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Brink |OT| _/^\_


Stripper13 said:
Am I the only one pretty happy with the weapons? It doesn't have the variety of feel of Halo - but it's certainly as good as COD and the like. Just last night I changed from the Carb-9 to the Bauldpan(?) SMG and it felt like a noticeable change. Admittedly they're both bullet hoses but the sound and recoil differences were noticeable. I also vastly prefer the look of the new SMG over Carb-9. And of course the shotguns, assault rifles and heavy guns all feel very different. What I would like to see is a little more effectiveness for some guns - the 3 burst rifle is nearly useless given how slow it is between bursts, the single shot assault rifle is also pretty shit killspeed-wise given it's recoil and clip.
The Baud gives a feeling like it is great in bursts but if I hold down mouse1 it is still works like the carb. Maybe lessening the random spread and increasing kick back would be one way to actually make the SMG feel different.

Outside of the mechanics of the specific guns it is a little boring that the light does not have much variety in weapon choice. Move down a shotgun or small AR or give him a bean bag gun or something.
Grayman said:
The Baud gives a feeling like it is great in bursts but if I hold down mouse1 it is still works like the carb. Maybe lessening the random spread and increasing kick back would be one way to actually make the SMG feel different.

Outside of the mechanics of the specific guns it is a little boring that the light does not have much variety in weapon choice. Move down a shotgun or small AR or give him a bean bag gun or something.
Or remove/nullify the medium and give all ARs to lights, hehehe!
Stripper13 said:
Am I the only one pretty happy with the weapons? It doesn't have the variety of feel of Halo - but it's certainly as good as COD and the like. Just last night I changed from the Carb-9 to the Bauldpan(?) SMG and it felt like a noticeable change. Admittedly they're both bullet hoses but the sound and recoil differences were noticeable. I also vastly prefer the look of the new SMG over Carb-9. And of course the shotguns, assault rifles and heavy guns all feel very different. What I would like to see is a little more effectiveness for some guns - the 3 burst rifle is nearly useless given how slow it is between bursts, the single shot assault rifle is also pretty shit killspeed-wise given it's recoil and clip.
I like the weapons, the problem is only a very few are viable and you don't see a lot of variety on the field.
Ugh, I don't like the Kross. It's a little too inaccurate for my tastes. I'll probably switch to the Buldpaun if I have to, or just start sniping more.


Stripper13 said:
Am I the only one pretty happy with the weapons? It doesn't have the variety of feel of Halo - but it's certainly as good as COD and the like. Just last night I changed from the Carb-9 to the Bauldpan(?) SMG and it felt like a noticeable change. Admittedly they're both bullet hoses but the sound and recoil differences were noticeable. I also vastly prefer the look of the new SMG over Carb-9. And of course the shotguns, assault rifles and heavy guns all feel very different. What I would like to see is a little more effectiveness for some guns - the 3 burst rifle is nearly useless given how slow it is between bursts, the single shot assault rifle is also pretty shit killspeed-wise given it's recoil and clip.

play with me sometime ;)
teepo said:
play with me sometime ;)

Yeah I've played with plenty of people who get kills with it - I used it for nearly a whole level 1-20 character. However switching to a fully automatic assault rifle nearly always results in a faster kill - not to mention far easier given the bullet hose spray effect. It just doesn't have the same damage output per second as any other weapon, against a light with a weapon buff it's still a minimum 2-3 burst kill - that's provided you haven't been sprayed to death by a Carb-9 in the mean time. I wanted to like it, but stats-wise it doesn't have the effect it should.

What I'd really like is for them to add a stopping power effect on it (and maybe the semi-auto Rokstedi)... if you get slammed with all 3 shots (and aren't a heavy) you should be downed like a grenade explosion. It would make it far more useful without having to fine tune it's killing power.
Any word yet on when the Xbox patch is due to hit?

Amazon is still buying this back for $31. Considering I got it for $35, I went ahead and registered a trade-in. If the patch arrives within a week and fixes the game, I'll cancel it and happily continue playing. Otherwise, I'll just trade it back. The only lag-free multiplayer games I can routinely get into are comp-stomps, and those are just so incredibly easy at this point that the game feels pointless. I'll play it over the weekend, finish up the achievements, and be done if we don't get a fix to make this game worth playing again.
charsace said:
The single burst rifle is the best one in the game.
With rapid fire and a weapon buff it holds its own against most guns - but you will still get bullet hosed by an SMG short-mid range. I quite like the semi auto, but I feel like I'm handicapping myself given the other weapons in the game, and the general size of the levels.


So is the Zero Punctuation review pretty much true? Classes are only different in what their action button does in a match and the rest is just generic shooting?
Dechaios said:
So is the Zero Punctuation review pretty much true? Classes are only different in what their action button does in a match and the rest is just generic shooting?

Technically true, but that's being overly reductive. In practice, each class feels radically different through the course of the match. The soldier is hyper-aggressive, the engineer is aggressively defensive, the medic plays constant support, and the operative sucks ass. I mostly play as a soldier, switching to engineer during certain defensive phases, and I can vouch for each one being a totally different experience.


Dechaios said:
So is the Zero Punctuation review pretty much true? Classes are only different in what their action button does in a match and the rest is just generic shooting?

No. In terms of objectives, yes, in terms of class abilities, not at all.

Objectives are simply a matter of the offense (and occasionally the defense) needing a specific class to be holding use on some objective.

The actual combat varies considerably depending on your class/weapon/skill choices. In general any given high level class X is similar, but they all have very distinct skills.

The TF2 whining is relatively on point to some degree, but the game doesn't have anything like the same feel as TF2 in terms of actual combat.

Long story short: Watch ZP for entertainment, not factual critique.


warbegins said:
read, like, 10 posts up. the AI in the console versions has bugs right now.
Uh...I already know this, since I've had the game since launch. This is why I complained in the first place. Not waiting for future patches to enjoy something I want to play now.
If the game was broken, it shouldn't have been released, nor should it be acceptable to force players to wait for fixes.

I traded it in, spent the money on other games, so I'm done here. Good luck to the rest of you.
I just rarely find the game satisfying to win. Most wins and losses come because of the broken ass balance of the maps, not because one team outplayed the other....

It's nice every now and then when you happen to have a team good enough to overcome the odds, but that's not a good thing to have your game depend on. Game really needs some different maps/gametypes.
PedroLumpy said:
I just rarely find the game satisfying to win. Most wins and losses come because of the broken ass balance of the maps, not because one team outplayed the other....

It's nice every now and then when you happen to have a team good enough to overcome the odds, but that's not a good thing to have your game depend on. Game really needs some different maps/gametypes.

If you watch the BrinkTV videos, they have some really good ideas on how to rebalance the maps. The simplest idea might end up being the best: +5 seconds to the defense respawn timer would do wonders to rebalance the maps. As the announcers said: ideally, the offense should set a time in most of the matches, and matches come down to a race to the finish. Double full-holds get really boring to watch really fast.

Victrix said:
Long story short: Watch ZP for entertainment, not factual critique.


By the way - did you end up giving up on that livestreaming thing you had going for a while? Your MW2 stuff was really good.
I had my first trouble with lag two nights ago. Now I've only played like four or five matches online (L.A. Noire took me away from Brink faster than expected) but so far I've only had one where it was unplayable. I really like the Medic class as I'm terrible on point in team FPSes, but running around doing support and reviving downed Soldiers is fun for me.



New Maps

- Founders’ Tower – The revolution finally reaches the island’s iconic spire and takes the battle for the Ark to dizzying heights.

- Labs – Venture into the depths of the Ark’s original research and development laboratories, a submerged high-tech facility so far untouched by the civil war.

New Player Abilities

- UAV – This stealthy and lethal device allows Operatives to automatically mark nearby enemies on their radar. For more explosive fun, they can even take direct control of the UAV and detonate it near unsuspecting foes.

- Napalm Grenade – Soldiers can use this new grenade to cover an area in a sea of deadly flames.

- Pyro Mine – Engineers can plant these mines and leave enemies in the epicenter of a massive napalm explosion.

- Field Regen Unit – Medics can deploy these units to increase the health regeneration of any nearby teammates.

- Tactical Scanner – This universal ability allows players to reveal the active buffs of their opponents, allowing them to pick off enemies more strategically.

New Weapon Attachments

- Bayonets – Gain the edge in melee combat and cause extra damage with these deadly blades.

- Weapon Shields – Take cover from enemy fire and prevent headshot bonus damage behind riot-style shields.

New Character Outfits

- The Sad Punk – Add a touch of Steampunk to your Resistance character.

- The Limey – Bring order to the Ark with this outfit inspired by traditional European police.

In addition to these updates, we’re happy to let you know that the updates we described last week will be available for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this weekend.


I still don't have the game but I have a question..

I wanna buy this game mostly to use as inspiration for my own designs and stuff, seeing how the game itself seems to be a bit wonky on the PS3 (the platform I'd choose to play it on). I know the game doesn't have a theater mode, but does it have some mode where I can just play alone on a map without bots nor people joining in? I just wanna spend time on a level looking at the models and whatnot. I'd go with the PC version to take screenshots, but the game is not available on my Steam region :(
divisionbyzorro said:
Technically true, but that's being overly reductive. In practice, each class feels radically different through the course of the match. The soldier is hyper-aggressive, the engineer is aggressively defensive, the medic plays constant support, and the operative sucks ass. I mostly play as a soldier, switching to engineer during certain defensive phases, and I can vouch for each one being a totally different experience.

I'm about to make an "operative".

I was thinking that maybe they get useful at third tier? Maybe? Kinda?


Mik2121 said:
I still don't have the game but I have a question..

I wanna buy this game mostly to use as inspiration for my own designs and stuff, seeing how the game itself seems to be a bit wonky on the PS3 (the platform I'd choose to play it on). I know the game doesn't have a theater mode, but does it have some mode where I can just play alone on a map without bots nor people joining in? I just wanna spend time on a level looking at the models and whatnot. I'd go with the PC version to take screenshots, but the game is not available on my Steam region :(
I would try and get someone to gift you the steam version because you are always going to be able to do a bit more stuff with it. You could load up a level without bots and eventually demo recording and playback should work. I think the PS3 version would meet your requirement of bot play though.


Field Regen Unit – Medics can deploy these units to increase the health regeneration of any nearby teammates.

Damn, I was asking for a Medic Bot and thats what they gave me!

Really like the DLC. Video showing off the new stuff please!


I like how I recently read someone suggestion modders should make a map that rather goes upwards and now we get a tower map :D. Patch is looking really really good!
Won't matter if they don't fix the matchmaking on 360 :(

Also, the patch doesn't seem to really do much to make the Operatives better, and no word on fixing the existing issues (heavies being horrible, overpowered defense). I'd much rather hear about them fixing existing stuff than continuing to roll out new stuff.


Genesis Knight said:
Damn, that's a lot of content and all free to boot. Nice! And 360 patch this weekend; cross your fingers!

ed: Is this new-thread worthy?

Definitely new thread worthy. Hit it up.

I'm super pleased by this. :)


Wow, I better get my character to 20. Haven't been able to do it due to all the crashing but now that's fixed I'm all over it.
so is this patch supposed to finally fix this game? I've been hovering on selling it for a little bit now, but if it gets better I might keep it

the blog says nothing about the update fixing AI :(


thezerofire said:
so is this patch supposed to finally fix this game? I've been hovering on selling it for a little bit now, but if it gets better I might keep it

the blog says nothing about the update fixing AI :(

It's supposed to be the same as the one the PC got, which removed AI intelligence caps I believe. Maybe I'm totally wrong.


Grayman said:
I would try and get someone to gift you the steam version because you are always going to be able to do a bit more stuff with it. You could load up a level without bots and eventually demo recording and playback should work. I think the PS3 version would meet your requirement of bot play though.
Yeah.. I would love if someone gifted me the steam version, but that thing is expensive so I don't expect anyone to do that, at least not until it gets into some sort of sale and sells for $1 or so.. :p


Sooo.. I got the game for the PS3 and I fear I might have made the worst move.

The game itself feels great and plays great. I like the art style and the characters. But I can't seem to be able to play online, at all. Of course, chances are I'm missing something very basic here.

I just got the game and I played a couple of games against bots to get used to it. Now, when I try to play online I do it like this:

Main Menu > Freeplay > Public Game >

I leave everything default (Game Mode: Objective; Map: Any; Match Settings: Standard; Rank Availability: My Rank or Higher) and press Star Mission, but no matter how long I wait, and nothing happens (nobody connects).

//// Well, what the hell. I just connected and I saw ONE guy with what seemed to be a Chinese nickname. I'm in Japan, is this game region locked? (potentially throwing all Asia together). If that's the case, that's pretty crappy.

Oh, and if I press 'Ready Up' it throws me in a game with all just bots. What gives? :///
Yeah, that's the broken matchmaking we've been talking about. This game's multiplayer is worthless on consoles. Supposedly there's a magical patch coming out, but they haven't said too much about fixing/updating matchmaking just yet...


Oh, I see. I knew the online was sorta broken, but I expected to be able to at least find people online, even if laggy.

It's kinda surprising that in 2011 we still get games with the online so broken. Which is a pity, because otherwise this game is a lot of fun.


Phife Dawg said:
I like the weapons, the problem is only a very few are viable and you don't see a lot of variety on the field.

I thought this, but then I really tried to use different weapons in different combinations and found some interesting abilities.

The pistols can be amazing for example, but stats wise they show poorly. Shotgun is terrible unless you stand right next to the target, but then its an instant kill if you have the dmg buff.

I think there is just so little incentive to try weapons outside the first two you liked, which is a shame.
syoaran said:
I thought this, but then I really tried to use different weapons in different combinations and found some interesting abilities.

The pistols can be amazing for example, but stats wise they show poorly. Shotgun is terrible unless you stand right next to the target, but then its an instant kill if you have the dmg buff.

I think there is just so little incentive to try weapons outside the first two you liked, which is a shame.
I tried different settings, but the Carb just stomps pretty much everything. I would love to play a shotgun guy because I used to be really good with it in other games - it just doesn't cut it in almost all cases. I hope they do a proper weapon rebalancing as was mentioned earlier in the thread.
syoaran said:
I thought this, but then I really tried to use different weapons in different combinations and found some interesting abilities.

The pistols can be amazing for example, but stats wise they show poorly. Shotgun is terrible unless you stand right next to the target, but then its an instant kill if you have the dmg buff.

I think there is just so little incentive to try weapons outside the first two you liked, which is a shame.
And a third of them are locked out if you play the game as it's meant to be played (light).

I'll never forgive SD for putting the medium in this game, he's a waste of space until they find some miraculous way to make him worth using. 20hp isn't enough, I guess a buff for the ARs would help him but I can't see myself giving up the speed and parkour abilities of the light, they just didn't differentiate him enough. If you don't want to move you pick the heavy, if you want to move you pick the light, if you want to use ARs (like a heavy can) on small maps where everyone can outrun you for the benefit of one health-pip, you go medium?

Trying to balance him seems like a pain, give him too much HP and he'll eat away at the heavy role (the heavy which does have a place to counter lights once his weapons are sorted out), you can't give him faster movement, buff ARs and you buff the heavy as well. I'm really not sure what they can do with him. It seems to me like he's a console compromise for people that can't move around properly, on PC he doesn't really have a role or place.
Danne-Danger said:
And a third of them are locked out if you play the game as it's meant to be played (light).

I'll never forgive SD for putting the medium in this game, he's a waste of space until they find some miraculous way to make him worth using. 20hp isn't enough, I guess a buff for the ARs would help him but I can't see myself giving up the speed and parkour abilities of the light, they just didn't differentiate him enough. If you don't want to move you pick the heavy, if you want to move you pick the light, if you want to use ARs (like a heavy can) on small maps where everyone can outrun you for the benefit of one health-pip, you go medium?

Trying to balance him seems like a pain, give him too much HP and he'll eat away at the heavy role (the heavy which does have a place to counter lights once his weapons are sorted out), you can't give him faster movement, buff ARs and you buff the heavy as well. I'm really not sure what they can do with him. It seems to me like he's a console compromise for people that can't move around properly, on PC he doesn't really have a role or place.
I think the basic idea of balancing via weapon restrictions is good, it's just that the weapons the light has access to are too powerful. If you buff ARs you could limit the Heavy's access to them or something. Don't have any deep knowledge about rebalancing though, mind that.
Phife Dawg said:
I think the basic idea of balancing via weapon restrictions is good, it's just that the weapons the light has access to are too powerful. If you buff ARs you could limit the Heavy's access to them or something. Don't have any deep knowledge about rebalancing though, mind that.
That's the thing though, it seems like they're buffing all SMGs to match the Carb. Even if you buff ARs the SMGs will most likely be able to overpower them in short to mid distance, it kinda comes down to the way the maps are designed, 80% of the time I don't think I'd want to use anything other than a SMG. This is of course partially because no one else uses anything other than SMGs, but I feel like most maps cater more towards the ranges in which an SMG is effective. If the only trump card the medium has is the ARs that's not really a good deal IMO, especially since a heavy can use them as well with a lot more health to boot. Limiting ARs for heavies wouldn't work either since logically you'd have to limit SMGs as well. They're supposed to be a happy medium but I just can't see the appeal.

I'm really curious to see how they'll go about it!
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