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Dark Souls |OT5| Definitely better than the sequel


After all the patches, does anyone have what the best armor combination is for a medium armor INT build?

Im still running elite set, gold hemmed skirt, gold hemmed hood, wanderer machete, and Im getting destroyed on New Game Plus.

any recommendations would be much appreciated!

with out some heavy armor, like havel's or giatns + you woll get destroyed all the time.

secret is, to not get hit. ;)

You don't have enough INT. You need 10 for Soul Arrow.

he said he equipped the soul arrow.
can you even do that, when you dont have enough int?

got my knight's shield and finally got to the first blacksmith :) Upgraded a bunch of shit and got all the repair boxes. Feel much better about everything now. My claymore feels badass - i think it's +3 or +4

buy one of two kite shields at andre(the "first" blacksmith).
it weighs less, but has better stability.(the most important stat for a shield)
one of the best normal shields.
only one better are balder and black/silver knight shield.
but the weig more.
with out some heavy armor, like havel's or giatns + you woll get destroyed all the time.

secret is, to not get hit. ;)

he said he equipped the soul arrow.
can you even do that, when you dont have enough int?

buy one of two kite shields at andre(the "first" blacksmith).
it weighs less, but has better stability.(the most important stat for a shield)
one of the best normal shields.
only one better are balder and black/silver knight shield.
but the weig more.

Yes, you can. But you'll get a message saying your stats are insuffiecient to use this magic.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
5 things you definitely didn't know about DkS

Some big surprises here. The scrapped boss in particular is a big reveal. Thank god the pc version lets people dig through this stuff. I only knew about the painted world being a prototype area and Priscilla having a larger role initially (as pointed out in the Design Works book).
I was real close to just deleting this game yesterday and being done with it. I kept dying in the undead parish before reaching the next bonfire, lost maybe 25k souls total. I'm not even sure, but i was getting really frustrated.

Gave it one more chance today. Got to the next bonfire, ungraded my sword, got a sweet new shield...finally turned the tide. Killed the gargoyles pretty easily. I feel like the game opened up finally and I'm starting to get the hang of it. I should have upgraded my weapon way earlier than I did.
Finished Dark Souls for the first time tonight, and I completely understand why it has such a huge fanbase. I've gone straight into NG+ and the freedom I feel now to tackle things however since I have the actual learned skill and a reasonably powerful weapon set is just amazing.
Killed 2 bosses in the time it took me to get out of the Asylum the first time round :p


Finished Dark Souls for the first time tonight, and I completely understand why it has such a huge fanbase. I've gone straight into NG+ and the freedom I feel now to tackle things however since I have the actual learned skill and a reasonably powerful weapon set is just amazing.
Killed 2 bosses in the time it took me to get out of the Asylum the first time round :p


Won't be long before you find yourself endlessly replaying it with different builds.
5 things you definitely didn't know about DkS

Some big surprises here. The scrapped boss in particular is a big reveal. Thank god the pc version lets people dig through this stuff. I only knew about the painted world being a prototype area and Priscilla having a larger role initially (as pointed out in the Design Works book).
Jar-Eel was well known I think for a long time, there's a whole page about cut content on the wikidot wiki, including him, some cut gear and the Lautrec-style Shiva invasion.

I think I've read the interview about Priscilla having a bigger role before too. It's interesting she had the same animations as the Maiden in Black. I definately didn't know about Nito being in the Painted World, the breaking floors would've been cool to see there.


I realised I had a black knight greataxe in my inventory somehow and thought I'd level up my strength to try it. Farmed for souls for a while and ended up upgrading it to +5.

Holy shit.

I just took out an Anor Londo sentinel with one hit. I think I'm overpowered and I like it.

Danny 117

So, Sen's Fortress.....

I want to gouge my eyes out and send them to From Software so they can see the torment.

Holy shit, this game.



There must be something wrong with my game. I'm going down to Blight Town next and I haven't seen a single summoning sign or have been invaded even once. I see plenty of messages, but no invades or signs. What gives? I've been playing most of the time in human form. lvl 32

Chitown B

level 27 - how are the skeletons at Firelink shrine still a fucking bitch? jeez. Using a Claymore +5 and still having problems with them.
level 27 - how are the skeletons at Firelink shrine still a fucking bitch? jeez. Using a Claymore +5 and still having problems with them.

That's why I love this game so much. Just cause you get overpowering weapons don't mean shit. Get trapped or surrounded even by weaker enemies and its likely game over.


Anyone know what might be causing the game to crash? Got the game yesterday, put durante's fix in the directory, and the game crashes immediately upon starting up.

This is on pc obviously.

Edit: If I launch the game by double clicking the executable the game will run, but booting from Steam = crash. Also, when I got the game running, it said it couldn't be saved because I wasn't connected, and I can't figure out how to sign in? I think I need to save...

Chitown B

That's why I love this game so much. Just cause you get overpowering weapons don't mean shit. Get trapped or surrounded even by weaker enemies and its likely game over.

it's not even being surrounded, it's that they crumble then come back together 4-5 times before you can finish them.
it's not even being surrounded, it's that they crumble then come back together 4-5 times before you can finish them.

You can still hit them while they are reassembling. Or hit them with a slightly weaker attack so that they dont completely fall apart on a hit, but just get their skulls knocked off.

Chitown B

thanks. it's a bit pointless because I get owned in the Catacombs anyway right now. I got to a bonfire and then died - luckily I didn't light it or rest there because I wouldn't have wanted to start there.
This Ring of Favor & Protection is just wasting away in my chest. Is the loss of a ring slot worth it?
Not in my opinion, but it depends how much you switch rings. Some people swear by it (maybe more for PvP?), but I find the freedom of two slots far more valuable.

thanks. it's a bit pointless because I get owned in the Catacombs anyway right now. I got to a bonfire and then died - luckily I didn't light it or rest there because I wouldn't have wanted to start there.
The skellies in the Catacombs are different to the ones in the graveyard as they never die unless you kill them with a divine weapon or take out of the necromancers controlling them. The graveyard ones shouldn't be giving you too much trouble, one backstab should do them or a few smacks with your Claymore two-handed. Maybe it's more that they're interupting your own swings, which is a case of your armour not having a lot of poise. Their swords also cause bleed - which is that bar that builds up when they hit you, when it fills it takes of a huge chunk of HP, often fatal if you aren't at max health.


So last night I reached
. What an amazing moment. There is something about how it all came together that had me pacing around taking it all in for a few minutes. So great. Perfection, even.


Is there a reason equipping the cracked round shield in my left hand seemingly unequipped the broken sword from my right? Am I not allowed to have both?


Dark Souls Tip #97397: Don't Overthink It

From many different sources I kept hearing about how difficult the Four Kings were in New Game Plus. It got into my head and a pair of stupid attempts cost me 120k souls (oops) and 60 soft humanity (that kind of sucks.) Just took a step back and realized I'm a sorcerer with Dark Bead. Opted against Crown of Dusk because I don't want to be more vulnerable to magic. I stacked Crown of the Dark Sun, Bellowing Dragoncrest, Power Within, 50 INT and Dark Bead. After the second King went down they got scared and tried to wait me out until Power Within expired. Spent almost half the fight waiting for them to show up.

Against the final boss I threw TCC into the mix and three shot him.

Started New Game Plus Plus with similar results. Just to do something different I went for Quelaag's Bell first. Wish I had timed it precisely, but NG++ from Firelink to the bell ringing took about four minutes. Didn't expect to be here, but will probably 100% the game in my next session.


Goddamn forgot how terrifying it is being in human form and using the forest past the crest door to get to Sif is. The none stop invasions as I dash through is insane it like being in anor Londo as human


Anyone know what might be causing the game to crash? Got the game yesterday, put durante's fix in the directory, and the game crashes immediately upon starting up.

This is on pc obviously.

Edit: If I launch the game by double clicking the executable the game will run, but booting from Steam = crash. Also, when I got the game running, it said it couldn't be saved because I wasn't connected, and I can't figure out how to sign in? I think I need to save...

Did you install GFWL?

Is there a reason equipping the cracked round shield in my left hand seemingly unequipped the broken sword from my right? Am I not allowed to have both?

Are you sure you didn't just switch to right hand weapon 2?


Anyone know what might be causing the game to crash? Got the game yesterday, put durante's fix in the directory, and the game crashes immediately upon starting up.

This is on pc obviously.

Edit: If I launch the game by double clicking the executable the game will run, but booting from Steam = crash. Also, when I got the game running, it said it couldn't be saved because I wasn't connected, and I can't figure out how to sign in? I think I need to save...

If you are on Windows 8 this is normal, uninstall both GFWL and download GFWL from Microsoft website then run it as an administrator and windows7 compatibility.


Fixed that crashing problem with that gfwl bullcrap. And yeah, it seems I did switch to weapon 2. Now I'm wandering around trying to find out what to do! Locked door in an area and a door "Locked by a contraption"


Katana bros got a question

I have never used katana weapons til this new character. Been thinking about going Chaos Blade this run.

Now question is which do I use?

At moment I have a +5 Iaito and just purchased the Washing Pole. Do I just upgraded the Iaito to +10 and leave it like that then have washing pole become chaos blade? Or does the chaos blade suck

My stats at moment at 22 end 20 str and 24 dex


So I gotta fight this asylum demon with a shitty little axe and half second opening to swing then get mauled?

Seems the only way to attack is to trade blows, can trade 5 before I'm out of estus juice. Which brings him down to around 95% hp left. If only I had 60 estus flasks!


So I gotta fight this asylum demon with a shitty little axe and half second opening to swing then get mauled?

Seems the only way to attack is to trade blows, can trade 5 before I'm out of estus juice. Which brings him down to around 95% hp left. If only I had 60 estus flasks!

No, what you do is you get behind him and poke him in the butt. Stay behind him as much as you can.


Katana bros got a question

I have never used katana weapons til this new character. Been thinking about going Chaos Blade this run.

Now question is which do I use?

At moment I have a +5 Iaito and just purchased the Washing Pole. Do I just upgraded the Iaito to +10 and leave it like that then have washing pole become chaos blade? Or does the chaos blade suck

My stats at moment at 22 end 20 str and 24 dex
It's best to test them all out which becomes possible as souls become plentiful. I would actually upgrade an Uchi to +10 and turn that into a Chaos Blade. It's the cheapest route and you can get plenty of them. Converting the Iaito is going to burn either the Iaito or a Soul if you decide you don't like it.

My Uchi build went to 40 Dex quickly and then a few more points when I ran out of stuff to level. Uchi +15 was doing more than enough work for me.


Also 'shitty little axe' leads me to believe you either picked Bandit; in which case the axe is neither little nor shitty, or you picked Pyromancer; in which case you could also use pyromancies on that demon.


No, what you do is you get behind him and poke him in the butt. Stay behind him as much as you can.

Little bugger seems to possess a billboarding skill. He doesn't like people near his backdoor, but regardless, I'm in Lordran? now.

Also 'shitty little axe' leads me to believe you either picked Bandit; in which case the axe is neither little nor shitty, or you picked Pyromancer; in which case you could also use pyromancies on that demon.

How might I use pyromancies? The controls in the pc version all reference xbox buttons but I'm using m/kb.


It's best to test them all out which becomes possible as souls become plentiful. I would actually upgrade an Uchi to +10 and turn that into a Chaos Blade. It's the cheapest route and you can get plenty of them. Converting the Iaito is going to burn either the Iaito or a Soul if you decide you don't like it.

My Uchi build went to 40 Dex quickly and then a few more points when I ran out of stuff to level. Uchi +15 was doing more than enough work for me.

Looking at stats of Uchi (just acquired it sorry undead merchant I will look after yulia) it is pure Dex requirement where as Washing you need strength also. I like Iaito due to the strong attack being so goddamn cool and unique. Think might upgrade all to +10 and see what they like.
Anustart - are you starting the battle by using the plunging attack off the ledge? It takes at least a third of it's health just from that.

Pyromancy - Equip the pyromancy flame, you will already have the fireball equipped in an attunement slot (magic slot) and it has 8 uses IIRC, that refill at a bonfire just like the Estus flask.

Two-handing your weapon also deals more damage.


Little bugger seems to possess a billboarding skill. He doesn't like people near his backdoor, but regardless, I'm in Lordran? now.

How might I use pyromancies? The controls in the pc version all reference xbox buttons but I'm using m/kb.

Your first mistake is using your mouse and keyboard.

If you're only getting him down to 95% hp, you're doing something wrong. You should do a plunging attack after you walk through the fog gate.

To use pyromancy, you need to equip the pyromancer's flame in your hand.


Looking at stats of Uchi (just acquired it sorry undead merchant I will look after yulia) it is pure Dex requirement where as Washing you need strength also. I like Iaito due to the strong attack being so goddamn cool and unique. Think might upgrade all to +10 and see what they like.
Yeah, picking the move set you like is perhaps the most important aspect. They all do enough damage to succeed. The merchant that sells Washing Poles also sells Uchis for only 5k souls. That's why it's my go to for crafting.

*Invaded on my last run at O&S. Some people know how to handle Dark Magic. Others don't. Duel ended quickly. So did the fight vs O&S.
Victory Achieved!
The Dark Soul - Unlocked.


Is it possible to remap the M/K controls on PC?

Like how do I actually use the Fireball? It's in my 'loadout' or whatever, but it's greyed out, has 8 at the bottom of it.

Edit: Nevermind, just equiped the pyromancy hand. Also, camera controls are fucking atrocious.

Danny 117

If I go human at the 3rd bonfire in Anor Londo, am I going to keep getting invaded ....?

Really need some help with O&S.
If I go human at the 3rd bonfire in Anor Londo, am I going to keep getting invaded ....?

Really need some help with O&S.
Depending on your level, you'll find 2 summons way faster than you get invaded. Even moreso if you're white or sunbro.

Katana bros got a question

I have never used katana weapons til this new character. Been thinking about going Chaos Blade this run.

Now question is which do I use?
Why not all? Afaik you only get 1 iaito per run while you can get multiple uchis. +10 weapon takes 20mins farming at the most.


If I go human at the 3rd bonfire in Anor Londo, am I going to keep getting invaded ....?

Really need some help with O&S.

I prefer using the 1st bonfire since most summon signs seem to be on that end of the bridge at the foot of the elevator. You will probably get invaded but you'll have some warning on that bridge when the fog comes up to block the elevator.
I prefer using the 1st bonfire since most summon signs seem to be on that end of the bridge at the foot of the elevator. You will probably get invaded but you'll have some warning on that bridge when the fog comes up to block the elevator.
You'll get warning at the usual bonfire when it goes out.


Do invasions happen much faster on PC? Only time I've ever actually been near the bonfire when it goes out on PS3 is the one nearest to Seath in the Duke's Archives.


Junior Member
How tough is the DLC on NG+? I bought it and I'm close to beginning of the game on NG+ and plan to go through it after Dragon's Dogma. My guy is lvl 125 and I have a pretty good Moonlight Greatsword build with fully upgraded Giant armor, 46 intelligence, 40 endurance, 2100+ HP.

Havel took like 3/4 or so my HP off when it hit me which was surprising, but I still beat him in like 3 hits, and I beat Taurus Demon and the Hydra pretty handily.

Actually, is there a point where NG+ gets pretty difficult? Like, mainly after Anor Londo or what?


How tough is the DLC on NG+? I bought it and I'm close to beginning of the game on NG+ and plan to go through it after Dragon's Dogma. My guy is lvl 125 and I have a pretty good Moonlight Greatsword build with fully upgraded Giant armor, 46 intelligence, 40 endurance, 2100+ HP.

Havel took like 3/4 or so my HP off when it hit me which was surprising, but I still beat him in like 3 hits, and I beat Taurus Demon and the Hydra pretty handily.

Actually, is there a point where NG+ gets pretty difficult? Like, mainly after Anor Londo or what?

Four Kings and the DLC bosses are the heavy hitters in NG+. The DLC bosses are all pretty resilient against magic, so they might be challenging.


Somehow I invaded someone when I put down a white summon sign, I'd never invaded anyone before. I was in Anor by the Solaire bonfire and I was waiting for awhile for a summon and I got a message I was invading. Not really my thing but I did want to try it at least once.

I also just figured out a way to aim things when not locked on is to aim at the spot with a bow first then cancel out of that and use the item.

A couple other tips I have that I don't see posted much:

When walking on a high small walkway over encumber yourself as much as you can so your movement is really slow to help from falling off. This is for flat surfaces anyway like the Anor rafters above the painting.

For the Anor archers if you have Hidden Body use that behind a wall where they can't see you after they have stopped shooting. Then run up to the right side one with shield up and as soon as he puts his bow away go back the way you came and he'll most likely fall off(he has everytime for me). So far this is the least risky way of getting past them that I've found because you don't have to deal with the left side guy.
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