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Ballmer: Xbox 'can take Sony'


Queen of Denmark
open_mouth_ said:
Nintendo's market is vastly different from Sony's target, while Microsoft's target is MUCH closer to Sony's. Online, Sports, Mature, Fighting, Action, Third-Party support, etc. are all areas that Microsoft and Sony compete directly in and areas that Nintendo pretty much avoids (for the most part).
True enough. I was talking on a strictly marketshare basis.


human5892 said:
It outsold the NES? Really? Wow.
I'd doubt that.... NES moved nearly 30 million units in the US alone (70 million worldwide). I've never seen any 2600 numbers but I really doubt it performed better.
I am talking about the cultral connection to the brand name Microsoft in Asia. If you ask people in Asia whether Sony or Microsoft is cooler. 9 out of 10 will say Sony. I don't know if you every live in Asia or if you speak Chinese or not but I grow up in HK and Canada. I know the Chinese culture and market.

DopeyFish said:
wait wait... i know sometimes i talk for my country, but saying Asia or China and saying what they want like one orgy of an opinion uttered from your glorious mouth. You're talking half the world. But wait, no, YOU KNOW EVERYTHING! What about the north american games that koreans enjoy? Sony leveraging the motion picture/music industry? What about Microsoft leveraging the Windows OS and networking ability? I'm fairly sure a lot of people use things such as MSN and Windows. Werd.


Nintendo, Sony and MS fanboys with their damage control antics and insecurities never fail to humour moi. Great topic.



open_mouth_ said:
I've never been to Sony's forums, so I wouldn't know which thread is #1 there, but I'll take your word for it...

As for this case, I think at least 9 out of 10 sane people would agree that Microsoft is Sony's biggest threat right now and in the next few years...

Xbots claiming that Xbox is PS2's biggest threat when Xbox is 3rd in sales is now the official "wait until spaceworld" line for Xbots.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
9 out f 10 sane people would not be arguing whether microsoft is sony's biggest threat.


levious said:
9 out f 10 sane people would not be arguing whether microsoft is sony's biggest threat.

Wait until Spaceworld

Microsoft is Sony's biggest threat even though it is in dead last place in sales and will never make a profit.


I'd have to agree with that. It's Sony's market to lose. I don't think any trailing company could ever wrangle away the top spot without at least one critical misstep by the current leader.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
bionic77 said:
Wait until Spaceworld

Microsoft is Sony's biggest threat even though it is in dead last place in sales and will never make a profit.

I was resonding to the other guy, not you... saying what sane person would actually debate this issue... I agree with your statement towards it as well though.


thorns said:
I don't think MS is in 3rd place anymore and at least by the years end it definately won't be in last place.

You might be right, but I have been hearing that crap for 3 years now, so I don't take the predictions of fanboys (or girls) very seriously anymore. Lets say MS does take a 50k lead on Nintendo, it doesn't change the fact that both consoles have essentially failed to really make any sort of impression on Sony no matter how you want to spin it. Like I said, MS fanboys are living in a 'spaceworld' type fantasy world.
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