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Anyone seen any good movies lately?


Super Member
I started growing a digital movie library with my first purchase in Amadeus (1984). That Mozart guy was a dick but I loved that he valued Salieri's friendship even as the latter basically murdered him, and even as Salieri hated Mozart he loved everything Mozart did.

Apparently during awards season both F. Murray Abraham and Tom Hulce recieved competing nominations as lead actors. That's nuts.

I also read that Mark Hamill played Mozart in the Broadway play the film is adapted from, and even auditioned for the movie. In a true case of typecasting, he missed on an awards-caliber role. Because Mozart's role was very crass and funny, I think Hamill could've really nailed it too.

Oh well. Good movie anyways.


Doing another Bond run from the start, and watched Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies last night.

I don't know why I previously felt Goldeneye was boring, it might be one of my absolute favourites on this rewatch. Brosnan is perfect imo. This movie has great pacing, fantastic and memorable set pieces, a great villain, and it exists in a perfect sweet spot between 80's cheese and later 90's scholck like TND. It feels like "modern Bond", and I love that.

TND is ok, Terri Hatcher is one of my favourite Bond girls. It hits all the notes but manages to feel cheap, the RC car park scene is pretty cool but most of it is pretty forgettable I think.


Saw MIB International.

Pretty meh to be hones. Too much bad CGI, felt less creative in the terms of alien races and technology, and while the leads are ok they aren't as fun to watch as J and K and their team dynamic isn't as strong.
Not to mention that the wokeness gets a bit annoying, there's like 3 scenes about it being "Men" in black and the whole plot is about this girl who on her first day is already more competent and skilled than everyone else in the organization.


I watched Spawn (1997). I wouldn't call it a good movie but it was fun. The CGI hasn't aged well:

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think i might be burnt out

is such a thing even possible, any studios like a24 out there worth digging into

Idk, I'm getting more and more into movies the more I rewatch older stuff. I just discovered the "Triple B" movies of Andy Sedaris, and these things look fucking awesome to me:


Looks fun as hell, there's 12 of these things :messenger_sunglasses:


Idk, I'm getting more and more into movies the more I rewatch older stuff. I just discovered the "Triple B" movies of Andy Sedaris, and these things look fucking awesome to me:


Looks fun as hell, there's 12 of these things :messenger_sunglasses:
I own all of them on blu. There's 2 more coming out in january too.


I saw Green Book last week. Thought that was a good-ass movie.

I saw "Won't You Be My Neighbor" a couple weeks ago. Thought that was a good-ass Mr. Rogers documentary.


I bought a DVD 4 pack last night for $8, included - Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Dazed and Confused, Weird Science, and Animal House.

Watched Animal House, and this scene blew my mind, I've never seen anyone do this before:



Cop Land
Stallone, De Niro, Keitel, Frank Vincent, Edie Falco, Janeane Garofalo, Ray Liotta, Paulie Walnuts, M.E.T.H.O.D Man. Need I say more? DO I???? Watch it.

I've been meaning to watch this for a while, have heard good things. Will try and watch this weekend if available on streaming.
My list of relatively
small unknown good movies:

Out of the Furnace
You Where Never Really Here
Place Beyond the Pines
Brawl on Cell block 99
Crazy Heart
Wind River
Hell or High Water
Nocturnal Animals
The Drop
Robot & Frank
The Gray

lol list is getting too ling so stopping there...

Cop Land
Stallone, De Niro, Keitel, Frank Vincent, Edie Falco, Janeane Garofalo, Ray Liotta, Paulie Walnuts, M.E.T.H.O.D Man. Need I say more? DO I???? Watch it.
Imo one of Stallone’s best movies.
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Blue Ruin on Netflix was fun. Low budget gritty thriller with a simple story to tell. Love the atmosphere, haven't been on the edge of my seat in some time.

Melancholia, depressing drama about someone with metal disorders experiencing the end of the world.

Life After Beth, low budget zombie comedy with Aubrey Plaza. Movie is so weird with so many quirks. John Reilly and Molly Shannon play the perfect parent of this zombie infested teen. So funny!


Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

yeah this was amazing. just a visual feast for the eyes. so many beautiful images. the offset shadows of Dracula were so creepy and Gary Oldman really puts in an amazing performance. Anthony Hopkins and Winona Ryder are also a joy to see. Keanu doesn't really pull it off but it's fun to clown him whenever he's on screen ("Dracula, dude!"). also this movie has copious amounts of big titties. also they have Tom Waits playing a lunatic in an insane asylum staffed by Micolash-style dudes with cages on their heads. GORGEOUS movie. if you haven't seen it then you need to.

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I bought a DVD 5 pack that had all of the Final Destination movies. God damn I love this franchise.

Favourite death scene? Maybe the gymnastics one because it keeps you so tense and then just hits you all of a sudden with crazy gruesomeness. The laser eye surgery one is pretty gnarly too.

I wish they would just keep making these, I don't know why this ever needed to stop.


I could've sworn the last one ended it.

I had them all on in the background while I played games so I'm not sure if I missed a specific line of dialog, but I don't know why that would be the case. They all just hinge on an accident, and one person foreseeing it and avoiding it, after which "death" gets angry for having his plan was altered and goes back for the survivors (death not even having any manifestation in these movies other than apparent bad luck). You could do this forever with new set pieces, the "lore" was never that important, though in the first 3 sequels the people do research to understand that this has happened to other people previously and that's kind of a cool little way to tie it together but it doesn't really feel necessary.

The producers wanted to end it with 4 though for whatever reason, calling it "The Final Destination." On the special features for 5, one of the actors recounts how they managed to do a 5 "when 4 was The Final...", which was to make it lead into the first one (in the 5 months later scene at the end of 5, the 2 main characters board flight 180 to Paris from the first movie, and you see the actors from that movie freak out and get off the plane moments before 5's actors get on). I don't recall what happened in 4 that would have made further entries impossible.

On a related note, this series makes me think about that article I read a long time ago on how counter to popular logic, many people actually reported enjoying viewing something more after having it spoiled for them. The first of the FD movies is fantastic and new, but then these movies get better because they're fulfilling expectations, they do literally the exact same thing for 5 movies. I think it's rewarding in different ways to watch something with foreknowledge obviously, and none of this is to say an unspoiled experience has no value.
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Last 3 great films I watched were:

Midsommar (2019)
The Invitation (2015)
Opera (1987)

First time posting here so my top 10 favourite films are:

The Spirit of the Beehive (1973)
Y tu Mama Tambien (2001)
Badlands (1973)
Five Easy Pieces (1970)
Before Sunrise (1995)
A Heart in Winter (1992)
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002)
Claire's Knee (1970)
La Belle Noiseuse (1991)
Au Revoir les Enfants (1987)


Gold Member
Any of you guys like business movies?

- Wallstreet (the old one with Charlie Sheen)
- Boiler Room
- Enron
- The Big Short
- Roger and Me (I think that's the one with Michael Moore about GM)
- Glengarry Glen Ross (but make note the first 20 minutes are a slog)

Movies not really about business, but fun anyway
- Casino (the scenes about how casinos run and make money)
- Trading Places (the stock market scene at the end)

- Inside Job
- Social Network

- Margin Call (boring as fuck)
- The Corporation

Ones I never saw, but will one day
- The newer Wallstreet movie
- Wolf of Wallstreet


Gold Member
Last movie I saw was Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. It was meh. The kids loved it though. The week before that watched Joker with the wife. It was great, a very tense movie. The visuals, sounds, even the way how the camera will slowly shift in a slowly panning shot lends to that disturbing feeling throughout the movie, in a good way.

My favorite portrayal of Joker is still Heath Ledger, only because my expectation of Joker has always been a psychotic mastermind. But Joaquin's interpretation of Joker is phenomenal.

A heist-gone-wrong movie.
Surprisingly decent and some great locations.

Solid cast. Oscar Issac gets the most screen time and is very watchable. Affleck is also pretty good and doesn't ham things up. The other cast members are all reliable, but feel underused.
It runs at 2 hours, which it doesn't need to and there is some sag as the momentum struggles in the second half.
Both a pleasant surprise and totally forgettable. Especially with that name.


Bought Teen Wolf 1 & 2 in a combo DVD for 5 bucks the other day. Teen Wolf 1 is a fucking classic, I watched this a lot as a kid for some reason and I still enjoy it. It's cheesy as fuck, but hey it was 1985. It's a fun flick.

I've never seen 2 until now I don't think, and wow it's a shockingly bad follow up to the original. Jason Bateman is terrible, and the whole thing has a made for tv movie vibe or something, just really low rent, and not really doing anything new, just hitting the same beats as the original with worse writing and acting.

There's a part where Stiles is selling shirts in the first one and they're Teen Wolf shirts, ok, I can buy that. But in 2, Stiles is selling "Teen Wolf Too" shirts. What?

Edit: Ok they clearly just don't care, the dean's car has a licence plate that says Wolf Too
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It's the halloween spirit and all that innit? Decent film. Kind of a mix of saw and a teen slasher. One thing I really liked was the faces of the psychos looking far more fucked up than their masks. The ending was pretty cringy but other than that it's worth a watch fo sho.

Give it a burl if you plan on visiting any haunted houses. :messenger_ghost:


I recently watched Hobo With A Shotgun. It was a trip. It's not a good movie in the traditional sense, but as a piece of oddball humor it's pretty fun.


I saw The Lighthouse today - crazy fucking movie. I really liked it but it's beyond bizarre.

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Just saw Parasite and it blew my fucking mind


Yep yep, really damn good film.
I don't know of any other film that has done such a good job of having me on the absolute edge of my seat and than laughing hysterically.
It was creepy, scary, funny, the dramatic beats were great. It's brilliant.

Another Korean film I watched this week was Doorlock, not sure if it is in American cinemas. It's a thriller/horror film and I also enjoyed it a lot.
Directed by Lee Kwon but I don't know his other films.


Gemini Man was pretty standard fare story-wise as far as Bourne-esque spy thrillers go, but man, the direction was nigh impeccable, especially during the action.

I saw it in HFR 3D (not sure if it was the 60 or 120 FPS version but I imagine 60) and while it did have that soap opera effect, I completely forgot about it like 10 minutes in and it really complimented the action scenes as well as making the 3D look better.

The movie was chock-full of wow moments, moments that made me feel like I was getting a glimpse at the future. There's quite a few first person shots where you're staring down the sights of a gun that just look so goddamn cool in 3D, and there's an underwater shot towards the beginning that looks sublime.

Also, aside from the ending scene, CG Will Smith looked amazing. Honestly the best CG human I've ever seen on film.

I had a fucking blast watching this and it bums me out that it pretty much bombed.
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CG Will Smith just didn't animate well. His texturing (or whatever you want to call it) look real but every time he moved he moved like an animated character. Most people don't seem to notice though so they are lucky.
I watched The Day of The Jackal last night, that film had me in absolute stitches. French cops trying to figure out when the assassination attempt was going to happen...hmm...if only their was an important day in the French calendar coming up...hmmm...ah! The Day of Liberation! Everyone facepalms and chortles at how they couldn't have seen it coming. Oh how short sighted everyone has been! Hahaha!

Absolutely incredible scene.


Lil’ Gobbie

Good acting, good direction, but overall movie is a giant heap of shit. Painfully predictable - If you've seen the trailer you've seen the entire movie.

Good acting, good direction, but overall movie is a giant heap of shit. Painfully predictable - If you've seen the trailer you've seen the entire movie.
That's why im avoiding trailers lately, they spoil everything, specially when the movie is bad, they have to.


Wife wants to watch a movie tonight. Jay and silent bob or new zombie land? Which is more enjoyable? Is either really bad?
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