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Battlefield 6 image leaked

This is what they do each year they post some lavish trailer to hype fodder, while making the same game every year, its the krabby patty bussiness formula.
Hope you’re wrong but it is EA, take a look at any of their sports franchises. Madden and their monopoly on football games is disgusting.


Gold Member
Battlefield 1 was revealed on may 6th, on the other hand battlefield 5 was revealed on may 23rd. So i dont know how long we are going to wait. But may looks likely.


Jeez, I was just being sarcastic fellas. I have no idea when the reveal is actually. :messenger_tears_of_joy: I'm looking for a new job, was thinking about becoming a leaker. :messenger_grinning_smiling:


Gold Member
Remember when people found out that BF4 was 720p on Xbox One?


No more shenanigans like that please.


Pumped for this since CoD has been nothing but a let down. Waiting to see the combat, vehicles, maps and destruction. Really would like to see what we've all been wanting the whole global destruction/interactive. I want to be able to crash my heli or explode a building and take out the roof and second floor and have the building take it accurately same with any explosives.

***Not getting my hopes up lmao
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I'm down for modern Battlefield again. I loved the levelution bollocks in 4. I never got bored of it so I hope for something similar in the next entry.

Edit: Battlefield 4 released nearly 8 years ago. Shit, I feel old.
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Gold Member
I wouldn't expect anything regardless, but it IS still very early. I mean, I've never seen a Battlefield announcement at this time in the past...


Gold Member
BF3, BF4 and BF1 was this early. The only exception was BFV.
Hmm, strange. I suppose I don't recall. When I posted that it was 8AM my time. I always remember them being somewhere between the 10AM-12PM range.

Whatever, doesn't matter, just reveal it already, damnit. Lmao.


Gold Member
Hmm, strange. I suppose I don't recall. When I posted that it was 8AM my time. I always remember them being somewhere between the 10AM-12PM range.

Whatever, doesn't matter, just reveal it already, damnit. Lmao.
Sorry i misunderstood you.

I thought you were talking about date and not time


I don't know man, from those screens it looks like they took the Warzone and Halo route. Release on everything and care less about graphics. Hope I'm wrong though.

And IMO they should instead of making 'ground breaking' graphics they pursuit optimization. As much as they use DRS, there're still drastic resolution drops.

If they really want to make things better, they should make the engine more 'console friendly' instead of 'will run great on PC'.


Writes a lot, says very little
The most important question is...


Will it focus on gaming or leftist sjw politic?

idgaf lol

If it does....kool
if it doesn't.....kool

I don't play BF for that shit story, never have, never will. That shit is irrelevant to the BF players that put in like hundreds of hours in each game. Did you really think we out here giving a fuck? lol I couldn't tell you what the plot was in pretty much any BF title that had a story....

More serious answer:
Getting heavy BF2142/CoD Black Ops vibes outta this one. DICE has technical craftsmanship though: Their last-gen Frostbite games ran great but also looked stunning. Some of its members are also reverred in the demoscene for their efforts there (EMoon, Kalms).

These people love technology in the same vein as 4A Games does.

Agreed. Thats why anything they put out is a day 1 for me.


Gold Member
This has been a weird buildup. Like sketches of a trailer, then screenies of a trailer, then an audio of the trailer, now an extended mix of the audio from the trailer? They need to get it out there now. It's building, people want to see it, COD has a bit of bad press and meh at the moment. No point waiting another week or so. Strike while the appetite is right there
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