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Assassin's Creed III: American Revolution setting confirmed [Game Informer/Box Art]

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Is it just me or do those look like two different characters on the two GI covers? One looks lighter skinned and one seems darker skinned with a beard.

I thought the same thing but GAFers say it's because it's two different art styles from two different artists.

Lewis and Clark's expedition wasn't to explore the US but to go find and recover pieces of Eden.



That boxart looks pretty great, although I'm not too sure about the costume, doesn't really seem to fit the period like the others did.

I also worry about the bow. Surely it would make more sense to take your target out from a distance rather than get up close and personal, especially with a bow. And that brings me to my main problem with the franchise: how terrible it is at actually making you feel like a slick assassin. You're like this clumsy killer who has to fall on top of people, talk to them and get in a messy chase after it.

It's like the anti-Hitman where I can kill someone by poisoning their soup, for example.


That boxart looks pretty great, although I'm not too sure about the costume, doesn't really seem to fit the period like the others did.

I also worry about the bow. Surely it would make more sense to take your target out from a distance rather than get up close and personal, especially with a bow. And that brings me to my main problem with the franchise: how terrible it is at actually making you feel like a slick assassin. You're like this clumsy killer who has to fall on top of people, talk to them and get in a messy chase after it.

It's like the anti-Hitman where I can kill someone by poisoning their soup, for example.

They already had the crossbow in previous AC's, I don't see how a bow would be any different.
Why'd they have to go and do this now to me? I was incredibly pumped for ME3 launch and really the only thing that could counter-act that would be AC3. They did this shit on purpose... All I want is this now.

rdrr gnr

What a beautiful image to wake up to. Definitely wins for the best boxart of the year so far. Goddamn hype levels are ridiculous. I'll watch the CG trailer they release, but that's about it before my blackout. Until then, I must relentlessly defend this setting for America.
Ehhhh, I'm not terribly familiar with AC, but isn't one of the big points the use of large-scale buildings and heavily populated areas? Plus, I'm sorry, but that cover pic looks like someone was trying to make a joke, the hood just doesn't fit the colonial America theme at all.


Man, I'm super stoked for this. The possibilities of The American Revolution...NYC, NJ, Boston, Washington, Philly....and most of all...


Being a Canadian, you very rarely ever see this country (read:never) displayed in gaming. Running around old Montreal and Quebec City displayed in that era sounds so unbelievably appealing I don't know if there are words to describe it.


Really excited for this setting. So much potential - interesting characters, historical touchstones and location variety. Obligatory colonial artwork hype:



Angry Fork


I was bored with the AC franchise and still haven't played Revelations but man those images have me hyped for AC again. Going to see if I can get Revelations on the cheap and finish Ezio/Altair's story.

Also wut @ people not knowing the difference between Revolutionary and Civil War. If you're not in the US fine you get a pass but if you're in the US and still don't know, for shame.

I am not one usually for "America, FUCK YEAH!" outside of the Olympics, World Cup, and the 4th of July. I usually find it disingenuous and ignorant.

However, that cover makes me want to set off fireworks with a jets information putting the after burners on over head and Whitney Houston's rendition of The Star Spangled Banner blasting in the background.

+1 same here

I really enjoy the 'idea' of America, and what the revolution is about. But modern day America really sucks. I wish I could be patriotic but that's not going to happen the way we act with the rest of the world and our own citizens.

I wonder how this game will deal with slavery though if it addresses it at all. Will your character just walk by plantations where slaves are and just assume it as natural or something? Without any political commentary or whatever. Imagine if you can help them break free? That would be amazing but I'm assuming the game is more about the events leading up to the revolution rather than post-revolution.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
It'd really be a farse if there was significant outcry over the main protagonist if he is Native American, given that they've made four consecutive games that have basically been modern anti-Catholic, anti-historic propaganda. I'd get a good laugh out of any uproar.

Don't forget anti-western. In AC:R Enzio is actively supporting the Ottoman empire against the evil Greek speaking Christian Byzantines. The Ottoman empire went on to conquer large parts of the Balkans and Eastern Europe and got as far as Vienna before they retreated. It took centuries before the Turks were expelled out of Europe.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm still not sure how I feel about this, but the non-leaked GI cover looks a hell of a lot better than the one that leaked.
So seeing as the character may be an American Indian. Now we understand why they would be methodically targeted for genocide. Since one of the "assassins" knew of and discovered the Founding Fathers in coalition with the British Templars staged the Revolutionary war and were just cogs in the wheel for a Templar agenda.

Makes sense to me.
Well, they did choose Alexander the VI, who's considered one of the worst Popes when it came to abusing the office.

Believe it or not, religious folks are able to separate people's actions and their religion as a whole.

It's not even the main story arc, and of course, Rodrigo Borgia is the worst Pope in history and generally an evil dude, but everything else -- the descriptions of buildings, groups, locations, etc. Every character associated with the Church in the game is an evil bad guy, corrupt or incompetent. I'm not Catholic, but I studied Church history and there was a point, about 50% of the way through Assassins Creed 2, where it went from mildly historic with an ax to grind, to just .. anti-historic sensationalist nonsense that felt like it was written by a 16-year-old who is pissed that their parents made them go to private school. I've heard it explained that the reason all of the history bits and descriptions read like they're written by a 14-year-old Conor Oberst is because they're supposed to be from that angsty guy who follows Desmond around, but it still doesn't fly.


So the first game had a main character killing muslims and christians, the AC2 Trilogy had a main character fighting in the Vatican and now we are concerned that the portrayal of a Native American in the 3rd game is going to cause an uproar?

I think we are too sensitive to exist anymore.

Its not like he's dressed as freaking Tonto from the Lone Ranger or anything.
I don't really understand how this can be considered a boring or lame choice. I think it's pretty original - how many games are set during the American revolution?

I'm also really sick of auto scaling walls and jumping across rooftops. Hopefully this game will really mix things up.


It's not even the main story arc, and of course, Rodrigo Borgia is the worst Pope in history and generally an evil dude, but everything else -- the descriptions of buildings, groups, locations, etc. Every character associated with the Church in the game is an evil bad guy, corrupt or incompetent. I'm not Catholic, but I studied Church history and there was a point, about 50% of the way through Assassins Creed 2, where it went from mildly historic with an ax to grind, to just .. anti-historic sensationalist nonsense that felt like it was written by a 16-year-old who is pissed that their parents made them go to private school. I've heard it explained that the reason all of the history bits and descriptions read like they're written by a 14-year-old Conor Oberst is because they're supposed to be from that angsty guy who follows Desmond around, but it still doesn't fly.
It is, you know, a videogame.


Reasons to be excited:

1. You will most likely get to kill Benedict Arnold.

2. Free Masonry and Illuminati whisperings run rampant in this time period.

The traversal of more rural areas and environmental based gameplay.

4. Red Coats will die.

I personally think it's a great setting, filled with tons of turmoil and conspiracies.


It's not even the main story arc, and of course, Rodrigo Borgia is the worst Pope in history and generally an evil dude, but everything else -- the descriptions of buildings, groups, locations, etc. Every character associated with the Church in the game is an evil bad guy, corrupt or incompetent. I'm not Catholic, but I studied Church history and there was a point, about 50% of the way through Assassins Creed 2, where it went from mildly historic with an ax to grind, to just .. anti-historic sensationalist nonsense that felt like it was written by a 16-year-old who is pissed that their parents made them go to private school. I've heard it explained that the reason all of the history bits and descriptions read like they're written by a 14-year-old Conor Oberst is because they're supposed to be from that angsty guy who follows Desmond around, but it still doesn't fly.
Well, the whole damn conceit of the game series is that a series of artifacts left by alien-gods exist that are the basis for control, which has manifested itself in edifices of power - vis a vis religious entities.

I don't think reading Assassin's Creed as a secularist manifesto is really the point.


Very cool, but I hate when games are unveiled like this. Artwork and magazine covers...such a tease.

Give me a mindblowing trailer plz.


Reasons to be excited:

1. You will most likely get to kill Benedict Arnold.

2. Free Masonry and Illuminati whisperings run rampant in this time period.

The traversal of more rural areas and environmental based gameplay.

4. Red Coats will die

I personally think it's a great setting, filled with tons of turmoil and conspiracies.

I kind of sympathies with Benedict Arnold.


I don't really understand how this can be considered a boring or lame choice. I think it's pretty original - how many games are set during the American revolution?

I'm also really sick of auto scaling walls and jumping across rooftops. Hopefully this game will really mix things up.

I agree; however, I wouldn't bank on anything from a gameplay perspective to change dramatically, if at all. The basic mechanics for all of the games are fairly similar. It's the setting and narrative that is keeping the series alive.


Crawley, England

I didn't realize people are still mad about losing.

Seems pretty funny that most of the hate is coming from Non-Americans.

Why are you surprised? Outside of America this isn't really a particularly impactful time period in global history compared to others they could have used.

I'm still excited to play it though.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
it would be hilarimazing if it was revealed that the reason for benedict arnold's betrayal was that he realised the revolutionaries are templars
The hood is jarring as hell and REALLY sticks out in the setting. I hope that this is just for promotional art and isn't that way in game.
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