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Controversial gaming opinions you have that could end in you being labeled a hater or troll?


when ppl talk about current Naughty Dog & Uncharted 4. What never gets mentioned is how they ruined Uncharted Multiplayer, which was maybe one of my favorite online experiences in the PS3 era.

Uncharted 4's multiplayer is awful
Uncharted 2’s multiplayer was the shit, fuck I loved playing that. I wish that’s an online community that sees an online resurgence. We see it with other games, I’d hop on board.
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I don't understand how people still aren't sick and tired of Souls games and the like. I thought Demon's Souls(PS3) was kinda neat and I bought Dark Souls when that came out, and I've been tired of hearing about these games since about two months after Dark Souls came out. I was enjoying the game well enough but I became embarrassed to play it after seeing so many people shitting their pants over a game that asks them to dodge and then attack, as if it was some kind of incredible revolution.


No specific game but:
If the ”it’s just pixels” defense used for violence would be used throughout the whole industry the same way there would be no controversies about designs, sexualization, representation, etc etc, because it’s just pixels anyway.


Sonic was never good.

Bruh.. guess you never had to



Gold Member
Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful game with a few unique elements and a good main story. But as an open world adventure game it's just ok and not all that different from the typical open world formula. People want it to be the best game ever but it's not a lot different from the average Assassins Creed game. I don't think it deserved any GOTY nominations because it just wasn't that special.


Gold Member
Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful game with a few unique elements and a good main story. But as an open world adventure game it's just ok and not all that different from the typical open world formula. People want it to be the best game ever but it's not a lot different from the average Assassins Creed game. I don't think it deserved any GOTY nominations because it just wasn't that special.
It was overrated in this forum as a group response to the success and quality of TLOU2. People needed a backup game to rely on. Insecurity is a bitch.


Horizon Zero Dawn has weak characters, dialogues, quests and the open world is pretty bland. Could not get motivated to do any side quests in this game.

It was overrated in this forum as a group response to the success and quality of TLOU2. People needed a backup game to rely on. Insecurity is a bitch.

I was always thinking the very same thing, but never wanted to share that because I know how people would receive and react to that.

( I still think Ghosts of Tsushima is a wonderful game and all deserves praise, but it was pretty obvious why a homogenous game set in japan gets so much forced love during that time on certain websites )


Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful game with a few unique elements and a good main story. But as an open world adventure game it's just ok and not all that different from the typical open world formula. People want it to be the best game ever but it's not a lot different from the average Assassins Creed game. I don't think it deserved any GOTY nominations because it just wasn't that special.
It's the same third person cinematic game we've been getting for the last 10 years. Gaming really only has 3 genres now: team based hero shooter, fortnite, 3rd person cinematic game.


I guess I can admit this here.

I disliked every Souls game I tried and bloodborn was terrible. This is from a massive PS fan.

Giannis Antetokounmpo can not eat 50 chicken minis


Sony exclusives but with an Ubisoft splash screen would score from 10 to 15 points less on MC and would be treated like just another AAA game by fanboys.
This forum in general knows jack shit about PC gaming.
Switch first party games are way worse than Wii U and Wii.
Killer instinct is the best FG of the generation but it was released on the platform that its cool to hate.
not a single lie


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Video game music is absurdly overrated on here. It's shocking how many people think that generic classical shite is "great".
This like million times, there is such a few notable tracks in the video games. Hans Zimmer style fucking sucks.

For me Silent Hills, ORI, Mass Effect and Metal Gear Revengeance, Shadows of the Dammed is top tier shit. There is very little melody, just overcomplicated shit without ounce of creativity, just going by the musical rules so it "sounds" and that's it. It has no emotion, no progression, no nothing.

Also Nintendo should just die, we were laughing and mocking MS for Xbox One and their super fucked policies, yet Nintendo gets free pass on everything. At least here, it's the worst gaming company, etc. I have a lot of hate in my heart for that, now that I am consultant for Switch with nVidia compute, so it can....well can....so it will even lauch KCD and I despise Nintendo fanboys asking me and my friends to do another impossible port. The game is going to look and run like shit, Cryengine is last engine to be ported to this portable calculator. So yeah, Nintendo not even once.
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I feel like sometime around the 2010 onwards most people forgot the meaning of the term "troll"
Not only that, but what sense does it make to call someone a troll and then argue with him? the whole point of identifying a troll is to ignore it since he is feeding on your attention, SMH.

Fare thee well

I really really don't like the style of Korean mmorpgs at all. It doesn't feel like gaming, but more like a series of endless boring 2nd-job tasks. Graphics always look nice, but they have never felt like a 'game' to me. But it's gotten me labled as racist or close-minded. I really did try to like some of these games, but it just leaves me drained and miserable.
Horizon Zero Dawn has weak characters, dialogues, quests and the open world is pretty bland. Could not get motivated to do any side quests in this game.

I was always thinking the very same thing, but never wanted to share that because I know how people would receive and react to that.

( I still think Ghosts of Tsushima is a wonderful game and all deserves praise, but it was pretty obvious why a homogenous game set in japan gets so much forced love during that time on certain websites )

Only speaking for myself, I love that game because I do, not because I want to use it as ammo against TLOU2.


People only liked Demon Souls because you die a lot in them so you can brag how much of a pro gamer you are. The difficult feels super gimmicky in a vein attempt to hide the fact that the game is actually rubbish. Replaying the same segment over and over again isn't fun at all. Haven't played any Dark Souls game or Bloodborne so I can't comment on those. And no I don't hate hard games I only hate bad games.


Gold Member
People only liked Demon Souls because you die a lot in them so you can brag how much of a pro gamer you are. The difficult feels super gimmicky in a vein attempt to hide the fact that the game is actually rubbish. Replaying the same segment over and over again isn't fun at all. Haven't played any Dark Souls game or Bloodborne so I can't comment on those. And no I don't hate hard games I only hate bad games.


People only liked Demon Souls because you die a lot in them so you can brag how much of a pro gamer you are. The difficult feels super gimmicky in a vein attempt to hide the fact that the game is actually rubbish. Replaying the same segment over and over again isn't fun at all. Haven't played any Dark Souls game or Bloodborne so I can't comment on those. And no I don't hate hard games I only hate bad games.
I agree with you here, and Demon's Souls was my first souls game. I find Dark Souls to be the best one simply because of its awesome world, and the pace of the game is just right for me.
TLOU has pretty good gameplay, but terrible story and even worse characters and script. It is obvious that the ppl who wrote it have no idea about real hatered and how difficult life can be when you come from the lower ranks of society. Abby looked grotesque and it is disguising that they showed her half naked at the sex scene, also no way any heterosexual man would be attracted to her. At least it was believable that she can fight through all the enemies contrary to Ellie...

Ghost of Tsushima was a good game, but had huge design flaws regarding camera handling and fights on elevation and still has game breaking bugs. It doesn't deserve any goty awards at all, but I'd recommend friends playing it, it1s good but it's far from as good as it is made to look.
Also visually is pretty because of the use of colors and nicely set up play of light effects, but when you look at the models many are low poly ugly looking and many textures are low res, and the facial animations look like they are from a previous decade...

Breath of the Wlld is a very simplistic game fro children in all regards (gameplay, visuals, activities and conversations) and is a disgrace that it has been compared to the Witcher 3.

Kojima is hugely and annoyingly overrated.

In general Japanese 3d game's animation is absolute crap. They make amazing 3d models with superb details but the way they animate looks worse when you play with fucking stick figures...

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is an absolute downgrade from the previous entries, and is at best on a mobile game level.


This like million times, there is such a few notable tracks in the video games. Hans Zimmer style fucking sucks.

For me Silent Hills, ORI, Mass Effect and Metal Gear Revengeance, Shadows of the Dammed is top tier shit. There is very little melody, just overcomplicated shit without ounce of creativity, just going by the musical rules so it "sounds" and that's it. It has no emotion, no progression, no nothing.

Also Nintendo should just die, we were laughing and mocking MS for Xbox One and their super fucked policies, yet Nintendo gets free pass on everything. At least here, it's the worst gaming company, etc. I have a lot of hate in my heart for that, now that I am consultant for Switch with nVidia compute, so it can....well can....so it will even lauch KCD and I despise Nintendo fanboys asking me and my friends to do another impossible port. The game is going to look and run like shit, Cryengine is last engine to be ported to this portable calculator. So yeah, Nintendo not even once.
tbf though, videogame music needs to serve the games more than it needs to be just standalone songs.
Stuff like having to act as background noise, not being allowed to draw too much attention from the player in a lot of moments, or just having to follow the game's pacing rather than having its own, etc, etc, etc.
Then people remember them fondly because it reminds them of the game and moments they liked.

For example, in Nier Automata, one of the things that make this particular song memorable isn't in the song itself but rather the fact its sincronized with the boss fight:

or shit like this:

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the first Metal Gear and Silent Hill are excellent the rest in the series are disappointing in comparison
Agree on Metal Gear solid story wise. Still the best in the series. Gameplay wise, MGSV takes it for me but it’s the worst story of the series. I’d rank Peace Walker as close to the original though in overall experience, (except the Boss AI part which was kinda dumb). It was the best game on PSP.
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I genuinely think that both Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are shitty games that were bad when they were released, and have both aged horribly. Especially compared to the timeless and wonderful 16-bit Mario and Zelda games. Well, the 8-bit games as well.

I've really, really tried to like them many times over the years but no.

Also, I think the Dreamcast is by far Sega's worst console and one of the worst consoles ever released.
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God of War gamers were better before the reboot.

Most Sony exclusives are overrated to me. At least the ones that follow the same formula as the Uncharted games. I haven’t played Ghosts of Tsushima but that one looks pretty decent and I’d like to play it eventually.

Bloodbourne wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much attention if it wasn’t an exclusive.

The Souls formula on the whole is stale. Still looking forward to Elden Ring.

RE8 didn’t need to be an RE game.

Doom Eternal didn’t need to be a Doom game.


I think many on here forget what a controversial opinion is lol

Disliking a popular game isn't a controversial opinion, its freaking human...a controversial opinion would be something that goes against the moral majority or is taboo.

There has NEVER been a great 3d Sonic game, there has never been a good Sonic 3D games and Sonic Team (and Sega for that matter are talentless hacks at this point!


Druckman has the writing chops of a 16 year old kid who went to thier first psychology class lol. Everything he's had a hand in writing has been cringe inducing at best

And finally

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart is a disappointment for the mere laziness of making Ratchet and Rivet play identically rather than take a risk and make each better at certain attributes or capabilities I suspect to try to avoid offending anyone (coming from a lifetime R and C fan FYI)

People these opinions don't make us Fanboys or anyting, they make us Gamers they make us consumers too many people today blindly follow companies there's nothing wrong with having criticisms were concerns that's what used to happen in the marketplace and what didn't just happen but would be encouraged

Neil Young

I think Ubisoft is fucking awesome. I love the ass creed games, Farcry, The Division etc. I think they get way too much shit. Even games like Fractured But Whole and Kingdom battle are great. Speaking of Kingdom Battle, isn't it funny that Ubisoft showed more love for the lore and characters than Nintendo?


The only good Halo campaigns are 3 and Reach. 1 and 2 are mind numbingly dull. All Halo stories are mediocre.

Call of Duty campaigns are fun for what they are.

Assassin's Creed III has the best story in the franchise and it's the best or 2nd best written game in the franchise (around or just slightly below Assassin's Creed 1)

Far Cry 2 is an inherently more interesting game than Far Cry 3.

Crysis 2 is the best Crysis (mostly due to best written story and most set pieces)

Doom 3 (the original with the flashlight gimmick) is an amazing game and I don't understand why other people think otherwise, except if they didn't play it for more than 30 minutes.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided is a vastly better title than Human Revolution.

Dead Space 3 is flawed, yes, but it's a brilliant, 9/10 game.
Holy crap! You may be winning me over due to how right you are about far cry 2 and doom3. I love both of those games so much more than what came later. Perhaps I should give mankind divided a shot. I loved human revolution and the only thing that kept me hesitant about MD was the supposed unresolved cliffhanger of an ending it supposedly has. Would you say you had close with it's conclusion?

Addendum: black flag is the only assassin's Creed game I will ever complete and I'm happy to be done with the franchise since I have.

Back on topic, my controversial opinion would be that I still feel drained when hearing anything to do with the switch. It still hurts how sony f*cked up what they had with the vita and frankly it's still my number 2 console until it inevitably dies as all electronics eventually do. Rant over 🙂


Druckman has the writing chops of a 16 year old kid who went to thier first psychology class lol. Everything he's had a hand in writing has been cringe inducing at best
wait, is this an example of a controversial or uncontroversial opinion? Cause thats just a fact to me


I'm sick and tired of woke colture.

At first I thought it was ok and even supportive to see games and movies get a bit more inclusive. After a while though these maniacs have become destructive and insufferable.

The worst offender is obviously Netflix, but I see the influence into games, with plenty of games coming out censored and toothless, unless it serves it's woke ideology.


Gold Member
God of War and Marvel's Spider-Man are both overrated oversold bloated and boring. TLoU2 is brilliant.

Deleted member 820760

Unconfirmed Member
Nintendo games are for little kids 😬
STOP making fun of us man. There is NOTHING childish about playing Kirby in your 30's.

My "controversial" opinions:

- The Last of Us is generic trash in every way. I can't believe ot is considered one of the "best games ever".

- Sony have lost their way. They're more worried about making cinematic experiences than actual video games that focus on gameplay.


Dark souls 2 is the best in the series (but all are great)
Death stranding is one of best games ever and would be even better without mules and BTS interrupting walking.
Fallout 3 is better than new Vegas.
Horizon zero dawn it's terrible past half point.
Uncharted 4 is the best one.
Tlou2 is way better than 1.
Ratchet 2016 is terrible. Rift apart fixes gameplay but story and characters are yeah sure to lack of edge
Gta 4 is easy better than 5 with it's trash story and stupid 3 way characters.
I could go on :p
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