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Brink |OT| _/^\_

Played some on 360 late last night and didn't have any games go slideshow -- which is an improvement -- but still had some hitches pop up. Performance seems okay, but it's still obvious when someone's connection is dragging things down. Which in 4 vs 4 games is tragic.

Really enjoying rolling as an engineer. Really hoping there's a Brink2 next-gen where the consoles will be up to the task & Splash Damage can actually learn some decent matchmaking net-code.
Teknopathetic said:
"I still don't understand why the Hackbox is removable. I think it's Resort where the last objective is just ridiculous difficulty wise for the attackers. First Reactor objective as well. The defending team basically need to be playing blindfolded for you to succeed."

I think the hackbox being removable is fine, it's the progress being reset that's the problem. Sometimes I think that they should keep it as it is, but just have "stages" of hacking and progress can only be reset back to the last stage of the hacking. So say there's like 25%, 50%, and 75%. If a hack exceeds 25%, all progress can only be reset to 25%, same with 50 and 75. Sort of keeps hacking as it is, but less impossible for the attackers.

Yeah that's basically what I meant. It's losing the progress that makes it such a nightmare.


Teknopathetic said:
"I still don't understand why the Hackbox is removable. I think it's Resort where the last objective is just ridiculous difficulty wise for the attackers. First Reactor objective as well. The defending team basically need to be playing blindfolded for you to succeed."

I think the hackbox being removable is fine, it's the progress being reset that's the problem. Sometimes I think that they should keep it as it is, but just have "stages" of hacking and progress can only be reset back to the last stage of the hacking. So say there's like 25%, 50%, and 75%. If a hack exceeds 25%, all progress can only be reset to 25%, same with 50 and 75. Sort of keeps hacking as it is, but less impossible for the attackers.

Totally agree with this. It sucks having to sit there and work for 40 seconds to get like 45%, then you die, and one engineer undoes that in literally 5-10. The engineer just undoes your work too fast, and I would wager his rate of undoing progress is faster than 2 people hacking at once.


Changed to light body type today, just loving it. Really turns the game around for me, getting to all the spots in the map no-one else can get to and then sniping them from there ~

Quick question. I've changed the FOV to 90, but is there any way to remove the HUD/Target reticle? Want to record some footage without cropping the center


The hack system as is would be ok if the hack went extremely fast as in locking down the room once meant a successful hack. No progress lost, but box lost, or only losing to levels would work at speeds similar to current hacking.

Whatever solution is used it should keep hacking as a unique thing compared to repair and destroy.


Grayman said:
If demo playback is ever fixed you will be able to have a lot more freedom in gaining footage.

demo playback? Like replays?

I think I can put together what I can with the cutscenes and no hud footage. I like putting together sub 2min short films to show a games strengths to a audience of people that normally don't play games as part of their week. the more I see the hidden areas and paths/levels in the maps in brink, the more I appreciate what the parkour was meant to accomplish. I just hope they allow people to make their own maps (or have competitions) to really play towards the various body types.

And DD, thanks =). Much appreciated ~


syoaran said:
demo playback? Like replays?

I think I can put together what I can with the cutscenes and no hud footage. I like putting together sub 2min short films to show a games strengths to a audience of people that normally don't play games as part of their week. the more I see the hidden areas and paths/levels in the maps in brink, the more I appreciate what the parkour was meant to accomplish. I just hope they allow people to make their own maps (or have competitions) to really play towards the various body types.

And DD, thanks =). Much appreciated ~
Yes like replays. Although for your scripted films fraps may work just as well.

In all id engine games you can capture action in engine so it records with almost no overhead and a small filesize. This can be played back later with your changes to the hud or other graphics tweaks. The feature is currently broken though.


Grayman said:
Yes like replays. Although for your scripted films fraps may work just as well.

In all id engine games you can capture action in engine so it records with almost no overhead and a small filesize. This can be played back later with your changes to the hud or other graphics tweaks. The feature is currently broken though.

Awesome news. It's interesting because the game can be quite fluid despite some wonkey animation. With the levels of parkour and the verticality of levels, you can often see even in first person how a chain of events can lead to close victory. Container City has some cinematic potential in the first area, with team mates laying down fire from both the spawn and the wall, with solo individuals trying to skid across to set the bomb.

The use of a 3rd person angle and multiple cameras could bring Brink's machinema value up high, I hope.


bah, the parkour is useless and clunky, the textures never load, the secondary objectives are pointless and the only other players are bots

im returning this, call me when this gets patched to be less shitty


June 4th will be the last Saturday before the server goes down, so I propose that we all get together for a few final games that night, as well as the following Tuesday night, the 7th.


kai3345 said:
bah, the parkour is useless and clunky, the textures never load, the secondary objectives are pointless and the only other players are bots

im returning this, call me when this gets patched to be less shitty

Your playing a console version, right?


divisionbyzorro said:
Yes, he is. Can't really blame him for not liking the console version. My 360 copy is going back within a week too... :(

Can understand that, can't imagine the game without the freedom it offers on the PC right now. I'm actually prefer to play the game with a HUD now that I'm familiar with it. Only annoying element is that I have to switch it back on every time I die (outside class/weapon changes of course)
Yeesh. By the time the June DLC hits nobody is going to be playing this game on consoles.

Pretty damn depressing I think. It's such a fun game too.
Having a real blast with it. Spent another hour with it last night and luckily, with a team who knew the ins and outs of good teamplay. Runs beautifully on my HP DV6 Pavilion, outside of a few in-game audio glitch-outs.

Yeah, big fan.


kai3345 said:
So is the game unbroken on PC?
-framerate is unstable on my core 2 duo and gtx260, that may always be though
-sound bug still appears sometimes
-very few servers are set up as proper MP servers, most are running campaign vs bots or are filling empty slots with bots
-seems to have a lot more rubber banding lag than any good game should

now as far as I know it is not crashing all the time and no one is getting single digit fps anymore.

The game is not broken but it does have a list of small problems that are hard to accept.
-framerate is unstable on my core 2 duo and gtx260, that may always be though
-sound bug still appears sometimes
-very few servers are set up as proper MP servers, most are running campaign vs bots or are filling empty slots with bots
-seems to have a lot more rubber banding lag than any good game should
The game is not broken but it does have a list of small problems that are hard to accept.
Sounds like broken to me.
Grayman said:
-very few servers are set up as proper MP servers, most are running campaign vs bots or are filling empty slots with bots
-seems to have a lot more rubber banding lag than any good game should
Not the case if you're in Europe. I have a bad connection but apart from synching problems when first connecting to a server I haven't had any bad instances of lag. I also haven't played on a server which fills empty slots with bots. Campaign servers are easily avoided through gametype filtering.


I'm done with the console version of this game. Figure I better try to get money from it while I still can. I'll just be on PC version when I need to scratch that itch that Brink covers.


Grayman said:
-framerate is unstable on my core 2 duo and gtx260, that may always be though
-sound bug still appears sometimes
-very few servers are set up as proper MP servers, most are running campaign vs bots or are filling empty slots with bots
-seems to have a lot more rubber banding lag than any good game should

now as far as I know it is not crashing all the time and no one is getting single digit fps anymore.

The game is not broken but it does have a list of small problems that are hard to accept.

The majority of servers I connect to do not have bots. It's not unusual to run into ones that do, but it's not the norm in my experience.

I haven't seen any rubberbanding at all.


Shnookums said:
The majority of servers I connect to do not have bots. It's not unusual to run into ones that do, but it's not the norm in my experience.

I haven't seen any rubberbanding at all.
I never played with bots and never had rubberbanding, maybe the game is more popular in Europe.

Aaanyway, I hope they throw out balances soon as some things are going on my nerves.
Heavy bodytype needs racidal health buff.
AR's dmg need a boost in some ways.
Take away self-heal from medics so that they are enforced to HELP THE TEAM! ;)
I haven't been playing as long as everyone, but there isn't really much "broken" about the actual gameplay of the title. Performance is still up and down but its highly playable and I can get into just about every match I try.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I maxed out my Eng last night and started on a new operative. However, I have done most of this solo. While I love the game, I am struggling to find a good group to play with. Playing with pubs is doable, but crikey, it is maddening to encounter people who get their call of duty smell on everything and refuse to do anything else but shoot. It must be hard for these people when they discover there are no k/d stats.


Grayman said:
-framerate is unstable on my core 2 duo and gtx260, that may always be though
-sound bug still appears sometimes
-very few servers are set up as proper MP servers, most are running campaign vs bots or are filling empty slots with bots
-seems to have a lot more rubber banding lag than any good game should

now as far as I know it is not crashing all the time and no one is getting single digit fps anymore.

The game is not broken but it does have a list of small problems that are hard to accept.
I found lowering texture quality a little helped with some of the frame rate dips. Shipyard and Security Tower are the maps I get the really low frame rates on.

And yeah, rubberbanding can get pretty bad even on dedicated low-ping servers. It doesn't affect shooting much, it's mostly annoying when I'm trying to climb around stuff as light and I keep getting pulled back and forth.


Firebrand said:
I found lowering texture quality a little helped out with some of the frame rate dips. Shipyard and Security Tower are the maps I get the really low frame rates on.

And yeah, rubberbanding can get pretty bad even on dedicated low-ping servers. It doesn't affect shooting much, it's mostly annoying when I'm trying to climb around stuff as light and I keep getting pulled back and forth.

The rubber banding must be due to your connection. I have played over 60 hours and have not seen it once.


It doesn't look like this game is gonna be fixed any time soon. I don't have a decent PC and consoles seems to have these pop ups and whatnot. I think I have given up on this game. I really enjoyed it at Eurogamer Expo last year and was hyped about. I'll just forget about it, unless they do some major cleaning.
Take heart, lag seems to be a thing of the past on 360. Pop in is improved with the patch and a HDD install. Happens at the beginning of the map but not really noticeable after that.

Game is really fun now.


Genesis Knight said:
Take heart, lag seems to be a thing of the past on 360. Pop in is improved with the patch and a HDD install. Happens at the beginning of the map but not really noticeable after that.

Game is really fun now.
I haven't bought it yet, but was following this thread regulerly. Shame about the technical issue since I was really looking forward to this game. I loved it the little I have played but if thos monumental issue affect me while playing, I won't be enjoyng it as much as the game can make me. I shall wait for futher improvment. But as it stands, I will have to not spend money on it.

Shame really. This game is like the feeling I have for Bilyaletdinov at Everton. There aren't any players I wish to succed at Everton as him but he is letting me down :(
derFeef said:
Take away self-heal from medics so that they are enforced to HELP THE TEAM! ;)
It's funny because it's true. But I hope the CoD guys simply vanish over the time (I killed lots of guys and stayed alive most of the time, yet we still lost, f*ck that game) or actually see the light :).


Phife Dawg said:
It's funny because it's true. But I hope the CoD guys simply vanish over the time (I killed lots of guys and stayed alive most of the time, yet we still lost, f*ck that game) or actually see the light :).

MW3 hopefully.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Last night, I was hacking/defusing, got shot, medic arrives, walks around, does not heal me, gets shot, revives himself, still doesn't revive me, and then gets promptly shot again. I could only laugh.
DenogginizerOS said:
Last night, I was hacking/defusing, got shot, medic arrives, walks around, does not heal me, gets shot, revives himself, still doesn't revive me, and then gets promptly shot again. I could only laugh.
We don't have enough supplies to do the job mang. Medic has so many more useful abilities than any other class and not enough supplies to do it with.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Darkshier said:
We don't have enough supplies to do the job mang. Medic has so many more useful abilities than any other class and not enough supplies to do it with.
I have played medic many times and I have never ran out of revives. I can't be 100% sure about the supply level of the medic I cited in my story, but there have been multiple times when I have witnessed medics ignoring downed teammates.


Teknopathetic said:
"Take away self-heal from medics so that they are enforced to HELP THE TEAM! ;)"

Stop getting shot and you wouldn't need us to heal you.
So you have more to heal for yoruself? I don't understand...
DenogginizerOS said:
I have played medic many times and I have never ran out of revives. I can't be 100% sure about the supply level of the medic I cited in my story, but there have been multiple times when I have witnessed medics ignoring downed teammates.
Never ran out of supplies as a medic? Really? I don't even throw frags as a medic because of the precious supply that it takes up. Sometimes a medic has to ignore fallen teammates though, I know I do. I would rather heal someone who is fighting than revive someone who is downed, especially when I am always low on supplies.
Darkshier said:
We don't have enough supplies to do the job mang. Medic has so many more useful abilities than any other class and not enough supplies to do it with.
That's the thing about playing medic in my eyes: Efficient use of supplies, buffing health randomly doesn't cut it. You should always leave a couple of pips for reviving. Also revive strategically if you don't have enough pips on you, some classes are just more useful in certain situations (not even counting the obvious stuff when hacking/defusing etc. is involved).
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