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Cosmic Star Heroine |OT| Alyssa's Chrono Phantasy


Damage increases with style, until your style hits 100%. I'm not sure what the factor increase is at that point, only that your damage stops scaling. Anything above that is just a buffer for when you go into desperation mode that lets you live with negative HP (which costs 50% style for every difficulty other than Super-Spy, and 100% at super spy). Enemies seem to have their style and damage increase as well, although it doesn't matter beyond 100% because they don't have access to desperation mode.

This is what i thought, ill like to know if ennemies cap their style too ? That would have been cool to know that stat in combat it would change the strategie of wich target became stronger the fastest, So we could focus on these ! or there a item to se ennmies stat im combat... i dont know im not far enough 😊

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
You should play Penny Arcade RPD 4. That battle system is great and the OST is fantastic.
I tried 3, it was all right, but I was kind of bored. I think the PA setting just turns me off? There wasn't anything obviously wrong with the game but I just didn't care enough to continue. Might have been burned out on turn-based JRPGs at the time though since I had recently finished Trails in the Sky 2nd Chapter. >_>

Looking at Steam sales on SteamSpy, compared to other Zeboyd games, it's a shame it didn't sold way more than that. I hope major websites and youtubers will pick it up and show the world what a great game it is.
There is no justice in this world. :(


I checked a few times throughout the game, but I couldn't get back in until the very end, when I had the option of going to the asteroid/passing the point of no return.
I'm not sure what the trigger is though, so I can't say whether or not you might've hit a glitch.

Yeah I'm at the point of no return and still it won't let me in. Pretty sure it's a glitch :p


Looking at Steam sales on SteamSpy, compared to other Zeboyd games, it's a shame it didn't sold way more than that. I hope major websites and youtubers will pick it up and show the world what a great game it is.

Yea once some reviews pop up on IGN, Gamespot, Polygon etc with positive reviews I would think sales would pick up.


End game spoilers (Super Spy):

Cthulhu and Dem Skeleton is down. Super fun fights on Super Spy, really made me think outside of the box.

I'm gonna miss this game, I'm almost done everything now on the top difficulty :(


Looking at Steam sales on SteamSpy, compared to other Zeboyd games, it's a shame it didn't sold way more than that. I hope major websites and youtubers will pick it up and show the world what a great game it is.

I would imagine it will do a good bit better on Playstation simply because it's being featured. As far as I can tell, the game just got dumped on Steam with no banner placement or anything like that. Not blaming the Zeboyd boys for that but I've got to imagine having your only placement be in the new release list probably effects sales pretty negatively. Reviews and later sales and stuff should help things I'd think.


Zeboyd Games
Regarding sales:
Our previous games have been out for many years, cost a lot less, and have been in lots of bundles and such. CSH has been out a few days.. so it's not a great comparison yet.

I would imagine it will do a good bit better on Playstation simply because it's being featured. As far as I can tell, the game just got dumped on Steam with no banner placement or anything like that. Not blaming the Zeboyd boys for that but I've got to imagine having your only placement be in the new release list probably effects sales pretty negatively. Reviews and later sales and stuff should help things I'd think.

Our game was at the top of the Popular New Releases list for a long time, and got a Featured & Recommended banner displayed across the top of Steam for some amount of time. We got tweets with screencaps of it. Pretty cool!

That said if the game is taking off less, it's because we weren't able to get media/press codes out earlier than we should have.

I'm not too worried about it though, mainly I want to see this game have its bug stuff addressed a few temporarily removed stuff back in there.


Any ETA on the 1.04 PS4 patch? Had to put the game down after multiple battles glitching out and preventing progress. Seems to have increased in the 2nd half of the game for me.


I'm not too worried about it though, mainly I want to see this game have its bug stuff addressed a few temporarily removed stuff back in there.

Do you have any plans on adding a scanline shader?
You can inject one with GeDoSaTo, but having a native solution would be leaps and bounds easier. :)





Zeboyd Games
Do you have any plans on adding a scanline shader?
You can inject one with GeDoSaTo, but having a native solution would be leaps and bounds easier. :)

Looks nice in a screenshot, how does it look running in game?

Mainly concerned with whether or not it goofs up the smooth scrolling.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
My laptop is a POS and the only Bluetooth controller I have in my house is a PS3 controller and Wii remote. I'm tho king of buying a wireless Bluetooth adapter for my laptop to hook up to the TV and play it with a Wii remote.

Anyone tried such a thing?


End game spoilers (Super Spy):

Cthulhu and Dem Skeleton is down. Super fun fights on Super Spy, really made me think outside of the box.

I'm gonna miss this game, I'm almost done everything now on the top difficulty :(

Know where the boss is for the prime evil Primer trophy?


Zeboyd Games
Quick and dirty example

It looks way smoother live (140 fps, vs recorded 60).
I'm not sure how to record at anything past 60 fps, OBS doesn't have an option for that. :\

Here's one recorded where I capped the framerate at 60
Should be much smoother in motion.

Hmm this is interesting. I dunno. hard to tell even with your videos..

The main concern is vertical scrolling... Does it look sort of jittery to you? Like when playing? Seems somewhat jittery to me in the vids when vertically scrolling.


Strongly contemplating restarting my game on Super-Spy instead of continuing my Heroine playthrough... Can't decide though. Don't really want to swap difficulties partway through, but maybe I'll just do that instead.


Know where the boss is for the prime evil Primer trophy?


Talk to Psybe on your ship right before point of no return. He'll tell you about something still being on Rhomu. Go back to Rhomu, past the hive and into the destroyed lab. You'll remember that from early in the game. Go through the dungeon until you get to a locked door which Psybe will say he has the password to. From there it's self-explanatory.



Talk to Psybe on your ship right before point of no return. He'll tell you about something still being on Rhomu. Go back to Rhomu, past the hive and into the destroyed lab. You'll remember that from early in the game. Go through the dungeon until you get to a locked door which Psybe will say he has the password to. From there it's self-explanatory.

Thank you very much. :)

Edit: So...that "fight" completely glitched on me. Walked up to the boss and after a few seconds of a pause, it rewarded me and gave me the trophy....no fight at all. Reloaded a save...same result. Force quit the game and re-entered it....same result.


You're welcome. ^ I've heard the fight glitched for others too.

Now that I've finished the game twice on Heroine and Super Spy, if I had to focus on anything for the sequel (oh god please let there be a sequel) it'd be the following:

+ Add some basic movement requirements in battle, so that area of effect abilities are more strategically meaningful (perhaps also add different shape abilities, like abilities that attack in a certain straight line or arc so that anything on that line is damaged).

+ A little more "world flourish." For example, one of the things I like in my favorite jRPGs is that after events happen, I can typically go back to old towns and most people have something different to say. But in Cosmic Star Heroine, with a few exceptions (the ship or if an event happens in a specific area) everyone stays saying the same things. I go to Rhomu and all the NPCs still are like I just arrived at town.

Another way of adding flourish is to have appropriate reaction to characters in your group. I saw this in a few VERY rare cases here (like if Lauren
returns to the outside of the club a fan notices her and she whispers to get her out of there
), but not most of the time. In Los Rocas everyone's talking about the
escaped Psybe until the end, but no one notices when he's in the party right in front of them.

These sorts of things add to the sense of world.

+ The biggest issue I'd say is there needs to be an order of magnitude more character background. The way Chrono Trigger handled this is to have specific quests tied to each character that greatly expanded what you learned about this. In this game, with few exceptions I know almost nothing about any of the side characters. Dave started the game with me and I know nothing other than he was part of API w/ me, he hacks, and he likes the rec room. I'd have loved for there to be character specific quest lines that built detail about who they are, what motivates them, and why. I felt this was the weakest element of the story and game.

I love this game so much and so I will probably die dreaming of a sequel, but those are some ideas I'd look for in some fantastical alternate reality where Cosmic Star Heroine 2 was a reality with an even larger budget and time and team.


Hmm this is interesting. I dunno. hard to tell even with your videos..

The main concern is vertical scrolling... Does it look sort of jittery to you? Like when playing? Seems somewhat jittery to me in the vids when vertically scrolling.

Absolutely zero judder while playing, the frametime graph is pretty much a straight line.


Anything you see in the videos is either a compression artifact or a byproduct of the recording software. :)

There is a bit of flickering while moving on the tree edges, but I think that's more due to my screen response time (VA panel, so black->grey transitions can take longer than screen refresh).


Hey how do you get Rusella to join the party in New Rhomu? I mean I suspect she can join the party since the character has a proper name and is a cool looking NPC :p


Hey how do you get Rusella to join the party in New Rhomu? I mean I suspect she can join the party since the character has a proper name and is a cool looking NPC :p

Where is she? I have
20 support members
and thought that was it, but apparently don't have her.


Burt: She's in
New Rhomu, checking out weapons in the weapon store. She says "Wow this is one cool weapon!" and does nothing else. She is a very unique looking NPC and she has the name Rusella, so I assumed she had a part to play. But never figured it out.

Here is an image:


How does desperation work? You get one last attack before it die unless you heal? Is that right?

As long as you have Style + 50% (or 100% on Super Spy), you'll enter Desperation when your HP goes to zero. This allows you either one final attack or one final heal to survive.

There are tons of perks throughout the game that let you play around a bit w/ Desperation, party members that give bonuses or special desperation plus (like "Lose no Style % when you enter Desperation Mode").


Played 2 hours, or so, love the combat system.

No grinding, every encoutner feels meaningful and lots of different ways to combo abilities.

Getting 1500 dmg in one hit to kill a boss felt good.


Burt: She's in
New Rhomu, checking out weapons in the weapon store. She says "Wow this is one cool weapon!" and does nothing else. She is a very unique looking NPC and she has the name Rusella, so I assumed she had a part to play. But never figured it out.

Here is an image:


Yeah hmm, dunno know.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Played 2 hours, or so, love the combat system.

No grinding, every encoutner feels meaningful and lots of different ways to combo abilities.

Getting 1500 dmg in one hit to kill a boss felt good.

You got that in the first two hours? What chapter? What did you do?!


Burt: She's in
New Rhomu, checking out weapons in the weapon store. She says "Wow this is one cool weapon!" and does nothing else. She is a very unique looking NPC and she has the name Rusella, so I assumed she had a part to play. But never figured it out.
She might just be a reference. Doesn't she say "These weapons are wild!"?

You know. Weapons, armaments, arms.
You got that in the first two hours? What chapter? What did you do?!
If you do stuff like hit the enemy's weakpoint with someone that has Inspire, Buffz, is in Hyper mode, and hitting an enemy that has the Weakened status, you can do a huge amount of damage.

Edit: Right, it's called Vulnerable, not weakened.


You got that in the first two hours? What chapter? What did you do?!

Boss spoiler:

to kill the metal dragon thingy
Sue did an uppercut and was buffed by vulnerability, + hyper + inspire + feint the turn before. I also had rust on the boss but i'm not sure if that lowers the defence too.
I've been browsing this thread since launch, and I just wanted to say that I am thoroughly enjoying this game, from the battle system to the writing. I play a lot of "throwback" or retro RPGs, but this one really feels in a class of its own.

That said, I just encountered my first major glitch, where my first attack in battle just initiated then left the characters idling on screen. I'm afraid to restart, since I didn't save for a while (stupid, I know).

Anyway, thanks for making the game, Zeboyd folk, and I was sad reading about some of the stuff posted earlier in this thread. I made sure to buy a Steam copy on top of PSN to support this game and your future endeavors.
Decided to play for an hour or so, pretty good! The tone seems a bit scattered in terms of humor and seriousness so far, but it plays really well so far and doesn't seem to have much fluff. Good stuff.


She might just be a reference. Doesn't she say "These weapons are wild!"?

You know. Weapons, armaments, arms.

If you do stuff like hit the enemy's weakpoint with someone that has Inspire, Buffz, is in Hyper mode, and hitting an enemy that has the Weakened status, you can do a huge amount of damage.

Edit: Right, it's called Vulnerable, not weakened.

Haaaa, I just looked it up and apparently it's "Rusella Von Formaldehyde" from an April Fools joke they played for a game they pretended they were going to release called "Untamed Armaments" which, yup, is a Wild Arms reference.

Well that solves that. Was bugging the shit outta me lol



Burt: She's in
New Rhomu, checking out weapons in the weapon store. She says "Wow this is one cool weapon!" and does nothing else. She is a very unique looking NPC and she has the name Rusella, so I assumed she had a part to play. But never figured it out.

Here is an image:


As long as you have Style + 50% (or 100% on Super Spy), you'll enter Desperation when your HP goes to zero. This allows you either one final attack or one final heal to survive.

There are tons of perks throughout the game that let you play around a bit w/ Desperation, party members that give bonuses or special desperation plus (like "Lose no Style % when you enter Desperation Mode").

Thanks. Yeah, I kept getting desperation. I guess I'm stylish enough. :p

Haven't really needed to up style with explicit style skills (like with Grind) yet, but we shall see.


Bit the bullet and finally decided to pick this up next time I get paid. It'll be a little later than I wanted, but I might still be able to pen a review.

I was hoping to see PR send out review codes once the patch went live.


Fight a boss... i was like men this boss is way too easy compare to any bosses since the start of the game on spy.... hooooo i woke up after 3 fight later I got the auto-death bug.. so the boss had 2 part... which make sense !

edit : Got 3 freeze with the regen song.... when it's the turn of the song, the game just freeze.... ps4 patch can't come soon enough, i'm tired of all these freeze.
I know they're hard at work on fixing bugs right now, but I just wanted to make sure there was no rough ETA for the Vita version.

Only thing we've heard is June "at the earliest", because outside of bug fixes, they want to take a break from it after launch. We've also been told the game is 5gb on Vita as well, which that will honestly have to be lowered somehow, especially if they're wanting to do a physical with LRG.


super-spy is the highest difficulty level I assume? Should I start my game on that?

I backed the kickstarter, going to play it next week I think. I hope Cosmic Star Heroine is going to be a big success for Zeboyd. I remember you guys way back from the PA forum when you just started out


super-spy is the highest difficulty level I assume? Should I start my game on that?

I backed the kickstarter, going to play it next week I think. I hope Cosmic Star Heroine is going to be a big success for Zeboyd. I remember you guys way back from the PA forum when you just started out

Start brutal, because fight feel like puzzle that you have to do action in certain order to achieve, but eventualy it became more fun and really challenging. You can grind if you having way to much trouble, but you don't need. Everything see to be balance with that difficulty in mind, i really like it so far.


Just got to
New Rhomu
. Chapter 6 or 7 I believe. I love this game. Trying to pace myself so I don't finish it all at once.

Zeboyd, you guys knocked it out of the park.


super-spy is the highest difficulty level I assume? Should I start my game on that?

I backed the kickstarter, going to play it next week I think. I hope Cosmic Star Heroine is going to be a big success for Zeboyd. I remember you guys way back from the PA forum when you just started out

I would definitely recommend starting Heroine. The first battle in the game on Super-Spy is actually much harder than pretty much any subsequent ones due to lack of tools at the very, very start, and as a result is more about trial-and-erroring your way through the correct order of your limited options. If it was my first playthrough, it might've turned me off.

It's fine after that, but I would still recommend running through the first area on Heroine to get a feel for things, because you can change difficulty any time you want and it's early enough to start over no problem if there's some "Beat the entire game on Super-Spy" achievement/trophy you want (I never check so I dunno if there is one).


thanks, Skulldead and Burt

I didn't know the difficulty level is adjustable, in that case I can just go with what I'm comfortable with. Now I'm curious about the first fight though, heh


Junior Member
I just got a freeze on PC, the game is still running but I can´t enter commands, I got a
giant cockroach
poisoned, and it died as it attacked a party member, after that I had to alt+f4 it.
Only thing we've heard is June "at the earliest", because outside of bug fixes, they want to take a break from it after launch. We've also been told the game is 5gb on Vita as well, which that will honestly have to be lowered somehow, especially if they're wanting to do a physical with LRG.

June would be okay with me, since I have a lot left in my backlog to get through between now and then and I'd prefer to have it on Vita for when I fly home for the summer.

This would surely help with the 13 hour flight.

We are definitely getting the Vita version, though?
We are definitely getting the Vita version, though?

I don't see any reason why they would cancel it when they've put in the amount of work they have on it, unlike other games that get cancelled due to developers thinking all they have to do is put minimal effort in, which turns out to not be the case. With that said, considering it was "at the earliest" and with all the problems that have been popping up for the others version, I would not expect it in June.

What I'm more worried about is the size of it, especially considering the Vita memory card situation. Something that is several GBs (especially 5gbs, which is larger than just about every other Vita game, including dlc and patches) is a no go for me unless it is physical, which if it remains that size, it won't even get the physical that was being planned for it.


This battle system is genius. I haven't gotten a chance to put much time into the game overall but I'm really loving what I played so far. Makes for a nice change of pace between sessions of Persona 5. Glad I took the plunge.
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