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Bush's final FU to America

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The sad part is compared to the repeated replies talking about assassination or just omg bush haxor, our argument is actually somewhat constructive and it is over nothing.


Setec Astronomer
devilhawk said:
Well, Clover was asking the question to a specific person, who also happens to not be you.
Environmental policy is one area where libertarians of the JayDubya variety really come off as fucking hypocrites. They get so riled up over damage of property by individuals but turn a complete blind eye to systematic damage to property public and private, because apparently it gets less sinful the more wells you poison.


Hitokage said:
Environmental policy is one area where libertarians of the JayDubya variety really come off as fucking hypocrites. They get so riled up over damage of property by individuals but turn a complete blind eye to systematic damage to property public and private, because apparently it gets less sinful the more wells you poison.

It's not the quantity of the wells, it's how much money you make while you're poisoning them. If you can monetize it, it's all good.
devilhawk said:
The sad part is compared to the repeated replies talking about assassination or just omg bush haxor, our argument is actually somewhat constructive and it is over nothing.

Eh, I don't feel like fighting you, I actually like you and your posts. I just saw his argument as deliberately obtuse; it's pretty apparent, to me, why'd these things would be objectionable, even if you didn't agree with my political leanings.
Karakand said:
We deserve this shit.

Hopefully we at least learned the lesson.

:lol Yeah right like it really matters to the many two issue voters of America. A republican can be for open dumping of raw sewage chemicals in the playground of school yards as long as they were against abortion and gay marriage with supposed "Christian values". Americans ain't learn shit, just wait till Dem's fix all this crap after 16 years and they'll be right back at square 1 electing a republican to fuck it all up again.


Can some one point me towards anything other than a sensationalist Rolling Stone article? Or is that the boat we're all jumping on right now?


Wow, America really is the dumbest nation in the west.

Seriously, laws that can't be over turned, and are clearly bad for the population?!


I laugh at your constitution, and whatever other symbol of your love of patriotism you have.:lol :lol


AmMortal said:
Wow, America really is the dumbest nation in the west.

Seriously, laws that can't be over turned, and are clearly bad for the population?!


I laugh at your constitution, and whatever other symbol of your love of patriotism you have.:lol :lol

Dude, war's been over for 225 years. Let it go.


AmMortal said:
Wow, America really is the dumbest nation in the west.

Seriously, laws that can't be over turned, and are clearly bad for the population?!


I laugh at your constitution, and whatever other symbol of your love of patriotism you have.:lol :lol
Thank goodness for constructive posts like this to remind us of our sympathetic, freedom-loving brethren overseas. The sense of superiority's so thick it almost coagulates in the lungs.


Hitokage said:
Environmental policy is one area where libertarians of the JayDubya variety really come off as fucking hypocrites. They get so riled up over damage of property by individuals but turn a complete blind eye to systematic damage to property public and private, because apparently it gets less sinful the more wells you poison.

He comes off as batshit insane in just about everything that's related to politics. At least he's entertaining every now and then.


AniHawk said:
Dude, war's been over for 225 years. Let it go.


Ninja99 said:
Thank goodness for constructive posts like this to remind us of our sympathetic, freedom-loving brethren overseas. The sense of superiority's so thick it almost coagulates in the lungs.

Well, you were just a Lodger, we were the original landlord!
A bid you good hols, chap.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
AmMortal said:
Wow, America really is the dumbest nation in the west.

Seriously, laws that can't be over turned, and are clearly bad for the population?!


I laugh at your constitution, and whatever other symbol of your love of patriotism you have.:lol :lol

um.. the laws CAN be overturned.. they just are a pain in the ass to do so...

im sure your country is all peaches and creme!


Okin said:
Can some one point me towards anything other than a sensationalist Rolling Stone article? Or is that the boat we're all jumping on right now?

Chinner posted a Guardian link on page 1.


Setec Astronomer
zon said:
He comes off as batshit insane in just about everything that's related to politics. At least he's entertaining every now and then.
Yes, but there's a difference between not following he beliefs of others and arbitrarily not following your own. Intellectual dishonesty is funny like that.


Ninja99 said:
Thank goodness for constructive posts like this to remind us of our sympathetic, freedom-loving brethren overseas. The sense of superiority's so thick it almost coagulates in the lungs.

While his post was unnecessarily inflammatory, could you really blame the rest of Europe IF they were just sitting back in disbelief laughing at this shit? I mean c'mon this is one of the most ridiculous loopholes I've ever heard :lol


marwan said:
too much to read, what is it in the nutshell?

-There's a crazy loophole that allows American Presidents to push a bunch of laws through, without them having to force these laws through Congress first.

-Bush has decided that he would like to help out all his friends, and attempt to lock-in his legacy for years to come, by pushing a bunch of crazy laws through.

-He is therefore going to make a shitload of new changes effecting the environment, healthcare, labour/agriculture, national security, and well just about everything.

-This means that Obama will probably have to spend most of the beginning of his term trying to overturn these batshit insane changes-as if he hadn't inherited a load of economic and foreign policy shit already :lol


Not as deep as he thinks
KevinCow said:
You know what's REALLY mindblowing? The fact that some people still proudly wear Bush '04 stickers on their cars.
I have never seen a bumper sticker of that before here in California. :O

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Flynn said:
It's not the quantity of the wells, it's how much money you make while you're poisoning them. If you can monetize it, it's all good.

Hey, come on. That's an unfair strawman attack on JD. Obviously he has a very clear cut moral and ethical code. You can't destroy other people's property directly, whether or not you can profit directly from it.

Of course, a systemic but indirect destruction of public property (you know... because the whole concept of public property and resources is an invalid one), that leads to the harm of many... that's no problem. Because public resources and goods are only to be used for directly protecting against physical encroachment from others.
I'm gonna step outside the common denominator and suggest not killing him, and merely ask: Why have the American people have never sought to oust an administration? It's supposedly our constitutionally duty to remove ourselves from the current system of Government if said Government fails us--on a smaller level, wouldn't it be our duty to rid ourselves of an administration which ignores the will of the people and which is distorting the government in such a way that it is failing?


Fallout-NL said:
I wonder what that motherfucker expects to happen when he shows up at the Pearly Gates.
Do you think he really believes in gods and angels and an afterlife? That's for little people.


AmMortal said:

It's pretty retarded that we have an amendment that says that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed yet so often the government is the one infringing it.

So fucking A. While we're at it, NATIONAL PARKS?!
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Yeah I can totally see how that means "bring yo gun to a national park". Yep. No way to even parse that.


That is one hell of a poison pill.

What a scary loophole. Basically, at the end of his or her legislation period the president can do whatever the fuck they want? Sure, it's only smaller scale stuff, not full-blown laws, but holy shit, there has to be a better way to ensure smooth operation even in times of a change in leadership figure.
I do not claim to fully understand this, nor do I claim to have a solution to this problem that doesn't involve 20 pages of contrived laws, ... but dayum. Shit's broken.

Oh well. One thing is sure, I do not want to be in Obamas shoes. The next few years are gonna be hell for him and everybody involved. Poor guy.
News Bot said:
Well there goes my hopes of moving to the US.

Maybe in a few years, America.

Maybe in a few years? You do realize that a majority of these new regulations probably won't be repealed or changed, right? So what exactly is preventing you from moving to the US? I'm just trying to understand whatever you're saying.


NutJobJim said:
While his post was unnecessarily inflammatory, could you really blame the rest of Europe IF they were just sitting back in disbelief laughing at this shit? I mean c'mon this is one of the most ridiculous loopholes I've ever heard :lol
Of course not. The disagreement I have with AmMortal's post is he chose to mock America's symbols and ideals rather than the despotic asshole who is currently doing his damnedest to undermine them, and the absurd laws that make his actions legal. AmMortal essentially blamed everything but the problem by insinuating that the guilt lies with the nation's aggregate stupidity, not our mudsucking hayseed of a commander-in-chief.


whytemyke said:
Hey, guys.

You know it's still a federal crime to talk about killing the President, right?

good thing the feds have no jurisdiction over here. I've seen broadsheet newspapers cry for a Lee Harvey Oswald.

Calling for the death of a president? Nice. Stay classy!

why is it wrong? because he causes deaths in a more "civilised" fashion? plenty of people call for Mugabe's head and no one bats an eyelid. how many thousands died in the War on Terror?

Zero Hero

Most of America has been saying 'Fuck Bush' for a few years now.

Looks like he is trying his best to return the favor. :/

"Fuck me? No, my fellow American, Fuck you."


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
JzeroT1437 said:
I'm gonna step outside the common denominator and suggest not killing him, and merely ask: Why have the American people have never sought to oust an administration? It's supposedly our constitutionally duty to remove ourselves from the current system of Government if said Government fails us--on a smaller level, wouldn't it be our duty to rid ourselves of an administration which ignores the will of the people and which is distorting the government in such a way that it is failing?

Because one of the first things Pelosi did when she became house speaker was say that impeachment was "off the table".

My blood boiled when I heard that.

99% of american politics is just a big racket.


Online Ho Champ
wangman31888 said:
isn't he going to pardon the enron bastards?

yeah but doesnt congress have a chance to glance over those atleast, i know there was quite a stir when clinton had some seedy names on his list:lol :lol .
JzeroT1437 said:
I'm gonna step outside the common denominator and suggest not killing him, and merely ask: Why have the American people have never sought to oust an administration? It's supposedly our constitutionally duty to remove ourselves from the current system of Government if said Government fails us--on a smaller level, wouldn't it be our duty to rid ourselves of an administration which ignores the will of the people and which is distorting the government in such a way that it is failing?

It it almost impossible to do so with parties. We don't have a parliamentary system or third parties so it is very difficult to reach the vote threshold for impeachment when party loyalty is very strong.


Guns in national parks sounds like a good idea, now the gangbangers will be able to walk around parks and take down any illegal activities and keep the kids safe.
Eh, I don't quite see the need for the banning of firearms in national parks. I'm not like Jay and think the right is sacrosanct and can't be regulated (in fact, that very word is in the amendment, but let's not encourage Jay to post that idiotic sentence diagram again). Certainly I think they should be banned from the gift shop, but when camping, I don't think it's a bad idea to have one, as long as you have a permit for it.

Everything else on that list is shit though, and I hate Bush all the more for it.


thetechkid said:
Guns in national parks sounds like a good idea, now the gangbangers will be able to walk around parks and take down any illegal activities and keep the kids safe.

Maybe it's to counter the right to keep and arm bears...
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