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COMICS! |OT| December 2013. Spiking the eggnog, and not telling Stark about it.

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So I read a few chapters of empowered volume 1. It's not bad, but i don't know if I like the episodic feel that much. It's interesting none the less. Dunno if I can commit to that big ass deluxe though.
So I read a few chapters of empowered volume 1. It's not bad, but i don't know if I like the episodic feel that much. It's interesting none the less. Dunno if I can commit to that big ass deluxe though.

It's a fun book. If anything, it does get a little wordy sometimes, but it's a great series. If you're not all that into what you're reading by the end of volume 1, it may well not be your thing.
I like Empowered, though not in the same way as other people here, but I will say this; volume one is definitely still pure cheesecake. It's still just a bondage comic. But it finds its voice pretty quick.
So I read a few chapters of empowered volume 1. It's not bad, but i don't know if I like the episodic feel that much. It's interesting none the less. Dunno if I can commit to that big ass deluxe though.
Volume 01 is very episodic but subsequent volumes become less and less so; the most recent only consists of two stories. In the deluxe edition, Adam explains that the first 100 pages or so of stories in Volume 01 are basically redrawn versions of the "superheroine-in-distress bondage fetish" joke stories that led him to create Empowered. Another reason the first volume is so episodic? Adam didn't think it would take off.


Wasn't a big fan of the streamlined art style, but if it allowed for all those great fight sequences, it was worth it

and Josh Keaton's got a perfect younger Peter Parker voice

Josh Keaton is Peter Parker period. I always wanted to see him actually progress from kid to adult in the cartoons, he's got a great regular voice too.

Plus he seems like a super nice guy going by his AMA on Reddit. But Loeb just had to cut him out of EMH and treat him like thrown garbage.


Not true at all.

It is at 5-6 years old, which I am assuming is the age Loeb is talking about. Obviously, by the time you reach 8 years old or so, you are perfectly capable of following along with continuing plots. A lot of us were reading comics around that age or shortly after.

Also, I wasn't suggesting that they should ditch continuity, but the opposite. The kids who would find it confusing don't care. Everyone else likes it.


I find Empowered kinda creepy, in a fun way I suppose.

You just know that Adam Warren is beating off as hard as he can to his own bondage fetish work.
I forgot to post my pickups for the week! :O

Marvel Comics
Avengers Assemble #22
Daredevil #34
FF #15
Thor God of Thunder #16
Uncanny Avengers #15
X-Men #8
Young Avengers #14

Image Comics
Black Science #2
Sex #9

Dark Horse Comics
Conan the Barbarian #23
Ghost #1
Itty Bitty Hellboy #5

IDW Publishing
Samurai Jack #3

Pretty solid week. Next week I probably won't make it to the shop on account of vacationing coworkers.
I like Wacker's work as an editor, but I won't miss his Internet presence. Utterly incapable of responding to even the slightest criticism of Marvel without resorting to straw men, ad hominem attacks, or arguments so self-evidently disingenuous that they practically rebut themselves (i.e. claiming that Neil fucking Gaiman's credit change from "co-writer" to "consultant" on a couple issues of GotG was just like any other post-solicitation creative change). I have to assume he's not as much of an asshole in real life, but christ.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Just reading through my pile now:

Black Science is so damn good. The pace is hyper-quick but characters are getting fleshed out and there's an urgency to everything going on that I really appreciate. The mecha-Indian designs are fantastic as well, really cool stuff.

Zero. Damn. This is a brutal comic. All of Zero's relationships are becoming these entangled, doomed, encounters that are defining a forced man-weapon's life in the most brilliantly fucked up ways.
I really liked that the man trying to open Zero's eyes lost an eye, and takes one from Zero--some really great symbolism coming through here.

Also, Tim, I just hit one of those links--it's a Death Grips album. I totally thought it was going to be cryptic spy-shit, and I got hyped about it. Oh well.


I like Wacker's work as an editor, but I won't miss his Internet presence. Utterly incapable of responding to even the slightest criticism of Marvel without resorting to straw men, ad hominem attacks, or arguments so self-evidently disingenuous that they practically rebut themselves (i.e. claiming that Neil fucking Gaiman's credit change from "co-writer" to "consultant" on a couple issues of GotG was just like any other post-solicitation creative change). I have to assume he's not as much of an asshole in real life, but christ.

You never know, he might still drop by his regular internet haunts.


I know there's a few other JLDark fans here, so this may be of interest. I had a brief conversation with JM DeMatteis on Twitter this evening and he told me Etrigan will be joining the book next fall. This is fantastic news to me, I'm a huge fan of the Demon. Bring on all the Kirby creations!





Let's just go back to when everyone was separate and happy. So many people hurt or dead. Man that conversation The Will had with Sophie gave me such feels. Also 'Honest Cat' was such a great name to use.

Was Marko really implying that they should kill Hazel before others could? Wtf.

This I see also confirmed my suspicion that Gwendolyn has no fucking idea what she is doing and it would eventually get people killed.

Can't wait for the next issue. Then another longish break right?
How has that series been? I dropped it after issue 4 because it didn't seem to be going anywhere. It felt like it just existed for the blatant nudity.
It's still not at a point yet where you can see the destination. The first arc was #s 1-8 and climaxed in
Simon being coaxed by his lawyer/friend into attending this orgy for the super-rich at a mansion on the outskirts of the city. There he runs into Annabelle, who's supplying girls for the event, and they go to a private room and talk about the old days. Meanwhile one of Annabelle's girls sneaks away from work to see Prank Addict again, and she ends up having sex with him in one of his "hideouts" (the guy's homeless and trading on the mystique of his glory days, and he makes her wear the mask while they do it). Back at the party, Simon and Annabelle are talking about the cat-and-mouse games they played back then, and Simon is opening up to her and gets more introspective and personal than we've seen him so far. Finally Simon seems to have made up his mind, and he proves it by removing his clothing and presenting himself to Annabelle... who's fallen asleep on the couch. Simon puts his clothes back on, sneaks out of the mansion, and starts walking back to the city with a lot of road left in front of him, literally and figuratively speaking.
It was an issue that was definitely being built towards, but it went in a direction I didn't see coming and depending on how you feel about it you're either okay with delaying gratification or you're turned off by the tease. Also, some very interesting juxtapositions going on between Simon and Annabelle and Prank Addict and the girl, within the same pages; a contrast of intimacies of sorts. It's not a fast-moving book, no, but there are some fascinating ideas there that I'm willing to give Casey time and room to work with.


I thought you didn't like Sex?
Whaaaat? No, I'm one of the ones who didn't drop it.
I know there's a few other JLDark fans here, so this may be of interest. I had a brief conversation with JM DeMatteis on Twitter this evening and he told me Etrigan will be joining the book next fall. This is fantastic news to me, I'm a huge fan of the Demon. Bring on all the Kirby creations!

He needs to bring Amethyst onboard full time too.
Hi comic gaf, relatively new to comics. I've picked up almost all of Geoff John's GL and like the first arc or two of new 52 batman. I want to jump into marvel now and ive been hearing good things about superior spiderman and all new x-men. As a broke ass student, I don't have the money to keep up with both, so I need some suggestions as to which I should pick up.

Also does XO manowar get better after the first volume? I found it kinda boring.


Just bought the first three volumes of Chew. Hope it's as good as Acid08 says it is, or I'm demanding a refund!
I kid. Maybe.

Hi comic gaf, relatively new to comics. I've picked up almost all of Geoff John's GL and like the first arc or two of new 52 batman. I want to jump into marvel now and ive been hearing good things about superior spiderman and all new x-men. As a broke ass student, I don't have the money to keep up with both, so I need some suggestions as to which I should pick up.

Superior Spider is so much fun IMO. Might be worth reading the last trade of Amazing Spider Man first, though.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Oh wow so there's another site that's as terrible at shipping trades as Amazon. Horrifying.

To be fair, they will send me another copy and let me keep the original. I just hope the new copy will not arrive damaged :/


Pizza Dog
I finally realised what happened with
at the end of Locke and Key, I'd forgotten that there was
an Animal Key that turned him into a bird, when Bode took over the body of the other bird they used that key to turn him into a human
, it's been a while since I'd read that issue so didn't come back to me at first. That clears that up!


Marvel Unlimited has a weird sale going on, buy one subscription for yourself and get one free for a friend. Has to be new customers or currently canceled customers, which is still dumb but whatever.

I have the first 4 Locke and Key hardcovers....the next two will cost around $35ish. The digital bundle on sale from comixology is $45 thanks to no discount on the last two expensive issues. Too much money...
I finally realised what happened with
at the end of Locke and Key, I'd forgotten that there was
an Animal Key that turned him into a bird, when Bode took over the body of the other bird they used that key to turn him into a human
, it's been a while since I'd read that issue so didn't come back to me at first. That clears that up!

Took me a while to get it too, but I respect them for not over-explaining. They were so consistent with the details all the way through.
I know there's a few other JLDark fans here, so this may be of interest. I had a brief conversation with JM DeMatteis on Twitter this evening and he told me Etrigan will be joining the book next fall. This is fantastic news to me, I'm a huge fan of the Demon. Bring on all the Kirby creations!

That is pretty awesome news, he'll be a nice addition to the team.


Marvel Unlimited has a weird sale going on, buy one subscription for yourself and get one free for a friend. Has to be new customers or currently canceled customers, which is still dumb but whatever.

Does anyone in here use Marvel Unlimited? How's the overall service? Are all new releases on there on Weds?


Got the Wonder Woman bombshell statue, friend picks it up and drops it breaking the base sign. Fuck me. Lesson learned. Wy do people pick up my shit.

Look don't touch.


Does anyone in here use Marvel Unlimited? How's the overall service? Are all new releases on there on Weds?

I've subscribed for a couple years now, my sub ends in March which i'll then look for a discount....anyways:

It works great on ipad, the reader right now is awful for google play/nook hd+

There are no new releases currently for MU, books are typically at a six month delay between release to stores and MU. About 14ish current books get updated per week lately, which doesn't seem like a lot. If you haven't read a lot of Marvel though it's a great value if you have an ipad because they have full runs of a lot of books, things like Astonishing X-Men and Immortal Iron Fist among many many many others.
Anybody down for splitting the cost of that Marvel Unlimited deal with me?

I don't want to pay for full price but I'm in with this deal at 35$

Pm me



Junior Member
Hey guys, I was thinking of picking up Uncanny X-Force #2-6 on the Comixology Marvel Now sale. Anything else I should consider?
I already have the entire first arch of Thor, the first collection of JiM as well as ANXM.


Where's that dude who works for comixology at? They need to get DC to release all of Jack Kirby's stuff in digital. I would double dip so hard on the Fourth World saga.


Read the first two issues of All new X-Men. This book is good. I have a few questions though as I am confused about stuff it assumes I know.

was cyclops murdering xavier the only bad thing he did or is there more. Did this happen in another book?

When did Jean Grey die and while I'm at it what are her powers?

Storms real name is Ororo or is that a nickname lol?

Where is Gambit these days? Is he not an X-Men anymore?

So yeah those are not really spoilers I suppose but might as well be careful.

Are all the current X-Men books connected? Or is it just 3 separate narratives? I am reading all new and X-Men.

I'm sorry but this is essentially my first time reading X-Men comics and I'm all confused with stuff that I'm sure is second nature to you folks. I only really ever watched the 90s cartoon.

One thing I do know is that I like Rogue.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Read the first two issues of All new X-Men. This book is good. I have a few questions though as I am confused about stuff it assumes I know.

was cyclops murdering xavier the only bad thing he did or is there more. Did this happen in another book?
When did Jean Grey die and while I'm at it what are her powers?
Storms real name is Ororo or is that a nickname lol?
Where is Gambit these days? Is he not an X-Men anymore?
So yeah those are not really spoilers I suppose but might as well be careful.

Are all the current X-Men books connected? Or is it just 3 separate narratives? I am reading all new and X-Men.

Also played God with the Phoenix Force powers, went around fixing the glone in a lot of ways until the power started corrupting him. Jean Grey has died a bunch of times to the point of convolution, but her last "major" dead was at the hands of a mutant named Xorn who was posing as Magneto (very convoluted).
Storm's real name is Ororo Munroe.
Gambit will soon be in the relaunched X-Factor and had his own ongoing until recently that had him doing thief shit.
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