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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Are there any good volumes of black panther around? I wanna see if he's as baller as you guys say he is.
"The Client" and "Enemy of the State," the first volumes from Christopher Priest's run, are a great place to start. If you do end up getting an Marvel Digital Unlimited account, Priest's entire run (save one issue, oddly) is on there.

I would also recommend Essential Black Panther, as it has the first solo Panther series "Panther's Rage." I'm reading it now and it's really good.

was Panther without fear any good? i know it had kickass fracavella art
Yes, and don't ever let anyone tell you any different.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Not liking the title I came up with for the February OT (which should be up tomorrow afternoon, btw), anyone care to try their hand? Something to do with the month that's comics related preferably.


jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
jason aarons black panther secret invasion tie-in stuff is highly recomeneded

yes, the three issue arc (issues 39-41) called "see wakanda and die" is like the best black panther ever

The Black Beetle's two issues>all lameguy

black beetle is very pretty to look at, but the writing doesn't hold a candle to Hawkeye: The Greatest Comic Out Today

I don't like boring geek humor. Hawkeye is the Daria of comic books. Loved while it is around but in the long run only dudes like Bridie will remember it.

This is is a very strange opinion to have.

my first comic that i remember, i think i was 6 years old when i got it
Are there any good volumes of black panther around? I wanna see if he's as baller as you guys say he is.

I really wish they'd collect Marvel Knights Black Panther for some of you. It was super good stuff.

My first comic was G.I. Joe #2, wait, how old are you people?

These were my first, they came in a pack



there was also some marvel Star Wars comic with them. I still have them..well I don't have the cover on Fantastic Four anymore but I drew all over Namors dumb head making out with Sue. Maybe I got that West Coast a little later...

Then I got this and was the best thing ever.


I wonder if Hawkeye still needs a hearing aid. Look at him looking awesome on that cover!


These were my first, they came in a pack

I used to buy those old comic bundles too. They used to sell them at Big V Drugstore, which is now Shoppers Drugmart in Canada. When I started reading comics, I almost exclusively bought my stuff from places like 7-Eleven. I only started going to Shops when I got sick of missing issues of my favourite books.

I sort of miss those days when I could grab a book off the shelf as I was buying a slurpee or bag of Doritos and read it on the way back home. Back then, it didn't matter if I knew the writer or the characters as long as the cover was cool.


I'm not much of a comic guy. Most I've ever read was Watchmen (which I adored), V for Vendetta and some X-men. Today I decided to pick up this:


And holy shit, am I in love. Definitely plan on picking up the rest, what would be the cheapest way? TPBs off of Amazon?

My buddy recommended picking up some Frank Miller stuff, such as Ronin, Hard Boiled and TDKR. Any other essentials I should look at?


I'm not much of a comic kinda guy. Most I've ever read was Watchmen, V for Vendetta and some X-men. Today I went to the comic book store and ended up getting this:


Holy shit, I'm in love. Definitely plan on picking up the rest, what would be the cheapest way? TPBs off of Amazon?

My buddy recommended picking up some Frank Miller stuff, such as Ronin, Hard Boiled and TDKR. Any other essentials I should look at?

Ya, Trades on Amazon will probably be the cheapest route.

Sandman by Neil Gaiman is always an essential. That and Preacher were the tentpole books of 90s Vertigo.


My buddy recommended picking up some Frank Miller stuff, such as Ronin, Hard Boiled and TDKR. Any other essentials I should look at?

I'm in the minority in this but every Frank Miller thing is, at the very least, interesting which I can't say about anyone else. Holy Terror is still vile shit tho.

You have a good selection there. Ronin is the Frank Miller-iest comic where it's just shit he likes distilled into comic book form. DKR is his signature work and it's him mastering the style he develops with Ronin. Hard Boiled shows his skills as a collaborator by stepping back and letting Geof Darrow do amazing Geof Darrow things.
I'm not much of a comic guy. Most I've ever read was Watchmen (which I adored), V for Vendetta and some X-men. Today I decided to pick up this:


And holy shit, am I in love. Definitely plan on picking up the rest, what would be the cheapest way? TPBs off of Amazon?

I would go with Instocktrades. The prices are a bit cheaper than Amazon on big-name publishers, and they don't charge tax. Just a flat $4 shipping fee, unless your order is over $50, in which case shipping is free. I've been using them for a few years now, never had a problem.
I love Frank plays Hard Boiled totally straight while Geoff Darrow is doing craaaaazy Geoff Darrow off the wall shit. "You have the right to remain silent." while he's kicking in a car and it's exploding into a thousand individually drawn pieces and shit.


Superior Spidey 2

Great issue, ghost Peter is awesome.

Will we know what's happening with MJ now. I predicted that she would be the first character to be down played, I think I might be right. Dat Cooper though, she's gonna crack this case wide open.


I would go with Instocktrades. The prices are a bit cheaper than Amazon on big-name publishers, and they don't charge tax. Just a flat $4 shipping fee, unless your order is over $50, in which case shipping is free. I've been using them for a few years now, never had a problem.

Just picked up the TPBs for Preacher #2/3/4, Sandman #1, Ronin and Hard Boiled for 20 bucks less than Amazon. Thanks!


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I can't for the life of me remember the first comic book I bought, (and it was several years before this one) but the issue that really ignited my fandom and got me buying way too many was...

photo uploader

I used to buy those old comic bundles too. They used to sell them at Big V Drugstore, which is now Shoppers Drugmart in Canada. When I started reading comics, I almost exclusively bought my stuff from places like 7-Eleven.

7-Eleven used to sell the complete Marvel and DC lines until direct-only comics became a thing, and then they sold everything but those.
I think one of the first comic book I got was back in the mid-late 90s (97,98,99ish). It was a Venom book that was quite violent from memory. I dont recall what it was, in fact if anyone has any idea please tell me.


One of the first comics I remember was this random issue of Spiderman I had. Venom and Spidey are fighting at a carnival and Peter Parker's parents are there. A ferris wheel almost falls on Peter's parents but Venom saves them. It later turn out that Peter's parents are life model decoys or robots or some shit. I don't know it was fucking insane I probably remembering stuff wrong.

I also really liked Spawn back then. I used to have Batman vs. Spawn which is a pretty funny comic. Batman was such an asshole.
People who bad mouth the 90 were 18 or older when the 90s started and got all bent out of shape that the era of super heroes walking around in colored diapers with shit eating grins was over to make way for a more sophisticated era


People who bad mouth the 90 were 18 or older when the 90s started and got all bent out of shape that the era of super heroes walking around in colored diapers with shit eating grins was over to make way for a more sophisticated era

I think first superhero comic I ever saw and read was the one where X-Men go to that savage land place from Magneto's volcano base. I don't really remember what year it was but I guess it's safe to say it was pure 80s stuff.

Now I'd argue that 80s X-Men was lot more thoughtful and sophisticated than the 90s stuff which seemed to be full of badly drawn giant muscle guys from future shooting big guns. The real sophisticated stuff of non-underground was somewhere else, like in Hellblazer and Sandman.


I think first superhero comic I ever saw and read was the one where X-Men go to that savage land place from Magneto's volcano base. I don't really remember what year it was but I guess it's safe to say it was pure 80s stuff.

Now I'd argue that 80s X-Men was lot more thoughtful and sophisticated than the 90s stuff which seemed to be full of badly drawn giant muscle guys from future shooting big guns. The real sophisticated stuff of non-underground was somewhere else, like in Hellblazer and Sandman.

There were a lot of good mainstream superhero runs in the 90s:

- Mark Waid on Flash, Captain America, Kingdom Come, etc
- Grant Morrison on JLA (plus all of his Vertigo stuff)
- Warren Ellis on Stormwatch, the Authority, etc.
- Kurt Busiek on Astro City and The Avengers
- Peter David on Aquaman, X-Factor, etc.
- James Robinson on Starman
- Greg Rucka on the Bat books
- Earth X
- The beginning of the Marvel Knights imprint

I'm forgetting a lot, but if you wade through the Liefelds and the X-Tremes, there is good stuff to be found.


Not sure which was the first comic I ever read, but the first one I ever bought was one of the early Superman Blue comics. Not sure which one it was though, maybe this one?



My buddy recommended picking up some Frank Miller stuff, such as Ronin, Hard Boiled and TDKR. Any other essentials I should look at?

Definitely Check out Miller's collected Daredevil work and follow that into his Elektra stuff. "Elektra Lives Again" is on the same level as DKR, if not even better!
I was around 7 - 8 when I first got into comics. I remember we had a 7-11 right down the road from us, and my parents had to stop in there for some reason. I had never really paid attention to the magazine rack before but this time I did, and my eyes locked on some comics. My parents were super cool, and let me pick out a couple. The one that had caught my eye was this one


80's X-men were just amazing. I remember also getting X-Men Classic, Superman, and Batman. For probably the first few years of my comics reading 7-11 was my go to place for getting them. Though after buying 2 or 3 issues I ended up subscribing to Uncanny X-Men. It was also a few months after this that my cousin (who is about 8 - 9 years older than me) let me read a ton of his early 80s X-Men, Spider Man, and DC Comics in general. Crisis on Infinite Earths blew my young mind, and probably cemented me as a big DC Comics fan.

Also probably why Colossus, Wolverine, Kitty, and Nightcrawler are my favorite X-Men still.

Claremont X-Men is best X-men.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't like boring geek humor. Hawkeye is the Daria of comic books. Loved while it is around but in the long run only dudes like Bridie will remember it.

You've been trying to make up reasons to hate Hawkeye for months just because you can't get over the fact that a comic about him is spectacular.


People who bad mouth the 90 were 18 or older when the 90s started and got all bent out of shape that the era of super heroes walking around in colored diapers with shit eating grins was over to make way for a more sophisticated era

The more sophisticated stuff started in the 80s. I love/grew up on the 90s work, but I'm not going to pretend a lot of it wasn't primarily a cash grab for the speculative market.


Knows the Score
People who bad mouth the 90 were 18 or older when the 90s started and got all bent out of shape that the era of super heroes walking around in colored diapers with shit eating grins was over to make way for a more sophisticated era

I hid in Vertigo for most of the 90s and didn't pay much attention to the DCU & Marvel other than the sort of thing mentioned earlier such as Morrison/Robinson/Waid's forays into the continuity porn stuff.


Passing metallic gas
jim's composition was so wonky back in the day but hot damn he was just so good in every other are that it didnt matter.
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