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David Jaffe questions if Sony missteps are down to management (Max_Po tries to create drama, misuses English, new thread privileges at risk!!)


Dreams was a miss? Death Stranding is a miss?

Didn’t realise Jaffe was an accountant. Always assumed he would be the creative type for some reason. Experimental, non conforming AAA experiences are what makes PlayStation a PlayStation. Even in accounting terms, loss leaders bring in the people and create mindshare to propel sales in other areas.

Sorry Jaffe, your opinion is a Miss.
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Says that why will anyone go to retailer and buy a game when they can get it free (via Active sub of course)
Lol oh he is one of these guys

I swear I’ve seen the words “free games” so often. Are people really that moronic? They see the word “free” and their critical faculties shut down?

Renting a game is not owning it. More like borrowing it temporarily. When I buy a game I can sell it later. Or I can give it as a gift. I can do anything I want because I own it. That’s what happens when you own something.

Also paying for a sub is not “getting it for free”

So sick of hearing about this rental crap. Stadia was like 1/10th as annoying to hear about
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There was really nothing controversial there. He's kind of right, last gen Sony had the value, power and exclusives. This gen it's pretty much just the exclusives. Obviously the PS5 will never be a Nintendo like console cause they will still get all the 3rd party games.
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A quick Google search shows me that the Nintendo 64 sold around 33 million consoles in its lifetime. From this, I conclude that David Jaffe doesn't know what he's fucking talking about.
He is not talking about sale numbers, but as importance as a box.
You got a gamecube for exclusives you wanted to play, then use playstation/xbox for everything else.
Cant say I disagree with him, its the way I've been using my playstation after xbone x was released, and it looks like its going to go like this too for this new generation.
Gamepass too is starting to have meaning even for people that buy a lot of shit. For example I have bought every single forza motorsport/horizon at the $100 all-inclusive sku, forza horizon 4 though I bought only all the extras, not the game itself.
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Jaffe states, who on earth will buy a game when they can get games on gamepass. This I agree with. And if true;

It is curious what will happen when AAA studios wanting to sell their product see sales decline on Xbox, but not so on PS. 🤔
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He is not talking about sale numbers, but as importance as a box.
You got a gamecube for exclusives you wanted to play, then use playstation/xbox for everything else.
Cant say I disagree with him, its the way I've been using my playstation after xbone x was released, and it looks like its going to go like this too for this new generation.
You had no choice with Nintendo if you wanted to play 3rd party. Not the case with the other 2. Once you have your preferred console, you rarely step out.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Free is a bit of a stretch but not much of one.. the cost of one game on PS5 will pay for 4.6 months of gamepass.

It also pays for nearly 2 years worth of PS+, which if you've had it as long as I have already grants access to well over 100 titles. And that's immediately going to be supplemented by the PS5 bonus pack of first-party PS4 heavy-hitters.

Despite all the bluster about studio acquisitions, GamePass is still going to grow relatively slowly in terms of content. Games take years to make and given the amount of red ink that running all these studios is going to generate, I can't see the rate of buying in third-party going anywhere but down long term.
You had no choice with Nintendo if you wanted to play 3rd party. Not the case with the other 2. Once you have your preferred console, you rarely step out.
You quoted me before adding the gamepass clause. Jaffe is right about that too, and I'm not even a budget gamer.
If you read me on the troll thread, you know I have predicted that sony will copy microsofts model.
Lets just hope they do it FAST and they dont GIMP IT
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It also pays for nearly 2 years worth of PS+, which if you've had it as long as I have already grants access to well over 100 titles. And that's immediately going to be supplemented by the PS5 bonus pack of first-party PS4 heavy-hitters.

Despite all the bluster about studio acquisitions, GamePass is still going to grow relatively slowly in terms of content. Games take years to make and given the amount of red ink that running all these studios is going to generate, I can't see the rate of buying in third-party going anywhere but down long term.

If you've had PSPlus for years OK, but are you saying someone who has not been collecting PSPlus games free can retroactively go back and get 100 games? because I've been an active subscriber for years and I can't go back and get the ones I didn't claim when they were up.
He says it around the 5:35 mark.

People here aren't listening to what he is saying then.

He never even insinuates numbers. He said people will look at PS5 like they did a gamecube/n64 and buy the system ONLY for exclusives and play all other third party games on other systems as the value is much greater elsewhere.

This thread is full of people projecting and not discussing what was actually said in the video.
Something is off at Sony. I will never for the life of me understand why they built a console that requires an odd little stand regardless of orientation. It literally can't stand on it's own.

Still, the games they've shown look good. I will not be cancelling my pre-order Mr. Jaffe.

Wait, what? I never knew this?!
He says some dumb shit but to his point I don't disagree with him much. MS is doing things right at the moment. I'm much more of a Sony fan but it's hard to argue the value of Gamepass.

Imagine in a few years (or maybe 20 because USA) when Gamepass is on your phone, smart TV, or Roku stick. Sony needs to step it up so they don't get left behind.
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And to think there was a time when Sony closed a psx event with this filth:

Ungrateful prick.

Man, Drawn to Death's art style was great, that hand-drawn style could've been an excellent Roblox/Dreams kinda game, "Turn your Drawings into a game"

Instead, it was a kinda boring Team Deathmatch game, a genre that ironically had been done "to Death"


CliffyB's Cock Holster
If you've had PSPlus for years OK, but are you saying someone who has not been collecting PSPlus games free can retroactively go back and get 100 games? because I've been an active subscriber for years and I can't go back and get the ones I didn't claim when they were up.

The number of PS+ subscribers is 40m+, which is practically the same size as the entire Xbox 1 install-base.


Jaffe states, who on earth will buy a game when they can get games on gamepass. This I agree with. And if true;

It is curious what will happen when AAA studios wanting to sell their product see sales decline on Xbox, but not so on PS. 🤔

MS will just subsidize 3rd parties now that the board let Phil turn on the infinite money hose. It will remain on until Playstation is small enough that it doesnt matter what MS does. My guess is seven years. Then begins the era of MS rent seeking.

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Gold Member
I never said Sony management was 'incoherent'. That doesn't even make sense. What, you think I'm suggesting when they speak no one understands what they are saying?!?

I'm not 50+. I'm 49.

To those going on about 'being relevant': most who talk about such things have yet to be relevant in their own lives. As someone who has been very relevant in games at one point I can assure you, it's fun for a few months and then it's whatever. It's not something most people chase or cling to. When you have it you are no more or less happy than before you got it; when it goes you don't really care if you've got your shit together. One day- if you become relevant too- you will learn that it (like fame) isn't something worth chasing.

All I can say is that the first God of War games are still something I play through from time to time, whereas I don't have any desire to play through the newest God of War again because the gameplay suffered from their focus on delivering a cinematic experience, IMHO. I like to play video games, not watch them. And it seems that many game directors are trying to imitate Hollywood or are even ashamed of embracing games that are OK being games and I find this a really sad trend. And you are one of the directors whose games were and are still OK with being games and for that I just wanted to say: Thanks, man.
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Reminder that Sony’s worst selling console still pulled about 90 million units.

N64 was around 30 million, and GameCube 20.

Even Xbox One, for all its struggles, seems to have surpassed these.

I respect Jaffe a lot, but this is the silliest of the passionate hot takes after big news.


PS4 is breaking all sales records in hardware, software and services. PS5 has the logical next gen improvements and a huge quantity, quality and diversity in AAA 1st party games for the first year. Everything is on track to beat the PS4 records as the best selling launch weekend, launch month and launch FY (4 months) for a home console ever, meanwhile Xbox and Game Pass will mostly only have Halo for their 1st year as AAA 1s party (in the following months, the main only news in EA Play will be Jedi Fallen Order for Game Pass, and since the next 2 Zenimax games are PS5 timed exclusive they will need to wait for a while to see the first Bethesda games on game pass at launch).

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He is right about the incoherence, it is pretty bad. Something must change quickly. But he is severely wrong about the PS5 selling so low, specially when you think about the nice price point. I mean, the PS3 was so expensive and yet recovered nicely.


Gold Member
Nah, he is wrong in that sales department.
He is right that Sony is acting very weird, obfuscating what they are doing even, and not doing the right things lately with the PS5.
What are the right things they are not doing? Exclusive content? I am curious why people believe PS5 was going to be much different than PS4 when it comes to that kind of stuff.
What are the right things they are not doing? Exclusive content? I am curious why people believe PS5 was going to be much different than PS4 when it comes to that kind of stuff.

I'm sure he means the upgrade path stuff with Spider-Man, which people only expect because the game is recent, when they did Modern Warfare remastered no one expected an upgrade path.


The number of PS+ subscribers is 40m+, which is practically the same size as the entire Xbox 1 install-base.

PS Plus is not even remotely comparable to game pass, it's comparable to Xbox Live Gold which has.. .90 Million active users. So you've proven my point not even meaning to. Xbox has twice the subscribers than they have hardware on the market, Sony has half. (actually far less than half) So to anyone outside of that 40 million you get no benefit from PSplus except the 2-3 games per month (which are usually dogshit games). I have not bothered to claim a game on Xbox Live or PS plus for over a year now.
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I had no idea Jaffe was even relevant anymore. I thought he was like CliffyB where no one cared after he left his big studio
I barely know who he is, but Iove that he came here personally to respond. I nearly spit out my coffee :messenger_tears_of_joy: Respect.

And we got a nice, insightful post out of it too!
PS Plus is not even remotely comparable to game pass, it's comparable to Xbox Live Gold which has.. .90 Million active users. So you've proven my point not even meaning to. Xbox has twice the subscribers than they have hardware on the market, Sony has half. (actually far less than half) So to anyone outside of that 40 million you get no benefit from PSplus except the 2-3 games per month (which are usually dogshit games). I have not bothered to claim a game on Xbox Live or PS plus for over a year now.

Hear that, Gold has 40 million more users than there are people with Xbox Ones, lol. They have 90 million SILVER active users, not Gold, because people on PC are considered part of their silver program (we couldn't buy Gold if we wanted to).

Oh and some of the games we've gotten through PS+ have been legitimate gaming phenoms like Rocket League or Fall Guys, nevermind they've given out Bloodborne, the best game ever made.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
PC is the real winner in all of this IMO.

Advantages of PC:

  • Going to get some Sony IPs
  • Already getting Xbox IPs and gamepass
  • Games seemingly still cost $60
  • Don't have to pay for online play
  • Free Games on Epic store that sometimes are AAA or at least AA (and they are truly free!)
  • Best IQ and framerate if you can afford it (Soon best Loading/SSD!)
  • Upgrade hardware whenever you want
  • WAY more indies and smaller games
  • M&KB best for FPS, RTS, and MMORPG
  • Can use any controller they want if they so desire (this includes full flight setups, racing wheel setups)
  • Best VR system period (Valve)
  • Crossplay being a thing moving forward means full servers and you can play with your console friends
  • Can get dedicated servers for older games keeping communities alive (BF4 is still going strong!)
  • Can run emulators if you want
  • Can be used for things other than Entertainment
  • Look can be completely customized in a bazillion different ways
  • Can be setup to function like a console
  • Can easily be played from the couch with a controller
Disadvantages of PC:
  • High Price of entry
  • High Price to stay ahead of the curve
  • Have to learn how to google to deal with issues (Drivers, etc)
  • Occasional Bad ports that require some more time in the kitchen to get playable (HZD)

I mean, if you have the money, its pretty much a no brainer. I can understand why cheaper consoles are attractive though. That price shock will get you.
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I never said Sony management was 'incoherent'. That doesn't even make sense. What, you think I'm suggesting when they speak no one understands what they are saying?!?

I'm not 50+. I'm 49.

To those going on about 'being relevant': most who talk about such things have yet to be relevant in their own lives. As someone who has been very relevant in games at one point I can assure you, it's fun for a few months and then it's whatever. It's not something most people chase or cling to. When you have it you are no more or less happy than before you got it; when it goes you don't really care if you've got your shit together. One day- if you become relevant too- you will learn that it (like fame) isn't something worth chasing.


I don’t agree with what you originally said, but... it’s fanboys. If you say anything that makes their investment look bad, they have to discredit you.

In reality, their GoW shrines (as are all of ours) are just a few feet to the left, off-camera, and they’re all Jaffe fans.

Walter Matthau

Gold Member
:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

How in the world can anyone think the PS5 will sell about 30 million consoles?! Is davidjaffe davidjaffe drunk?

He never projects that PS5 will sell N64/GC numbers. He mentions that like the N64/GC the main value proposition for the PS5 will be it's exclusives. If your main concern is the suggestion that the PS5 is going to sell 30m units then you're not criticizing davidjaffe davidjaffe , you are criticizing M Max_Po who made up a sensational thread title for clicks.

The Alien

This guy's nuts. So much shit comes out of his mouth. But I will say, he's a master showman....his shit is so bonkers, he's at least an interesting read. Hahaha!!! 🤪
I have yet to see a console being cursed that much as the PS5 before its release, beginning with all the FUD that hás been circulated around the internet and made headlights on some suspiscious gaming sites, all the while the console being the only one that has been praised by people (devs) who actually work in the industry, such a huge reality contradiction.

Every single New gen You see so many people predicting MS beating Sony's ass, but they always end up loosing even in the worst possible scenario a PS console ever lived like in PS3 era.

People continue to substimate the strentgh of the most powerfull Brand with strongest history and legacy in their favor, always devlievering a diverse and quality unique game experiences and for that exact reason, people were loyal because they know what they are getting when It comes to what matter most when they buy a PS platform: the games.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
He never projects that PS5 will sell N64/GC numbers. He mentions that like the N64/GC the main value proposition for the PS5 will be it's exclusives. If your main concern is the suggestion that the PS5 is going to sell 30m units then you're not criticizing davidjaffe davidjaffe , you are criticizing M Max_Po who made up a sensational thread title for clicks.

If that's the case then sorry davidjaffe davidjaffe .

People would rather throw fucking DAVID JAFFE to the wolves than just admit Xbox is making the better plays going into next gen.

They are? Are we sure? What games are coming out on the XSX at launch at in 2021?
People would rather throw fucking DAVID JAFFE to the wolves than just admit Xbox is making the better plays going into next gen.

Like Craig? Like imposing devs to work on a platform that represents an anchor to Nextgen? Like not having a single positive audiance feedback with their shows so Far, but quite the contrary? Like not having any real revelant exclusive game in release? Like loosing all the polls?

MS is only good at abusing marketing mames bs like smart delivery. Being a cheaper platform with Gamepass is their only hope to stay relevant in the business.
If that's the case then sorry davidjaffe davidjaffe .

They are? Are we sure? What games are coming out on the XSX at launch at in 2021?
Look whenever Sony makes good on the promise of top tier exclusives (they’re still the best at this until proven otherwise) then the conversation will change. But as it stands right now you can’t read the future and neither can I. Judging the console and services provided however, Xbox is just better.

Like I said this could change but don’t be the guy ahead of the Switch launch saying how it’s going to flop because it’s not a dedicated home console. Gamers are so bad at predicting the future. I hope none of you guys dabble in stocks for any of these companies.
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The management is off at Sony for sure, they are just not good with PR, but this console isn’t doing N64 numbers, hell no. Probably PS1 numbers if anything.


Hear that, Gold has 40 million more users than there are people with Xbox Ones, lol. They have 90 million SILVER active users, not Gold, because people on PC are considered part of their silver program (we couldn't buy Gold if we wanted to).

Oh and some of the games we've gotten through PS+ have been legitimate gaming phenoms like Rocket League or Fall Guys, nevermind they've given out Bloodborne, the best game ever made.

MS gave away all of the Assassins Creed games, Forza Games, Halo's etc etc.. and your exampe of value is..... Rocket League? lol
I find them on equal footing in the level of no longer caring. But since game pass gives me games on PC too, I'm more into it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Look whenever Sony makes good on the promise of top tier exclusives (they’re still the best at this until proven otherwise) then the conversation will change. But as it stands right now you can’t read the future and neither can I. Judging the console and services provided however, Xbox is just better.

Like I said this could change but don’t be the guy ahead of the Switch launch saying how it’s going to flop because it’s not a dedicated home console. Gamers are so bad at protecting the future. I hope none of you guys dabble in stocks for any of these companies.

I thought the Switch would work because it put all of Nintendo's 1st parties on one device. It was guaranteed to be a hit, purely for that reason alone. I didn't think it would be THIS big of a hit, but I figured it'll sell at least 75 million units.


Gold Member
I'm still curious about Shawn Layden's abrupt exit, to be honest. It's still unusual no matter how you look at it, and it wasn't over health issues or a family crisis like would normally be the case.

Interested to see what led to him leaving.
IT was apparently a “power struggle”. He has a long history with the company and he’s even fluent in Japanese. He is like the perfect employee for Sony. Then you have to consider what happen when they moved their main base of operations to the US. Did that cause upper management to disrupt the culture over at PlayStation? I’m curious myself. Sony had the nice group of people behind them. Andrew House and Adam Boyes left. Layden left right after they showed off that dramatic TLoU2 trailer inside a church.
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