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Can't...resist...I'm ebaying my DS for a PSP

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unrelated post : i hate how casuals over look games that are inovative and new in favour of flash graphics.

but only a churl would suggest the PSP and DS is the same situation.
DCharlie: name a recent innovative game without flash that has been overlooked.

If you suggest ANY mini-game or music/rhythm-based games I'll stab you with a pencil. (Yes, TCP/IP now supports stabbing pencil encapsulation.)


force push the doodoo rock
JC10001 said:
Correct me if I am wrong....

but aren't "I'm selling/I sold" and "I'm buying/I bought" threads a bannable offense?

I hope so. People who do this are retarded, cause they end up being snap decisions, and they end up buying a DS again anyways. Apparently, graphics>fun.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Drinky Crow said:
DCharlie: name a recent innovative game without flash that has been overlooked.

If you suggest ANY mini-game or music/rhythm-based games I'll stab you with a pencil. (Yes, TCP/IP now supports stabbing pencil encapsulation.)

I will tell you that Kirby is one of the greatest platform games I have held in my hand.


force push the doodoo rock
Blackace said:
I will tell you that Kirby is one of the greatest platform games I have held in my hand.
are you 2 years old or something seriously pink is such a girly color anyway.


I can't believe someone would sell their DS. It's so much fun.

Case in point last night. Went to a bar, got drunk, came back to my place, and 3 of us were playing video games. I was using my PSP, someone else had my DS, and a third had my GBA. I was playing Wipeout, DS was playing WarioWare, and GBA was playing Mario Vs. Donkey Kong. And you know what? It was *fun* for all of us.

In fact, after a while I went to play Twisted Metal online, but got pissed off after about 10 minutes from continually getting disconnected that I stole my DS from my friend.

Now I'm not saying PSP doesn't deserve to be purchased, but DS does not deserve to be thrown away. Remember kids, the latest technology is not needed to have fun.


fugimax said:
Now I'm not saying PSP doesn't deserve to be purchased, but DS does not deserve to be thrown away. Remember kids, the latest technology is not needed to have fun.

But games are.

DS lose.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
sp0rsk said:
are you 2 years old or something seriously pink is such a girly color anyway.

my touch pen is pink now.


JackFrost2012 said:
olimario, that was one of the most pathetic posts I've ever read on GAF.

Honestly, I look at the NDS and the PSP and in the long term and i see myself supporting both and bypassing next gen consoles almost completely. Well, perhaps reducing my console game spending in general would be more accurate, but I see DS and PSP being a more dominant gaming force for me.

This "one or the other" shit is just fucking sad, though to be honest, so is Olimario. I don't give a fuck if it looks 16-bit or like a PS2 game, I just want all the good games coming for both.

DS has games I want.
PSP has games I want.
If you're just gonna pick a side, your loss.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
sp0rsk said:
can you watch spiderman with that pen. didnt think so buster.

no but I can make Kirby do loopty-loops and chat with school girls on the train with it... (school girl not included) :D


This is why I'm waiting until the systems prove they can last--using the fickle hand of the hardcore is nothing, but in the end--it is the casuals that will decide whether the systems live or die.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I'll say this about the DS. The touch pen can be like the mouse for PC gaming. We will see a lot of games that we have not seen on consoles (done correctly at least) or handhelds because of it. RTS, point and click adventure games and so on... But with being said, it is nice having PS2 graphics on the go.. and the screen for the PSP is so nice... like someone just said having both is win/win no matter how you look at it


"DCharlie: name a recent innovative game without flash that has been overlooked."

On the DS alone :

Another Code
Kirby (i dunno, i've not go it yet)

... okay some are tenuous (certainly, "over looked" would be pushing it)

I guess this is part of a wider rant.

I love the PSP, make no mistake about it, it's easily my most played machine. BUT in the grand scheme of things, it's not doing anything different - but what it does , it does brilliantly.

However, the DS is taking it in the arse every which way, sure - the two screen set up is quirky, and some of the games don't use the functions of the machine at all well, but hey, some do. I get the feeling everyone seems to be clamouring over themselves to make the assertion that the DS is shit, or that nintendo are doomed, etc...

It's like the 1up Another Code review - sure, the graphics aren't as good as they could be and the PSP would have made a much better job. But it's not mentioned that the game would be impossible to recreate on the PSP. Some of the ways the DS gets used in that game is batshit insane.

I just though, as gaming fans, we'd be at least applauding the few companies who have made games that are unlike anything we've played.

"If you suggest ANY mini-game or music/rhythm-based games I'll stab you with a pencil. (Yes, TCP/IP now supports stabbing pencil encapsulation.)"

I thought Wario was pretty shite, and i'm a big Wario fan. I thought Kimishine was okay. But 8 player bandbrothers , whilst not amazingly innovative, rocks hard! Don't be dissing the Band Brothers because it's the bomb.

So you can be keeping those pencils! :)


But games are.

DS lose.
Right, because PSP has a great lineup on the way....

There are like 2 more games I might buy over all that has been announced so far. (Mercury and GT4 Mobile, maybe). Go look @ ebgames.com ... the release list for PSP is pretty bare. It had a good launch, but games are few and far for the moment.

This is pretty much the exact opposite of DS, which had a 'meh' U.S. launch, but now games are starting to come out here. And with the announcement of online-play, how anyone could sell a DS with even the *prospect* of some kind of online mario title is beyond me.

Ford Prefect

I was playing my brother's PSP last night, and the sexiness of it was just killing me, seeing as how I only own a DS. Right now, the only thing keeping me from selling my DS is Animal Crossing Online, because that'll be the best thing on either of the two systems, and it's worth (imo) the lack of all the wonderful features the PSP presents.
I'm seriously interested in seeing if the whole" when you play it you'll want one" works for me. There isn't one game that I'm overly interested in for the PSP. It 's almost all versions of games that I would'nt play in the first place. Yes I admit it, I've never liked tony hawks, ridge racers, wipouts or most sports titles. Lumines is a maybe, but meteos looks similar to me. You may bash me and my gaming tastes now.KTHXBYE :)


LOL $195 + shipping. You are dreaming. I gotta find the retard that buys your DS. I have some moon rocks and autographed merchandise I can sell him.


Good man. Do it, PSP is where its really at.

And dont worry, you wont be looking back, all eyes are on PSP, it'll have an amazing E3


Makes me wonder why some of you bought a DS in the first place. We all knew PSP was coming and that it would be more powerful. As gamer I'd assume you'd know what your priorities are and that the DS' inferior graphics apabilities would be a deal-breaker for you.

Early adoption = wasted money.

Even more so when you are going to be selling items for less than you bought them.


Get a job. I personally would regret the hell out of selling a console/handheld, never have never will. You're just going to cut off a lot of opportunity. The DS just launched, the greats of the system aren't out yet, many probably not even announced.

Get a job and some patience.
Prine said:
Good man. Do it, PSP is where its really at.

And dont worry, you wont be looking back, all eyes are on PSP, it'll have an amazing E3

yeah I agree. The DS doesn't really do anything better than the PSP.


GAF's Bob Woodward
seismologist said:
yeah I agree. The DS doesn't really do anything better than the PSP.

Let me know when you can play Age of Empires in any kind of decent way on PSP :p

Your statement is plainly wrong. The touchscreen certainly allows for a completely different type of control than PSP allows, which would make certain types of game "better" on DS (from a control POV).
acidviper said:
I gotta find the retard that buys your DS. I have some moon rocks and autographed merchandise I can sell him.

Do your moon rocks and autographed rocks include Mario 64 DS, Wario Ware Twisted DS, and Astro Boy and Metal Slug GBA, you ILLITERATE PONCE?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
mrroboto said:
Come E3, I think the Sony PSP is *really* gonna take off. I doubt I'll have regrets departing with my DS. :(

I got rid of my DS in Decemeber when I imported a PSP, and haven't missed it one bit. In the past, when I sold off systems like the SNES and PSX, I'd wind up buying them back as I missed the games available, but there's nothing for DS (that I didn't already play) that makes me care to own it right now.

Just sell it now and buy one later on; the price is going to drop anyway since it's all Nintendo is going to be able to do to compete. :p I'll repurchase a DS whenever Castlevania is released for it; that's the only game that really makes me want to buy one back.

I do miss my Gameboy Advance SP a lot; wish I had kept that.
AoE DS isn't AOE -- it's turn-based and has very few of the original mechanics. Seeing as it's now turn-based instead of RT, I suspect that the PSP could accomodate it just fine, with perhaps a slightly more cumbersome control scheme (but with vastly more detailed graphics).

Oh, and AoE2 was released for the PS2 in Japan, by Konami. D'oh!

Hell, the PSP's analog nub actually works better as a mouse-like pointing device than as an analog stick -- might actually be BETTER on the PSP than the PS2.


Your Ebay Title sucks, dude! Metroid? Who gives a shit, it's standard. Fluff? Who cares. Nintendo DS system needs to be 1st. You know how many games there are for this thing that include Nintendo DS in the title? Almost all. If I'm buying, and I wanna filter out the crap, I type Nintendo DS system into the search form. This search would exclude you.

Title off the top of my head: Nintendo DS System with 4 games (WarioWare + Mario 64)


Age of Empires 3 on the PC or a gimped DS version which one to get? Hmmm. :D

Maybe the turn based version will turn out decent. But I'm not holding my breath.

I still don't see the major appeal to playing RTS style games on that tiny 3" screen. You like RTS games? BUY A PC! Using the touch screen only for RTS games on the DS will be cumbersome. You need a mouse *and* a keyboard to do them properly.


JackFrost2012 said:
Do your moon rocks and autographed rocks

I never said autographed rocks

JackFrost2012 said:
include Mario 64 DS, Wario Ware Twisted DS, and Astro Boy and Metal Slug GBA, you ILLITERATE PONCE?

You can get a used DS on ebay for $100. Used games are $20 at most and $10 for GBA.


gofreak said:
The touchscreen certainly allows for a completely different type of control than PSP allows, which would make certain types of game "better" on DS (from a control POV).

as does the analog nub on the PSP


Drinky Crow said:
AoE DS isn't AOE -- it's turn-based and has very few of the original mechanics. Seeing as it's now turn-based instead of RT, I suspect that the PSP could accomodate it just fine, with perhaps a slightly more cumbersome control scheme (but with vastly more detailed graphics).

Oh, and AoE2 was released for the PS2 in Japan, by Konami. D'oh!

Hell, the PSP's analog nub actually works better as a mouse-like pointing device than as an analog stick -- might actually be BETTER on the PSP than the PS2.

Was it actually announced to be turn-based? As I remember someone just said "Looks turn-based" and everyone accepted it as such.


Spencerr said:
Was it actually announced to be turn-based? As I remember someone just said "Looks turn-based" and everyone accepted it as such.

Yeah it is confirmed to be turn based.
Would you REALLY want to play an RTS in the DS's godawful low resolution, anyhow? Of all the many genres, RTS titles are the ones that benefit the most from high-resolutions.


Well it may not be horrible.

If it can become 1/4 the game Disciples II is then that would be a decent turn based game!

I know people are pining for Starcraft on DS and I think to myself, why?! DS has a touchscreen, great. But what about all the other functions in Starcraft where you need hotkeys to access. If they want to put a small hotkey toolbar on the bottom of the touchscreen it would work but that tiny 3" screen is going to get awfully crowded.


Real gamers don't sell their systems. It's that simple.

I learned that the hard way when I sold a Genesis and many games... for a PlayStation 1... I totally regret that move. I love the PS1, but I should've just gotten a job instead.


RTS worked okay on GBA, it'll certainly work fine on both DS and PSP. You're deluded if you really think otherwise.


acidviper said:
LOL $195 + shipping. You are dreaming. I gotta find the retard that buys your DS. I have some moon rocks and autographed merchandise I can sell him.

Free priority shipping in the U.S. and free airmail overseas is clearly mentioned in the auction. :) (Which will be well over $10 in shipping either way)

I also looked at what other sellers were selling their packages for and my pricing is in line with practically everyone else.

Who knows, maybe I'll even throw in a cool bonus for the person who buys it. :)

As a matter of fact, "Mystery bonus" has now been added to the auction. :)

You can get a used DS on ebay for $100. Used games are $20 at most and $10 for GBA.

If a person sells their DS with Metal Slug, Astroboy, Wario Ware Touched, Super Mario DS, Metroid Prime Hunters demo, all boxes and instructions with FREE shipping for $160, I'd call that guy either braindead or rich. :lol
I can't think of a decent GBA RTS. Hell, RTS on consoles with higher resolutions -- Starcraft on the N64 and Red Alert on the PSOne -- were uniformly horrible experiences. It was bloody hard to tell similar units apart, and 256x192 is only gonna exacerbate that. Flanking exercises and other maneuvers require a hefty chunk of pixel real-estate to pull off properly.
What so now it's DS Vs PC / PSP? Riiight

The point was, I believe, games that use pointer devices as the primary interface will be better on DS than on PSP. That all sorts of game styles are better suited to it. That's not unreasonable, and I'm not saying the developer can't royally fuck up on DS or that others won't do great things on PSP with pointers. But we know so little about the DS port of AoE aside from what a paragraph and a half in Nintendo Power gave us. Reserve your judgement. The DS screen can be wonderfully precise when used right, and there are certainly ways around resolution. What's to stop people from dragging the view around, zooming in or out?

Every douche in here lampooning one console in favor of the other is mistaking every gamer for either: graphics whores that won't notice good games coming out on DS, or so called N-bots that can't see a good thing in PSP.

I only have to look at Jarrod's release list thread for the both consoles and know that the great majority of this forum will own and play both... a lot. Not to mention both of them are going to have a very exciting E3. That should help seperate the haters from the gamers.
I was a DS hater to begin with, but after seeing both consoles and their announced libraries, I have to admit I'm more interested in DS's offerings. Nintendogs and that quirky music software that they demo'd at GDC look snazzy. And Animal Crossing online will be un-effing-believable.


Drinky Crow said:
I can't think of a decent GBA RTS.
Well, I haven't played it myself but Napoleon was suppossed to be pretty decent and that was a launch game from a Japanese studio. How many indecent GBA RTS have you played exactly? That may be why you can't thnik of any?
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