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Dark Souls |OT5| Definitely better than the sequel

This happened to me when I rested the game for a while and came back, but I didn't upgrade the dsfix....try updating to the most current version of dsfix.

Yup, I fixed it. Updated DSFix and ran an integrity check, apparently there was a file missing. Started a new character that's mostly dex focused for the moment. I'm thinking about where I want to make my secondary attack stat. I'm keen on trying out the new dark magic spells in the DLC but not much else appeals to me (crystal magic weapon seems like a good buff). I've tinkered with miracles before but I don't remember them being particularly useful. I've read that the faith sword buffs are better? I dunno.

Oh yeah, I fixed up my NAT and wow! The PC version is pretty damn active, even now. Don't remember getting this much action on the PS3 and I played that just as the game came out. Maybe the netcode improved since then. Pretty good for a 1.5 year old port of a year old game.


If anyone on PC (with dsfix and summon fix) wants to help with 4 Kings in NG+, that would be amazing. I'm getting destroyed.
Steam: Quikies83

edit: Oh, SL98

the aren't that hard.
just upgrade your weapon as far as possible.

you need a high damage output.

I'll go ahead and put the TL:DR at the top: I'm so in love with this game. Running around blind has never been so rewarding. I'm amazed by how open it is, and by how much there is to discover. Also, sorry for the length of this post, but I must vent!

like said before, with the key, you get access to an item in the UA, that you saw before but couldn't reach.

and if you want to revive the firekeeper at firelink shrine, you habve to "save" her soul.
Soooo.... I started playing yesterday (360 version)... and got my ass handed over to me a good 100 times.

A few questions (already read all the stuff in the OP, very helpful):

- how the fuck am I supposed to attack those weird ladyghosts ? Can't seem to hit them, and they got me killed in like two hits.

- I still do not get how to use humanities, or what would be the advantages of assuming a human form. I'm in the Undead burg (already beat the giant Bull boss).

- I never played Demon's Souls, but I remember my brother telling me that the messages scattered everywhere on the floor were left by other players. So far, so good, found them to be really useful. However... I do not know how to leave messages myself, hahaha. Not that it'd be useful to anyone I guess.

Oh, and I hate those fucking rats. Fucking poisoning me almost every single time :(


Man fuck Tomb of the Giants. Second time playing this game and I still fell to my death. Lost 60k souls and 8 humanity. Doesn't seem like much but I could have done a lot with 60k souls.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Soooo.... I started playing yesterday (360 version)... and got my ass handed over to me a good 100 times.

A few questions (already read all the stuff in the OP, very helpful):

- how the fuck am I supposed to attack those weird ladyghosts ? Can't seem to hit them, and they got me killed in like two hits.

- I still do not get how to use humanities, or what would be the advantages of assuming a human form. I'm in the Undead burg (already beat the giant Bull boss).

- I never played Demon's Souls, but I remember my brother telling me that the messages scattered everywhere on the floor were left by other players. So far, so good, found them to be really useful. However... I do not know how to leave messages myself, hahaha. Not that it'd be useful to anyone I guess.

Oh, and I hate those fucking rats. Fucking poisoning me almost every single time :(

Your character needs to be "cursed" so that you can attack the ghosts. The best way to do this is by using a "transient curse" - a consumable inventory item that temporarily curses you for a period of 5 minutes. IIRC, there's a couple of them before you cross the bridge to the area with the ghosts, picked up from a corpse in a large urn. If you're lucky, you'll never have to buy any (there's a merchant near Firelink who sells a few), as the ghosts themselves drop them fairly regularly. Your other option is to actually get cursed by an enemy, which puts you in a state of permanent half-health until you use an item to cure yourself.

Humanity, when active (not just in your inventory, but currently "cashed in" at the top left of the screen) gives you several stat boosts, all the way up to 99 active humanity (but only up to 10 for a select few stats, like item discovery, ie. you won't get any additional benefit for item discovery beyond 10 active humanity). The stat boosts are pretty significant, but it's very easy to lose them as they are tied to your bloodstain, just like souls. If you die, then die again without retrieving your souls, all that active humanity is lost. Asides from active humanity, being human allows you to kindle bonfires, summon, be summoned, invade, and be invaded. Kindling bonfires increases the number of times you can heal with your Estus flask, by 5 per kindle. You kindle by being human, and donating one active humanity at the bonfire. So if you're currently hollow with "00" active humanity, you would need to use two humanity items from your inventory - one to go human, then the other to kindle. Also, when you use a humanity item from your inventory, you heal to full health (in addition to increasing your humanity count), so they can be used as healing items if you're desperate.

You can leave messages with the orange soapstone. You have to buy it from the merchant in undead burg.


Soooo.... I started playing yesterday (360 version)... and got my ass handed over to me a good 100 times.

A few questions (already read all the stuff in the OP, very helpful):

- how the fuck am I supposed to attack those weird ladyghosts ? Can't seem to hit them, and they got me killed in like two hits.

You need to be cursed. Look for Transient Curses.

- I still do not get how to use humanities, or what would be the advantages of assuming a human form. I'm in the Undead burg (already beat the giant Bull boss).
The amount of humanity you hold is shown by the counter on the left of your HP bar. This increases discovery rate, defence and resistance to being cursed.
It also lets you kindle bonfires, summon other players, invade others and become open to being invaded.

- I never played Demon's Souls, but I remember my brother telling me that the messages scattered everywhere on the floor were left by other players. So far, so good, found them to be really useful. However... I do not know how to leave messages myself, hahaha. Not that it'd be useful to anyone I guess.

You need the Orange Guidance Soapstone which can be bought from the merchant in Undead Burg.

Oh, and I hate those fucking rats. Fucking poisoning me almost every single time :(

At least they drop humanity!

EDIT: Damn it I'm too slow.
Just realised having the tin crystal catalyst equipped and out halves your casts of all your spells not just sorcery. Seems silly given it only works with magic.

Man fuck Tomb of the Giants. Second time playing this game and I still fell to my death. Lost 60k souls and 8 humanity. Doesn't seem like much but I could have done a lot with 60k souls.
You can get that back and then some with 3 O&S co-ops (25,000 souls each win iirc).


Just realised having the tin crystal catalyst equipped and out halves your casts of all your spells not just sorcery. Seems silly given it only works with magic.

You can get that back and then some with 3 O&S co-ops (25,000 souls each win iirc).

I fell down trying to get it lol. My main frustration was because I got from firelink to the TotG without dying and failed when I was so close to the bonfire. That's why I rage quit. I'll have to make an attempt later.

I already did about 6 O&S co-ops while I was in Anor Londo and now I'm too high of a level to get anyone to summon me :(.


Thanks to all of you.

Now I'll go back to grinding !


and read all the item descibtion, of things you have/find.

like the transient curse you find a few meters before you meet the first ghost.

Limb of the victim of a curse.
Temporary curse allows engagement with ghosts.

The only way to fight back against ghosts,
who are cursed beings, is to become cursed

oneself. The safest method, however dreadful,
is to cut off an arm of the dead.

and figuring out humanity isn't that hard either.

at a bonfire, you have the option to kindle and to reverse hollowing.
if you aren't human/don't have humanity, it will tell you.


Soooo.... I started playing yesterday (360 version)... and got my ass handed over to me a good 100 times.

A few questions (already read all the stuff in the OP, very helpful):

- how the fuck am I supposed to attack those weird ladyghosts ? Can't seem to hit them, and they got me killed in like two hits.

Other people answered this, but they left out an important part: you should probably not be in that area if you're just starting out. Do something else.


Man fuck Tomb of the Giants. Second time playing this game and I still fell to my death. Lost 60k souls and 8 humanity. Doesn't seem like much but I could have done a lot with 60k souls.

I hear ya. I lost my largest amount of souls ever in TotG (80 million souls and 99 humanities) because of the placement of the bonfire.
After dying and respawning in the bonfire I pressed the circle button twice and fell to my death. Didn't even find the time to put the ring of sacrifice.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Didn't have much time to play this morning after I took out the Bell Gargoyles yesterday but I did manage to beat the headless statue guy thing near the blacksmith after about 5 tries. I assume Darkroot Garden is going to be my next stop? Fought a few tree guys who seem weak enough but they do this annoying grab thing that takes out 90% of my health and that I can't break out of. I'll have to learn how to deal with them properly when I jump on again tonight.
Didn't have much time to play this morning after I took out the Bell Gargoyles yesterday but I did manage to beat the headless statue guy thing near the blacksmith after about 5 tries. I assume Darkroot Garden is going to be my next stop? Fought a few tree guys who seem weak enough but they do this annoying grab thing that takes out 90% of my health and that I can't break out of. I'll have to learn how to deal with them properly when I jump on again tonight.
You can explore the forest, or you should've picked up a key in the Parish area, the description of which will tell you about a locked door you've already passed, which is another way to go also.

The tree enemies, strafe around them and attack, head on they will go for the grab attack. It's worth farming them a bit as they drop useful items that are worth stocking up on.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
You can explore the forest, or you should've picked up a key in the Parish area, the description of which will tell you about a locked door you've already passed, which is another way to go also.

The tree enemies, strafe around them and attack, head on they will go for the grab attack. It's worth farming them a bit as they drop useful items that are worth stocking up on.

Ah cool, I'll take a look at the keys I have and see where else I can explore. I'm thinking of going back to the large bridge and picking up the Claymore since apparently it's a good sword. I have my Longsword up to +5 right now though and I like it.

Is there anywhere I can sell items? I have a bunch of crap that I'm never going to use and I would like to get some souls out of them.


Ah cool, I'll take a look at the keys I have and see where else I can explore. I'm thinking of going back to the large bridge and picking up the Claymore since apparently it's a good sword. I have my Longsword up to +5 right now though and I like it.

Is there anywhere I can sell items? I have a bunch of crap that I'm never going to use and I would like to get some souls out of them.

there are a few things you can do in the forrest allready.
but like said, you dont have too.

but i would explore a little bit more.

if you want to continue the story, read the key describtions.

later you will be able to sell items, but the souls you get isn't worth the time you have to klick through the menu to sell stuff.

you can buy a bottom less box, if you want to keep the stuff.
or just drop them.


It is cool that you can see the Stray Demon through the bars right at the start. I think a lot of people miss it although you can hear it. I'm pretty sure I didn't see it on my first run.

The key by the way, it does unlock a door in case you missed it. It lets you get the item that was previously unreachable.
Rusted Iron Ring, used for normal movement speed in water/swamps etc.

Ahh, yeah, I did find the ring. Not sure how I came to that misunderstanding, then! I even used it in Blighttown. I think I expected more, to see an entire different section of the prison, and was surprised to so quickly find myself where I had already been...then proceeded to forget I found the ring in that corridor. :p


Anyone around level 125 on the PS3 version of Dark Souls happen to have three Red Titanite Chunks, two Red Titanite Slabs, and one White Titanite Slab they'd be willing to trade with me? I'm five trophies from platinum, three of which are the Fire, Chaos, and Occult upgrade trophies. I looked for the slabs but they're not there, I must've used them a long time ago for some reason.


Anyone around level 125 on the PS3 version of Dark Souls happen to have three Red Titanite Chunks, two Red Titanite Slabs, and one White Titanite Slab they'd be willing to trade with me? I'm five trophies from platinum, three of which are the Fire, Chaos, and Occult upgrade trophies. I looked for the slabs but they're not there, I must've used them a long time ago for some reason.

you have to beat the game almost 3 times anyway because of the boss souls.
so more than enough chances to pick up some new slabs.

if you have the dlc you can find 2 per playthrough.


I'm actually in NG++ with this character. But yeah, I guess you're right. I'm gonna need to make a Faith character so I can get all the miracles anyways, might as well just wait until then to do those three upgrades.


I dont understand greatswords.

My first playthrough I stuck with my Longsword and Quelaag Furysword. For the catacombs and tomb of giants I used a divine uchi.

And in all these Dark Souls videos I see SO many people using greatswords, so im giving them a try in my second playthrough, and I can't get used to how to effectively use them.


I dont understand greatswords.

My first playthrough I stuck with my Longsword and Quelaag Furysword. For the catacombs and tomb of giants I used a divine uchi.

And in all these Dark Souls videos I see SO many people using greatswords, so im giving them a try in my second playthrough, and I can't get used to how to effectively use them.

Poise tank trough everything.

Chitown B

killed the boar last night and tried to get to a bonfire after - but it was too far away. I thought I'd take on the knight to get that shield, but apparently my shield as a knight sucked and he hit me right through it. All the work, gone.


I dont understand greatswords.

My first playthrough I stuck with my Longsword and Quelaag Furysword. For the catacombs and tomb of giants I used a divine uchi.

And in all these Dark Souls videos I see SO many people using greatswords, so im giving them a try in my second playthrough, and I can't get used to how to effectively use them.

They swing slow but usually interupts whatever your opponent is doing. It's by far my favorite weapon class, especially in PvP.

Try holding with both hands.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I dont understand greatswords.

My first playthrough I stuck with my Longsword and Quelaag Furysword. For the catacombs and tomb of giants I used a divine uchi.

And in all these Dark Souls videos I see SO many people using greatswords, so im giving them a try in my second playthrough, and I can't get used to how to effectively use them.

This is what I used to think, then I did a Zweihander run
They swing slow but usually interupts whatever your opponent is doing. It's by far my favorite weapon class, especially in PvP.

Try holding with both hands.

Two handing is great; also, learn the range of the weapon. The Zwei is long enough to keep you away from the enemy's attack so you don't need to stand toe to toe to deal damage.

And put the Grass Crest Shield on your back so you can regain stamina faster!


Thanks for the tips!
Got another question regarding optimal PvP levels and areas... Where are they?

Well im Anor Londo SL60. I went human at the bonfire before O&S and the floor was covered with summons. And when i choosed one, we got invaded pretty soon. (PC version)
Sooo... I have to choose who kicks my ass next: Hellkite dragon, that armored boar, or a black knight.

I would fight the boar, there are a number of obvious environmental helpers placed there specifically to use to your advantage in that fight. The other two I would come back to later when you've upgraded your weapon, althought the dragon is entirely optional (well they all are really I guess) and I think the Parish Black Knight with the greatsword is the worst of all them because of how hard he hits.

Thanks for the tips!
Got another question regarding optimal PvP levels and areas... Where are they?


I'm getting started into anor londo at the moment and trying to decide between this man-serpent greatsword, the great club I picked up in blighttown or the lightning spear I got from sen's fortress (I was using the drake sword up until I started sen's fortress and it took me a long time to kill queelag with it, so I figured I'd try something new).

I like the damage on the great club but man is it clunky. And it was a real pain in the ass in sen's fortress with all of those tight corridors... I'm thinking man-serpent greatsword is a bit faster even if the damage seems to be a little bit lower.
So I just got to undead parish, missed the ladder leading back to the bonfire. Was holding 10k+ souls after Tarurus demon. I end up dying in next area, get posioned by rats trying to reach my lost souls, killed by giant mecha boar before I get them back. Sadness.

When do I need to start worrying about upgrading my weapons? I'm still not sure how I feel about this game
So I've returned to my old Dark Souls PS3 save. I stopped playing it about half way through (I think? I was at the end of Anor Londo) when the game was still new. Due to other events I suddenly had no time for games for a period so I stopped playing and then I just sort of forgot about it. But with Dark Souls 2 coming I feel the need to finish this and I've been able to resume my save without too many problems.

I have a question about the DLC though. I have no intentions of doing another play through of this, be it NG+ or a new character, I just don't have the time. I am interested in playing the DLC though, but I'm not sure if it's only active for new play throughs? I have obtained the Lordvessel, and long ago I played through Darkroot Garden, but I can't recall much of what I did there. Does anyone know if I buy the DLC will I be able to access it with my current half complete play through which was started long before the DLC came out? I don't want to buy it and then realise I need to play it on another play through.
So I've returned to my old Dark Souls PS3 save. I stopped playing it about half way through (I think? I was at the end of Anor Londo) when the game was still new. Due to other events I suddenly had no time for games for a period so I stopped playing and then I just sort of forgot about it. But with Dark Souls 2 coming I feel the need to finish this and I've been able to resume my save without too many problems.

I have a question about the DLC though. I have no intentions of doing another play through of this, be it NG+ or a new character, I just don't have the time. I am interested in playing the DLC though, but I'm not sure if it's only active for new play throughs? I have obtained the Lordvessel, and long ago I played through Darkroot Garden, but I can't recall much of what I did there. Does anyone know if I buy the DLC will I be able to access it with my current half complete play through which was started long before the DLC came out? I don't want to buy it and then realise I need to play it on another play through.

Yes, you can still access the DLC. In fact, you should do it before facing the final boss, as you go straight into NG+ after finishing the game.

To access the DLC, you need to do 2 things:
rescue Dusk of Oolacile from a golem in a cave behind the hydra in Dark Root Basin and get a pendant by defeating a Crystal golem at the entrance to Duke's Archives. Once you have the pendant, go back to where the cave where you rescued Dusk and there's a portal you can enter to go to the DLC area.
and since you have the Lordvessel, you can teleport in and out of the DLC at the bonfires.
Alright, that sounds good. I shall buy the DLC tonight then. Thanks, just needed to make sure!

The boss fights on the DLC are really awesome but tough. Have fun!

Also, to clarify what I posted in spoilers:
the golem with the Broken Pendant is near the elevator after the first bonfire on the Archives. And the pendant only drops AFTER you have saved Dusk
So I've returned to my old Dark Souls PS3 save. I stopped playing it about half way through (I think? I was at the end of Anor Londo) when the game was still new. Due to other events I suddenly had no time for games for a period so I stopped playing and then I just sort of forgot about it. But with Dark Souls 2 coming I feel the need to finish this and I've been able to resume my save without too many problems.

I have a question about the DLC though. I have no intentions of doing another play through of this, be it NG+ or a new character, I just don't have the time. I am interested in playing the DLC though, but I'm not sure if it's only active for new play throughs? I have obtained the Lordvessel, and long ago I played through Darkroot Garden, but I can't recall much of what I did there. Does anyone know if I buy the DLC will I be able to access it with my current half complete play through which was started long before the DLC came out? I don't want to buy it and then realise I need to play it on another play through.

If you remember how to get to Anor Londo, starting a new character isn't a bad idea: you will get there in fraction of a time. And yes, your character can access the DLC areas


Just finished my first (and probably only) playthrough. Cool game, but after all that....that ending left a little something to be desired, haha.
So I got DS running on PC with DSfix successfully installed. I rolled a trial character to get a feel for the visual improvements and in the process I realized I haven't been seeing any messages on the ground. I'm online. I remember seeing them everywhere on PS3. Is this an issue with my internet, GFWL, or just a fluke?
As a farewell before the sequel I'm doing a permagravelorded run at SL1, naked with unupgraded equipment. Having a hell of a time. I know I'm tooting my own horn here a bit, but I just beat Quelaag and man am I pumped. Used all my mosses on the runs across the swamp, restocked, ran out again, and decided to try the fight while poisoned. Victory achieved. Being poisoned while Power Within is active will really make you sweat.

Onward to Sens! Or maybe to the forest; not sure, I've never been gravelorded before and I want to see what new dangers every area holds. Wish me luck!
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