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Baldurs Gate 3 or Starfield?

Which one will you be playing first?

  • I will be playing Baldurs Gate 3, love Larian

  • will be holding out for Starfield, more excited for that

  • I will try and finish BG3 in a week and play starfield after

  • I’m not interested in either, waiting on Silksong

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I've been really unimpressed by Divinity 3, and I have no faith in Bethesda at all. So probably neither.


I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 since early access dropped, so I'm definitely a lot more excited for Starfield at this point.
BG i'm not bothered about. Starfield I will give a go as its on game pass but probably wouldn't have botherd with if not for that




Gold Member

To be fair I often role play a evil main character who murder and kills his way though the game. I dousent feel right to make a generic blonde haired blue eye looking paragon so I try to make a black dreadlocked pirate guy who wears dark leather and chainmail.

So a larger pool of darker tone skin colours and hairstyles would be appreciated for us players who like making evil characters. New voices would especially be appreciated, the current two are too posh or ooh arhhh I be a simple country folk, we need some more diverse voices to hit rougher characters.

I don't see why that's not a good thing to add.
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Gold Member
Never played a Baulder's Gate game, but I've played a lot of Bethesda games. So, naturally I'm more interested in Starfield than BG3. Though I do respect the hell out of Larian and the BG series. Don't know if I'm particularly excited though.
Unless the reviews are out of this world I don't know if or when I'll play Baldurs Gate, but considering BGS is my favorite Dev there's basically no way I'm not playing Starfield Day 1

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Starfield will be getting my time. I'm interested in Baldur's Gate 3, especially if reviews are strong, but I have no issues saving it for a rainy day.

Starfield is second only to Spider-Man on my 2023 hype list. Much more the sort of game I am likely to get lost in.


Equally excited for both.. however

I am currently more excited for Baldurs since I believe Starfield will be 30fps and then I cant play it
Pretty sure I saw somewhere that the footage was 60fps in their newest video. I'm on PC so I better be a le to adjust FPS lol


BG3 will be day 1 here, played EA a while ago and decided to wait for the full realise to avoid any fatigue and enjoy it at its best.

Bethesda hasn't made a game I enjoyed since Morrowind so I doubt I'll even bother DLing Starfield.
Feels like it’s time to revisit this question, I myself is leaning toward Starfield. BG3 looks great, but I’ve done D&D fantasy RPG with TB combat many times, Starfield feels fresh and something I haven’t experienced since the original Mass Effect in 2007.


Gold Member
Feels like it’s time to revisit this question, I myself is leaning toward Starfield. BG3 looks great, but I’ve done D&D fantasy RPG with TB combat many times, Starfield feels fresh and something I haven’t experienced since the original Mass Effect in 2007.
I honestly doubt Starfield will be anything like Mass Effect, feels too sandboxy and Bethesda doesn't create the best narratives.
I expect more a No Man's Sky with Skyrim cake layers.


Highly likely that baldur’s gate will be a better game vanilla wise. For starfield, I’ll do a casual first play through then wait for mods to drop. Though it’s good to mention baldur’s gate will have ok mod support as well.


Fun fact: in the window going through 26th and 31st of August there will be the release of Armored Core VI, Baldur's Gate 3 (28th for people already in EA) and Starfield (31st for people with a preorder).
And that's just to name the big ones.

I'm afraid I will forget how the sunlight looks like in that timeframe.


Gold Member
I'd say both. With BG3 first because, let's face it, Starfield will require patches before it's alright. It's a Bethesda game.


This is the answer, because one is exclusive to ps and one exclusive to xbox, people feel the need to do these either or type comparisons

Isn't BG3 on both PS and Xbox?

To be fair I often role play a evil main character who murder and kills his way though the game. I dousent feel right to make a generic blonde haired blue eye looking paragon so I try to make a black dreadlocked pirate guy who wears dark leather and chainmail.

So a larger pool of darker tone skin colours and hairstyles would be appreciated for us players who like making evil characters. New voices would especially be appreciated, the current two are too posh or ooh arhhh I be a simple country folk, we need some more diverse voices to hit rougher characters.

I don't see why that's not a good thing to add.



BG3 is only on PS5 due to some technical limitation of the Series S that the devs won’t be able to miraculously solve until the paid exclusivity window expires.

Oh, I see. Didn't know about BG3 and series S shenanigans. Didn't know BG3 was timed exclusive either. Thanks for the info.
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Buggy Loop

I’ll put BG3 on the side. That’s the kind of game that needs full attention and I don’t want Starfield hype to stray me out. But I also played a bunch of cRPGs in past years so that genre’s glass is more full than my Bethesda RPG glass..


Starfield, it's on gamepass so I don't have to pay for it. By the time I'm done with it, BG3 will be on sale over the holiday.
No, it won't.
Larian is known (or "notorious" if you prefer) for being incredibly conservative with discounts and extremely wary of devaluing their games. It took more than 2 years after release (on top of more than a year of Early Access) for DOS 2 to get its first 40% discount on Steam.
On top of that, Bg3 is projected to be a giant seller by their standards (DOS 2 peaked at 15K concurrent users in EA, only to sell two millions in the first two months at release; meanwhile BG3 climbed at almost 90K concurrent users as soon as its EA started and it's rumored to be past the two millions total sales already) so they are in no rush whatsoever to lower their price.

This thread perfectly encapsulates how incredibly out of touch GAF is compared to the general gaming population
Are you mad because people here aren't picking what you think should be the most popular option?
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