROFLMAO:
If I ask any star Wars fan what Finn did in any of the movies, I get no answer. Even when he tried to sacrifice himself, he was stopped by Rose.

Which was the second time she put her desires in front of the entire Rebellion, no matter what the cost.

But saving Finn was good, we need him to shout "Rey!!'.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
So people disappointed with Fins shitty side character story when he has the most interesting story to tell.
A stormtrooper that turns to the light side and could have possibly have the force.
But was instead reduced to the side kick with a pointless subplot
So they racist?


So let me get this straight, they spoke to 3,400 people out of, lets say 50 million US viewers at the very LEAST (basing on median theater cost of about $10 US and that the movie made $620 million in the US alone but giving leeway for people who may have watched it more than once in theaters). Given that number, they surveyed only .0068% of people who saw the film and feel that's enough to come to that conclusion? And I gave them the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM amount of people who would see the movie for it to have made over $620 million in the box office (not assuming the rumor that Disney themselves paid for seats).

Not even mentioning the people they turned away, which he conveniently doesn't give a number for, the conclusion that guy came up with is some real bullshit, to the point I don't even believe his story at all. Firstly, who had interest in hiring for this survey? Disney? If they did, they would've hired MULTIPLE survey companies AND been a lot MORE leaneate on what would allow people to finish out the survey and count as a participant. Most companies look for what makes them money and what doesn't, not what sounds more racist or sexist. The survey would've had more focus on what someone did or did not like about the movie, rather than just generically asking someone if thy liked a movie or not. I worked in giving surveys and hated every minute of it, but I learned what most companies look for when they ask about things like this.

This guy's story is too vague and the he pops up with this conclusion, without ever saying what the survey was meant for. This dude is just a random REEEE user who can't face that people can not like a movie because they felt it was a bad movie.


LOL the movie (and I guess TV) industry has really found their perfect excuse for everything in "it's not us, it's them evil alt right white men"
Can someone do a break down of the number of this group of people he is making to draw this conclusion on? I have a feeling that he is using a small number to represent an entire group of people.
So let me get this straight, they spoke to 3,400 people out of, lets say 50 million US viewers at the very LEAST (basing on median theater cost of about $10 US and that the movie made $620 million in the US alone but giving leeway for people who may have watched it more than once in theaters). Given that number, they surveyed only .0068% of people who saw the film and feel that's enough to come to that conclusion?
A properly randomized sample can survey as few as ~300 people and be statistically valid for it's intended population. 3,500 is an absurdly large number to sample unless you're going to crosstab the hell out of the data. The crosstabs Anvil released publicly should be fine with 300 surveys. Maybe he was chasing sample for a small group (say... conservative women,) maybe he was trying to avoid the exact "small sample" criticism seen here, maybe it was a miscommunication with the survey vendor he outsourced this to, maybe it was something else (I have my suspicions, but nothing to back them up.)

There's a lot that can be criticized about this poll, but sample size is not really one of them.


A properly randomized sample can survey as few as ~300 people and be statistically valid for it's intended population. 3,500 is an absurdly large number to sample unless you're going to crosstab the hell out of the data. The crosstabs Anvil released publicly should be fine with 300 surveys. Maybe he was chasing sample for a small group (say... conservative women,) maybe he was trying to avoid the exact "small sample" criticism seen here, maybe it was a miscommunication with the survey vendor he outsourced this to, maybe it was something else (I have my suspicions, but nothing to back them up.)

There's a lot that can be criticized about this poll, but sample size is not really one of them.
That is not exactly the angle I was going for. I still want a broken down number of this microcosm he is suggesting is the issue with such authority.
That is not exactly the angle I was going for. I still want a broken down number of this microcosm he is suggesting is the issue with such authority.
I'm not quite sure what you mean, are you looking for the crosstabs of the polling results or for more information about the poll's sample selection? Either way, I don't think this shadowy astroturfer is going to provide either, which leads me to think they're both garbage for the point he's trying to make.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
If this were the case wouldn't it have been the same for The Force Awakens? I ask this as a very liberal person. I think The Last Jedi just sucked and people didn't like it but supporters keep cherry picking "evidence" to paint some kind of conspiracy where white men had some kind of insane backlash over it. The movie was just bad and deadlocked the story. That's all. Let's move on.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Well, 36% of the people they ended up interviewing already proved themselves retarded in question 1, so this data doesn't mean much.
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