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Bush's final FU to America

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
Ninja99 said:
Of course not. The disagreement I have with AmMortal's post is he chose to mock America's symbols and ideals rather than the despotic asshole who is currently doing his damnedest to undermine them, and the absurd laws that make his actions legal. AmMortal essentially blamed everything but the problem by insinuating that the guilt lies with the nation's aggregate stupidity, not our mudsucking hayseed of a commander-in-chief.

To be fair, democracy, the electoral college and the results, are all the result of our nation's aggregate stupidity.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
adamsappel said:
Eh, I don't quite see the need for the banning of firearms in national parks. I'm not like Jay and think the right is sacrosanct and can't be regulated (in fact, that very word is in the amendment, but let's not encourage Jay to post that idiotic sentence diagram again). Certainly I think they should be banned from the gift shop, but when camping, I don't think it's a bad idea to have one, as long as you have a permit for it.

I can see both sides of the issue regarding guns in the parks... I think I lean more toward restricting them, but it's not really a major concern of mine either way.
AmMortal said:
Wow, America really is the dumbest nation in the west.

Seriously, laws that can't be over turned, and are clearly bad for the population?!


I laugh at your constitution, and whatever other symbol of your love of patriotism you have.:lol :lol

I would take this as a serious attack if you weren't living in the UK.


AmMortal said:
Wow, America really is the dumbest nation in the west.

Seriously, laws that can't be over turned, and are clearly bad for the population?!


I laugh at your constitution, and whatever other symbol of your love of patriotism you have.:lol :lol

I assume the national parks in the UK, and Europe for that matter are more like theme parks than actual wildlife dominated areas. I have been in many of the nations national parks, and the national parks where I am now, I have always brought a .357 or .44 magnum revolver. I do not know if you have ever seen a cougar or a black bear but they are fucking mean when hungry.

Most of the nation's acreage in national parks should either allow firearms or not allow humans.


Ninja99 said:
Of course not. The disagreement I have with AmMortal's post is he chose to mock America's symbols and ideals rather than the despotic asshole who is currently doing his damnedest to undermine them, and the absurd laws that make his actions legal. AmMortal essentially blamed everything but the problem by insinuating that the guilt lies with the nation's aggregate stupidity, not our mudsucking hayseed of a commander-in-chief.

I'm not agreeing that Am Amortals comments were in any way called for, but one could argue that the fact that this loophole hasn't been rectified, and that fact that this 'despotic asshole' is in power in the first place, speaks volumes about the nation as a whole.

Bush is an asshole, everyone knows this, but how did this man get into power in the first place? And why on earth has a stupid loophole like that not been fixed years ago?!
WickedAngel said:
I would take this as a serious attack if you weren't living in the UK.
Touché :lol
As a Brit I certainly admit that our nation is pretty much just as bad as yours.


downright evil, the coal mining and agriculture laws at least. what possible incentive could bush have for doing these?


Maybe some of you aren't old enough to know this, or are just willfully ignorant, but Clinton did the same things (yes pardons too), and every outgoing President does as well. Yes, even your beloved Obama will do it when he leaves :lol .
JayDubya does not care about the environment. It's pretty obvious judging by his political views that he's not even human. He also doesn't breathe oxygen, but prefers the noxious shit spewed forth into the air by his local factory.


is now taking requests
whytemyke said:
Hey, guys.

You know it's still a federal crime to talk about killing the President, right?

Maybe repealing this will be the very last thing Bush does before he hands over the keys? :p


Sirpopopop said:
JayDubya does not care about the environment. It's pretty obvious judging by his political views that he's not even human. He also doesn't breathe oxygen, but prefers the noxious shit spewed forth into the air by his local factory.

Busted! Yes, I'm the villain from Fern Gully. Mwah ha ha. Ha.


Gloomfire said:
Maybe some of you aren't old enough to know this, or are just willfully ignorant, but Clinton did the same things (yes pardons too), and every outgoing President does as well. Yes, even your beloved Obama will do it when he leaves :lol .

Midnight laws yes, a near dozen anti environmental removals in favor to his greedy buddies I extremely doubt it. If I remember right Clinton was the exact opposite, he pissed off a few by protecting even more remaining natural areas.


many injured consumers would no longer be able to sue negligent manufacturers in state courts

This is the only thing i've ever agreed with bush on. I really wish he would also add "patent trolling would be illegal" in that list
I think it's hilarious how most of the users on GaF automatically agree with an article from a questionable source. (It's also mis-dated) Although, Liberals tend to believe anything that correlates with their beliefs, even if it's ridiculous. I blame social conformity.


Soka said:
How credible is RollingStone for political news? Never read into their political pieces ever, are there any other sources for any of this?

Google Bush midnight regulation. Enjoy.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
RadicalRad said:
I think it's hilarious how most of the users on GaF automatically agree with an article from a questionable source. (It's also mis-dated) Although, Liberals tend to believe anything that correlates with their beliefs, even if it's ridiculous. I blame social conformity.

i find it hilarious that right wingers, such as yourself, completely ignore the other links posting legit articles talking about the same topic.. You could even try googling the topic to see other articles as well. Although, republicans do tend to refuse to do research themselves, and would rather rely on a select few sources of 'news'

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Gloomfire said:
Maybe some of you aren't old enough to know this, or are just willfully ignorant, but Clinton did the same things (yes pardons too), and every outgoing President does as well. Yes, even your beloved Obama will do it when he leaves :lol .

i think the issue is not so much that he is passing regulations in this manner, but its the type of regulations he is passing and the amount as well..


By the time he vacates the White House, he will have issued a record number of so-called 'midnight regulations' - so called because of the stealthy way they appear on the rule books - to undermine the administration of Barack Obama, many of which could take years to undo.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Phoenix said:
Its a long path, but eventually you'll get to the Federal Register Links (http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/fr-cont.html)

I think it's hilarious how most of the users on GaF automatically agree with an article from a questionable source. (www.access.gpo.gov ??? psshhaa!) Although, Liberals tend to believe anything that correlates with their beliefs, even if it's ridiculous. I blame social conformity.
Rewrite said:
I have never seen a bumper sticker of that before here in California. :O
I live in SoCal, I've seen so many bros with that crap in california, makes me want to throw up. I live in upland, where are you living?
I really like bush's reaction though:lol :lol :lol , How he got so pissed when it was acknowledged and somebody asked a question. How are people not supposed to acknowledge something like that? EDIT: why the hell don't people do this in America?


RadicalRad said:
I think it's hilarious how most of the users on GaF automatically agree with an article from a questionable source. (It's also mis-dated) Although, Liberals tend to believe anything that correlates with their beliefs, even if it's ridiculous. I blame social conformity.

Huh? The website of the Federal Register, the website where it is legally mandated to publish these things for public information and comment is a questionable source? What the hell?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Phoenix said:
Huh? The website of the Federal Register, the website where it is legally mandated to publish these things for public information and comment is a questionable source? What the hell?

i was poking fun at RadicalRad's comment.. sorry.. im still a bit drunk from last night.. ..


quadriplegicjon said:
i was poking fun at RadicalRad's comment.. sorry.. im still a bit drunk from last night.. ..

I quoted the wrong post. I fixed it stealth-wise :)

Also posted another 6 or so sources so we don't have to endure any other questions about the source.


koam said:
This is the only thing i've ever agreed with bush on. I really wish he would also add "patent trolling would be illegal" in that list

You agree that consumers shouldn't be able to sue NEGLIGENT manufacturers? Wow.


RadicalRad said:
I think it's hilarious how most of the users on GaF automatically agree with an article from a questionable source. (It's also mis-dated) Although, Liberals tend to believe anything that correlates with their beliefs, even if it's ridiculous. I blame social conformity.

You're really not living up to your name, RepublicanRalph sounds much better.
Executive Order: Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Friday, December 26, 2008

This is sort of a hidden FU. While the state of Hawaii denied holiday admin leave on the holiday eves to make workers use up vacation, the Whitehouse granted federal employees a free holiday on Dec. 26th. It's very minor on paper, although when considering the entire federal payroll, one free day translates into a lot of money. Good for the fed employees though; many of them deserve it.
Not any more than their state counterparts though.
But while the rest of America sees cut backs and layoffs, it's a bit resentment-breeding to give away free paid leave.


RadicalRad said:
I think it's hilarious how most of the users on GaF automatically agree with an article from a questionable source. (It's also mis-dated) Although, Liberals tend to believe anything that correlates with their beliefs, even if it's ridiculous. I blame social conformity.

You fail so f*cking hard.


Gloomfire said:
Maybe some of you aren't old enough to know this, or are just willfully ignorant, but Clinton did the same things (yes pardons too), and every outgoing President does as well. Yes, even your beloved Obama will do it when he leaves :lol .

I don't think you quite understand everyone's outrage. So you should probably not be laughing. :\

Last minute laws are the norm. It's what these laws inact that is in question.

This f*cker ONLY cares about his rich buddies (masters?) and does not even attempt to hide it.


Sucks at poetry
MWS Natural said:
:lol Yeah right like it really matters to the many two issue voters of America. A republican can be for open dumping of raw sewage chemicals in the playground of school yards as long as they were against abortion and gay marriage with supposed "Christian values". Americans ain't learn shit, just wait till Dem's fix all this crap after 16 years and they'll be right back at square 1 electing a republican to fuck it all up again.

YEP. I have some extended family in North California. Heard they casted votes for McCain soley because they are Sarah Palin fanatics. Nothing else matters to them! NOTHING! they will vote the more ignorant, stupidest, most insulting person possible into offiice as long as they are staunchly pro-life, and anti-gay. Nothing else matters but their hate and their blindness...they are the least Christian people possible believing that they are the most. We are seeing the final kick in the ass from the culmination of their influence on the last election. Hopefully we'll have 16 years of something better before their voices get too loud again.
I was curious about Bush's economic policies throughout his 8 years and came across this:


Fact Sheet: Job Creation Continues - More Than 8.2 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003

June 2007 Marks 46th Consecutive Month Of Job Growth

Today, The Bureau Of Labor Statistics Released New Jobs Figures – 132,000 Jobs Created In June. Since August 2003, more than 8.2 million jobs have been created, with more than 2 million jobs created over the twelve months ending in June. Our economy has now added jobs for 46 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.5 percent.

Americans Are Working And Taking Home More Pay

Real After-Tax Per Capita Personal Income Has Risen By 9.9 Percent – Nearly $3,000 Per Person – Since President Bush Took Office.

Real Wages Rose 1.1 Percent Over The 12 Months Ending In May. This is faster than the average rate during the 1990s, and it means an extra $729 in the past year for the typical family with two wage earners.

The Economy Has Now Experienced Over Five Years Of Uninterrupted Growth, Averaging 2.9 Percent A Year Since 2001. Real GDP grew a strong 3.1 percent in 2006.

Since The First Quarter Of 2001, Productivity Growth Has Averaged 2.8 Percent. This is well above average productivity growth in the 1990s, 1980s, and 1970s.

Purchasing Managers Reported Manufacturing Expansion For The Fifth Consecutive Month In June. The Institute for Supply Management manufacturing index rose to 56 in June.
The President's Agenda Will Help Keep America's Economy Strong, Flexible, And Dynamic

President Bush's FY 2008 Budget Lays Out A Detailed Plan To Balance The Budget By 2012 While Keeping Taxes Low. Tax and spend is no way to balance the budget. The President's Budget keeps annual spending under control and addresses our long-term budgetary challenge – the unsustainable growth in entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security.

Strong Economic Growth Has Helped Produce Record Levels Of Tax Revenue, Which Is Helping Reduce The Federal Deficit And Meet Our Goal Of A Balanced Budget. Record tax revenues helped us reach the President's goal of cutting the deficit in half three years ahead of schedule. Receipts have increased nearly 35 percent since the tax relief was fully implemented in 2003, and the deficit has declined by $165 billion in the last two years.

The President Will Veto Appropriations Bills That Threaten Deficit Reduction With Overspending. The Administration supports responsible spending to achieve the goal of a balanced budget by 2012.

President Bush Has Called On Congress To Pass Legislation To Achieve His "Twenty In Ten" Goal To Reduce U.S. Gasoline Consumption By 20 Percent Over 10 Years. President Bush commends Congress for considering legislation to help bring America closer to meeting his "Twenty In Ten" goal, and challenges them to take a bolder approach to strengthen America's energy security. Achieving this goal will benefit the economy, national security, and the environment.

President Bush Has Called On Congress To Help Keep America Competitive In The 21st Century By Reauthorizing And Strengthening The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act This Year. NCLB is working – during the most recent five-year period on record, the National Assessment of Educational Progress shows nine-year-olds made more progress in reading than they did in the previous 28 years combined. Strengthening NCLB will help ensure that all children graduate high school ready for college and the global economy, will better help struggling schools, and will empower parents with more choices.
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