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BI: The far right is struggling to sustain interest in its social media platforms


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Luke Rudkowski, who leads an organization that perpetuates 9/11 and New World Order conspiracy theories and has almost half a million YouTube subscribers, said the far right was witnessing "the beginning of the YouTube purge" that would result in the "end times of this beautiful and amazing platform."

After he said earlier this month that YouTube had demonetized his videos, Rudkowski said he would channel his efforts into Steemit, a Reddit-style social-media site that allows popular users to earn cryptocurrency, but noted it would be difficult to persuade his subscribers to leave the platform.

Other users have begun trying to build followings on YouTube alternatives, but they seem to have persuaded only a fraction of their audiences to follow their videos.

Last month, the Infowars conspiracy theorist and vlogger Paul Joseph Watson called on his supporters to follow him to BitChute.

And while he has posted his videos on both YouTube and BitChute, those that have racked up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube haven't gotten more than a few thousand views apiece on BitChute.


In a separate video in which he suggested he may leave YouTube, he acknowledged that there was "no competition to YouTube," saying he needed "to seriously think about whether it's worth investing hundreds and hundreds of hours of my time every year into something that could just completely disappear when I wake up tomorrow morning."

Watson has seemed to have better luck on Minds, a secure social network launched in 2015 with the support of some of the activist collective Anonymous, where he has racked up over 1.2 million total views and close to 70,000 subscribers.

But if that app's purpose is to partially financially support users, his popularity hasn't appeared to translate to serious money — the app, which lets you send digital cash, said Watson had received $0 in the past 30 days.

Other platforms have marketed themselves as havens for the far right but have struggled to attract influencers in that sphere willing to dedicate significant amounts of time or content to the platform.

Founded by a supporter of President Donald Trump who was kicked out of the startup incubator Y Combinator's alumni network over allegations of harassment, the Reddit-style social network Gab has advertised itself as a platform for unregulated free speech. It has wooed just under 200,000 users by hosting influential figures booted from other platforms.

The Fox News host Tucker Carlson mentioned Gab earlier this month, citing Milo Yiannopoulos, the former Breitbart News provocateur, as an example of an influencer who had joined the social-networking site since being kicked off Twitter.

But Yiannopoulos' activity on Gab appears perfunctory — he has posted fewer than 10 times in the past month, almost exclusively urging people to join Gab and explaining how it works. Meanwhile, he continues to share memes, videos, and links multiple times a day on his Facebook account.


More at the link.
It's akin to the astronomical drop in gun sales. They "won". You can't keep fostering rage to the same degree if Obama isn't in the White House, but you sure as shit can with the Left with Trump.


Honestly...you loose a lot of sauce when you go white only. Even Reddit and 4Chan have other ethnicities willing to give flavor to their stupid content. Racist Nazis are so one note they can't create an original idea on their own and their followers aren't rabid enough in this climate to hop on something with low saturation.
Their little towers of hate are crumbling??

It's so interesting how this perspective of a global conspiracy theorist, alt-right truther about YouTube is so similar to videogame streamers and that community.

[Paul Joseph Watson] needed "to seriously think about whether it's worth investing hundreds and hundreds of hours of my time every year into something that could just completely disappear when I wake up tomorrow morning."

Good luck with that buddy. Something tells me YouTube has more longevity than you, and your competing networks, do. Especially compared to...

Watson has seemed to have better luck on Minds (...) [yet] Watson had received $0 in the past 30 days

Good luck with Gab, Minds, Steemit guys.
Really, really wish that social media and content companies would go for the kill and just start banning the remaining accounts, communities, and figures.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Looking at America as a whole, the alt-right is a tiny group of extremely loud assholes that exist pretty much on 4chan, 8chan, stormfront, voat, and the donald. Their voting base is likely less than 3 million people, .9% of the US population, and what power they gained through this election is starting to dissolve as more "normies" figure out what they are actually about. While your general conservative doesn't like them, they do see them as a useful tool against the left due to their aptitude at spreading fake news and memes through social media. They don't support their business ventures though because mainstream conservatives aren't going to leave those evil liberal sites for Alt-right versions.

This is why their business ventures fail and why eventually they will disappear. The alt-right are just useful idiots that will be cast off the next time the political pendulum swings through.

I am actually kind of flabbergasted that anyone even gives them the time of day.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
First time I heard about Gab was from a shitty right-wing podcast that's only known for his overreactions to the numerous trolls he gets. He cheered it as a bastion for free speech (and a way to avoid trolls... they still signed up to Gab just to troll him).

Next time I heard about it was seeing the Gab Twitter account (irony) leave Trump memes under Trump posts..

Considering how Twitter is barely making money already, I can't see this right-wing version lasting


i've been begging for over 5 years.
This is what happens when they don't have a scary black man in the White House to rally against.

I've been noticing this since the inauguration. The right is imploding since they no longer have a common enemy.


Looking for meaning in GAF
It's almost like endlessly spewing hate towards most of the human population makes people tell you to get the fuck off their services.

Most services should boot these people. Give them no place to peddle their shit.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
This is what happens when they don't have a scary black man in the White House to rally against.

I've been noticing this since the inauguration. The right is imploding since they no longer have a common enemy.

Its kind of interesting. Both the left and right are shrinking and moderates of varying degrees are growing. We could be living through the end of the two party system in the US. I could see the Democrats splitting into a New Progressive party and a centrist democrat one where the classical liberals, most of the moderates, and some conservatives, eventually land. The republican party will likely slowly evaporate as fewer and fewer people are born that see them as anything but racist assholes.

While it wont be as far left, US politics will eventually look more European in the future.
Last month, the Infowars conspiracy theorist and vlogger Paul Joseph Watson called on his supporters to follow him to BitChute.

And while he has posted his videos on both YouTube and BitChute, those that have racked up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube haven't gotten more than a few thousand views apiece on BitChute.


In a separate video in which he suggested he may leave YouTube, he acknowledged that there was "no competition to YouTube," saying he needed "to seriously think about whether it's worth investing hundreds and hundreds of hours of my time every year into something that could just completely disappear when I wake up tomorrow morning."

I don't understand. Just put your videos on both platforms. If your videos ever disappear from Youtube (which, btw, seems incredibly unlikely), your audience will move over to Bitshute very quickly. And you'll never lose your back catalog in the meantime.

Mind you, I high doubt Youtube is going to remove his videos completely. They'll just demonetize them—which shouldn't matter to Alex Jones since he has sponsorships embedded into the video.

(While I'll never fully "understand" anything Alex Jones does, he seems like a shrewd enough businessman)
The republican party will likely slowly evaporate as fewer and fewer people are born that see them as anything but racist assholes.
Don't hold your breath. There's always been an abundance of "mine" mentality, which is so very much what the GOP stands for that its mascot should probably be the seagulls from Finding Nemo. That kind of selfishness transcends generations; it seems a constant percentage is born naturally.


This is the hidden benefit I guess in Youtube's total domination of non-streaming video; if you can convince them to give a damn and actually act on their ToS, the banned and the demonetized have no other outlet. If you want hate videos on Youtube there will likely always be enough stuff that skirts the line and sticks around, so subscribers have no reason to ever jump ship with you because of the stickiness and ubiquity of Youtube.
How are they measuring "interest"? Because there were a shitton of russian bot accounts active during the election that went silent afterwards, for obvious reasons.


Its kind of interesting. Both the left and right are shrinking and moderates of varying degrees are growing. We could be living through the end of the two party system in the US. I could see the Democrats splitting into a New Progressive party and a centrist democrat one where the classical liberals, most of the moderates, and some conservatives, eventually land. The republican party will likely slowly evaporate as fewer and fewer people are born that see them as anything but racist assholes.

While it wont be as far left, US politics will eventually look more European in the future.

What? I thought most data shows that people are getting more polarized in their views. They are going all right or all left, with very little room for nuance.
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