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Cosmic Star Heroine |OT| Alyssa's Chrono Phantasy


Robert at Zeboyd Games said:
I didn't do a ton of min-maxing as far as parties go. I used Lauren a bunch but that's simply because I like her character.

Ah. I like Lauren but why Psybe have to have a better singing voice? Speed Song, Pain Song, Regen Song, Crescendo. Seems you have a pro-Hive Mind agenda, honestly. kinda racist.

aha @ patch 1.04.

so the pickpocket wasn't supposed to come back and I just let him keep picking my pocket thirty times for nothing lol
As opposed to the ones who are still called things like "NPC32" or "NPC46" or whatever? Or maybe they're just robots...

(I presume this has been fixed in 1.04 judging by the notes below, but still - it amused me!)

Bleh, I did a search for "NPC" - I didn't do a search for "NPC so there's a handful of those still in. Whoops.
Just wanted to drop by and say that I loved it. Just finished it and it really brought me back to the old days of Chrono trigger mostly. A bit too easy sometimes but that's my fault for not playing on harder modes (with 2 kids time is an issue here) and a little bit too linear at times. Mostly late game it felt like the dungeons weren't as thought out as in the beginning. But that doesn't really matter. The gfx, music and game design is ace. If there is a sequel I'm there day 1. Great job!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
About the Rock Paper Scissors puzzle:

"I will not pick paper in round 2 or 4" (or something), is the OR significant? I first interpreted that as "and", and thought I had figured it out, but they rejected my answers. So maybe it's an OR statement?
Probably should make it more obvious in-game, but with the Rock Paper Scissors puzzle, you're supposed to make the choices that will BEAT the attendant, not tie them.

Also, the whole thing is a reference to Xenogears, but that's probably obvious. :)


About the Rock Paper Scissors puzzle:

"I will not pick paper in round 2 or 4" (or something), is the OR significant? I first interpreted that as "and", and thought I had figured it out, but they rejected my answers. So maybe it's an OR statement?

Neither 2 nor 4 are Paper.

If you want the answer, it's

R S S R P R P S - Or, more accurately, you should choose P R R P S P S R


Robert those axe robots are totally Gato references from Chrono Trigger :p

About the Rock Paper Scissors puzzle:

"I will not pick paper in round 2 or 4" (or something), is the OR significant? I first interpreted that as "and", and thought I had figured it out, but they rejected my answers. So maybe it's an OR statement?

She's not picking 2 or 4 as paper, but remember that
you're picking the opposite of whatever she DOES pick, which is where I fumbled with my initial answers. I got the logic puzzle right but answered as if I were her. I had to pick the ones which beat hers haha.

Yeah Robert, but I liked that it wasn't immediately obvious about that. Because it added that final "oh!" moment to the puzzle.


Yeah I can't get past the
kaiju battle
in Chapter 5 on PS4 Pro. Hard crashes every time I deal the final blow.
Tested the new PS4 patch on my devkit. Has all the Steam fixes to-date plus it fixes that conversation looping bug that was PS4-specific. Everything seems to work great so I just have to get it up on the PSN now.

Yeah I can't get past the kaiju battle in Chapter 5 on PS4 Pro. Hard crashes every time I deal the final blow.

I believe that's a result of triggering a previous bug like skipping the Nightshade sequence. I believe that bug should be fixed in the PS4 version as soon as we get this patch to go live (and hopefully it hasn't done anything weird to your save).


Tested the new PS4 patch on my devkit. Has all the Steam fixes to-date plus it fixes that conversation looping bug that was PS4-specific. Everything seems to work great so I just have to get it up on the PSN now.

Can't wait for ps4 patch i'm tired of hard crash.... should al least reduce some of them relate to the battle command ;).
As someone whose game originally had sprites of a similar size, yeah. You quickly realize that there's only a few ways that actually look decent.

I learned that lesson recently. It's pretty much impossible to have eyes that look good anywhere near that resolution that aren't "two vertically stacked white pixels next to two vertically stacked dark pixels", then an eyebrow / eyelid on top for expression. You're going to see them everywhere in every SNES JRPG, from Final Fantasy to Romancing Saga, from Chrono Trigger to Secret of Mana.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Probably should make it more obvious in-game, but with the Rock Paper Scissors puzzle, you're supposed to make the choices that will BEAT the attendant, not tie them.
Ohhhhhh. Yeah the NPC does say something like that but I somehow interpreted that... differently, I guess?

@Brashnir, yeah, I picked exactly the choices in the first sequence haha.

Also, the whole thing is a reference to Xenogears, but that's probably obvious. :)
Hmm I don't remember that, so I missed the reference.


Also, the whole thing is a reference to Xenogears, but that's probably obvious. :)

Ha! I had a feeling you were doing a callback to Xenogears there. Good on ya.



Oh Robert you clever minx, noticed the Splatoon reference. That one really took me by surprise, of all the fun little references in this game :p

Aqua Blaster DX: Harnass the power of both a kid AND a squid.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but will the new patch fix these bugs I encountered?

- An enemy insta-died after I encountered them. I restarted the game ("close application" on PS4) and it seems to have fixed it.

- After an enemy (last of the fight) died of poisoning, the battle didn't end and everyone just stood there and I couldn't do anything (had to close and restart).

I got a video of the second glitch, I believe the first one was mentioned before but I'm not sure.


chapter 10 spoilers (Super Spy edition)

Haha I beat that one 56,000hp boss or something as soon as I got out of the Nuluu city I went there with just Psybe, Oliver and Alyssa. Somehow I managed to barely beat the guy with just one man standing on desperation mode for a final hit. This was the greatest achievement I felt in the game so far, somehow scratching by on this random boss lol

I love this battle system so goddamned much. I'm going to be fucking depressed playing most other jRPGs after this. Only a bare handful have a battle system that can stand toe to toe. I mean literally can count on four fingers the jRPGs that match this.


Shane was pimping the game on 8-4 podcast lol.

Does positioning not matter or is it just a look?

I'm early but it does feel like the game could work as your classical snes ff perspective too.


Shane was pimping the game on 8-4 podcast lol.

Does positioning not matter or is it just a look?

I'm early but it does feel like the game could work as your classical snes ff perspective too.

Positioning doesn't matter per say, the game just puts you in spots and you fight. Enemies too. However, some moves have area of effects, and depending on how closely the enemies are located together, you can hit more mobs at once.

Realistically as Durante said if they just added some movement into this bad boy so that moves with area of effect and such had more strategy to it this would really be peerless. They just about perfected what I want out of a jRPG battle system. Every single battle is fun.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Where the hell is that sparkling stone? Dude holding one won't give it to me (or well Alyssa won't even ask). xD I know he said it's well hidden but I'm stumped...

Edit: of course I find it right after posting this!


I'm only like 2 hours in but...hot damn this combat system is fantastic. The design of this game is just sublime, brilliant job, guys.

It blew my mind when I realized that ailment HP existed...like why doesn't every other RPG ever do this? Holy mackrel, redefine the genre. Good shit, man. Good shit.


I believe that's a result of triggering a previous bug like skipping the Nightshade sequence. I believe that bug should be fixed in the PS4 version as soon as we get this patch to go live (and hopefully it hasn't done anything weird to your save).

I definitely didn't skip the Nightshade sequence, as far as I know. Certainly not intentionally.


I got stuck on a chapter 3,I will put a picture in spoiler tag, this is the location where you can get stuck :


Edit : here we go another freeze on Ps4, when fighting the
not the 'cat' in the carnival
i attack on the second turn and it froze.


i got the bug where I can't return to the Nightshade ever again after I
go through the escape scene where I go through the back alleys to Lauren's house

I think it's a bug because I'm pretty sure from logical deduction that the one dude in there
on the dance floor is someone I'm supposed to be able to recruit with my dancing robot party member.
I'm right, right?


i got the bug where I can't return to the Nightshade ever again after I
go through the escape scene where I go through the back alleys to Lauren's house

I think it's a bug because I'm pretty sure from logical deduction that the one dude in there
on the dance floor is someone I'm supposed to be able to recruit with my dancing robot party member.
I'm right, right?

It opens up eventually


At what point? I thought I checked it mostly up to the end of the game in my Heroine run. Maybe I just thought I did.

I checked a few times throughout the game, but I couldn't get back in until the very end, when I had the option of going to the asteroid/passing the point of no return.
I'm not sure what the trigger is though, so I can't say whether or not you might've hit a glitch.
So, I seemed to have encountered a bug that no one reported on yet.
Ps4 version
I decided to hit game over after fighting the spectral dragon, and when I reloaded my save to change my load out.Dave and Chan were dead on the floor. They did resurrect when the battle started though.


Someone can explain that style stat for me ? I understand that it increase damage when it's up, but look like there a cap, also i understand that at 100% you have still survive in negation HP, and can recover from this...

But my question is, the ennemies seem to have that stat too, their damage seem to increase each turn, do they have a cap too ? or they always increase ? Make sense at first few turn that you have to buff and not all in attack, also prevent die in one turn from ennemies, but at same time this is weird to strategies because we never know that stat of the ennemies.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
It just clicked with me:

You NEVER have to heal in between battles. Every single fight you start at full HP.

That's awesome. I'm sure this can't be the first RPG to ever do this... right? What a game changer. It makes every other RPG seem like a freaking chore compared to this.

This game keeps blowing my mind. Also: EVERY ITEM IS REUSABLE. You never have to worry/think about saving them.

... I have no idea how I'm going to go back to playing Dragon Quest VIII after this...


Someone can explain that style stat for me ? I understand that it increase damage when it's up, but look like there a cap, also i understand that at 100% you have still survive in negation HP, and can recover from this...

But my question is, the ennemies seem to have that stat too, their damage seem to increase each turn, do they have a cap too ? or they always increase ? Make sense at first few turn that you have to buff and not all in attack, also prevent die in one turn from ennemies, but at same time this is weird to strategies because we never know that stat of the ennemies.

Damage increases with style, until your style hits 100%. I'm not sure what the factor increase is at that point, only that your damage stops scaling. Anything above that is just a buffer for when you go into desperation mode that lets you live with negative HP (which costs 50% style for every difficulty other than Super-Spy, and 100% at super spy). Enemies seem to have their style and damage increase as well, although it doesn't matter beyond 100% because they don't have access to desperation mode.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It just clicked with me:

You NEVER have to heal in between battles. Every single fight you start at full HP.

That's awesome. I'm sure this can't be the first RPG to ever do this... right? What a game changer. It makes every other RPG seem like a freaking chore compared to this.
Other Zeboyd games were like that. I'm sure it's been done before too.

This game keeps blowing my mind. Also: EVERY ITEM IS REUSABLE. You never have to worry/think about saving them.
That, however, is new to me, haven't seen that before. Pretty cool.


It just clicked with me:

You NEVER have to heal in between battles. Every single fight you start at full HP.

That's awesome. I'm sure this can't be the first RPG to ever do this... right? What a game changer. It makes every other RPG seem like a freaking chore compared to this.

Baten Kaitos did that :p
It just clicked with me:

You NEVER have to heal in between battles. Every single fight you start at full HP.

That's awesome. I'm sure this can't be the first RPG to ever do this... right? What a game changer. It makes every other RPG seem like a freaking chore compared to this.

This game keeps blowing my mind. Also: EVERY ITEM IS REUSABLE. You never have to worry/think about saving them.

... I have no idea how I'm going to go back to playing Dragon Quest VIII after this...

Xenoblade? Xenoblade.

Though Xenoblade got rid of the item hoarding worry by outright excising Items completely.
It just clicked with me:

You NEVER have to heal in between battles. Every single fight you start at full HP.

That's awesome. I'm sure this can't be the first RPG to ever do this... right? What a game changer. It makes every other RPG seem like a freaking chore compared to this.

This game keeps blowing my mind. Also: EVERY ITEM IS REUSABLE. You never have to worry/think about saving them.

... I have no idea how I'm going to go back to playing Dragon Quest VIII after this...

Chrono Cross was the first game I played that did versions of these things. It was like the first attempt at a lot of the stuff I see in this game.

If you had healing spells/"elements" or items available at the end of battle, there was an option in the results screen to just use them all to restore your health.

Every spell could only be used once per battle, barring some special spells that would regenerate usages, and items in on element grid (basically your battle inventory for spells and items) would be automatically replenished from your stock, if I'm remembering correctly.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Other Zeboyd games were like that. I'm sure it's been done before too.

That, however, is new to me, haven't seen that before. Pretty cool.

Yup! Thats where I remember it from, Breath of Death and Cthulhu.

... It can't be said enough times in this thread: the battle system is amazingly fun. One of the best I've ever played. Just went through Ch 2 on Heroine, LOVED IT.


So, is the recruiting at least 20 members trophy missable?

Missable as in 'You can do things that make you unable to go back and recruit people from previous points in the game"?

Don't think so. I rounded up 20, most before the point of no return opening up, some after, and I can't think of any that wouldn't just be chilling there when you came back at the end even if you missed them at the start.
Chrono Cross was the first game I played that did versions of these things. It was like the first attempt at a lot of the stuff I see in this game.

If you had healing spells/"elements" or items available at the end of battle, there was an option in the results screen to just use them all to restore your health.

Every spell could only be used once per battle, barring some special spells that would regenerate usages, and items in on element grid (basically your battle inventory for spells and items) would be automatically replenished from your stock, if I'm remembering correctly.

Yup. The gameplay in Chrono Cross had a few flaws but I always thought it was a great experiment and that a perfect system would mix ideas from both Chrono Trigger's Active Time Battle ver. 2 system and Chrono Cross' Cross Sequence Battle system.


Looking at Steam sales on SteamSpy, compared to other Zeboyd games, it's a shame it didn't sold way more than that. I hope major websites and youtubers will pick it up and show the world what a great game it is.
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