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COMICS! July |OT| - Independents Day

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dont read comics but im fan of a lot of comicarts and had to post this hair

fairest#8 by Adam Hughes

fucking woa

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
What comics/series do you guys suggest for someone that wants to get into comics?

I'm waiting for my Nexus 7 to be shipped and am hoping for something to read on the train to school and stuff like that.

So, what comics/series do you suggest? I heard good things about the Ultimate series. That's good, right?

Ultimate Spider Man by Brian Michael Bendis is real fun.

also try Y: The Last Man and The Immortal Iron Fist


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
What comics/series do you guys suggest for someone that wants to get into comics?

I'm waiting for my Nexus 7 to be shipped and am hoping for something to read on the train to school and stuff like that.

So, what comics/series do you suggest? I heard good things about the Ultimate series. That's good, right?

"Invincible" from Image Comics. Great spin to the superhero genre.


What comics/series do you guys suggest for someone that wants to get into comics?

I'm waiting for my Nexus 7 to be shipped and am hoping for something to read on the train to school and stuff like that.

So, what comics/series do you suggest? I heard good things about the Ultimate series. That's good, right?

Also, go to comixology and search Free Comics by publisher, Image Comics. They have a lot of REALLY good books with free #1 full issues, just download and read whatever looks good to you. I'd definitely check out things like Walking Dead and Invincible, among many many others.
Seems like everyone isn't afraid to dream, but afraid to achieve.

Achievement = Long hours on top of your work schedule. The last time I got shit published it was by locking myself in the house every Sunday and pulling 11-14 hour shifts working on pages. Monday - Friday was for the day job. Maybe some casual drawing at the coffee shop after work with friends. Saturday was for horsing off. Sunday was for working at comics.

You may be able to find a better regiment that works for you, but the problem for everybody is setting aside that time to put in the work.

Jarrett Williams told me to make Super Pro K.O. happen he comes home from work and does his writing, drawing until it's bedtime. On the weekends he might hang out with friends.

Wasting less time on neogaf would be your first step to success.

But you say, BRAH! I CAN'T DRAW!

Neither could Bendis, but that didn't stop him from tracing photos of his friends to make Torso, Goldfish, and Jinx. He put in the hours and now he'll never have to draw again because he's Marvel's Golden Goose.

The greatest problem neophytes face is looking at Ivan Reis, Geoff Johns, and Doug Mahnke after they've put in their 10,000 hours. While it's noble to strive toward that goal, it's more realistic to go back and look at Ivan Reis when he was drawing Ghost and Lady Death back in the 90's. Even I'm guilty of that novice belief that my art heroes utter a magic word like Billy Batson to get shit done.

There's no magic. You don't utter "Shazam!" and turn into an comic god.

You bust your nuts and get all of the dumb shit out of your system.

If you want some motivation the go read:

Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking

We'd all love to squirm out of this one, but the undeniable fact is that your art is not some residue left when you subtract all the things you haven't done - it is the full payoff for all the things you have done. One might as well wish for indulgence to go back and pick better numbers for last week's lottery.

Time travelers and tabloid psychics aside, the rest of us directly engage only today today. And when you watch your work unfold day by day, piece by piece, there's no escaping cause and effect. Simply put, what you did got you here, and if you apply the same methods again you will likely get the same result again.

Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else

Outliers: The Story of Success

If that shits got too many words, then you can turn to the biggest brah of them all - Beowulf.

So fame
Comes to the men who mean to win it
And care about nothing else!

Beowulf (1534 - 1536)

So, any comic nerd GAF interested in $5 bust sketch cards?

Shit like this:


No ninja Psylocke.

No video game characters.

Post reference pics plz!

Papa needs new shoes.
Coming to you guys with another question about an on-going Comixology sale... Secret Six... I see the complete 36 issues are on sale for .99 cents right now and I've heard nothing but absolute praise for this. I met Nicola Scott a few weeks back and her passion for this series compelled me to want to track down the trades, something I've had no luck with. Does the series maintain the quality of the Simone and Scott issues over the whole run? I'm just weighing up if it's worth buying the complete run, or only the Simone and Scott issues.

That aside, have DC announced any plans to release an omnibus-style collection of Secret Six? For something like this, I'd prefer to own trades, so if there is something in the works, I might just hold off. Thanks.
Coming to you guys with another question about an on-going Comixology sale... Secret Six... I see the complete 36 issues are on sale for .99 cents right now and I've heard nothing but absolute praise for this. I met Nicola Scott a few weeks back and her passion for this series compelled me to want to track down the trades, something I've had no luck with. Does the series maintain the quality of the Simone and Scott issues over the whole run? I'm just weighing up if it's worth buying the complete run, or only the Simone and Scott issues.

That aside, have DC announced any plans to release an omnibus-style collection of Secret Six? For something like this, I'd prefer to own trades, so if there is something in the works, I might just hold off. Thanks.

Yes. It holds up the entire run. When it was being published, you could make a case for it as best book out. Buy it, enjoy it, and come back here to talk about it.


Hey, I am a little bit new in the comic universe and I have some question.

- I've bought Batman: Year One and Batman: The Long Halloween, what should I buy next time to keep in the continuity of the Batman world?

- I've bought and read Black Widow from Marjorie Liuand Daniel Acuna, what run should I get to complete my knowledge in the Balck Widow character?


Hey, I am a little bit new in the comic universe and I have some question.

- I've bought Batman: Year One and Batman: The Long Halloween, what should I buy next time to keep in the continuity of the Batman world?

- I've bought and read Black Widow from Marjorie Liuand Daniel Acuna, what run should I get to complete my knowledge in the Balck Widow character?

Batman: Dark Victory is the direct sequel to Long Halloween.

The Take Out Bandit said:
So, any comic nerd GAF interested in $5 bust sketch cards?

I could probably be convinced to part with $5 for an awesome Sinestro card.


So, I'm not familiar at all with Comixology... does sales happen often ? I'd like to buy some Daredevil by Bendis/Captain America by Brubaker issues.


So, I'm not familiar at all with Comixology... does sales happen often ? I'd like to buy some Daredevil by Bendis/Captain America by Brubaker issues.

There are typically new sales every Friday and Marvel specific ones every Monday.

I've read 3/6 of the Secret Six trades, quality if fairly high for the first three and the story arcs to come look great, I wouldn't worry about a quality dip.
There are typically new sales every Friday and Marvel specific ones every Monday.

I've read 3/6 of the Secret Six trades, quality if fairly high for the first three and the story arcs to come look great, I wouldn't worry about a quality dip.

Great to know! I think I'm going to buy the complete run digitally and then hope DC release an Omnibus-style collection later.


has anyone read comics on a 7'' tablet here? In the nexus 7 thread there are some people saying you could read them fine in full page mode, i don't think they are lying, just that the definition of fine varies from person to person. On my 10'' touchpad i think comixology's reader is a little small to read just on the basis that there is no easy automatic zoom/page scroll option like MDCU has. Yet the touchpad is a bit heavy/bulky and not enjoyable to read on whereas the 7'' form factor of the nexus looks great. But...7''!

Verdict? I might have asked this before too....

Also....Hellboy Library Edition volume 5 shipped from Amazon. Odds of it coming undamaged? Decent!!!?!!????!?!??!??!!! At least exchanges are an easy process. I doubt the Library Edition volume 6 comes out before Hellboy relaunches though. Got to get caught up! Got to....start reading Library Edition volume 1!


Knows the Score
has anyone read comics on a 7'' tablet here? In the nexus 7 thread there are some people saying you could read them fine in full page mode, i don't think they are lying, just that the definition of fine varies from person to person. On my 10'' touchpad i think comixology's reader is a little small to read just on the basis that there is no easy automatic zoom/page scroll option like MDCU has. Yet the touchpad is a bit heavy/bulky and not enjoyable to read on whereas the 7'' form factor of the nexus looks great. But...7''!


I usually read on a Sony Tablet S, it's fine even for something like 2000AD which is oversized compared to US comics. I'm sure the Nexus 7 will be fine.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i can't imagine reading comics on anything smaller than an iPad (i think 9.7"?)

even this is a touch too small


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Hey, I am a little bit new in the comic universe and I have some question.

- I've bought Batman: Year One and Batman: The Long Halloween, what should I buy next time to keep in the continuity of the Batman world??

Batman: Dark Victory -> Robin: Year One.
What comics/series do you guys suggest for someone that wants to get into comics?

I'm waiting for my Nexus 7 to be shipped and am hoping for something to read on the train to school and stuff like that.

So, what comics/series do you suggest? I heard good things about the Ultimate series. That's good, right?
Ultimate comics spider-man vol 2, basically the new spider-man series, peter parker is dead in the ultimate universe, so this follow miles morales, a completely unrelated new character with his own unique origins and set of powers. I like it. It felt stand alone comapred to other comic in the ultimate universe so you have less baggage when reading it, and i like miles. He's a nice kid.


Secret Six is an amazing series, one of my fav. from Simone. Bane has some fantastic moments in it.
Also Ragdoll~


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Image isn't slowing down, they announced a ton of new series.

I'm particularly interested in Greg Rucka doing something sci-fi:

The last creator to be introduced was Greg Rucka, who'll be working on a new series titled Lazarus, with long time collaborator Michael Lark (Gotham Central, Daredevil). Rucka sold it as The Godfather meets Children of Men, and told fans that description "should be confusing." A hard science fiction story set in a dystopian future, Rucka called Lazarus a story he and Lark "have been planning for years."
I'd be more hype for that if Ryan Stegman and Rick Remender were still on the books.

Where the fuck is that Zeb Wells/Joe Mad Spider-Man/Elektra/Wolverine book, is the real question. They probably making that a Marvel Now book.


Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.

Scarlet Spider and Venom are probably my most looked forward to Marvel books of the now, so I'm pretty elated with the event. More people need to give Scarlet Spider a chance! Its fun comic stuff!

Hoping they keep up the momentum after the initial creative teams part ways, but I did enjoy the first non-Stegman Scarlet Spider more than I thought I would. Although I will miss that more 90's influenced artwork. Onwards and upwards for him from the sound of it though, thank god. Get those untalented assholes like Land off of the big books. Kinda glad Remender will be off it though, I'm worried he's entering one trick pony territory after good initial setups.
I'd be more hype for that if Ryan Stegman and Rick Remender were still on the books.

Where the fuck is that Zeb Wells/Joe Mad Spider-Man/Elektra/Wolverine book, is the real question. They probably making that a Marvel Now book.

What is that pic of? Gears of War?

And your analysis on ASM seems the most likely.
Aw sheeeeit!

Alan Davis is coming back to Mid Ohio Con! HYPE!HYPE!HYPE!HYPE!

I had him draw Dragon for me last time he came. Maybe I'll ask for a Captain Britain this time, or Malcolm Dragon?! :3

Hmmmm. . . who do I want to see Alan Davis draw that I haven't seen him draw before?

Humberto Ramos is on schedule too, I hope he doesn't cancel.

I would pay 5 dollars for a DD sketch card easily

Daredevil and another request are in the queue.


Aw sheeeeit!

Alan Davis is coming back to Mid Ohio Con! HYPE!HYPE!HYPE!HYPE!

I had him draw Dragon for me last time he came. Maybe I'll ask for a Captain Britain this time, or Malcolm Dragon?! :3

Hmmmm. . . who do I want to see Alan Davis draw that I haven't seen him draw before?

Humberto Ramos is on schedule too, I hope he doesn't cancel.

Daredevil and another request are in the queue.

Skipped MoC last year because of the Wizard-World take over, was it good?
Skipped MoC last year because of the Wizard-World take over, was it good?

It was better than I had anticipated. They moved the show to a nicer room, but due to poor planning they had to move some exhibitors closer together. It was in a two level room, and they ended up not using the second level.

I was afraid after some of the artists expressed distaste for the take over, and I wonder if they passed on it last year because of the take over or just due to scheduling?

Plus it's close and trips to Columbus are nice.


It was better than I had anticipated. They moved the show to a nicer room, but due to poor planning they had to move some exhibitors closer together. It was in a two level room, and they ended up not using the second level.

I was afraid after some of the artists expressed distaste for the take over, and I wonder if they passed on it last year because of the take over or just due to scheduling?

Plus it's close and trips to Columbus are nice.

Yeah the roster last year seemed no where near as good as 2010.
I really haven't been following announcements for it this year, just know that Tyler Kirkham is supposed to be there.

Yeah it's only like an hour or so from me as well. Dunno what end of the state you're coming from but the Cincinnati Comic Expo has a pretty decent line up this year for being a smaller con - http://cincinnaticomicexpo.com/guests.php


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
I thought I would ask here instead of creating a new thread:

1) Do Comixology sell digital comics to international customers? I am in the UK
2) Do you have to be online to read the comics or do you download them to your device, I'm interested in getting hold of a Nexus 7.
3) Are the digital comics identical in content to the physical ones? For example, would Criminal have the essays in the back and the Walking Dead have the letters pages?

I used to read a variety of comics but at the moment I only really read whatever the Brubaker and Phillips combo releases but I will probably get back into more series and am looking to go digital.
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