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COMIC BOOK DAY! - 08/18/04 - Ex Machina #3 ships!

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Let's see...

Birds of Prey #72 - Not a bad storyarc and I'm enjoying my bi-weekly fix while it lasts, but not the most exciting thing ever.

Ex Machina #3 - The best new comic to come out in, er, months. Which isnt' to say that it ain't great, mind you.

Terra Obscura Vol. 2 #1 - Another "Alan Moore plots, other folks write" series. Lately, this has been getting old, but I enjoyed the first Terra Obscura series quite a bit and it did the same thing, so I'm optamistic this will be another enjoyable excursion into obscure superhero comic history.

She-Hulk #6 - This book is so terrific it hurts.

Ultimate Spider-Man #64 - Enjoyable enough, but I'm pretty glad they're only charging $2.25 for this title. Any more than that and I dunno if I'd bother to follow it monthly. Eh.

Wolverine #18 - I'll be dropping this as soon as Millar takes over, but I'm enjoying the series for the time being.

Crayon Shin-chan #9 - Comics One ships so sporadically that it's always a pleasasnt suprise when they manage to get a volume of Shin-chan out the door. Moore goofy, gag manga antics, which I could always use more of.

Girl Genius #12 - I wasn't planning on going to the comics shop this week until I saw this was shipping. Two issues in less than a year? That's crazy talk!



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ROBIN #129
X-MEN #160



Hollywood Square

I don't know how this happened, but even I am reading She-Hulk. Also, when does Millar start on his Wolverine run? Can't wait for that.
let's see now....

ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #631 *im liking what rucka is doing so far, but it would be appreciated if he got tp the point a bit quicker?

BIRDS OF PREY #72 *cant get enough of those girls, simone is proving the haters wrong.

HERO #19 *you know, i dont recommend this book enough. it's good for self contained stories. fun, light read.

DC COMICS PRESENTS ATOM #1 *dont forget to pick up DC comics presents the flash #1.

MANHUNTER #1 * i wonder if this like the old manhunter?


evil solrac v3.0 said:
doesnt it rock? being job less i mean, by month three your beard should be growing in nicely......
Well, it's not like I get to stay inside all day, just moved back down to school and currently looking for one...but until I get income it's gonna be a little tight.
BuddyChrist83 said:
Well, it's not like I get to stay inside all day, just moved back down to school and currently looking for one...but until I get income it's gonna be a little tight.

no arguing!!! grow the beard and stare at people all day long!!!


Ex Machina #3
Ultimate Spider-Man #64
Daredevil #63

And I might pick up Mary Jane #3 just to support Sean Mckeever. The first two have been really light teen drama reads and I'm sure this will continue that trend. I'll likely just collect the first story arc and hope that the book will still get enough sales to keep going. Mckeever needs more work and the teen/youth market should be his main target. The type of things he writes are perfect for that age group.

In other random news, I picked up the first Fables trade today. I just can't stop myself from spending a bunch of money every week on this freaking hobby.


Alucard said:
In other random news, I picked up the first Fables trade today. I just can't stop myself from spending a bunch of money every week on this freaking hobby.

I am proud of you. Go Fables go!


BuddyChrist83 said:
I am proud of you. Go Fables go!

My picking it up was actually pretty random. I was at the offices of my car insurance company to pick up a check. Once I finished my business there I hopped in the car and thought about possibly stopping by the nearest comic shop. So I did. I browsed some Oni Press books, as well as a bunch of trades, and opted to pick up Fables over 100 Bullets and Spaghetti Western.

Speaking of Oni Press, I almost forgot that Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life Volume 1 comes out this week! That's definitely another one that I will pick up without hesitation. Bryan Lee O'Malley has me by the balls after the beauty of Lost At Sea.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
what's up with hawkman anyway? if someone can give me the run down on wht's up i maY pick it up again.
I second this question, especially since I asked something similiar two weeks ago and no one replied. ;) Plus I wanted to know if people thought it was good quality, etc.



I can't imagine what the above comic could be about. ;)


If you're looking for something fresh and exciting to read, check out Scott Pilgrim Volume 1, shipping this week! Support Canadian talent and Oni Press!


"Scott Pilgrim's life is totally sweet. He's 23 years old, in a rock band, "between jobs," AND dating a cute high school girl. Everything's fantastic until a seriously mind-blowing, dangerously fashionable, rollerblading delivery girl named Ramona Flowers starts cruising through his dreams and sailing by him at parties. Will Scott's awesome life get turned upside-down? Will he have to face Ramona's seven evil ex-boyfriends in battle? Short answer: yes. Long answer: SCOTT PILGRIM, VOLUME 1."

Volume 2 is currently scheduled for February 2005.

Seth C


Better than last week, but still really bad.


X-MEN #160

What a sad sack week. I think I'll wait until next week before I bother going.
I'm just getting Ex Machin and Human Target.

I got my package of comics in the mail yesterday, so this has been a great week for comics yay:


All first prints too :D

Special thanks to Fnord for being the person who first made me notice this comic. It's definitely my favorite series right now by a longshot.


Willco said:
Also, when does Millar start on his Wolverine run? Can't wait for that.

#20, in October.

Wolverine #20 marks the debut of the new creative team of writer Mark Millar and artist John Romita Jr. It also marks the returns of a costumed Wolverine interacting more in the Marvel Universe.

"We were talking the other day about the feeling of a shared universe and we said we going to start integrating titles. We thought if Wolverine's killing everybody in my book and he's bad ass and Elektra's kicking his ass and S.H.I.E.L.D's flying in and everything, and then he's like, 'Hey, how you doin'?' in these other books," Millar said.

"So we're doing it we're going to tie it in with a few other Marvel titles. I always wanted to do one of those big crossover events. The first three issues won't tie into other titles but if he kills other characters in other people's titles maybe you'll see the ramifications."

Millar said he wants to "spin some things off this project," perhaps with some lesser-used characters.

The first story arc, "Enemy of The State," will be six issues.




Best Wolverine story since Morrison's Weapon X Plus? Can I get a hell yes?

Seth C

Semjaza Azazel said:
I'm just getting Ex Machin and Human Target.

I got my package of comics in the mail yesterday, so this has been a great week for comics yay:


All first prints too :D

Special thanks to Fnord for being the person who first made me notice this comic. It's definitely my favorite series right now by a longshot.

Oh no! Kirkman has devoured another soul!


Semjaza Azazel said:
I'm just getting Ex Machin and Human Target.

I got my package of comics in the mail yesterday, so this has been a great week for comics yay:


All first prints too :D

Special thanks to Fnord for being the person who first made me notice this comic. It's definitely my favorite series right now by a longshot.
How much did you pay for those on eBay? Just wondering, because the prices seem to be insane...

Seth C

nomoment said:
How much did you pay for those on eBay? Just wondering, because the prices seem to be insane...

Very insane if you consider how many boxes of the stuff Kirkman has over at his place.


PLASTIC MAN #9 huh, how is this series, does anybody read it. Ive been meaning to start picking it up but would like some feedback first
nomoment said:
How much did you pay for those on eBay? Just wondering, because the prices seem to be insane...

My birthday recently passed, so I had spare cash and I figured what the hell. It was $90 for all nine, autographed first runs. Totally mint. I didn't think it was too bad considering what I'd seen others go for in the past and the fact that #9 wasn't even released yet at the time.

I certainly don't regret the purchase, but I definitely wouldn't have made it if I didn't get that extra money lol.


Ex Machina #3 - Really, really good. Harris' art is really beautiful.

Daredevil #63 - Decent, but a fairly weak issue by Bendis Daredevil standards. Hope it gets better as the arc progresses.


Review time:

Birds of Prey #72 - I take it back: this is a pretty bad story arc. Not real coherant, not real good. I'm not to the point where I'm ready to drop the title, but the bi-weekly event has been less than spectacular.

Ex Machina #3 - This, however, was pretty freakin' great. Anyone not reading this title needs to jump on it, and none of this "waiting for the trade" bullshit.

Terra Obscura Vol. 2 #1 - I really enjoyed the first Terra Obscura mini and this is off to a fine start as well. In short: Moore created the America's Best Comics label, later(?) learned that Back In The Day there was an another America's Best Comics whose characters were either owned by DC or had gone public domain, so he brought them in for an interesting Tom Strong story arc. The first Terra Obscura mini gave these characters their own adventures outside of the regular ABC universe and made for rock solid, no-context-necessary superheroics. This looks to be more of the same; check out the collected Terra Obscura miniseries if this sounds like your bag.

Ultimate Spider-Man #64 - Nothing makes a story exciting quite like telling plot points in flashback. Mediocre at best, with enough of a twist at the end to keep me following the comic for a bit longer. Otherwise...eh.

Wolverine #18 - Good stuff, though it would work better as, say, part of a black and white weekly manga style format. I expect this arc will improve from being read all at once, rather than one issue a month. One more issue, then I'm dropping this title like a hot potato before Millar gets his mits on it.

Girl Genius #12 - Girl Genius continues to be friggin' amazing. The only problem is Phil's glacial release schedule, but I'll take what I can get and be happy with it. Rolicking steampunk adventure of the highest order.

She-Hulk #6 - However, this is the best title of the week, bar none, wrapping up the second half of a two-parter. Lots of humor, plenty of heart, excellent use of the Marvel Universe, and, best of all, the power of Awesome Andy. If you've ever read a Marvel comic, you need to read She-Hunk, and you should probably give it a go even if you haven't. Issues 1-4 are stand alone and the 5-6 two-parter should be readily available at your local shop, so there are no excuses for not giving this title a shot.

I can't wait until Bobillo comes back. Pelletier just... doesn't have it. x_x

Vagabond was great, if a little weird. Musashi doesn't show up at all in this volume, and the story just sorta... jumped, from a special chapter on Baiken/Tsujikaze's past to the new arc and Sasaki Kojiro's past. It's kinda disconcerting, that special chapter interrupts the flow.

(I know I said I wasn't going this week, but I had to stop by the university and it's on the way.)


Scott Pilgrim Volume 1 is GREAT. Actually, it's one of the most fun books I've read in quite a while. I'm not sure how most people will feel about the total 180 the book does in the last quarter, but I thought it was pretty damn hilarious and just plain fun. Volume 2 is due out in early 2005 and I personally can't wait. As long as O'Malley keeps the great personal conversations and character moments, I'm confident that this could be a truly great series of books. Please...buy Scott Pilgrim. It's fun, charming, over-the-top, and everything in between.
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