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COMICS! July |OT| - Independents Day

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Holy shit they are pushing Black Fury way too hard. Pretty soon he will be in the background every Marvel Enterprises comic like Pandora in NU52.

The only way to defeat Marvel pushing Metta World Fury is to buy every copy in the store to show that you want it off the stands.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
why not just stop reading shitty cape books altogether?

sucks remender is going to write uncanny avengers... what a waste of that guy's talent. he should be doing more creator owned stuff like Fear Agent.


Are you actually dismissing the entirety of cape books as shitty? Because if you did, it's pretty much The Single Most Worthless Argument In A Discussion On Comic Books.
why not just stop reading shitty cape books altogether?

sucks remender is going to write uncanny avengers... what a waste of that guy's talent. he should be doing more creator owned stuff like Fear Agent.

Although I think you're being overly hateful of superhero comics, I do wish Remender wasn't doing so many of them.


Everyone should be doing more creator-owned stuff. But saying that superhero comics are a waste of talent is a bit much. Not all capes are created equal. I'd take, say, All-Star Superman over Scalped or DMZ any day of the week.
Picked up Daniel's "Detective" Comics from the library. The art is great and he would be a great replacement to Jim Lee on JL. But man his writing is horrible, his narration reads like erotica "I reach for my quiver, then I quiver" "He comes at me, he knows he misses"

I love cape comics, I'm never going to stop believing in them. And if Gary Whitta treads on me, watch out. I'm recruiting artists on DeviantArt as we speak.
I would assume it's an income thing? Being a prolific mainstream comic book guy is probably a steadier income than creator owned stuff, even if creator owned stuff has the potential to leave you better off.


Are you actually dismissing the entirety of cape books as shitty? Because if you did, it's pretty much The Single Most Worthless Argument In A Discussion On Comic Books.


Everyone should be doing more creator-owned stuff. But saying that superhero comics are a waste of talent is a bit much. Not all capes are created equal. I'd take, say, All-Star Superman over Scalped or DMZ any day of the week.

Doing work for Marvel / DC is simply a reliable paycheck.

It's also worthy of note that you're cherry picking Superman stories. I can't blame you, but you chose an out of continuity series.

Could you pick an in continuity run that you'd enjoy as much as ASS?

I'd have to go with some of the fantastic Alan Moore Superman stories, but even those are more pre-hardcore continuity "What if" style stories.

The problem with monthly superhero comics is the monthly grind. Yeah, you've got 800 issues of Superman.

How many of them are worth a good god damn?

If you were to chart the quality of stories monthly, superhero comics would look fucking abysmal.

This is why I'm in favor of shelving characters momentarily until a worthy creative team comes along. Then brush off the character and let them run with it. This would also make the comics a bit more approachable.

Looking for back issues is a damn joke. Now you're going to have two zero issues for the majority of DC comics? How will you explain that to someone who isn't already drinking the Kool-Aid?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Are you actually dismissing the entirety of cape books as shitty? Because if you did, it's pretty much The Single Most Worthless Argument In A Discussion On Comic Books.

good thing i'm not, then. i've liked loads of cape books over the years. batman and uncanny x-force are both good current cape books. heck, immortal iron fist is one of my favorite comics.

but remender is already doing an ensemble cape book and it'd be great to see him try other things out instead of retreading that ground. i didn't say the same of layman . doing DC as well as chew is a good idea - gives him a chance to do some fun cape stuff while he straight kills thegame on his own passion project.


Doing work for Marvel / DC is simply a reliable paycheck.

It's also worthy of note that you're cherry picking Superman stories. I can't blame you, but you chose an out of continuity series.

Could you pick an in continuity run that you'd enjoy as much as ASS?

Ha, I don't even think I've READ an in-continuity Superman story.

I can't disagree with anything you're saying here. I pretty much only follow creators, not characters. Occasionally I might try out an issue of X-Men or Spider-Man or another big superhero book but I've pretty much limited myself to only the cream of the crop. But now with Comixology, it's all too easy to buy a whole chunk of a run and end up not liking it.


Finally got unbanned (again.) I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.

Stop getting banned when a new issues of Morning Glories is out

Seriously, the fuck? Just when i thought there was a chracter who's motives i thought i understood, this issue comes out and flips it on its head


I would really love to read more comics. When I was a kid I read all the comics I could find (Donald Duck above all, Don Rosa <3), and a bit later I became a huge Marvel fan. Then I stopped reading Spiderman and comics alltogether. I've been trying to get back in now and then by reading stuff like Dark Knight Returns (don't like Batman that much), Sandman (was ok), Watchmen (brilliant), etc, but I just can't get into it even if I like what I read. My biggest problem is a very weird one: I think comics are too short and transient. I finish a normal, weekly issue in like 5 mins, and that's it. I don't feel like I really got anything out of it because it feels like it was over before it began. Even if I buy a collected volume I read through it in 30-60 mins. It feels kind of like a waste of money and space to have these things that provide only a coffee breaks worth of entertainment on my shelf. I know it's a pretty weird issue to have, but that is how I feel. What do you think about this comics-GAF?
Doing work for Marvel / DC is simply a reliable paycheck.

It's also worthy of note that you're cherry picking Superman stories. I can't blame you, but you chose an out of continuity series.

Could you pick an in continuity run that you'd enjoy as much as ASS?

I'd have to go with some of the fantastic Alan Moore Superman stories, but even those are more pre-hardcore continuity "What if" style stories.

The problem with monthly superhero comics is the monthly grind. Yeah, you've got 800 issues of Superman.

How many of them are worth a good god damn?

If you were to chart the quality of stories monthly, superhero comics would look fucking abysmal.

This is why I'm in favor of shelving characters momentarily until a worthy creative team comes along. Then brush off the character and let them run with it. This would also make the comics a bit more approachable.

Looking for back issues is a damn joke. Now you're going to have two zero issues for the majority of DC comics? How will you explain that to someone who isn't already drinking the Kool-Aid?

Busiek's One Year Later run is amazing.


I would really love to read more comics. When I was a kid I read all the comics I could find (Donald Duck above all, Don Rosa <3), and a bit later I became a huge Marvel fan. Then I stopped reading Spiderman and comics alltogether. I've been trying to get back in now and then by reading stuff like Dark Knight Returns (don't like Batman that much), Sandman (was ok), Watchmen (brilliant), etc, but I just can't get into it even if I like what I read. My biggest problem is a very weird one: I think comics are too short and transient. I finish a normal, weekly issue in like 5 mins, and that's it. I don't feel like I really got anything out of it because it feels like it was over before it began. Even if I buy a collected volume I read through it in 30-60 mins. It feels kind of like a waste of money and space to have these things that provide only a coffee breaks worth of entertainment on my shelf. I know it's a pretty weird issue to have, but that is how I feel. What do you think about this comics-GAF?

Ever look into Marvel Digital Unlimited? It's a subscription service at a very reasonable price with a lot of good content, even if the usability and library isn't perfect. Then there are libraries, if you have one around you that has comics ( mine is lame and the entire network ignores them for the most part) and used trades. Comixology runs 99 cent digital sales for a lot of good books. Comics are too short for the cost, it's a tough sell, and a lot of books are paced very slowly so not much happens in each issue which only enhances the problem. If you still like spider-man you might want to check out what Dan Slott is doing with the book now, people really like it. Also helps in the cost area that Marvel includes digital codes with 3.99 issues, if digital is important to you.

Unrelated segment:

I started reading Flash, issues #7 and 8 so far, and i'm liking this book as much as Aquaman and Green Lantern so far. Good, not great, and i'll probably continue ordering it.
What do you think about this comics-GAF?

I think it's time to move on.

I enjoy that comics don't require a crazy amount of my time. As a working adult, in addition to other life activities (cleaning, cooking, etc.), I don't have time for two hour movies when I get home from work. I don't have time for video games that will take days or weeks to beat.

Comics give me the right amount of entertainment in the right amount of time, plus I really, really love well drawn comics - so on top of entertainment, I'm enjoying a little bit of art in the palm of my hands. This is mostly gone from video games these days - whatever talented artists work for Namco and Capcom, you don't see the end results of their hard work through the shitty veneer of polygons that is the end result of that design process. Video games also fail as narrative devices. You're just a rat in a maze slowly grabbing bits of cheese (story bits) that are poorly written, or generally uninteresting. I can count on one hand the number of video games that have made me feel anything. Meanwhile I never fail to laugh my ass off reading Yotsuba or Atomic Robo.

If you're lucky enough to live in an area with a well stocked library you could always check out their selection and go through there.

Otherwise if you're not enjoying the stories, the art, and have some equation for dollars to amount of entertainment you're getting then comics simply may not be for you.
So Comixology are having a 'Walking Dead' sale and the digital only, Omnibus editions are mighty tempting. Their blog entry states these will only be available for the duration of the sale and contain all 99 issues. I already own the first five hardcover editions though. I haven't read more than the first, but enjoyed it immensely. Can any readers recommend if it's worth the double dip? Thanks!
So Comixology are having a 'Walking Dead' sale and the digital only, Omnibus editions are mighty tempting. Their blog entry states these will only be available for the duration of the sale and contain all 99 issues. I already own the first five hardcover editions though. I haven't read more than the first, but enjoyed it immensely. Can any readers recommend if it's worth the double dip? Thanks!

That depends, do you like the most unnecessarily and relentlessly grim comics of all time? Want to put down your iPad, look out the window, and see nothing but rusted out playgrounds and packs of rapers rushing the country side?

Then All The Walking Dead Ever might just be for you!



So Comixology are having a 'Walking Dead' sale and the digital only, Omnibus editions are mighty tempting. Their blog entry states these will only be available for the duration of the sale and contain all 99 issues. I already own the first five hardcover editions though. I haven't read more than the first, but enjoyed it immensely. Can any readers recommend if it's worth the double dip? Thanks!

Worth a double dip? No. sell your hardcover editions and buy the digital ones perhaps? The book is amazing up to issue 48 and then it tapers off. It's still enjoyable, but it's lost its edge. Recent issues have been pretty good again though. I'd definitely abandon the HCs and go digital since it's such a good deal.


How are you guys on buying some volumes of a series but not all? It sort of drives me nuts. For instance, i liked the first half of Buffy Season 8 a lot but hated the back half. I already have the first Buffy OHC and it's great, volume 2 is on order, but i'm already thinking of cancelling vol 2 and selling volume 1 because i don't like the idea of only having half a story, even if it's the only half i like. Same problem with Fables Deluxe editions since i stopped liking the book at around issue 60, have the first two deluxe editions and thinking of selling them rather than owning half or buying them all despite only liking half.
It bothers me if I don't have a complete series of volumes on my bookshelf. That's in part the reason why I have the first six (not five as I first thought) hardcover volumes of the Walking Dead, even though I've only read the first. I didn't want to run into trouble later if I couldn't buy the earlier volumes in hardcover format. I don't like mixing hardcover and softcover trades in the same series. Just last weekend I actually gave my brother the first four volumes of the Amazing Spider-Man 'Gauntlet' run. I enjoyed the first two volumes but not what followed. It was irritating though, only having four of the five volumes.

Thanks for the advice guys, decided to stick with the hardcover volumes as I've already committed quite a bit of money, with owning the first six. Just have to find time to catch up the reading, especially now that I just finished Season 2 of the television adaption.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Stop getting banned when a new issues of Morning Glories is out

Seriously, the fuck? Just when i thought there was a chracter who's motives i thought i understood, this issue comes out and flips it on its head

yea i don't understand a single god damned thing about the book
SERIOUSLY. Best comic ever.


• The second year of the most talked-about new X-Book starts here!
• One of the students is on death’s door and the faculty must 1) try to keep them alive and 2) find who did it!
• With one of the teachers on the outs, a new one must be hired. Who will it be?
• Who is the new student at the school?
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Kieron Gillen (W) • STEPHANIE HANS (A&C)
• Kieron Gillen bids farewell to the cast of JIM!
• “Why Did Loki Do It? No One Knows.” Until now.
• The critically acclaimed epic reaches its climax as Loki’s future and past collide and nothing will ever be the same again. No, really. We mean it this time. Stop looking at us like that.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

Aw hell no! :(
I'm just glad to see WATXM out of the tie-in fight issue bullshit it's been doing recently

and yes, several books are coming to an end in October according to the solicits: Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, Invincible Iron Man, Captain America, JiM, etc. I'm sure most will be relaunched though
Kieron Gillen (W) • STEPHANIE HANS (A&C)
• Kieron Gillen bids farewell to the cast of JIM!
• “Why Did Loki Do It? No One Knows.” Until now.
• The critically acclaimed epic reaches its climax as Loki’s future and past collide and nothing will ever be the same again. No, really. We mean it this time. Stop looking at us like that.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

Aw hell no! :(

You fucking bastards.


Marvel is finally pulling the plug on X-Men Legacy.

Final Issue Variant Also Available
• Last issue, Magneto made Rogue a daunting offer. In this FINAL ISSUE of X-MEN: LEGACY, Rogue faces the repercussions of her decision!
Ending Legacy is probably the right move. I don't think Rogue is really capable of supporting her own book, and it's been pretty bad for a while.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
SERIOUSLY. Best comic ever.


deathlok and ghost rider trying to be instructors? dear god....

i will say this though, deadpool is as nutty as a fruitcake, but he did a damn good job training the skrull before.. well, their incident.


Journey into Mystery/New Mutants Exiled trade
Hulk Mayan Prophecy trade

might get one of those or wait for them to come to MDCU.


Just got MCDU like it but am VERY annoyed at the fact that it's on my PC and not my iPad.

Also, why is it cheaper to get a mail subscritption from Marvel that comes with free digital versions of each comic than just the digital version???


Just got MCDU like it but am VERY annoyed at the fact that it's on my PC and not my iPad.

Also, why is it cheaper to get a mail subscritption from Marvel that comes with free digital versions of each comic than just the digital version???

i got an android tablet purposely for MDCU....there's still a chance Marvel makes an ipad app for MDCU, they've talked about it, but just in their vague " we're looking into it" thing.

Got to support print comics, even if its at the expense of digital.
Ending Legacy is probably the right move. I don't think Rogue is really capable of supporting her own book, and it's been pretty bad for a while.

what? I'd rank them for me

2.Wolverine & Xmen-awesome
3.New Mutants-love it
4.Xmen Legacy- I read it first when I get home
5.Xforce- cool


ugh.plain Xmen-ugh

I just looked this up, aw crap they're killing New Mutants too..

New Mutants, Xmen Legacy, Uncanny Xmen, FAntastic Four, FF, and Incredible Hulk Marvel? I think you just nuked half my stuff from you lol
It seems they're trying to free me up for damn Avengers stuff haha

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
SERIOUSLY. Best comic ever.


actually the last 2 issues were god awful. but this does look promising! hopefully it goes back to good quality and the average of the entire run goes up. the only shitty part is now i can never recommend it to a friend :/


I think it's time to move on.

I enjoy that comics don't require a crazy amount of my time. As a working adult, in addition to other life activities (cleaning, cooking, etc.), I don't have time for two hour movies when I get home from work. I don't have time for video games that will take days or weeks to beat.

Comics give me the right amount of entertainment in the right amount of time, plus I really, really love well drawn comics - so on top of entertainment, I'm enjoying a little bit of art in the palm of my hands. This is mostly gone from video games these days - whatever talented artists work for Namco and Capcom, you don't see the end results of their hard work through the shitty veneer of polygons that is the end result of that design process. Video games also fail as narrative devices. You're just a rat in a maze slowly grabbing bits of cheese (story bits) that are poorly written, or generally uninteresting. I can count on one hand the number of video games that have made me feel anything. Meanwhile I never fail to laugh my ass off reading Yotsuba or Atomic Robo.

If you're lucky enough to live in an area with a well stocked library you could always check out their selection and go through there.

Otherwise if you're not enjoying the stories, the art, and have some equation for dollars to amount of entertainment you're getting then comics simply may not be for you.

I don't have an equation, in fact I have often lambasted people who do. It's just that to me, the comics I've read as an adult have felt unsubstantial, like wolfing down a bowl of popcorn. I'm just as hungry when I'm done as I was before I started.

Ever look into Marvel Digital Unlimited? It's a subscription service at a very reasonable price with a lot of good content, even if the usability and library isn't perfect. Then there are libraries, if you have one around you that has comics ( mine is lame and the entire network ignores them for the most part) and used trades. Comixology runs 99 cent digital sales for a lot of good books. Comics are too short for the cost, it's a tough sell, and a lot of books are paced very slowly so not much happens in each issue which only enhances the problem. If you still like spider-man you might want to check out what Dan Slott is doing with the book now, people really like it. Also helps in the cost area that Marvel includes digital codes with 3.99 issues, if digital is important to you.

Unrelated segment:

I started reading Flash, issues #7 and 8 so far, and i'm liking this book as much as Aquaman and Green Lantern so far. Good, not great, and i'll probably continue ordering it.

Yeah, MDU might be something for me. And look at that, it's way cheaper than I thought! I could read some of my old favourites and see if any of the new stuff looks good to me.

Short length combined with slow pace is exactly what I meant in my other post, thank you. I feel like comics had... I don't know, more words in them in the old days? Am I wrong, or have they moved more towards whole page spreads of action shots as opposed to more dialogue and tighter panels? Obviously I'm not up to speed on most modern comics, but from the ones I've read that's how it feels. Feel free to ridicule me if I'm completely off base.

So Comixology are having a 'Walking Dead' sale and the digital only, Omnibus editions are mighty tempting. Their blog entry states these will only be available for the duration of the sale and contain all 99 issues. I already own the first five hardcover editions though. I haven't read more than the first, but enjoyed it immensely. Can any readers recommend if it's worth the double dip? Thanks!

This... is relevant to my interests. I remember the GFW discussions about these.


• Guest-starring the staff & students of WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN!
• Because you demanded it: the flag football game between Avengers Academy and the Jean Grey School!
32 PGS./Rated T ...$2.99


Short length combined with slow pace is exactly what I meant in my other post, thank you. I feel like comics had... I don't know, more words in them in the old days? Am I wrong, or have they moved more towards whole page spreads of action shots as opposed to more dialogue and tighter panels? Obviously I'm not up to speed on most modern comics, but from the ones I've read that's how it feels. Feel free to ridicule me if I'm completely off base.


I have never read Journey into Mystery. Anything I need to know before starting the run other than Loki being reborn a kid after the stuff in Siege?
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