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Chain Chronicle |OT| Funding Valkyria Chronicles 4 One IAP At A Time


Main Skill
- White Impact (Mana: 2) - "Hey! That nearly hit me!"
- Deals moderate damage to a single enemy in Connely's row.
- 11x Damage.

Ability1: Knockback Bow
- A devastating bow skill that harnesses the White Hare's power. 
Normal attacks sometimes inflict poison, and sharp eyes pick out weakened foes and deal more damage to enemies suffering from blind. Connely's unique ability.
- Attacks have a 20% chance to inflict poison, and 10% more damage to enemies suffering from blind.

Ability2: White Hare's Protection
- Offers divine protection handed down from the White Hare. Increases movement speed during battle, and raises Atk when HP is at 100%. Connely's unique ability.
- Attack power rises by 17% when HP is full.
My Tigre is LB0, Elza would dilute mana :(.

Party will be at later demons / more waves (when I need Musica):
Teresa, Musica, Connely, Frau, s.Vienta & s.Phoena

I'm going knight/archer this raid, to take all of the people who get raid Freya/Robyn into account.

I'm thinking Elza, Juliana, Musica, Chantel (1 mana/20% attack dancer), and friend raid char, with a Vienta/Phoena sub party. I lose Roxanna's 50% buff, but at least I still have 3 buffers.


I'm going knight/archer this raid, to take all of the people who get raid Freya/Robyn into account.

I'm thinking Elza, Juliana, Musica, Chantel (1 mana/20% attack dancer), and friend raid char, with a Vienta/Phoena sub party. I lose Roxanna's 50% buff, but at least I still have 3 buffers.

I have this odd soldier/archer party going right now:
Trystan, Hassan, Sasha, Nina, with Amille (Attack boost) & Frau (mana control) subs.

Sasha's dancing prevents debuffs, which are apparently a big problem this time around. Trystan & Hassan both have raid swords equipped, which makes Hassan useful as a cheap dancer. Nina's the best of what's left, since she's MLB & has a healing skill between waves. I'd rather have Musica in Nina's spot...but the Lake of Sand hasn't come through for me on that.

Since Sasha's dance boosts fire & Ice attacks - in addition to the defuff defense & general attack boost, she's my lead character for raid week. She's an ideal partner for Robyn...but I'm not pulling, I tell you!


Seems that trash is weak to fire so...

Sword user (probably the cook demon, forgot her name)


I may do a few pulls if I get a demon early.


Added! I have Robyn too now, which would you guys rather have Freya or Robyn? Both have event weapons
I'm thinking Robyn may be better for the raid since Freya seems more tanky and not a big damage dealer

Isn't Freya the one with the "10 times damage" skill? Sounds like that one better.


Thank you! Although a new Rox is even more praise worthy, congrats!

I've heard a lot about her, so I'm interested in seeing how she is. :)

Whoo hoo Event Character get! I have 5 extra spots on my friends list if anyone wants her for the raid
Congrats! I'm not sure if we're friends already or not, but I'll send an invite. My name is CrnoCF.

I heard more about this bug:

- It is a server-wide bug, everyone who reached raid 50 will encounter that bug
- Anyone who reached Raid 50 can't go to Raid 51. If you do freequest, you wont get any gold/ exp/ loot

Better not to do demon 50 before its fixed.
Wow, thanks for the warning. Gumi, please. :/

Ahh you're right I thought it was just the damage reduction
Yeah, definitely go with Freya as the Leader although Robyn is a great sub and/or leader if you don't have Freya. Both work!

Speaking of Freya, I figured I'd do another pull this morning after my four last night to make it five. Immediately Pirika popped up and I was thinking "Nice, here comes another SR" and then this appeared:


Needless to say, I'm ecstatic. This makes my first event character, aside from Shara for Monette's raid. I've always had terrible luck with them. :/

I'm tempted to pull for Robyn/Danielle too [especially Robyn], but I want to save Prysma for upcoming pulls, as well as Oletta during Aggudra's raid.

Anyway, I'm running my Freya as leader and have two spots open. I have her first ability unlocked already, as well as have her equipped with the Solstice Blade. I'll have the second ability unlocked today as well. My ID is: 196,800,536. Just let me know what your name is in-game [if you don't have GAF attached to it] and I'll add you. I'll also try to free up a few more space for more.


Just realize Hannya is a soldier not a knight. Already have tons of soldier so not particular interested in this one.


Anyway, I'm running my Freya as leader and have two spots open. I have her first ability unlocked already, as well as have her equipped with the Solstice Blade. I'll have the second ability unlocked today as well. My ID is: 196,800,536. Just let me know what your name is in-game [if you don't have GAF attached to it] and I'll add you. I'll also try to free up a few more space for more.

I think you deleted me off of your FL for not having GAF in my name again, :lol. I sent an invite.


lol got a gold chest at 26.... demon that I don't want.

Only the snowman has fire weakness. Werewolf and demon doesn't.


Just got two extra bows and one sword...gave to 80 Nina, 60 Sasha and 50 Morgan. Which will be a more useful leader?
Just got two extra bows and one sword...gave to 80 Nina, 60 Sasha and 50 Morgan. Which will be a more useful leader?
All three are useful in different cases, if your friends use sword units Sasha protects them against Seal, if they use bow units then Morgan is better though you should level her to 60 and unlock her second skill (since she will get sealed so you should at least improve her DPS).


I need to wear a shock collar when playing this game. I made 20 pulls to get Santa Freya just because I like her and she's probably disappearing after this week... I don't even really need her for the raid or my party.


Has anyone else built different parties for Robyn & Freya allies?

Since Freya does single-target damage after her special triggers, I have a much more traditional dance team when I bring her along, vs. my archer-soldier hybrid party.

EDIT: gold chest #2 at wave 42. I'm already looking forward to my LB1 Taibk, since I'm using up my luck on the raid I don't actually care about.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Yeah, the event characters plus poison really breaks the raid.

When Tigre's poison attacks 7,000 at level 30, you know something is wrong.


Yep Poison is great against her. I have Connely LB0 with the event weapon. I should set her as the leader for this week.
I'll wait for a Premium Ticket before I pull again. I have no Prysma left and I shouldn't have spent it in the first place.

Guys, don't forget that Demon raids are the perfect opportunity to get those Limit Break Rewards. Don't sell your 1* + 2* units until you have them MLB'd :p
Why poison is good against her?

My LB2 Connely with maxed event bow is set as leader for now.

my best guess is that gumi forgot to tick off some tabs in the boss data and make them immune to poison

so high HP boss with regular poison damage makes them really easy X)


The 'H' stands for hentai.
To be fair, this raid and all the event characters are Gumi originals, in that JPCC doesn't have this.

So if they "mess up" in a thing or two, we can't blame or give credit to Sega. I wonder if the Japanese audience is jealous of Freya and other global exclusives. To their credit, Gumi Japan's in-house anime artist is really good :)
This event marks the first time I've ever gotten a demon via a battle drop.

And it's one I don't particually want, haha. Oh well. At least I managed to pull a Robyn. Glad I did do early too, holiday outfits are probably my weakness.

Anyway, she's at level twenty but still doing absurd amounts of damage at lvl 40 demons and the like. I have some free slots so feel free to add Fluddy, I should still be in the spreadsheet on the OP.


Well, already got 3 Hannya now after level 50. 1 from pull and 1 from gold chest. Hopefully I can mlb early.

Day 1 - Gold Chest @ 10
Day 2 - Gold Chest @ 42, Reward @ 50
Day 3 - DC demon, Reward @ 80

Apparently the secret is not caring about the demon.

Thank you to everyone who lent me their demon hunters this week. I eventually ditched the hybrid party in favor of a more traditional dance squad (Rox, Frau, Rino, Sasha, with Juliana, Phoena sub). Level 80 was my first 2-orb, mostly due to all the time sucked up fending off the seal ghost wave without Freya; if I had waited for the strongest Freya I have access to - or had better mana spins - it probably would have gone down in 1 orb. While I hope LB1 Sasha has been useful to some of you, I will likely be pulling for a demon hunter next time around (since I'll have a ton of DC in my gift box).

Gradually going to work up to 100, but that still leaves me with plenty of orbs for the balance of the week. If you don't have BK_GAF in your friends list, I'll gladly free up some space for active players. (181,929,145)


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Day 1 - Gold Chest @ 10
Day 2 - Gold Chest @ 42, Reward @ 50
Day 3 - DC demon, Reward @ 80

Apparently the secret is not caring about the demon.

Thank you to everyone who lent me their demon hunters this week. I eventually ditched the hybrid party in favor of a more traditional dance squad (Rox, Frau, Rino, Sasha, with Juliana, Phoena sub). Level 80 was my first 2-orb, mostly due to all the time sucked up fending off the seal ghost wave without Freya; if I had waited for the strongest Freya I have access to - or had better mana spins - it probably would have gone down in 1 orb. While I hope LB1 Sasha has been useful to some of you, I will likely be pulling for a demon hunter next time around (since I'll have a ton of DC in my gift box).

Gradually going to work up to 100, but that still leaves me with plenty of orbs for the balance of the week. If you don't have BK_GAF in your friends list, I'll gladly free up some space for active players. (181,929,145)

Considering you are probably one of the few GAF people who hasn't deleted me off their list, you are on my favorite list.

If I could 'best friend' you on this game like PAD I would have ;__;


If I cannot MLB this then it will be the first 5* I sell for rings. Already have enough soldier card and a LB2 pure dps card has little value. Not to mention the art is no where near as good as Selene.

lv89 still just 1 extra copy.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Near level 80 and I am at LB2, One dropped in UR Chest, another at Demon Coin Pull, the other was the level 50 Prize.

So I am hoping I get that extra drop to MLB her, so damn close.


Ha, I am level 102 and still LB1, not a single extra demon.
Oh man. :(

Is this game recommendable for new players at this point in time?
Sure, any time is great for starting.

You likely won't be able to progress far into the current demon event [Hannya], since you need more than just the starting team(s) to do it, but you can absolutely work your way up and participate in the next one. There's a few really nice upcoming tower/demon events [Tsuru/Aggudra/Alphin], but if you work hard you should be able to build yourself a solid enough team to tackle them when they arrive.


Oh man. :(

Sure, any time is great for starting.

You likely won't be able to progress far into the current demon event [Hannya], since you need more than just the starting team(s) to do it, but you can absolutely work your way up and participate in the next one. There's a few really nice upcoming tower/demon events [Tsuru/Aggudra/Alphin], but if you work hard you should be able to build yourself a solid enough team to tackle them when they arrive.

I'm somehow not surprised you also play this game, Chrono ;)

And thanks for the info, will download and give it a try. Been meaning to find something to play alongside OPTC.


I'm somehow not surprised you also play this game, Chrono ;)

And thanks for the info, will download and give it a try. Been meaning to find something to play alongside OPTC.
Haha, I play a lot of them. More than I should, actually. >_<

When you finish re-rolling for a UR [if you choose to do so] and get your account all created, be sure to send me a friend request and I'll add you. As for the UR you should re-roll for, I'm not sure if anything is available beyond the Vice Capital, so aim for one of those [you can see in the recruitment list]. If event characters are available, you might want to try pulling for the event Freya, as she's amazing. Not just in this raid, but she has potential in teams for later on too, thanks to her special and abilities. Plus, her artwork is nice. Very nice.

Edit: Demon Raid Level 104 and I finally MLB'd Hannya from the demon recruit. I didn't receive a gold/red chest during the whole thing, so I got all three additional copies from the gatcha. Oh well, whatever works!

I also have the demon coin rewards sitting in my gift box so I can save them and hopefully get a head-start on Aggudra when she's released.


I want to stock up my demon coin but I always afraid I will hit the accept all button.

Also someone mentioned in Japan they wipe demon coin in gift box after v2.


I want to stock up my demon coin but I always afraid I will hit the accept all button.

Also someone mentioned in Japan they wipe demon coin in gift box after v2.

I still all have all of my extra v1 raid demon coins in my gift box, but if this is the first v2 demon raid, maybe the wipe only activates at the end of this one. I'd be pretty pissed off, since I have like 20-30k stored up.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I MLB'ed her at level 98, she is my first non-ring MLB Soldier. Now I will just be helping people and getting more rewards, so onward to 200!!

With the raid weapon her attack stat is 11,000 :eek:


Yeah, her stat is nice and the skill and abilities have good synergy, but it will require so much micro management.

Maybe she will be useful for front line unit in colo.
Yeah, her stat is nice and the skill and abilities have good synergy, but it will require so much micro management.

Maybe she will be useful for front line unit in colo.
I don't think that she will require that much micro, no need to activate her skill if you don't want (just use other unit skills). I plan to give her lifesteal weapon/kizuna to keep her at her best point though (only if I MLB her, not a single extra copy at level 124 :( ).


New event and I can get two new arcana just farming? Nice.

Malik is a nice to have mage. I don't know about the other one.


Having huge trouble at lv100, not enough dps to get through the 6 waves. I was 1 souling at lv99.

My team is

I trying to swap Nina to Sasha (higher dps and wave heal) but that didn't help. Try to get in Deed to replace Rox and that doesn't work either.

edit: But guess what? I Just got my last copy from gacha hoooray.
New event and I can get two new arcana just farming? Nice.

Malik is a nice to have mage. I don't know about the other one.
I had looked at Malik before but now that I read his skills again seems very useful for mage teams to prevent blinding ranged attacks (not a common situation but the best unit for that case).

Regarding Rolo he looks like a great tank for 50 wave quests in any other situation there are far better knights.


I have a pair of Soul Siphons in my inventory. I'm thinking that's the right weapon for both Hannya and Morgan, although I'm a bit less sure about Morgan. Anyone have other suggestions?

Edit: I also have a Lexida laying about, but I don't know whether Lexida or Soul Siphon would result in more regen on a level 70 Morgan.
I have a pair of Soul Siphons in my inventory. I'm thinking that's the right weapon for both Hannya and Morgan, although I'm a bit less sure about Morgan. Anyone have other suggestions?

Edit: I also have a Lexida laying about, but I don't know whether Lexida or Soul Siphon would result in more regen on a level 70 Morgan.
While Morgan has one of the best DPS of Knights she it's at her best when using gunner teams with 3 gunners and no healer. In that case you want to let enemies come at you instead of going to them (except if they have shields) so Lexida is better.

Soul Siphon is not great by itself for Hannya since it doesn't heal on criticals, I plan to give her a lifesteal on critical kizuna to compensate.
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