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Cities: Skylines |OT| Not Related to Cities XL.

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The Real Abed

After watching the Mythbusters on roundabouts, and at my disapointment they only did a 4-way roundabout, quick question: you can do roundabouts with more than 4 ways in the game, right?
You can do roundabouts with as many ways as you want and in whatever shape you want. It doesn't have to be circle as not all roundabouts are.


Am I the only one who kinda wish some sort of multiplayer in the near future?
I always wanted a multiplayer mode since Sim City 2000 and SC2013 was kinda okay just had its own problems.
Cities: Skylines looks to be a candidate for the best city builder to-date and I kinda wish it had at least some sort of region play with friends. Even asynchronous would suffice~


It's 7 hours. 1 PM EDT.

The wait is real.

Skem is my first project. Roundabouts FTW!
Google Maps


Rodent Whores
Looking at a few LPs and streams, it seems like the citizens don't really care how long it takes for them to get to work, even if they're waiting forever at a bus stop or metro station. I guess it's not a bad design decision by itself, seeing as how the finicky transit system in SimCity just pissed a lot of people off more than anything else.

I would like to see Colossal Order tweak their "hard mode" mod a bit and integrate it into the game. Mainly, have it as an optional setting, and in addition to the current hard mode settings, add in things like a minimum time citizens are willing to spend to commute to work.


You can do roundabouts with as many ways as you want and in whatever shape you want. It doesn't have to be circle as not all roundabouts are.

Cool. I'll try to replicate the Place de l'Etoile (I'll even be able to put the Arc de Triomphe), and watch the chaos that follows.


I'm also in the joint that's waiting for the nuuvem key - ordered around two weeks ago.

Since I'm at work, it doesn't matter too much, but it would be great to get the key in the next 6 hours...
According to my email, in about 4 hours.


Do reviews go live the same time the codes should be released? Or is there a different set time for them, or am I just oblivious to all the reviews that have already been published.
Looking at a few LPs and streams, it seems like the citizens don't really care how long it takes for them to get to work, even if they're waiting forever at a bus stop or metro station. I guess it's not a bad design decision by itself, seeing as how the finicky transit system in SimCity just pissed a lot of people off more than anything else.

I would like to see Colossal Order tweak their "hard mode" mod a bit and integrate it into the game. Mainly, have it as an optional setting, and in addition to the current hard mode settings, add in things like a minimum time citizens are willing to spend to commute to work.

Traffic problems punish you by delaying services, and from the streams I've watched, it's effective. There is plenty of incentive to build efficient transport systems.


Looking at a few LPs and streams, it seems like the citizens don't really care how long it takes for them to get to work, even if they're waiting forever at a bus stop or metro station. I guess it's not a bad design decision by itself, seeing as how the finicky transit system in SimCity just pissed a lot of people off more than anything else.

I would like to see Colossal Order tweak their "hard mode" mod a bit and integrate it into the game. Mainly, have it as an optional setting, and in addition to the current hard mode settings, add in things like a minimum time citizens are willing to spend to commute to work.

I just played Cities in Motion for the first time a bit yesterday.
They definitively had it in there, so maybe they could port it over?
And seeing how hard it is to fix these kinds of problem in that game, I think it was a good decision they simplified it for Skylines, which should focus more on the city building.


I'm so sad it's not a midnight release. I don't know why I assumed it would be, I woke up to play it before work and that won't be happening :(


Rodent Whores


[DP soz]
"Cities: Skylines |OT| Not Related to Cities XL, except XLing in city building."

My first go on the OT line, be gentle.. :)

It's a shame about the Simcity OT line but it was definitely the right thing to do given Maxis' demise. Makes me sick how blase EA can be about killing one of the most important series in gaming, and sacking people for EA's failures and terrible policies. Awful. From the ashes as far as city builder games though. There's strong irony in the birth of CSL. Instant rapport. I look foraward to playing this game for years and will reward the devs in whatever way I can because I know Paradox will keep creating content.

Tiu Neo

Ugh, I really want to play this, but of course this and the next week will be the busiest weeks of the year. Yeah, right. :(

(I'll try to play a few hours at least. Who needs to sleep?)


Checked my Nuuvem key, it said:

Chave ainda não gerada,
pode estar havendo um atraso da produtora.

Which means they still haven't received the keys. It probably just means they still haven't started distributing the keys (it's still early here on Brazil, not even 8AM right now). I'll check it later and update the status if anything happens, for the non-portuguese speakers that bought the game on Nuuvem.


Ugh, I really want to play this, but of course this and the next week will be the busiest weeks of the year. Yeah, right. :(

(I'll try to play a few hours at least. Who needs to sleep?)


Checked my Nuuvem key, it said:

Which means they still haven't received the keys. It probably just means they still haven't started distributing the keys (it's still early here on Brazil, not even 8AM right now). I'll check it later and update the status if anything happens, for the non-portuguese speakers that bought the game on Nuuvem.
Look at the previous page. I wrote them a mail and they said around 15:00 CET, so in about 3 hours.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Got my key from amazon so I'm ready to go for release. The launch time from Amazon made me somewhat hopeful for a midnight release, but it's still nice to have ahead of time.

Damnit, GMG still hasn't given out keys.

You know, the longer I live the more I realize that I need to just buy everything from Amazon. Whenever I don't I almost always later feel like I wish I had, lol.
Yup. Just got my code from GMG emailed too, activated on Steam..

Gonna be a looooong day at work tomorrow! Night all, have fun.


never left the stone age
Where's my cooode GMG. I know I only pre-purchased it last night but I demand codes! Codes for all!


Ok Skelmersdale is definitely going to be my roundabout tutorial.
The population is around 33,000 and there's a nice mix of housing with two industrial areas NW and SE.
The road layout is... interesting and the smaller roads are really intricate, and I can't see why 1:1 isn't possible, we'll see, but it's the bonkers overuse of roundabouts that I want to recreate :D

Map link

Point Of Order: The devs are Colossal Order. Paradox are publishing.

Yeah what I meant.
So I need some explanation about the asset editor. So it looks like you can use these creations in a normal, achievement-based game, correct? It also looks like assets are based upon the functions of normal buildings too.

Can you make custom buildings that function like commercial, residential, etc?

Watching Skye build his container 'park', it kinda looks like you can set the entertainment output as well - or is it just a static function of the size?

Anyways, I love his container park idea. Looks like a very thematic way to bring entertainment to an industrial area.

What about farms? Right now the farming industrial buildings are one of the more disappointing parts of this game, because they look so tiny. Would someone be able to build a large farming industrial asset - something that looks like a big field - and still be functional for industrial output?

omgomgomg only like 6 more hours
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