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Borderlands |OT| More guns than the population of the Netherlands

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Crewnh said:
So I downloaded this off the PSN store, installed everything except the claptrap revolution dlc. For some reason it'll give me an error half way through the install, any idea why?

Try redownloading it.


I finally started playing this yesterday on PC, and I tweaked a lot of the settings via the config tool (vsync enabled, disabled mouse smoothing, etc). While I am enjoying it, the game still looks jerky/choppy when making horizontal mouse movements. Forward and backward movement tend to look normal, but when I look around from side to side, it doesn't look very smooth at all.

I don't believe the framerate is the problem because it seems to stay between 40fps and 60fps in most cases. Any tips?



Borderlands 2 Coming in 2012 - Report

A sequel to Borderlands is reportedly in the works and will be out next year. That's according to Eurogamer, which claims it's been told by a source close to Gearbox Software that the developer is currently at work on Borderlands 2 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.
Gearbox hasn't been shy in expressing how pleased it is with the first game, and this isn't the first indication that another Borderlands is on the way -- a resume showed a listing for Borderlands 2 earlier this year.

"I can tell you that myself and everyone at Gearbox LOVES Borderlands and we have been absolutely thrilled at the reception it's gotten from our customers and the fact that it's sold over four million units now," Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford told Eurogamer in April. "So you can see that we supported the game like mad with lots of great DLC and you can imagine that we're going to want to do a lot of things with Borderlands in the future."

Since shipping the cel-shaded shooter in October 2009, Gearbox has released Duke Nukem Forever and several DLC packs for Borderlands. It's currently at work on Brothers in Arm: Furious 4, which it announced at E3, and Aliens: Colonial Marines, which should finally be out next spring.

Pitchford previously declined to confirm that a new Borderlands was officially in development, and things are unlikely to be any different now. We'll have to wait for an official reveal before knowing what changes Borderlands 2 will bring, though I know I'm personally hoping for a less shoddy PC version than what we got with the first game.

Announcement by E3?


hmm i got a wierd bug on the PS3 version, picked up the PSN during the sale, and somehow the Get a Shield quest came back on (probably from playing online) and now I can't turn the quest in because Dr. Ned seems to have vanished in Arid area
Ristamar said:
I finally started playing this yesterday on PC, and I tweaked a lot of the settings via the config tool (vsync enabled, disabled mouse smoothing, etc). While I am enjoying it, the game still looks jerky/choppy when making horizontal mouse movements. Forward and backward movement tend to look normal, but when I look around from side to side, it doesn't look very smooth at all.

I don't believe the framerate is the problem because it seems to stay between 40fps and 60fps in most cases. Any tips?

Hmmm, I had that problem when I first started playing but then enabled V-Sync and everything is smooth as butter.

I have everything set to high.


black_vegeta said:
Hmmm, I had that problem when I first started playing but then enabled V-Sync and everything is smooth as butter.

I have everything set to high.

I turned off framerate smoothing and turned down the mouse sensitivity a bit. Seemed to help alot.
darkwing said:
hmm i got a wierd bug on the PS3 version, picked up the PSN during the sale, and somehow the Get a Shield quest came back on (probably from playing online) and now I can't turn the quest in because Dr. Ned seems to have vanished in Arid area
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Very time I play there's an old quest that I already completed on my Quest Tracker(or whatever it's called).


A strange issue has cropped up for me on PC.

When I loaded the game today, I was met with a static-y image and little white dots everywhere. I normally play in 720p and I did so just fine on Monday night.

When I switch the resolution, to 1080p for example, the image is displayed just fine. My computer isn't quite capable of running the game at that high a res though, so I'd prefer to bring it back down to 720p.

What gives?

Updated my video card drivers and verified the game cache but no luck. Tried running some other games and no problems there. I'm thinking of power flushing my PC and leaving the HDMI cord I run to my TV unplugged over night...

Any suggestions?

EDIT: Nevermind, it strangely worked itself out somehow.


I picked this up last night and this game is great. After playing a couple hours and beating the first boss, I tried to save it but was unsuccessful. I read that the new u stations are where you go to save, but I couldn't find the option to save there and ended up having to lose everything that I had done. Anybody help a noob out?

Also when I picked this up last night, the Gamestop guy said Borderlands 2 will be on the cover of the next Game Informer.


Shick Brithouse said:
Anybody help a noob out?
The game auto-saves constantly, i.e. moving from area to area autosaves, accepting a quest autosaves, completing a quest autosaves, shopping autosaves.

I don't even.


I found the normal version of Borderlands a few weeks ago(for cheap!) and didn't know I'd like the game as much as I have. Problem is that I want the DLC now, but I'm on my 2nd playthrough at level 43. Is it worth getting any of the DLC at this point? I play solo, by the way.
Seanspeed said:
I found the normal version of Borderlands a few weeks ago(for cheap!) and didn't know I'd like the game as much as I have. Problem is that I want the DLC now, but I'm on my 2nd playthrough at level 43. Is it worth getting any of the DLC at this point? I play solo, by the way.

If you bought on PC, I would say wait for steam sales on DLC, but something tells me you have it for PS3 or 360? I actually double dipped on this game when steam sold it during its summer sale last year for like 15 bucks for the main game and a few bucks per DLC pack.


Forsaken82 said:
If you bought on PC, I would say wait for steam sales on DLC, but something tells me you have it for PS3 or 360? I actually double dipped on this game when steam sold it during its summer sale last year for like 15 bucks for the main game and a few bucks per DLC pack.
Its not the price I'm worried about. I'm totally willing to pay $20 for Knoxx and Zombie Island(the good ones, right?). I really do like this game and I got it for cheap enough. I just want to know whether the DLC is any good at the level I'm at and how far I am into the game. I'm about to hit the level cap and I'm not sure I can continue on after that, as I'm a leveling/loot junkie. A raising of the level cap would be quite nice.

Is it the case that the DLC will scale to my level? I'm unsure if I'd want to start fresh, although I might be interested in trying a different class


Seanspeed said:
Its not the price I'm worried about. I'm totally willing to pay $20 for Knoxx and Zombie Island(the good ones, right?). I really do like this game and I got it for cheap enough. I just want to know whether the DLC is any good at the level I'm at and how far I am into the game.

Is it the case that the DLC will scale to my level? I'm unsure if I'd want to start fresh, although I might be interested in trying a different class.
Yep, it should all scale properly (there was a little bit of weirdness going from Dr. Ned to Knoxx on my recent Siren runthrough, but it resolved itself). All the stuff is meant to be played after completing the game anyway. I'd finish up your second playthrough first, just to be sure.


Seanspeed said:
Its not the price I'm worried about. I'm totally willing to pay $20 for Knoxx and Zombie Island(the good ones, right?). I really do like this game and I got it for cheap enough. I just want to know whether the DLC is any good at the level I'm at and how far I am into the game. I'm about to hit the level cap and I'm not sure I can continue on after that, as I'm a leveling/loot junkie. A raising of the level cap would be quite nice.

Is it the case that the DLC will scale to my level? I'm unsure if I'd want to start fresh, although I might be interested in trying a different class
If you're at 43 you should be fine for Zombie Island, Clap Trap Rev and Knoxx.

My wife and I (play co-op together) did Zombie Island on our second play through at ~40, ok challenge and solid loot. We got Knoxx when it first came out with our characters at 49 if I recall. Knoxx bumped up the level cap so we got a ton of life out of it until we only had a couple side missions left and were about at the cap then. With the new patch we went back to it and have finished off those Knoxx sidequests, hitting the new cap of 69.

Unfortunately when we went to play Clap Trap Rev today we found that all the enemies were in the mid to high 50's and we steamrolled through. Didn't appear very interesting. But as long as you get to it by then you should be fine.

My recommendation is Zombie Island > Clap Trap > Knoxx in that order.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member

Gearbox is introducing new and more diverse environments, smarter and more powerful enemies, and an improved mission system capable of delivering a better story. This and much more will be revealed in the story, as well as our full month of additional online content. The game is set for a release in 2K Games' fiscal year 2013, which begins April 1, 2012, and ends March 31, 2013.



The game’s GI tract says the characters from the original will return as NPCs; enemies will have better AI and interactions (a must after the first game), a weapons overhaul, customisable armaments, and a new currency and resource system

Nelo Ice

so finally got a new gaming pc and been hooked playing this with my cousin but i guess i need to change some the fov and stuff? never noticed it but if it makes the game look even better then im all for it

so based on what ive read i should use on of these tools to edit my config?


also i remember reading about fixing the text so i can see all the mods to weapons so do either of those tools fix that as well?


So I just ordered the game of the year edition for 360 and have a question. Is the game ok in singleplayer or is it meant to be played co op?


Aspiring said:
So I just ordered the game of the year edition for 360 and have a question. Is the game ok in singleplayer or is it meant to be played co op?
Game is just fine in single player. Co-op can be more fun with friends, can suck with randoms.
Nelo Ice said:
so finally got a new gaming pc and been hooked playing this with my cousin but i guess i need to change some the fov and stuff? never noticed it but if it makes the game look even better then im all for it

so based on what ive read i should use on of these tools to edit my config?


also i remember reading about fixing the text so i can see all the mods to weapons so do either of those tools fix that as well?
The text thing was already patched.

You can also edit the ini's yourself if the tools don't work or if you'd prefer that method:

FOV fix is a must imo.

Nelo Ice

benjipwns said:
Game is just fine in single player. Co-op can be more fun with friends, can suck with randoms.

The text thing was already patched.

You can also edit the ini's yourself if the tools don't work or if you'd prefer that method:

FOV fix is a must imo.

anything else a must edit like the advanced bloom etc? i kno im def turning off intro movies
also for fov im guessing 90/110? im on a 1680x1050 monitor

also im already using d3d overrider for triple buffering/vsync


Drek said:
My recommendation is Zombie Island > Clap Trap > Knoxx in that order.
I'd almost recommend against that just because of how Claptrap ends (
boss rush with all DLC bosses and giant reloadable room of weapon chests
). It'd take the wind out of Knoxx's climax.


On the tweaks page it says:
FOV 70 is the default FOV
FOV 95 is for 16:10 screen
FOV 101 is for 16:9 screen
Mouse smoothing is probably a "must edit" as well. If you don't like toggle crouch there's that. Depending on performance you may want to turn off FPS smoothing.

I think all I have is FOV, Intros off and mouse smoothing off.


Aspiring said:
So I just ordered the game of the year edition for 360 and have a question. Is the game ok in singleplayer or is it meant to be played co op?
I found singleplayer very enjoyable.


Is mouse aiming screwed up? I've noticed that instead of going pixel to pixel it jumps. On my gamepad it's moving pixel to pixel.
I've just got round to giving Borderlands a good go, having received it as a gift during the Steam sale. I wish I hadn't put it off so long - this game is utterly superb. Already bought all the DLC.

Any tips/tweak for the PC version?

Edit: Haha, scratch that - just saw the above link.


Finally picked this up for 360. Kinda enjoying it at the moment, question though: Is going online supposed to ruin the game?

I got to level 7 then jumped on XBL to take a look. Got paired up with a level 50 and 40 guy on some high-end mission where I would be killed every 2 seconds. Joy! So when I went back to my single player game there were level 20 dudes everywhere and I had no hope to stay alive until I managed to switch missions.

Or did it work better when there were more people closer to your own level online? Because otherwise co-op with strangers seems like a total bust if they're not the exact same level as you.
So I just got the game a few days ago with all the DLC. I'm currently at level 12 and I was driving around when I found some kind of fort with raiders and bandits. I took them out and I found a stash of 3 Revolvers worth $1000-2000 each, but the thing is they are for Level 25.

I can't use them right now and they are taking up space, what should I do with them? Sell them? Or just rough it and keep them until I get to level 25?


IronFistedChampion said:
So I just got the game a few days ago with all the DLC. I'm currently at level 12 and I was driving around when I found some kind of fort with raiders and bandits. I took them out and I found a stash of 3 Revolvers worth $1000-2000 each, but the thing is they are for Level 25.

I can't use them right now and they are taking up space, what should I do with them? Sell them? Or just rough it and keep them until I get to level 25?

I'm finding a similar annoyance with the game. All the loot you find is 10x worse than what you have, or 10x better than what you have but way above your level. The bajillion guns thing is funny but by level 12 I've used about 6 different guns, tops?

That said the Shotgun that fired Rockets was kinda awesome...

Since there's so much loot everywhere I sell almost everything I find that I can't use. Better off with the cash for right now, probably find something later.


IronFistedChampion said:
So I just got the game a few days ago with all the DLC. I'm currently at level 12 and I was driving around when I found some kind of fort with raiders and bandits. I took them out and I found a stash of 3 Revolvers worth $1000-2000 each, but the thing is they are for Level 25.

I can't use them right now and they are taking up space, what should I do with them? Sell them? Or just rough it and keep them until I get to level 25?

You'll more than likely find guns that are just as good/better than the revolvers you have so you can safely sell them if you'd like.
I go through the game without ever buying any ammo upgrades, makes it more fun and forces you to use all your weapons. The only one I get are the grenade upgrades.


I'm beginning to have negative fun with this game.

Something I can't understand with almost every open world game - why discourage exploration by having enemies absolutely everywhere all the time shooting at you non stop? In this game you can be shot:

- Walking between missions
- Completing a mission
- Accepting a mission

Seriously. I almost died just trying to accept a mission.

At what point do I ever want to be just out exploring the open world if there is always a threat - even at times when I have no goal. Why not just let me drive around instead of constantly repopulating the world with weak, annoying bad guys and critters. Negates the point of having an open world at all.

Drove me mad in Red Faction Guerrilla and drives me mad here.


After about 23 hours of gameplay, I think I'm done with this game. The missions are really repetitive and the loot scales terribly. It was fun while it lasted, though.


Rimfya said:
Why not just let me drive around instead of constantly repopulating the world with weak, annoying bad guys and critters. Negates the point of having an open world at all.
You can drive around most of the game area, after Arid Hills anyway. (Discounting the poorly designed Trash Coast I suppose.) There's not that much grand exploration to be had unfortunately, the missions will take you pretty much everywhere there is to go.

Plus you can teleport between areas.


benjipwns said:
You can drive around most of the game area, after Arid Hills anyway. (Discounting the poorly designed Trash Coast I suppose.) There's not that much grand exploration to be had unfortunately, the missions will take you pretty much everywhere there is to go.

Plus you can teleport between areas.
Right so why make an open world game if the world is permanently filled with enemies and nothing to explore. There's no reason other than to pad out the game.

Borderlands seems loaded front to back with good ideas and best intentions but it fails so hard on the basics (AI is awful, missions are boring, environments are all the same) I'm struggling to see why it was so highly praised?
Would anyone be interested in starting up a coop game from scratch (360)?

I've owned the PC version since launch, but I've been itching to go back and I might as well get some cheevs while I'm at it.


So I beat this last night and I must say I liked this game very much. The only thing that irritated me was some of the fetch quests, the waypoint didn't adjust based on your position on the map sending you farther for step one, while passing steps 2 and 3 without knowing it. Sometimes I'd find thing just exploring though so it wasn't all that bad.

Is the second playthrough worth it? I had only one single Orange drop during the entire game, and only one alien weapon. My best weapon was an SMG steel anarchy I think, which had something like 205*4 damage, plus the bonus %. I had a really bad ass shotgun that had 93*11 damage bit I accidentally sold it without realizing.

I made it to lvl 38 btw.


Does the GOTY edition take the PS3 version up to par with the 360 version? Would rather get the PS3 version, but if the 360 version is better I can pick it up when I finally get a hard-drive.


Shick Brithouse said:
Is the second playthrough worth it?
If you want a tougher challenge and your thirst for ever better loot isn't quenched yet, sure. All that changes is that you'll be dealing with larger packs of tougher enemies than in PT1


Aspiring said:
So I just ordered the game of the year edition for 360 and have a question. Is the game ok in singleplayer or is it meant to be played co op?

I jumped on Co-op with some people I didn't know *on my second playthrough* and they were turning in all my missions for me. I mean, it was cool getting leveled up without even trying, but I'd rather do the quests myself.
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