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COMICS! |OT| December 2013. Spiking the eggnog, and not telling Stark about it.

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I liked the first issue of Zero enough, but I was sold on the concept by the 2nd issue after I saw what he was trying to do. The title made sense after that issue.


also yeah I need to get back on the private eye train because that ruled
Read The Wake 1-5: Cannot believe I put this on the backlog for so long, although I think reading it one issue at a time would not have given me the same impact. The issues didn't feel episodic at all, these issues flowed together and Issue 5 ended perfectly for the next part of this series. Sean Murphy is incredibly versatile, he can create beautiful imagery next to horrifying creatures with ease. Snyder has all these mysteries piled together and it isn't annoying. It was a wonderful surprise for me. I don't know if I should just wait for the rest of the issues to release before I read Part Two.
Man it's crazy how many good comics are out there that I have no clue about.

Stumbled upon this link:

15 Best Comic Books of 2013

Dunno how great the list is in terms of ranking and what not, but I found 3 comics I wanted to dive into ASAP; Nowhere Men, Buzzkill and Sex Criminals.....

Started Nowhere Men first then working my way to the other 2.

That's uh.. That's an interesting list.

I loved the first three issues of Buzzkill. Really really loved them. It's such a clever premise. But I was disappointed in the final chapter. It seemed strange to me and kind of a cop out ending. Spoiler:
everybody dies.

It's nice to see Numbercruncher recognized, though. Really great mini, that. Smart and dizzying and funny.


I don't really have much to say on paul rudd, and I hope ant man is good.

I am just kind of amazing that I am going to see a solo movie on ant man before a WW movie.

Its a amazed/ Hurt feeling.
I liked the first issue of Zero enough, but I was sold on the concept by the 2nd issue after I saw what he was trying to do. The title made sense after that issue.



also, I hope its not just me and Mr. Chew reading Private Eye, cuz its pretty legit

Which comic is this? The art looks familiar?


i'm loving al lot of what's going on marvel, right now, but i'm also slightly confused.

if i take them 'comic series by comic series', then it makes perfectly awesome sense, but when i try to gel them into one coherent universe, my head aches.


for ex: in wolverines self titles series he's lost his healing factor and fighting a whole bunch of shit with kitty pride.
but in WaTX, ANX, UXmen, & xmen, she's left the jean grey school and they're not on speaking terms.
then in uncanny avengers, wolverine & rogue are fully focused on fighting off the apocalypse twins with the rest of their squad, but in WaTX, UX, ANX, he's busy playing headmaster at the jean grey school, while rogue (up until recently) was busy galavanting with psylocke, rachel grey, storm, and jubilee.

very recently, wolverine has broken into shield resulting from the BOTA miniseries, yet in uncanny avengers he's busy being overwhelmed by the four horsemen, AND in amazing x-men, he's in heaven/hell searching for kurt.

WTF? my head hurts.

can someone put this in chronological order for me? because i seriously doubt characters like wolverine, rogue, and storm are either at multiple places at once, or are busy going back and forth between places… it's incredibly inefficient.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
i'm loving al lot of what's going on marvel, right now, but i'm also slightly confused.

if i take them 'comic series by comic series', then it makes perfectly awesome sense, but when i try to gel them into one coherent universe, my head aches.


for ex: in wolverines self titles series he's lost his healing factor and fighting a whole bunch of shit with kitty pride.
but in WaTX, ANX, UXmen, & xmen, she's left the jean grey school and they're not on speaking terms.
then in uncanny avengers, wolverine & rogue are fully focused on fighting off the apocalypse twins with the rest of their squad, but in WaTX, UX, ANX, he's busy playing headmaster at the jean grey school, while rogue (up until recently) was busy galavanting with psylocke, rachel grey, storm, and jubilee.

very recently, wolverine has broken into shield resulting from the BOTA miniseries, yet in uncanny avengers he's busy being overwhelmed by the four horsemen, AND in amazing x-men, he's in heaven/hell searching for kurt.

WTF? my head hurts.

can someone put this in chronological order for me? because i seriously doubt characters like wolverine, rogue, and storm are either at multiple places at once, or are busy going back and forth between places… it's incredibly inefficient.

Just let it rock..... if you think about it to much you will just give yourself a headache, but in theory all those stories just take place literally one after another over a period of a few days/weeks/month spans. The more dramatic the change to the characters
(kitty leaving, rogue's death, etc)
the more current the event unless that event is mentioned in passing in another story as a way to time date it as being after said dramatic event.

So in theory right now the most current storylines goes as follow ANX and Wolverine are the furthest in the past, WATXM, Uncanny X Men, The All New X-Men, are in the middle with Uncanny Avengers being the most modern. This can and will change between storylines. This is based on the characters interaction in relation to the most recent dramatic events. In fact I've had a theory that Uncanny is the most current comic in the marvel U even ahead of everything else including infinity for a while now and the more things that happen in it the more I feel that theory is correct.
Yeah, I dug this, too. Simone's Sonja is just a bad bitch. I mean, she gets drunk, makes sarcastic jokes, becomes angry and slays fools. She's wonderful. And it was nice to see a complex female/female relationship explored. Far too rare in comics.
Killing Tiath, though? I get that Sonja is brutal but wasn't that kinda foolish?
Interesting twist though. After discovering it, I'm curious to go back through the issues and look for the clues. Curious, but lazy.

I took the action you spoiler tagged as being a very impulsive one.
Speaking only for myself I could see the pointlessness of the death of the King that Sonja respected more than any other and then, on top of it, of her Arena Sister who she saw as having a chance at redemption causing her to act on impulse, in that moment.
It felt like a very human response.

I'd like to call out some attention, too, to the cover art by Jenny Frison. Gorgeous work. I especially like her hair. Most drawn hair tends to be just a mass, but her line work is very wispy. Love it! My LCS was actually out of her cover for #6 so I have the variant which, while nice, just isn't the same. I may double dip somewhere else to get it.
Also remember UA current arc is looking to be an arc that gets ignored by the greater MCU due to time travel shenanigans.

So anything that happens there outside of character actions can be ignored.
Just read Pretty Deadly #3. It's nice to see all of the threads come together, but one would think that's the type of thing that might be nice to learn in the first issue. So for that reason, I think that the book might read better in trade format, at least for this story arc. But either way, it seems to be a good book so far. I'll be keeping it on the pull list for the time being. Love the art.
OK Rogues Rebellion... I was sort of feeling you at first but with issue #3i don't even care anymore, you're just a fun book. Rogues ongoing anyone? Yes please.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
OK Rogues Rebellion... I was sort of feeling you at first but with issue #3i don't even care anymore, you're just a fun book. Rogues ongoing anyone? Yes please.

Which is better Rogues Rebellion or Superior Foes of Spiderman?

Also I think I'm going to pick up all 4 issues of Numbercruncher is it worth it?
Which is better Rogues Rebellion or Superior Foes of Spiderman?

I can't really comment on Superior Foes as I don't read it but I've heard it is very good. Critically I'd probably guess Superior Foes (Rogues is also a six issue mini that ties into Forever Evil). I just find the Rogues to be fun and the book a delightful look at them going from the pan to the fire over and over.


OK Rogues Rebellion... I was sort of feeling you at first but with issue #3i don't even care anymore, you're just a fun book. Rogues ongoing anyone? Yes please.

I've said before I'd read a weekly digital title about the lives of the Rogues. They just lend themselves so well to the out of continuity, rotating creative team format that Adventures of Superman and Legends of the Dark Knight use, I feel.

That and a similarly formatted Wonder Woman title are my biggest DC dream announcements.
That and a similarly formatted Wonder Woman title are my biggest DC dream announcements.

+1, you know what's up brah.


Caught up on Harley Quinn #1; great fun. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Looks like it'll be a good book.

Batman and Two-Face: Still loving what Tomasi is doing.

Vibe: Well that was a rush of a shit show of an ending. Still, I enjoyed the run and am net positive on the experience.


Junior Member
Grabbed Savage Wolverine 1-5 and Guardians of the Galaxy 0.1-3 from the Marvel Now sale. Also thinking of grabbing Uncanny X-Men. Yes/no?


Just finished reading volume 3 of Chew. Wow, this comic is amazing! I just love how creative and hilarious the story is. Art is also pretty nice, but for some reason it comes off as blurry in some panels.
Now to get the remaining volumes...
Purge list is at nine comics... Trying to find a tenth... Who to sacrifice...

The Dark Knight
Detective Comics
Batman Black and White
Batman '66
All Star Western
Birds of Prey* Maybe
Ten Grand

Some of this is fluff I don't need but it still good, not a judgement of the quality, outside of Catwoman. My List is just so ridiculous I HAVE to make some cuts.

I could cut JL:D, Pandora, Constantine and Phantom Stranger for four more but I don't know.


gohastings.com has a 50% off sale today only on used stuff. The condition you get them in is a toss-up, especially paperbacks.


Unconfirmed Member
I want to cut a few titles but I'm struggling to find any I want to stop reading. X-Men will most likely be dropped due to the new arc boring me.

I'll have over twenty titles once Southern Bastards and Moon knight come out.


My picks from this weeks incredibly large release list:

Avengers #24.1
Robotech / Voltron #1
(Except that's a lie, because my store put Robotech/Voltron out on the shelf last week so I already bought that :p)

I was planning to pick up the Doctor Who special too, but there's apparently some odd reason why Diamond haven't sent them anything Who related due to some license issue, even though IDW still have it until the end of the year? I have no clue, seirously, but either way it means I won't be picking it up from them. If it reviews well I might throw it onto an online order in the new year, perhaps.

I'm sure that for some reason I just can't recall I'm busy this week though, so I won't get to pick Avengers up until next week.


Neo Member
So whats the deal with the new Avengers book having a giant number one on the front of it? Is this like another reboot or something?
So whats the deal with the new Avengers book having a giant number one on the front of it? Is this like another reboot or something?
New jumping on point. Marvel is moving toward "season" releases and they want you to know this is the first "episode" of the new "season" of Avengers.
I could cut JL:D, Pandora, Constantine and Phantom Stranger for four more but I don't know.

If you can cut it, then make the cut, is my philosophy. There are books I could have kept reading and even enjoying that I've dropped. I just didn't strongly enjoy them or they weren't special enough to me for any reason. Gotta drop those books. Make way for the new.

I want to cut a few titles but I'm struggling to find any I want to stop reading. X-Men will most likely be dropped due to the new arc boring me.

I'll have over twenty titles once Southern Bastards and Moon knight come out.

After making some cuts, I'm at 25 titles and I can't bring myself to cut any more. But I'm reading about ten mini series and I'm going to be more discerning about the minis (and ongoings) I choose going forward, so hopefully I'll be able to bring my pull list around to 20 per month on average. I doubt it, though. There are a lot of awesome books out there, dammit.


Purge list is at nine comics... Trying to find a tenth... Who to sacrifice...

The Dark Knight
Detective Comics
Batman Black and White
Batman '66
All Star Western
Birds of Prey* Maybe
Ten Grand

Some of this is fluff I don't need but it still good, not a judgement of the quality, outside of Catwoman. My List is just so ridiculous I HAVE to make some cuts.

I could cut JL:D, Pandora, Constantine and Phantom Stranger for four more but I don't know.

The Dark Knight ends in a few months, cut that and for the love of God cut Catwoman. Stop torturing yourself.


Oh? Thoughts? I'm getting that this week. Dish!
But I don't want to spoil it! :(

Honestly, I enjoyed it. I can't say how true it is to Voltron because I didn't watch that, but I was grinning once the Robotech characters started appearing. Some of the dialogue is very on the nose, but that's kind of what makes it fun.
It was very much a set-up issue, but it did at least cut straight to the story rather than wasting time introducing everyone (I'm assuming they decided anyone buying it would already have a familiarity with all the characters). Between the writing and the art character archetypes at least are established fairly swiftly, and the art was great! The characters are very animated, and Lotor's expressions and body language are kind of hilarious.
Outside of (for lack of a better spoiler-less description) a "running sequence" I enjoyed the (not really a spoiler considering what the original shows were about, but whatever)
space parts
best art-wise, but there was a double page towards the end that made quite an impact and I'm hoping to see more mechs in future issues.

It's a bit cheesy but it kind of works. If I wasn't a fan I'd probably feel differently, but I am one so I'm just going to enjoy it :)
But I don't want to spoil it! :(

Honestly, I enjoyed it. I can't say how true it is to Voltron because I didn't watch that, but I was grinning once the Robotech characters started appearing. Some of the dialogue is very on the nose, but that's kind of what makes it fun.
It was very much a set-up issue, but it did at least cut straight to the story rather than wasting time introducing everyone (I'm assuming they decided anyone buying it would already have a familiarity with all the characters). Between the writing and the art character archetypes at least are established fairly swiftly, and the art was great! The characters are very animated, and Lotor's expressions and body language are kind of hilarious.
Outside of (for lack of a better spoiler-less description) a "running sequence" I enjoyed the (not really a spoiler considering what the original shows were about, but whatever)
space parts
best art-wise, but there was a double page towards the end that made quite an impact and I'm hoping to see more mechs in future issues.

It's a bit cheesy but it kind of works. If I wasn't a fan I'd probably feel differently, but I am one so I'm just going to enjoy it :)

Awesome! Sounds good! How about scale and perspective? Do we get a comparison to the size of Voltron / The Lions versus the Veritech / Valkyries? Was the SDF-1 present?

Thanks for the thoughts!

The Dark Knight ends in a few months, cut that and for the love of God cut Catwoman. Stop torturing yourself.

The nine I listed are going to be cut with the exception of Birds of Prey. I still really like that. I'm losing alot of Batman but I still have plenty. The rest are just not as connected to the DCU as I need them to be. Ten Grand is mostly because of the art change. Just not feeling it.


Fatale #18 was good, its crazy as usual. I ordered through issue 20 and then i may wait for trades, i'm not really liking how the plot is so disjointedly mysterious regarding the lead character. It's hard to really grab onto the story.
Fatale #18 was good, its crazy as usual. I ordered through issue 20 and then i may wait for trades, i'm not really liking how the plot is so disjointedly mysterious regarding the lead character. It's hard to really grab onto the story.

I like it because it feels so similar to Criminal, only with an occult/paranormal twist to it. But yeah, the fact that they're still keeping Jo so shrouded in mystery. I think at this point it's time to start answering at least some questions. When you don't, you turn into Morning Glories (which I still enjoy, but I've given up hope of ever understanding XD).


so the consensus on Battle of the Atom was that it was shit right?

i saw a video on youtube with comicbookgirl19 and 2 other people acting like it was the greatest event ever.
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