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Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Fedoras: We Don't Want You Anymore, M'Lady

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Must be the nice weather, girls wearing tank tops and skirts and shit the OT is like an episode of love line right now.
I read the topic title as "Dead girls who are finally ready to date nice guys: We don't want you anymore." and I thought well no duh, then I read it again and leave disappointed.
Why is "nice guy" such a thing anyway? How does one even become one? Are you a nice guy if you don't treat people like shit? Is that literally all it takes? Because everyone I know in a relationship is a nice guy by that standard.

"Nice guy" has become a term that people use to defend the fact that they are spineless and let girls walk all over them. Taking a girl to a nice restaurant and telling her how great she looks doesn't make you a nice guy. You are doing it to impress her just like the guy who acts like a jerk does what he does to impress her. It's no different. You aren't any more noble than he is.

Most of these self proclaimed "nice guys" a aren't genuine, they just don't know any other way to act around girls other than to be a spineless puppy dog, and news flash: a lot of girls don't like that or aren't attracted by it. Find one that is but don't get mad at the girl for not liking your particular schtick.
Gaf has had a bunch of similarly themed threads lately about Rejection...(just an observation)

It's Spring, people get in the romantic mood this time of year, which leads to a lot of rejection, especially considering the videogame nature of this forum and the archetype of people who play games not being socially adept.

MC Safety

He does have a point in that no one wants the offspring of Mr. Neck Tattoo.

I've been away for a bit. When did we change the definition of nice?
These people are really dragging the term "nice guy" through the mud.

"nice guy" his now code for "entitled guy who is either a selfish jerk with no sense for how the world works" or "a complete doormat who is positioning himself for a permanent spot in the friend zone."

Most girls want to date a normal guy who is nice. No one wants to date a "nice guy."

Gaf has had a bunch of similarly themed threads lately about Rejection...(just an observation)

It's the end of the semester for many. I'm guessing that some of these "nice guys" are watching their eternal loves becoming out of reach and it's killing them hard.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.


Ugh - I could almost feel the fedora materializing on my head after reading that.

"But I'm a NICE GUY, dammit! Why won't these filthy sluts have sex with me?!?"

Plenty of women out there are looking for nice, interesting people. Not many are looking for 'nice guys'.
This reads like something on some PUA/men's rights Tripod.com blog from circa 10 years ago. No way it's posted legitimately by someone who actually/publically feels this way today,
Bitter shitty people tend to attract other bitter shitty people. Sounds like all karmic energy in the universe is at equilibrium. Here's Tom with the weather...


I'm sorry, but, I had to stop here:

I asked you about your hopes and dreams and listened to you bitch about your ex-boyfriend as you ordered that $100 bone-in ribeye and the wine with the fancy vintage you just had to try. You finished the wine but took most of the steak home in a doggy bag. I only now realize that it was the ex-boyfriend you were texting all evening, I hope he enjoyed the steak I bought him. By the way that “emergency call” you got after dinner didn’t fool anyone. I’m not stupid, unlike most of the guys you’ve dated.

What kind of salt is this!? WHY are you even on a date with this girl you clearly can't stand in the first fuckin place!?

Is it because you thought she'd be easy pickings for your "nice guy" bullshit? Dude, you got played and you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Like, this is bitter simping on a whole other level...


What could have been a nice "fuck yeah" moment of a man turning down woman who turned him down before, ended as sad fedora rant filled with bitterness.


I don't get this nice guy bad boy distinction. I'm what I'd consider a nice guy and I have no problem with the ladies. There's a difference between a pussy that simps and a confident nice guy that women are attracted to.

Don't be a simp, but bring a gentleman that has balls and confidence is the way to go. Assholes eventually drive away women, there's only so much shit most women are willing to put up with.
He does have a point in that no one wants the offspring of Mr. Neck Tattoo.

I've been away for a bit. When did we change the definition of nice?

There's a very big difference between genuinely being nice and being a "nice guy". The latter is someone who pretends to be nice and expects to be rewarded with sex for doing so.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the dude who wrote that, as well as the plethora of other recent, ridiculous threads in OT GAF, for making me realize that I am actually handling my recent breakup a lot better than I thought.
I don't know why these cats don't learn how to be content with themselves and stop trying to find happiness in someone else. I understand the desire for pussy but this is taking it too far.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Must be the nice weather, girls wearing tank tops and skirts and shit the OT is like an episode of love line right now.

I'd love to see some data. I've been here quite a while and it seems like every spring there is an huge influx of awkward threads.
These guys see their actions like leveling up in a video game. When their expectations aren't met they are hurt.

If you do nice things for others with the expectation of some sort of reward you're gonna have a bad time.
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