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Anybody want some July handheld sales numbers for July?


works for Gamestop (lol)
PSP did 250,000 in May and 294,000 in June

still doing pretty well. a shame these DS/GBA numbers are still combined


What about like... the rest of the consoles?

And god dammit, this DS/GBA stuff is ridiculous.

It should be GBA, GBA SP, and then DS.

It's going to get even worse if they do this with Micro. -_-

That's silly. PS2 and PSTwo shouldn't be separated, neither should GBA and SP.

So when PSP overcomes DS installed base?September?October?

Worldwide? I'll bet you.

Let's face it, PSP hasn't put a dent in the Nintendo handheld brand, which is to be expected since it costs $250. It's grown a new market, which is very cool, but all the bots who predicted that that PSP would doom Nintendo look like fools.
Zeo said:
What about like... the rest of the consoles?

And god dammit, this DS/GBA stuff is ridiculous.

It should be GBA, GBA SP, and then DS.

It's going to get even worse if they do this with Micro. -_-

I already posted those:

PS2 260,000
XBX 133,000
GCN 49,000

Handhelds outsold consoles 521,000 to 443,000
PSP outsold Xbox + GCN by 18,000

YTD: DS trails PSP by almost 1M units
So....according to June sales...
PSP = 294,000
GBA = 288,000
NDS = 112,000

NDS got a little less than 30% of total GBA/DS. So, if the trend continued, DS should be little less than 100k. But this is speculation...
beermonkey@tehbias said:
That's silly. PS2 and PSTwo shouldn't be separated, neither should GBA and SP.

They are split.

Every SKU (stock keeping unit :lol) is tracked and reported seperately. There's well over 20 GBA skus out there for and sales are known for all of them. They're just not leaked individually. I've gotta say that I'm impressed that it hasn't gotten out - EVER (well, once in a little while)
sonycowboy said:
They are split.

Every SKU (stock keeping unit :lol) is tracked and reported seperately. There's well over 20 GBA skus out there for and sales are known for all of them. They're just not leaked individually. I've gotta say that I'm impressed that it hasn't gotten out - EVER (well, once in a little while)

Probably because the prices are also different. The PS2 should be $150 everywhere you go, new or older model, unless people are stupid to pay anything more.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
So....according to June sales...
PSP = 294,000
GBA = 288,000
NDS = 112,000

NDS got a little less than 30% of total GBA/DS. So, if the trend continued, DS should be little less than 100k. But this is speculation...

A good bit less than 100k. Again.
Every SKU (stock keeping unit ) is tracked and reported seperately.

I'm not talking about from a database standpoint (duh), I'm talking about from a bragging fanbot standpoint. Market share is about platform, not form factor or backlight.


Gold Member
so basicly the DS sell in Japan in a week what it move in the US in a month. (this month)

PSP numbers are solid.


Razoric said:
PSP is doing great in the U.S. They need to release some good software in Japan to get that ball rolling.

September will be an interesting month for PSP as it will be launched in Europe and in Japan it could have a sort of 'rebirth'.


It really is almost opposite of Japan. The DS sells what - 45k a week in Japan - with the PSP selling 20k a week. Here we've got the PSP selling 50k a week and the DS selling - I'd guess - 15 to 20k a week.

PSP sales are still slowing though - so maybe the US market is wising up =P


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
BuzzJive said:
It really is almost opposite of Japan. The DS sells what - 45k a week in Japan - with the PSP selling 20k a week. Here we've got the PSP selling 50k a week and the DS selling - I'd guess - 15 to 20k a week.

PSP sales are still slowing though - so maybe the US market is wising up =P

Well the lack of new titles was eventually going to catch up....


sonycowboy said:
A good bit less than 100k. Again.

Don't be a cocktease! :lol

It really is almost opposite of Japan. The DS sells what - 45k a week in Japan - with the PSP selling 20k a week. Here we've got the PSP selling 50k a week and the DS selling - I'd guess - 15 to 20k a week.

PSP sales are still slowing though - so maybe the US market is wising up =P

August will be the low point of the year but things will pick up again in September. Surprisingly enough I think the PSP can hit 3.5 million sold in USA by the end of the year now.


So even 3/4 of a year after the release of the DS, and almost 1/2 a year after the release of the PSP, the GBA is still outselling both of them? I would have thought the two new handhelds would have had more of an effect on the GBA than they have so far. I guess this bodes well for GBAMicro though.


Dalthien said:
So even 3/4 of a year after the release of the DS, and almost 1/2 a year after the release of the PSP, the GBA is still outselling both of them? I would have thought the two new handhelds would have had more of an effect on the GBA than they have so far.

No. Those numbers are combined DS/GBA. Right now the PSP has outsold the GBA in USA this year, but it is close. I think the DS is starting to get wedged between the GBA and PSP in the USA. The cheap ass gamers and kids are getting the GBA while the teenagers and adults want PSP. Not leaving much wiggle room for the DS. The micro may cannabalize DS sales this xmas in the USA.
Dalthien said:
So even 3/4 of a year after the release of the DS, and almost 1/2 a year after the release of the PSP, the GBA is still outselling both of them? I would have thought the two new handhelds would have had more of an effect on the GBA than they have so far.

Based on US, European, & Japanese sales the following is true (minus the gamecube)

Low prices rule. Big time. It's the Wal-Mart way.
Dalthien said:
So even 3/4 of a year after the release of the DS, and almost 1/2 a year after the release of the PSP, the GBA is still outselling both of them? I would have thought the two new handhelds would have had more of an effect on the GBA than they have so far.

Well one is $150 and the other $250 and with GBA being the successor to the best selling handheld of all time, not really.

For reference the PS1 outsold both the GC and Xbox like 2 holiday seasons in a row.
Mrbob said:
No. Those numbers are combined DS/GBA. Right now the PSP has outsold the GBA in USA this year, but it is close. I think the DS is starting to get wedged between the GBA and PSP in the USA. The cheap ass games and kids are getting the GBA while the teenagers and adults want PSP. Not leaving much wiggle room for the DS. The micro may cannabalize DS sales this xmas in the USA.

For equal number of months: March - July PSP > GBA
For the year GBA > PSP, barely.

Also, the GBA is WAYYY down percentage-wise from past years. The new handhelds are definitely having an effect. But, with the GBA Micro coming, it will definitely have a resurgence, although the GBA SP could well outsell the Micro during the holidays, especially when/if it gets a price drop.


Mrbob said:
No. Those numbers are combined DS/GBA. Right now the PSP has outsold the GBA in USA this year, but it is close. I think the DS is starting to get wedged between the GBA and PSP in the USA. The cheap ass gamers and kids are getting the GBA while the teenagers and adults want PSP. Not leaving much wiggle room for the DS. The micro may cannabalize DS sales this xmas in the USA.

Yeah - I know the PSP is probably on top for the year, but that's because of the big launch period. The GBA and PSP were basically even last month, and the GBA outsold it this month (based on Sonycowboy saying that DS<100,000 this month). So now that the launch momentum is fading, the GBA is back on top again. I would have expected it to suffer more than it has at the hands of the two new handhelds. Sonycowboy seems to be right about the WalMart crowds rule comment.


The micro is an interesting product release for sure. I think it'll go over big, even at 99 bucks.

Now release the seperated DS and GBA numbers please. :)


Excellent PSP numbers. With Madden, Gran Turismo Mobile and GTA: LCS, the best is yet to come.

Funny how nobody argues about the PS2/Xbox sales figures anymore. :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Izzy said:
Excellent PSP numbers. With Madden, Gran Turismo Mobile and GTA: LCS, the best is yet to come.

Let me go on record and say again that I don't think GTM is ever coming.


Sonycowboy is a temptress.

Would it be safe to say that the DS is at 1.9 Million in North America, with the PSP at 1.7 million, or am I way off?
Barrage said:
Sonycowboy is a temptress.

Would it be safe to say that the DS is at 1.9 Million in North America, with the PSP at 1.7 million, or am I way off?

That would be TEMPTER, not temptress :|

The DS is at well over 1.9M units (but not close to 2M) ;)

The PSP is at 1.7M units
My god those GC numbers hurt.

I wonder if theyll be up in August? GC got like 6 games for the months, vs 5 games over the past 4 months....

And Geist is out....

Maybe 90,000 for August?

Thanks Sonycowboy, although i cry when I see the DS and GBA bundled together.

Tony HoTT

NOA is fucking retarded for not localizing all these DS games quickly enough. What the fuck is taking them so long to release shit? It's not like they're releasing any cube games.

I'm gonna write a letter to them, and it might contain exclamation points.
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