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COMICS! |OT| December 2013. Spiking the eggnog, and not telling Stark about it.

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I received my first damaged shipment from DCBS today ;_;

I'll see how they do with customer service.

what was damaged? was the box smashed? So far i've never had a large number of items damaged in one shipment, just a comic on occasion with a crease, dent, nick. If i care about the comic i either don't ask for a replacement and regret not asking, or ask for a replacement and they are helpful in getting me one :p If it's written by Bendis i let it slide.
What All New Marvel now series are you brahs most apprehensive about? Ill say it again, but for me its gotta be Ghost Rider.
The art looks so schway and stylized but the solicit doesn't inspire much confidence. This brah does not need to be fending off against wannabe gangtas outside Dodger Stadium. Brah needs to be dealing with the supernatural Dia De Los Muertos La Madrastra style shit. You gotta take your chances when you get em.


Gun toting wolverine , poor stegman :(
what was damaged? was the box smashed? So far i've never had a large number of items damaged in one shipment, just a comic on occasion with a crease, dent, nick. If i care about the comic i either don't ask for a replacement and regret not asking, or ask for a replacement and they are helpful in getting me one :p If it's written by Bendis i let it slide.

The box wasn't smashed it was more like something cut through the bottom of it, there's a gash through several of the issues right in the center. Amazing X-Men took the most damage ;_;

Also it will be good to know how DCBS handles these problems.
The new 52 got me back into comics. Does that make me a bad person :(

Not at all Messi. Even if it did, I've been meaning to say thank you for awhile. I glanced into GAF's Arrow thread back when I was first getting into the series (all caught up now and a proper devotee) and the first thing I saw in there was your post of the roy harper wall breakdance kick gif. For this and the laughter that I had as a result, you can never be a bad person.

I finished it up a couple of weeks ago and absolutely loved it. The issue from the perspective of the AK-47 (which looks incredibly cheesy typed out) was probably my favorite. The ending fake out was brilliantly done as well. The whole series was probably my favorite comic that I read this year, thanks again for the recommendation.

That is so cool man, I can't tell you how pleased I am with that haha, it might be my achievement of the year. I don't know anyone else who's read it, so I'm glad you were as blown away as me. Yea, the AK issue is just mindblowing. It's how accurate the story it's telling is as well. I've saw a few of those facts pinched since on the tail end of movies and so on, but I always think back to that issue and the reality it manages to illustrate. Brutally moving book. If you tweet Dysart as well, he'll reply, he's an extremely polite and interesting guy and always interacts with the fans. Big hand for Ponticelli as well, his art is pitch perfect, and I love how the colours change with the season in the later part of the series. Great stuff.
Is it wrong that I want the rat Queens trade and the Sex crims one even though I have the issues.

I want to double dip on Rat Queens, too. To own for myself but also to loan. I like to make the most of my (modest) library by loaning stuff out to friends.

Also, I could get it signed. The writer is local and he's scheduled to do a signing at a LCS when the trade is released. I'm even tempted to go dressed as Betty, haha. Cosplay at a signing. That would officially make me the worst.
The IGN comcis podcast would not stop raving about unknown solder when it was coming out. Picked up the first trade and was hooked.

Was glad to see a version of the character apper in suicide squad

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
The IGN comcis podcast would not stop raving about unknown solder when it was coming out. Picked up the first trade and was hooked.

Was glad to see a version of the character apper in suicide squad

Some of you guys have been mentioning it here and there, and I just looked it up and Alberto Ponticelli is the artist....this is super tempting.


All Digital iamge books are half off till tommorw get them while they are hot


maybe the website is getting hammered but it's slowwwwwwwwww. It didn't work well the last time i tried to check them out too

Valiant is also having another sale on comixology's website, type in VALIANT for 99 cent books up to the second from newest issue. I'm going to get a few more Archer and Armstrong, Quantum and Woody issues, and the first 3 of Eternal Warrior.


Awesome! The first trade is 6 bones on instocktrades, so i'll grab it.

Seriously, it is absolutely phenomenal. I think you'll really enjoy it.

doniewhalberg said:
That is so cool man, I can't tell you how pleased I am with that haha, it might be my achievement of the year. I don't know anyone else who's read it, so I'm glad you were as blown away as me. Yea, the AK issue is just mindblowing. It's how accurate the story it's telling is as well. I've saw a few of those facts pinched since on the tail end of movies and so on, but I always think back to that issue and the reality it manages to illustrate. Brutally moving book. If you tweet Dysart as well, he'll reply, he's an extremely polite and interesting guy and always interacts with the fans. Big hand for Ponticelli as well, his art is pitch perfect, and I love how the colours change with the season in the later part of the series. Great stuff.

Yeah I tweeted Dysart a couple times as I was reading it and he seemed genuinely happy I enjoyed it so much. From start to finish it us just an amazingly crafted comic, the writing, the art, the colors, everything is all top notch. You can really tell it was a labor of love for the creative team. I said it before and I'll say it again, the ending was just perfect. So emotional and just the perfect way to wrap it all up.
Attention Comic-GAF!

If you've never seen it, if you haven't seen it in a long time, if you don't own the DVD season sets, if (like me) you do own the DVD season sets but you just want to watch anyway... Wonder Woman is coming to Me-TV!


Beginning at 8pm/7pm Central on Saturday, December 28th, Me-TV (that's "Memorable Entertainment Television") will begin airing all 60 episodes of the original Wonder Woman television series from the 1970s, starring Lynda Carter as the comic heroine in all her star-spangled glory. But to kick off the new series, they're airing the original movie/pilot episode tonight (12/27) in the 8pm/7pm Central timeslot as their Friday night "TV Movie of the Week." Then, regular episodes will begin airing every Saturday night as part of the network's sci-fi lineup, in the 8pm/7pm Central timeslot after the original Batman television series starring Adam West.

Batman and Wonder Woman, spending two hours together every Saturday night fighting crime back-to-back. There's no part of that statement I don't like! :D






Find your local Me-TV affiliate!
The new 52 got me back into comics. Does that make me a bad person :(


Is it wrong that I want the rat Queens trade and the Sex crims one even though I have the issues.

Nah, I do that shit all the time with Image books. Totally worth it. But now I've taken to waiting for the deluxe hardcovers, because you know they're coming for books like Lazarus and East of West.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
How often do they have sales? The recent one ends soon, and I might want to pick up a few cheap books while I can.

Oh. I only just realized while reading this that the 45% off basically everything is a sale and not just IST's "thing." (I've only just started checking that website a couple months ago.)
So I was planning to get the Miller Daredevil omnibus as well as Absolute Batman and Robin sometime in the next couple months... Would it be wise to just buy them now or is there a pretty certain chance they'll be on the same "sale" again sometime soon?
I realize I'm basically asking the exact same question vocab asked, but I just want to double check.


Dear Comics-Gaf, forgive me for saying Justice League #26 was probably going to be the worst book i read this month, for i have just finished Inhumanity #1 and know better.


Unconfirmed Member
I bought the Shazam (New 52) trade. I thought the character was interesting when he appeared in Constantine. I'm trying to expand my DC reading.


The new 52 is great. Boo the haters. They were complaining incessantly before the new 52 too.


So the guy wasn't even trying to shoot her.
Green Arrow readers what would be a good issue to jump on? I was told it didn't start off strong with the new 52 but there was a change in writers and it improved tremendously


Shit, March? I thought the trade would be closer.


Speaking of DC, I am glad I kept reading Suicide Squad. I wanted to read more Harley stuff so I kept going even after those awful death of the family issues and I've grown to really like it. It's corny as hell but it's a fun read. Still a few more issues until I am caught up.


Valiant is also having another sale on comixology's website, type in VALIANT for 99 cent books up to the second from newest issue. I'm going to get a few more Archer and Armstrong, Quantum and Woody issues, and the first 3 of Eternal Warrior.
awwwww yeay~!!!

$24 for the entire run of OG Quantum n Woody?!?!?!

da bomb!


While I would love that , I would just prefer as it has been multiple comics about different spider peeps. So I ca n go " At least this comic associated with spiderman is good."

It's sad as I really enjoy Miles, Spider Girl, Cloak and Dagger. I don't want them to go away. I'm sure Miles will somehow make it out but the rest of those guys are screwed. :(.


At the rate DC is going, by the time Superboy Prime shows up he'll be written by Lobdell or worst-Johns instead of Shazam-Johns.


It's sad as I really enjoy Miles, Spider Girl, Cloak and Dagger. I don't want them to go away. I'm sure Miles will somehow make it out but the rest of those guys are screwed. :(.

I enjoy the guy too, and I hope he gets drafted, but yeah. i am the sad. Spider girl CnD why


Managed to grab these at Target today...happy to finally get Zemo and the AIM Goon in figure form :D They just need to actually get Wave 2 out with the movie figures so I can finish a pair of Mandroids.



Not to promote The Hangout too much, but I had to leave this here because there are so many Batman readers and Snyder fans on the thread. I haven't read much Snyder but it's an interesting interview. He talks a little about the future of Batman as well as how his perspective as a fan intersects with his job as a writer. And damn, does he seem like the sweetest guy.


I know I shouldn't be so shallow but his eyebrows are distracting me. I can't pay attention to anything else.
Managed to grab these at Target today...happy to finally get Zemo and the AIM Goon in figure form :D They just need to actually get Wave 2 out with the movie figures so I can finish a pair of Mandroids.
Those figures actually look pretty decent. They need to do a full Marvel Now line though....
Can someone tell me if Old Man Logan is worth a read for someone who does not read many comic books? Also, does anyone have any recomendations? I like Marvel more than DC.
Can someone tell me if Old Man Logan is worth a read for someone who does not read many comic books? Also, does anyone have any recomendations? I like Marvel more than DC.

Are you looking for more recent stuff? I think the most critically acclaimed Marvel books over the past year or two and ones I'd personally recommend are:

Hawkeye - Fraction (ongoing)
Daredevil - Waid (ongoing)
Thor God of Thunder - Aaron (ongoing)
Wolverine and the X-Men - Aaron (ongoing)
Uncanny X-Force - Remender (recently finished)
Are you looking for more recent stuff? I think the most critically acclaimed Marvel books over the past year or two and ones I'd personally recommend are:

Hawkeye - Fraction (ongoing)
Daredevil - Waid (ongoing)
Thor God of Thunder - Aaron (ongoing)
Wolverine and the X-Men - Aaron (ongoing)
Uncanny X-Force - Remender (recently finished)

It does not have to be recent. I guess anything in the last two decades that is a complete story.
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