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Dark Souls |OT5| Definitely better than the sequel


So I got DS running on PC with DSfix successfully installed. I rolled a trial character to get a feel for the visual improvements and in the process I realized I haven't been seeing any messages on the ground. I'm online. I remember seeing them everywhere on PS3. Is this an issue with my internet, GFWL, or just a fluke?

Sometimes you see a ton of them, sometimes not. If you haven't seen any signs, blue ghosts or summon signs by the time you get to Parish, you might need to check your port settings.


I'm getting started into anor londo at the moment and trying to decide between this man-serpent greatsword, the great club I picked up in blighttown or the lightning spear I got from sen's fortress (I was using the drake sword up until I started sen's fortress and it took me a long time to kill queelag with it, so I figured I'd try something new).

I like the damage on the great club but man is it clunky. And it was a real pain in the ass in sen's fortress with all of those tight corridors... I'm thinking man-serpent greatsword is a bit faster even if the damage seems to be a little bit lower.

I see what people mean about the archers in Anor Londo now, LOL


I dunno. I caught fire and the credits rolled. I don't even know why that dude had to die.
I can't remember too much myself, it's been a while. That's the normal ending though, and I'd wager that everyone does that first time. If you don't want to play the game again, then after going to get your insanity diagnosed there's always YouTube. The other ending is better after following a different path through the game, where you listen to another primordial snake fellow that is frankly difficult to find without looking up the necessary order of doing things. Or maybe it isn't, it's been a while.


I can't remember too much myself, it's been a while. That's the normal ending though, and I'd wager that everyone does that first time. If you don't want to play the game again, then after going to get your insanity diagnosed there's always YouTube. The other ending is better after following a different path through the game, where you listen to another primordial snake fellow that is frankly difficult to find without looking up the necessary order of doing things. Or maybe it isn't, it's been a while.

I'm pretty sure you don't actually have to do any of that, you can just
walk away from the fire instead of lighting it
. I might be wrong though, been a while since I played.


I'm pretty sure you don't actually have to do any of that, you can just
walk away from the fire instead of lighting it
. I might be wrong though, been a while since I played.

Yeah you can do that, but IIRC the other guy gives context for choosing that path.


So, after lurking on this thread for a while yesterday, I decided to start up Dark Souls as soon as I got home (Xbox360). I started a low level run, no more than 20 with my brother and stopped at Blighttown a few weeks ago, so I decided to resume that game.

All was going well, was invaded by the NPC and afterwards by a DarkWraith (these are the red ones, right?) He obviously was better prepared for PvP than I was... (I don't want to read guides, but rather learn everything by trial and error). So, I was already poisoned (dammend huge poisonous pool) so my choinces were narrow. Die of poison or risk dying by the sword of my enemy while drinking estus flask... I chose the later and died.

The dark Wraith did all his mockery gestures and it was fine. That taunt system is in game for a reason, it's a teabaggin of sorts, and I understand it. What I do not understand was what followed. He sent a message that said something along the lines of "great estus drinking dumbass", to which I didn't reply (I try not to feed trolls), but left me wondering, was that really necesary? Next thing I know he sends me another six messages. I opened only the first one, and needless to say it was not friendly.

Blocked communications and deleted his messages. But gotta admit, even sticking only to the rules of the game I do not feel like playing with that guy ever again. What is wrong with people? I mean, I accept the braggin within the game. That's what's it there for. Wanna tease me with some gestures? Okey, you won, I lost, I deserve it. But sending me messages telling me "gonna *uck your noob ass so hard"./"Afraid of my big c*ck you p*ssy?"... I mean come on!..

I've met trolls before on XBL, but this was the first guy in Dark Souls that made me say, F*CK YOU, I rather play another game than play with you.

I'm not very good at PvP, I get killed nearly all the time. And that's fine by me. At some things I'm good at, at some I'm not so good at. But harrasing people online? Nah, anyway, just sharing...


I'm not very good at PvP, I get killed nearly all the time. And that's fine by me. At some things I'm good at, at some I'm not so good at. But harrasing people online? Nah, anyway, just sharing...

It's considered bad etiquette in duels to drink estus since the invader can't, but obviously you were invaded and not looking for PvP so that doesn't apply here. Just a jackass being a jackass, not much more to it. Since you were low level it's probably some guy that can't win against people who know what they're doing, so he turns to picking on newbies to prop up his ego.


It's considered bad etiquette in duels to drink estus since the invader can't, but obviously you were invaded and not looking for PvP so that doesn't apply here. Just a jackass being a jackass, not much more to it. Since you were low level it's probably some guy that can't win against people who know what they're doing, so he turns to picking on newbies to prop up his ego.

Didn't know this, but are there any places that are common for PvP. Because, I would understand on the hall of Anor Londo (someone online explained it to while playing), but Blightown? Near Queelags domains?

Also, is there anything in particular people do to get invaded when looking for PvP?

As far as I understand, IF the people are looking for a Duel, the dark wraith generaly vows or salutes in some fashion.... but I could be wrong...

I mean, I only began reading this Topic once I had done my first complete rundown of the game, and then again... I always try to interact as much as possible with people in game.. since, you know, there are in game tools (and console systems in place) for that...


Didn't know this, but are there any places that are common for PvP. Because, I would understand on the hall of Anor Londo (someone online explained it to while playing), but Blightown? Near Queelags domains?

Also, is there anything in particular people do to get invaded when looking for PvP?

As far as I understand, IF the people are looking for a Duel, the dark wraith generaly vows or salutes in some fashion.... but I could be wrong...

I mean, I only began reading this Topic once I had done my first complete rundown of the game, and then again... I always try to interact as much as possible with people in game.. since, you know, there are in game tools (and console systems in place) for that...

The point of invading in Blighttown is that it's easy prey, with a bunch of environmental hazards and a good chance that the invaded player is poisoned. Don't put too much thought into it, just an asshole like I said lol. PvP hotspots are places like the forest, Painted World, and Oolacile Township in the DLC.


The point of invading in Blighttown is that it's easy prey, with a bunch of environmental hazards and a good chance that the invaded player is poisoned. Don't put too much thought into it, just an asshole like I said lol. PvP hotspots are places like the forest, Painted World, and Oolacile Township in the DLC.

Thanks, didn't know about the Painted World, so I'll keep an eye out for that one when I get there.


It's considered bad etiquette in duels to drink estus since the invader can't

I kept on thinking about this... Is it possible for the invader to heal themselves with humanities? or miracles?

I have never ever tried invading someone, but those items heal both as a hollow and a human when doing co-op...

Sorry if it's a dumb question
If you get invaded, especially at low level - chug Estus all you like. Almost everyone you will ever meet when you get invaded will be decked out in max gear, lightning weapons (when you have no access to them that early etc) and will have a stock of healing items themselves.

Duels/red soapstone summons are a different deal entirely to being invaded imo. You can do all the honourable stuff you like in duels, but most invaders are just going to backstab you as you bow so fuck all that shit in common invasions, use everything you have.

I kept on thinking about this... Is it possible for the invader to heal themselves with humanities? or miracles?

I have never ever tried invading someone, but those items heal both as a hollow and a human when doing co-op...

Sorry if it's a dumb question
Yes invaders can heal in all the usual ways except Estus, and they will.


If you get invaded, especially at low level - chug Estus all you like. Almost everyone you will ever meet when you get invaded will be decked out in max gear, lightning weapons (when you have no access to them that early etc) and will have a stock of healing items themselves.

Duels/red soapstone summons are a different deal entirely to being invaded imo. You can do all the honourable stuff you like in duels, but most invaders are just going to backstab you as you bow so fuck all that shit in common invasions, use everything you have.

Yes invaders can heal in all the usual ways except Estus, and they will.

Thanks! If I ever chose to invade someone (doubt it), will keep that in mind!

I never bow or salute unless they do so first when being invaded. I've never used the red soap... and to honest... I don't recall ever getting it on my first run...

Beat the big boar on my first try today. Took him out from above using bow/crossbow/firebombs. Me so happy.

Also got myself the Drake Sword. Nice. Thanks to the guy who left a message indicating to go for the tail.

I was wondering: sometimes, I see a white circle hovering above the ground, that only stays there for a dozen seconds or so. Is that related to other players online ?


Hey everyone!

First time thread visitor, first time thread poster. I had a question about what I should do next.



I am currently in Anor Londo with everything cleared right up to Ornstein and Smough who I have fought twice now and died. The question is about my weapons.

I currently have a Claymore at lightning +4 (I can take it to +5 right now) and I have a spear that's +10. I use the claymore almost always, including for the Ornstein and Smough fight.

Before leveling the Claymore to lightning and then boosting it, I didn't realize that it loses stat scaling. My next step leveling wise was going to be to boost dex to boost damage. However, I was told lightning +5 would be enough to carry me through the game.

The main problem is Ornstein. I can beat the shit out of Smough easily enough, but my damage output to Ornstein is super weak. My guess is it's because he is lightning based and likely has a lot of lightning defense making my claymore kind of useless against him.

As far as I understand it, he is likely the only enemy with this problem. What should I do? Should I roll back to +10 and just fight the fight that way or should I use the lightning claymore the rest of the game, boost it to +5 lightning and then just switch to the spear mid fight which is +10?

If I keep the claymore as it is and go lightning +5, what should I level next stat wise? It's a melee build and I'm trying to be very mobile.

Thanks all!

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I didn't have much time to game yesterday/this morning but I did manage to pick up the Claymore off the bridge. I kept trying to quickly sprint across the bridge but that stupid dragon would breathe fire and wreck me. So I stood behind the little wall the prevents the fire from reaching the stairs to plan my next move, and before I know it the freaking dragon jumps down onto the bridge. I freak out and roll between his legs and make a run for the Claymore. He gets me with one fire breath but I get up and sprint towards the bonfire and he eventually flies away.

LOL. That was nuts. This sword is really heavy though huh. I can wield it one-handed with a shield, and even unupgraded it seems to do quite a bit of damage, although less than my Longsword + 5. I look forward to seeing how this thing upgrades over time.
I was wondering: sometimes, I see a white circle hovering above the ground, that only stays there for a dozen seconds or so. Is that related to other players online ?
Resonance rings. They boost the power of miracles.

If you have a miracle in your attunement slot it will show a white ring in it too indicating the area of effect of the resonance ring.


Hey everyone!

First time thread visitor, first time thread poster. I had a question about what I should do next.


I am currently in Anor Londo with everything cleared right up to Ornstein and Smough who I have fought twice now and died. The question is about my weapons.

I currently have a Claymore at lightning +4 (I can take it to +5 right now) and I have a spear that's +10. I use the claymore almost always, including for the Ornstein and Smough fight.

Before leveling the Claymore to lightning and then boosting it, I didn't realize that it loses stat scaling. My next step leveling wise was going to be to boost dex to boost damage. However, I was told lightning +5 would be enough to carry me through the game.

The main problem is Ornstein. I can beat the shit out of Smough easily enough, but my damage output to Ornstein is super weak. My guess is it's because he is lightning based and likely has a lot of lightning defense making my claymore kind of useless against him.

As far as I understand it, he is likely the only enemy with this problem. What should I do? Should I roll back to +10 and just fight the fight that way or should I use the lightning claymore the rest of the game, boost it to +5 lightning and then just switch to the spear mid fight which is +10?

If I keep the claymore as it is and go lightning +5, what should I level next stat wise? It's a melee build and I'm trying to be very mobile.

Thanks all!

There are some other enemies later, particularly the bosses in the DLC, that you might have a hard time with elemental weapons.

I wouldn't use the slab to make your claymore lightning +5 because a claymore +15 with your str and dex upgraded is one of the best weapons in the game. Keep your STR at 27 and focus on upgrading dex.

Looks like you have pyro, try that against Smough too.

Chitown B

at level 16 I think.

I am in the Undead Parish - I ended up stepping out to lure the dragon to me and then ran between his legs to the bonfire on the bridge. Then he disappeared. Weird. He seems gone now - is that for good? Can I even fight him? Do I need to?

edit: found this:

Note: it is possible to run past the wyvern if the player is able to roll between its legs when it lands on the bridge. This allows the player to use the bonfire across the bridge and open the gate to the Undead Parish. Be warned: the drake will fly away after you make it through, but it will keep returning to the bridge until destroyed. This means that the direct route across the bridge is still dangerous.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Speaking about upgrading Strength/Dexterity, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who has been raving about Demon's Souls/Dark Souls for years now. When I told him I finally started playing Dark Souls he gave me a bunch of advice, one of which was that I should only upgrade Str/Dex to the minimum requirements of weapons I want to wield, but otherwise dump all my points into Vit/End. I told him that I thought weapons scaled off Str/Dex but he said that most weapons don't scale that well off those stats and they gain bigger damage boosts from being upgraded, so putting points into Str/Dex is a waste.

Is this accurate? I've been splitting my points between Str/Dex/Vit/End, but should I just focus on Vit/End instead?


Speaking about upgrading Strength/Dexterity, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who has been raving about Demon's Souls/Dark Souls for years now. When I told him I finally started playing Dark Souls he gave me a bunch of advice, one of which was that I should only upgrade Str/Dex to the minimum requirements of weapons I want to wield, but otherwise dump all my points into Vit/End. I told him that I thought weapons scaled off Str/Dex but he said that most weapons don't scale that well off those stats and they gain bigger damage boosts from being upgraded, so putting points into Str/Dex is a waste.

Is this accurate? I've been splitting my points between Str/Dex/Vit/End, but should I just focus on Vit/End instead?

Points in Vit/End are never a bad thing (at least up until the 40 point cap). However, I wouldn't say that he's right, but splitting points between the four stats as you have been doing is wrong as well. Look at the weapon you want to use and check the scaling for yourself. Obviously if you're pumping Dex and the weapon you're using doesn't scale off of it, it's a waste, but your friend is certainly not right with his blanket statement. If you upgrade your weapon into an elemental path then yes, there's no stat scaling at all so you should only get the minimum requirements. Aside from that, I guess he might just be trying to help you out from a new player's perspective.


Speaking about upgrading Strength/Dexterity, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who has been raving about Demon's Souls/Dark Souls for years now. When I told him I finally started playing Dark Souls he gave me a bunch of advice, one of which was that I should only upgrade Str/Dex to the minimum requirements of weapons I want to wield, but otherwise dump all my points into Vit/End. I told him that I thought weapons scaled off Str/Dex but he said that most weapons don't scale that well off those stats and they gain bigger damage boosts from being upgraded, so putting points into Str/Dex is a waste.

Is this accurate? I've been splitting my points between Str/Dex/Vit/End, but should I just focus on Vit/End instead?

I'm certainly not an expert but having just recently finished the game for the first time, I used a strength scaling weapon for the majority of the game and the points put into that were definitely useful. In fact, the drake sword early on was the ONLY weapon I used that didn't have C or better scaling. The Man-Serpent Greatsword starts at B scaling and goes to A at +11 and higher. Worth it, IMO.


Speaking about upgrading Strength/Dexterity, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who has been raving about Demon's Souls/Dark Souls for years now. When I told him I finally started playing Dark Souls he gave me a bunch of advice, one of which was that I should only upgrade Str/Dex to the minimum requirements of weapons I want to wield, but otherwise dump all my points into Vit/End. I told him that I thought weapons scaled off Str/Dex but he said that most weapons don't scale that well off those stats and they gain bigger damage boosts from being upgraded, so putting points into Str/Dex is a waste.

Is this accurate? I've been splitting my points between Str/Dex/Vit/End, but should I just focus on Vit/End instead?

Not true.
Basically, if a weapon has a S/A/B scaling for STR, upgrade str. S/A/B for dex, upgrade dex. If it has C/D scaling for both str/dex, upgrade both of them. You won't get as much of a benefit from just focusing on one.

Upgrading your weapons is the most important, but an upgraded weapon with good scaling will get a huge damage bonus when you invest in the right stat(s).

In general it's not terrible advice to give a new player if you aren't paying attention to the scaling of the weapons. I've seen many new players here, elsewhere and in the game who would just blindly increase str while using something like the Drake Sword thinking that that will just make all your attacks stronger across the board. And in the early stages of the game while you're still upgrading weapons, prioritize the upgrades over leveling str/dex.
It's not bad advice. Having lots of endurance and vitality would make the game marginally easier. I wouldn't go overboard on vitality unless you're planning on doing pvp though. I don't think I've ever thought, "if only I had a couple more points in vit." when fighting a boss.


yeah I don't think I'll ever understand much of that. There has to be a simpler way to explain it, lol

What is complicated about it? Most weapons scale with your stats. You examine the weapon to see what stats it scales with and how well it scales with them.

Chitown B

What is complicated about it? Most weapons scale with your stats. You examine the weapon to see what stats it scales with and how well it scales with them.

but it seems you need an excel sheet to figure this out. And that goes against the "don't use a guide" advice trumpeted by all the major players. All these A/B/C/D level things which mean nothing to me.
but it seems you need an excel sheet to figure this out. And that goes against the "don't use a guide" advice trumpeted by all the major players. All these A/B/C/D level things which mean nothing to me.
It's simple:

1. Find a weapon you like the moveset of and want to use
2. Look at what stats it's damage output scales with (letter grading under ParamBonus on weapon info page - S is the best then down A, B, C etc)
3. When you level up, level up those stats the weapon scales with and it will do more damage (the +# at the side of the weapons damage # on the same weapon stats page).

In the above, the Longsword scales 'C' (decent/middle grade) with both Strength and Dexterity, levelling up those stats will increase the damage bonus on the Longsword.

See you don't need to worry about comparing all the weapons to find that magical super best one, just find what stats the weapon like to use scales with.


As a farewell before the sequel I'm doing a permagravelorded run at SL1, naked with unupgraded equipment.

1. how do you become permagravelorded?

2. how in the world can you play at level 1 with unupgraded weapons?? :O

how long did it take you to beat quelaag?


I agree.
You sir are a scholar.
I'm glad to read that you enjoyed Dark Souls (who doesn't?). One thing I don't aree with you is the wish to remove the falling insta death. It's cheap but credible and it's one of these little game designs we don't see anymore in modern games. I really like it and don't want it to go away.

It's true they do add value it can just be very frustrating to be stuck at one that's a fair distance from a bonfire.In FROM I trust even if they do torture me.

Great write-up! I'm impressed that you were able to just hustle through Ceaseless Discharge at a low level. I assume you were pretty decent at rolling? I've never quite got it down. I've always been a brute-force shield kind of guy.

I don't think I was that low of a level but that fight did go really smoothly. Sometimes first boss fights go well because I think I'm dead so there's no pressure.

Very nice to see new players embrace the series similarly to how I did in 2009....again welcome to not being able to enjoy other games as much.

It's been great that the community has been so active and vocal spreading the word. The game is fun to play through multiple times and it's fun to watch others play through. The game is like a set of tools and you go play it and see what you create. It can be a bit hard to first get used to but in a way it's also very accessible, they let you play it in whatever way you want and I love that. Mix and match play styles however you want.

You can be a caster, a melee, a rolling melee, a blocking melee whatever you want. Play online, offline or maybe a bit of both, it's all good. You can go go head on and see if you have the manual dexterity to roll and parry fast enough to get through, or you can play the game like a detective slowly going through examining it all so you can use the clues to help overcome challenges.


It's simple:

1. Find a weapon you like the moveset of and want to use
2. Look at what stats it's damage output scales with (letter grading under ParamBonus on weapon info page - S is the best then down A, B, C etc)
3. When you level up, level up those stats the weapon scales with and it will do more damage (the +# at the side of the weapons damage # on the same weapon stats page).

In the above, the Longsword scales 'C' (decent/middle grade) with both Strength and Dexterity, levelling up those stats will increase the damage bonus on the Longsword.

See you don't need to worry about comparing all the weapons to find that magical super best one, just find what stats the weapon like to use scales with.
Hey thats my screenshot :eek:

Dr Dogg

Well it's been a while since I've been through this but with II on the way and still needing to finish this on PC I've been meandering through the last week or so. One thing I have noticed, in my absence all the messages now seam to be quite helpful and giving sound advice. Well I put a stop to that straight away mwhahaha.


Bloodborne is shit
How in the hell do I get these fucking maggots to lay an egg on my head?!

Is it possible to get infected with my shield up? Any way to get them to spit more frequently?

edit: Oh Jesus. I've been doing this for hours and it was the wrong enemy.
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