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Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Fedoras: We Don't Want You Anymore, M'Lady

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The central problem with this group of men, it seems to me, is that they confuse timidity with kindness and compassion.

It is apparent they want the same things the supposed "bad boys" want; sex. Or, as the timid might say, a "chance to win your heart." The primary difference is that these "bad boys" are open about it.

There are "nice guys" out there who honestly listen to women (and men), and who care about other people's feelings. But they do so without expecting something in return; once you ask for something in return, it's no longer just a nice thing to do, it's a business transaction. I listen to you blather for a few hours, I open the door for you, I pay for your meal, and then in return you have sex with me. These men are bitter because, from their perspective, the women violated the agreed business transaction.

The meaning behind the word "nice" is that you do something without the expectation of repayment. Men who listen and help people because they honestly care about other people's feelings have little trouble finding romantic partners.


Sonic handles my blue balls
You walked through the door I held open for you without a thank you or really any acknowledgement of my little gesture.
Who holds a door looking for a "thank you"? Doesn't sound like a genuinely nice guy.

And he uses the B-word to describe a woman's actions in a non-joking manner? Yikes. This is a satirical piece, right?

The central problem with this group of men, it seems to me, is that they confuse timidity with kindness and compassion.

It is apparent they want the same things the supposed "bad boys" want; sex. Or, as the timid might say, a "chance to win your heart." The primary difference is that these "bad boys" are open about it.

There are "nice guys" out there who honestly listen to women (and men), and who care about other people's feelings. But they do so without expecting something in return; once you ask for something in return, it's no longer just a nice thing to do, it's a business transaction. I listen to you blather for a few hours, I open the door for you, I pay for your meal, and then in return you have sex with me. These men are bitter because, from their perspective, the women violated the agreed business transaction.

The meaning behind the word "nice" is that you do something without the expectation of repayment. Men who listen and help people because they honestly care about other people's feelings have little trouble finding romantic partners.
So much truth.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the dude who wrote that, as well as the plethora of other recent, ridiculous threads in OT GAF, for making me realize that I am actually handling my recent breakup a lot better than I thought.

Exactly. Back when I was in college, I had the standard 'girl I liked a lot' my freshman year, and I always thought I had handled it in a cringeworthy way. But at least I told her I liked her almost right away, didn't do the nice guy thing (no 'being her friend' with the expectation of getting sex out), and got over it when she said she wasn't interested. Now that I've seen actual 'nice guy' behavior, makes even my worst actions in college seem downright normal. ;)
You had your chance on our first (and only) date. I held the door open for you and bought you dinner at that 5-star restaurant you so slyly worked into the conversation. You looked amazing and I went all out to impress you. You walked through the door I held open for you without a thank you or really any acknowledgement of my little gesture.

I asked you about your hopes and dreams and listened to you bitch about your ex-boyfriend as you ordered that $100 bone-in ribeye and the wine with the fancy vintage you just had to try. You finished the wine but took most of the steak home in a doggy bag. I only now realize that it was the ex-boyfriend you were texting all evening, I hope he enjoyed the steak I bought him. By the way that “emergency call” you got after dinner didn’t fool anyone. I’m not stupid, unlike most of the guys you’ve dated.

I was wonderful to you, I was a gentleman. I treated you with respect, like a lady deserves to be treated. I enjoyed your company and you had my full attention. I didn’t expect anything in return except a chance to win your heart. I’m stable, I’m a good provider, I want marriage and kids in my future. I’m the man of your dreams, but you couldn’t see that. Or maybe you just didn’t care. You were pretty preoccupied with your texting.

But now you’re ready to date me? Really? You’ll excuse me if I’m not jumping for joy. You’ve dissed me, rejected me, took advantage of me, dodged my goodnight kiss and couldn’t wait to get away from me. Now suddenly you want me? Sorry, I’m not buying it.

I get it though, now that you’re on the downside of 30, the wrinkles are starting, the body is sagging and you have stretch marks and that c-section scar from pushing out that bad boy’s rugrat. I know it was impossible to see that that deadbeat irresponsible jerk was actually a deadbeat irresponsible jerk, but that’s not my problem. While you were waiting for those texts that never came I was busy getting my career in order and maximizing my credit score. Now my biggest issue is deciding which color Audi I’m going to buy. Why in the world would I choose to take on you and your problems?

In your twenties you barely gave me the time of day. Meanwhile you were jumping in bed with any guy with a neck tattoo or a prison record. Why would I date you? I know where you’ve been, and I hope you’ve been tested. From the trail of bad boys and the mistreatment you tolerated, no, invited into your life and seeing all the drama you created for yourself, I can only conclude that you don’t need a nice guy, you need therapy! I’m a simple guy and like my life uncomplicated. You are the human embodiment of drama and chaos, I’d have to be crazier than, well… YOU to take on your baggage.

Face it, you’d get sick of me and my nice guy ways. I’ll remember your birthday and our anniversary and I’ll buy you flowers on both. I’ll treat you with respect and you’ll get bored. I know damn well you’re going to end up cheating on me, and I don’t plan on giving you half my stuff when you do. I work hard for what I have and now that I’ve achieved a little success I would love someone to share my life with. But that’s not going to be you. You thought I wasn’t worthy of you back then and I feel you’re not worthy of me now.

Now that the bad boys have used you up and moved on to women 10 years younger, so have I. It’s a funny thing, now that I’ve achieved a little success, drive a nice car and have stability in my life, I’m getting attention from those girls too. I don’t need you anymore. I’m not in the mood to deal with you, your issues, or your ex and his issues. I’m not looking to help you raise the mini-me version of some guy you used to bang. I want my own children someday, not the offspring of Mr. Neck Tattoo.

Truth is though, I’m happy for you. I really am. It’s about time you matured and came to your senses about the thugs and losers you just couldn’t resist. But I wasn’t sitting by the phone waiting for you to realize I’m a great guy. I wrote you off long ago. You’ve learned some important lessons and so have I. In fact you taught me one, you taught me not to date girls like you.

Speaking for the nice guys out there, you’re too late.

We want a good girl not some bad boy’s leftovers. And the fact that you’re still out there dating tells me the bad boys don’t want you either. Enjoy dressing your cat up for Halloween and cherish your bad boy memories, I hope they keep you warm at night. I’m just not that into you anymore.


Stand up for all of those perfect men, good sir.


I don't get this nice guy bad boy distinction. I'm what I'd consider a nice guy and I have no problem with the ladies. There's a difference between a pussy that simps and a confident nice guy that women are attracted to.

Don't be a simp, but bring a gentleman that has balls and confidence is the way to go. Assholes eventually drive away women, there's only so much shit most women are willing to put up with.

A "Nice Guy" is a jerk the girl doesn't want.

A bad boy is a jerk the girl wants to fuck.
Guy sounds like an out and out prick. He might have been "nice" on a date but he'd have made a really miserable husband if that's his attitude.

Proof that it is, in fact, possible to stick your head so far up your own ass it comes back out your mouth.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
The central problem with this group of men, it seems to me, is that they confuse timidity with kindness and compassion.

It is apparent they want the same things the supposed "bad boys" want; sex. Or, as the timid might say, a "chance to win your heart." The primary difference is that these "bad boys" are open about it.

There are "nice guys" out there who honestly listen to women (and men), and who care about other people's feelings. But they do so without expecting something in return; once you ask for something in return, it's no longer just a nice thing to do, it's a business transaction. I listen to you blather for a few hours, I open the door for you, I pay for your meal, and then in return you have sex with me. These men are bitter because, from their perspective, the women violated the agreed business transaction.

The meaning behind the word "nice" is that you do something without the expectation of repayment. Men who listen and help people because they honestly care about other people's feelings have little trouble finding romantic partners.

This should be posted in every thread that is remotely similar. Well said.


I get it though, now that you’re on the downside of 30, the wrinkles are starting, the body is sagging and you have stretch marks and that c-section scar from pushing out that bad boy’s rugrat. I know it was impossible to see that that deadbeat irresponsible jerk was actually a deadbeat irresponsible jerk, but that’s not my problem. While you were waiting for those texts that never came I was busy getting my career in order and maximizing my credit score. Now my biggest issue is deciding which color Audi I’m going to buy. Why in the world would I choose to take on you and your problems?

This is a rather fucked up thing to say. Guy thinks he's won at life because he can buy an Audi? What?

Its a ridiculous any date. Who is paying $100 for a freaking rib eye?

Hopefully he meant with sides lol


That website just seems built for clickbait. The person who wrote that article hopefully doesn't feel that way (and has written nothing else for the website btw, likely doesn't exist), and it's likely just designed to get people outraged and sharing. Even if he is real and feels that way, he's not worth the time of day.


I kinda get where he's coming from. I was/am a nice fella. Not a saint, not too dull I hope, and I've probably got a folder hidden on my desktop labeled "For Milamber's Eyes Only". And being serially rejected, often for folks you've dealt with personally and could quantify as chartreuse dicks, does tend to bugger up the noggin', especially in your younger years. I remember women who in high school were callous and cruel and reveled in how they treated me, and others like me. I see them now a decade later, and after being tossed in the trash again and again, they're finally looking for that stable and relatively-not-an-ass Prince Charming. Princes that have learned from their mistakes and have found someone actually decent, who shares their values and expectations of what a relationship is. I've known Princesses who've done the same.

Rejection hurts. It can come off completely random and pointless. It can make you bitter and thirsty, like James Franco. And he's James Franco.
Amidst all that salt he revealed how we actually thought about the woman in question. Since he doesn't think highly of her, obviously he just wanted sex. So... not a nice guy.

I guess simpin ain't easy.

I kinda get where he's coming from. I was/am a nice fella not a saint, not too dull I hope, and I've probably got a folder hidden on my desktop labeled "For Milamber's Eyes Only". And being serially rejected, often for folks you've dealt with personally and could quantify as chartreuse dicks, does tend to bugger up the noggin', especially in your younger years. I remember who women in high school were callous and cruel and reveled in how they treated me, and others like me. I see them now a decade alter, and after being tossed in the trash again and again, they're finally looking for that stable and relatively-not-an-ass Prince Charming. Princes that have learned from their mistakes and have found someone actually decent, who shares their values and expectations of what a relationship is. I've known Princesses who've done the same.

I mean, if they've found someone decent, that's one thing. But this dude is holding a shit-ton of resentment.


I feel like whoever wrote this HAS to be a gaffer. With this being Nice Guy History Month in Off-Topic, the coincidence is too great.


Are these guys living in a self delusion bubble or something? How can you write something like that and not cringe at yourself?


There is a difference between nice guys and pushovers. A lot of those types in that rant don't realize they fall in push over territory

Buy a 100 dollar steak while acting like a girls personal journal with no backbone, brehs


Im gonna take the authors side on this one. He tried to date her, was decent to her, she chose some jackass that walked out on her after she popped out his spawn. And then goes after the guy she ignored in the first place that has his shit together?

Yah, fuck her. She made her choice, and chose poorly. Enjoy sleeping in the grave you dug yourself.


Maybe the woman treated him poorly in the past, used him, or isn't all that nice herself, but this guy sounds like a fucking nutcase. Just say not interested and move on. Jesus.
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