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Anybody want some July handheld sales numbers for July?

and then the heavens parted, and the Lord said unto ye, "Go forth, and kill bitches in Liberty City Stories"

LCS will be the measuring stick. Is the mass market ready for a full-blown, original AAA title on the handheld format? If GTA bombs (relatively), does anyone have a chance? How much hardware will GTA help move? etc. This holiday season is going to be crazy. We'll have X360, we'll know tons about PS3 and Rev, tons of excellent software across all platforms (oops, Zelda ;) ) and lots of other stuff.


Tony HoTT said:
NOA is fucking retarded for not localizing all these DS games quickly enough. What the fuck is taking them so long to release shit? It's not like they're releasing any cube games.

I'm gonna write a letter to them, and it might contain exclamation points.

What games are Nintendo sitting on that need to be localized, exactly? I mean, I can't think of too many huge Nintendo-published DS Games sitting around NOA right now waiting to be localized that have already released in Japan a long time ago.

The bigger issue is that the software that's allowing the DS to blow up in Japan isn't here, and even when it gets here will likely have less of an impact. What they need, more than anything else, is for the DS to find its NA market, something that nothing other than SM64DS has really done.


I would bang a hot farmer!
sonycowboy said:
The DS is at well over 1.9M units (but not close to 2M) ;)
When you say "not close" do you mean that it's very far off? NPD put the DS at 1.89 million units sold through the end of June so if it's "not close" to 2 million then it did really badly in July (70-80K?).
sonycowboy said:
PSP 202,000

GBA/DS 319,000

Not wanting to pour petrol on the obvious fire, but you've cut and paste those figures wrong

The correct figures are...

Gizmondo 20
PSP 2,000
GBA/DS 319,000

(sorry, couldn't resist)


I would bang a hot farmer!
greenhouse said:
Not wanting to pour petrol on the obvious fire, but you've cut and paste those figures wrong

The correct figures are...

Gizmondo 20
PSP 2,000
GBA/DS 319,000

(sorry, couldn't resist)
At least you resisted being funny. :D
Hmm, actually PSP's sales were down quite much in July(from ~59k per week in June to ~51k in July) although it had one quite good selling game released(Coded Arms) and another continued to sell strong in it's second month(Midnight Club). It definitely kills DS at the moment, but I really wouldn't say that it sells great or sth.
Sonycowboy, can you give us the seperate numbers for DS and GBA(you seem to have them, but I'm not sure if you are allowed to give them away or if you somekind of NDA or sth. like that)?


Fuzzy said:
When you say "not close" do you mean that it's very far off? NPD put the DS at 1.89 million units sold through the end of June so if it's "not close" to 2 million then it did really badly in July (70-80K?).

Is that a rounded off number, or do you have the actual DS number through June?
Mrbob said:
So a good bit less than 100K?

Let the DS predictions start!

I say 62K.

Go a good bit higher, but don't get close 100k ;)

(BTW, that's all I'll say until someone else releases the number, sorry)


terrene said:
For fucks sake, what the hell do you mean "GBA/DS?"

Why not PSP vs. GBA/DS/GBC/GB/Game Boy Player/Virtual Boy/Game & Watch?

Yeah, no shit. I don't understand the hesitation to seperate DS and GBA numbers.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Dalthien said:
Is that a rounded off number, or do you have the actual DS number through June?
It's the number that Nintendo used and credited to NPD.


People like to ignore that alot of X-BOX, PS2 (and now PSP) #'s get boosted when they get carried in much higher percentages of rentalors than Nintendo games do. If Nintendo had equal presense in these sectors, then thier software (and most likely hardware) #'s would also increase.

A sale is a sale is a sale...and when a 5000+ store chain like Blockbuster buys about 50+ PSP games per store to rent you see that software #'s are boosted for PSP. There was a jump in software sales the month after Blockbuster decided to carry PSP games.

This plus factoring in other rentalor's all while excluding certain huge retailor's (WalMart) and adding in the shipped vs sold spin make sales #'s meaningless.

If I can go if a ranting tangent:
I wish Nintendo would wake up thier damned reps and send them out to places like Blockbuster and SEE how DEAD Nintendo is to the mainstream gamer. Stuffed in a back corner, dwindling away into nothingness...and this only hurts thier image. MS does an excellent job representing themselves at rentailor outlets and Sony gets the benifit of the doubt 'cos they have the popularity behind the PlayStation name as clout. Nintendo get's shafted. If I were working at NOA and had the power to I would demand that GBA games & NDS games would've been carried at Blockbuster months (and in the case of GBA, years) ago. And that they'd carry a proper amount of the right games too. The GCN needs alot better treatment too, earlier in it's lifespan games that came out across all three platforms would come in for X-BOX & PS2, but would not come in for GCN...this gave the image that certain games didn't even exist on GCN when, in fact, they did. It was downhill from there...in my Dayton, Ohio (mainstream U.S.A.) district NONE of the stores got Legend Of Zelda 4 Swords and all of the stores got ONE...ONE...ONE copy of RE4! It's assinine, I blame Blockbuster for shafting Nintendo and Nintendo for not even caring about thier presence at Blockbuster.


DrGAKMAN said:
People like to ignore that alot of X-BOX, PS2 (and now PSP) #'s get boosted when they get carried in much higher percentages of rentalors than Nintendo games do. If Nintendo had equal presense in these sectors, then thier software (and most likely hardware) #'s would also increase.

Rental store numbers dont' account for hundreds of thousands a month though. And representation in those sectors are tied to popularity, so the assumption is even with equal representation, Nintendo games still wouldn't do more business for them.


Don't stores like Blockbuster get their games through wholesale? I don't think those count towards NPD numbers.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
That's silly. PS2 and PSTwo shouldn't be separated, neither should GBA and SP.

Nah, that's how it should be, just like Media Create and whatever else from Japan. That way you can see who is buying what.
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