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Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Fedoras: We Don't Want You Anymore, M'Lady

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I’m not stupid, unlike most of the guys you’ve dated.

dodged my goodnight kiss

I get it though, now that you’re on the downside of 30, the wrinkles are starting, the body is sagging and you have stretch marks and that c-section scar from pushing out that bad boy’s rugrat.

While you were waiting for those texts that never came I was busy getting my career in order and maximizing my credit score. Now my biggest issue is deciding which color Audi I’m going to buy. Why in the world would I choose to take on you and your problems?

In your twenties you barely gave me the time of day. Meanwhile you were jumping in bed with any guy with a neck tattoo or a prison record. Why would I date you? I know where you’ve been, and I hope you’ve been tested.

I can only conclude that you don’t need a nice guy, you need therapy!

I know damn well you’re going to end up cheating on me, and I don’t plan on giving you half my stuff when you do.

Now that the bad boys have used you up and moved on to women 10 years younger, so have I.

In fact you taught me one, you taught me not to date girls like you.

We want a good girl not some bad boy’s leftovers.

Enjoy dressing your cat up for Halloween

What a nice, caring individual.


To all of you who criticize sheltered "nice guys". Read this:


...Except Gaston dies, Beast gets the girl, the kingdom, and is completely beloved by everyone by the end of the movie...so....no.

Now if you wanna talk about Beast from Fables being an interesting character comparison to the nice guy syndrome since he is doing almost everything he can to keep himself from flipping out, including trying to ignore where Belle is going ever night without telling him to the point where it's literally making him crazy, then that might be more apt.
I think people are losing their sanity over this stuff

Neogaf OT definitely is. The crowd is worked up and out for blood, and "weird" white geeks are the only group left on gaf that people are allowed to dog pile on.

Here is the face of your enemy gaf. Don't be fooled by their lack of fedoras or pony tshirts. Stay vigilant people!


honestly, haven't met too many "nice guys" like this in real life. maybe they're more prevalent in the STEM major crowd. in undergrad, there were guys who struggled with putting it on a pedestal and things like this, but they weren't really worthy of my raw scorn, they were just guys who weren't really getting it at the time. It's not like everyone gets the correct dating mentality immediately. you have to go through some serious awkward phases like everyone else.


How dare you.


The hard logic in all these comics, the mass shamings, the general awkwardness of both the caricature of the "nice guy" AND the people shaming him, the complete and utter intolerance for someone going through an otherwise normal step of self-improvement...it all makes sense now.


But there are ways of "acting an asshole" that are one sided. For example, I once knew a woman who thought her boyfriend was being a complete jerk because every time she tried to tell him about something at work that was annoying her, he would cut her off with a story of something that annoyed him at work. What she wanted was him to listen to her and simply allow her to vent in order to make her feel better. What he was doing was attempting to empathize with her by telling her stories of himself being in the same situation, which gives agency to her plight. She thinks he's not paying attention, he's confused to why she's unhappy with him agreeing with her and a fight brews. Both people see each other as acting like an asshole because they're trying to make each other feel better.

Totally been there. I actually only got out of this mentality with a Parks and Recreation episode where they basically summarized the sentiment: I don't want you to fix this, just agree that it sucks.

I have applied this principle in my long-term relationship for quite a while now and it is far better. It's also brought me closer to emotional empathy as opposed to a logical, problem-solving, comparison-making empathy.


In fairness, the womans rant mentioned a lot of stupid things too like being "pale skinned" and having an interest in history making a guy undesirable.

Anyway, I'm a nice guy by nature and have no intention of forcing myself to change who I am. I'm never going to be particularly extroverted or prone to anger or being argumentative. That's just my temperament... it appeals to some, but not to others.

The most important life change I ever made was moving from being a brooding mopey teen into a fundamentally positive person. Have a laugh, have fun, don't wallow in self pity and just generally try not to be self absorbed. People will notice and enjoy spending time with you. You don't need to make yourself some sort of testosterone fueled alpha male if that's just not who you are.

This is also my growing up experience.

I spent a lot of time in my relationships waiting to have a screaming argument until I realized it was just never going to happen. It has romantic appeal, but it's not part of who I am to just want to vent and scream. If I'm angry I want to either talk and fix it or take some time off from each other to cool down.


What a fucking asshole. Shallow as fuck, too. Gotta love how his "success" and car make him better than others in his eyes. Jesus Christ.


What a fucking asshole. Shallow as fuck, too. Gotta love how his "success" and car make him better than others in his eyes. Jesus Christ.


Also, maybe others would have a nice car too if they only had to spend money on themselves.


Why has bashing socially awkward guys who struggle to find success in romantic relationships become so acceptable?

I don't think people are bashing the guys who just struggle, they're bashing the guys who struggle and then get really bitter and vitriolic toward women as a result.

Blink Me

Hey you, new wave, come over here
You're the prettiest thing I've seen all year
Hey you, new wave, don't turn away
Close those pouty lips and listen to what I say
Why must you smoke that clove cigarette?
Why must you act like you've got a hole in you head?
Why don't you split the squares and love me instead?
You're all shiny and clean, I've seen you in my dreams
Like the Rolls Royce I can't have
Your presence makes me scream
Sour grapes - you leave such a bad taste
Sour grapes - I don't need you anyways
Sour grapes - feeding, feeding my rage
Hey you, new wave, I pity you
When you get old, what will you do?
What will you do when you turn 21?
You're cockteasing at the singles bar just for fun
What will you do when you turn 31?
What will you do when you don't know how to love anyone?
I wanted her cherry, I got sour grapes
I refuse to climb the ladder for you
I refuse to pant and paw for you
I need love, don't need no beauty queen
But still, when I look at you, I scream
Sour grapes - you leave such a bad taste
Sour grapes - I don't need you anyways
Sour grapes
Just go riding right by me on the crest of the new wave
Sour grapes - feeding, feeding my rage
Sour grapes


I love these Fedora-threads! Funny on so many levels :p

But what about the so-called bad guys? Those poor guys don't seem to stand any chance in this mythos. They get to fuck yes, but then they always end up in prison or dead like Gaston with no chance for redemption. I mean, Gaston loved the most beautiful and sharpest girl in town and did everything in his power to get her. He was a romantic at heart. Seriously "nice guys", think about the bad guys from time to time, they have feelings too. They try their best with what they have :(
Why has bashing socially awkward guys who struggle to find success in romantic relationships become so acceptable?

The person in the OP is a jerk, and bashing jerks has always been acceptable. If you display that behaviour and attitude a little social displeasure shown your way is the least of your worries.
Furthermore, there are many people are giving good advice that these sorts of people can use to turn their life around. No one is pulling out people's post histories and calling them fedora's and insulting them, if you are a fedora and you read this thread it is pretty clear as to what you should do to improve yourself and change your outlook. Social awkwardness is not an excuse for being a bad person.


Just be who you are.


I was absolutely one of these "nice guys, oh why won't the girls see how good i am." But ultimately, I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. And I even got the nice guy thing to work once. I managed to convince a girl who had friendzoned me to turn around and give me a chance. And it was the worst decision ever, because I spent the whole relationship being her doormat until someone talked some sense into me.

When I learned to become comfortable with myself, that's when I found a relationship that worked. And we are happily married to this day.

One more thing - I actually kind of like the Saddest Turtle comic above. I know it's not what the author was going for, but with the way the line of his face curls up in the back, it kind of looks to me like he's smiling. He made a nice dinner, had it with himself, and realized that he was all he needed to be happy. Again, not what the artist probably intended, but I like my message.


Yeah this kinda shit is just insane now and it's driving the OT nuts. And that's more so than usual.

Pfft whatever.

Blink Me

Wait being interested in History makes you unattractive? Some of the best looking guys and girls at University did History.

I need to buy a fedora now.


This thread is quite the shit show.

Just be who you are.

Nah dog, you don't want people shielding their bullshit behind the notion of "being who you are". Some people are right fucking assholes. Sometimes the assholes are the pasty pieces of shit in the stupid hats, other times they're dudes on message boards getting mad fucking angry at image macros that are indecipherable from satire.

If you're all fuckin' up your own ass because someone didn't let you put your penis all over them, maybe stop being an ass. Maybe just don't go onto the internet and write ten paragraphs about how bad you are at getting your penis all over things. At the same time, maybe if people are minding their own business, maybe don't get all upset if they're isolated human garbage and not really bothering anyone with their bright yellow make-pretend guns and horse cartoons.

Just, I dunno dog, be nice to people. And if you aren't nice, reevaluate yourself so you ain't being a huge dick all the time.


The person in the OP is a jerk, and bashing jerks has always been acceptable. If you display that behaviour and attitude a little social displeasure shown your way is the least of your worries.
Furthermore, there are many people are giving good advice that these sorts of people can use to turn their life around. No one is pulling out people's post histories and calling them fedora's and insulting them, if you are a fedora and you read this thread it is pretty clear as to what you should do to improve yourself and change your outlook. Social awkwardness is not an excuse for being a bad person.

I have no fucking idea what a 'fedora' is aside from a hat. All I see in this thread is a lot of nerd-shaming. Yes, the person in the OP is a jerk, but that doesn't mean that all people who are socially awkward should automatically be bundled into the same category.

As for all the advice being thrown around in this thread, I feel like it amounts to nothing more than telling an addict to 'just stop.' - Being both unhelpful and condescending at the same time. Which kind of sucks because some of the people giving out that advice are genuinely trying to help.


Should be no loss for either demographic. According to MRA, American women are only interested in outlaw bikers, and also according to MRA, they themselves only want to date Asian/Russian/Brazilian women.


I think there's definitely a validity in the idea that being bullied and ostracised only pulls you further outside of society and compounds the internal problems many introverted / non-"alpha" people deal with. This leads to the anger issues that a lot of people see bubbling up with these "nice guy" posts, eg the frustration of being forced to deal with a society that constantly rejects you for not being skilled in using the tools with which to deal with society. But even in seeing this (I'm horribly introverted myself), I can't accept or shrug-off people who consequentially project all of these anxieties and complex issues onto some innocent object of their desire, just because they happened to be a woman who talked to them or whatever.


Probably brought up a bunch of times but 'good guys' are real assholes.

No wonder the girls go for bad boys, they are probably way nicer.


Should be no loss for either demographic. According to MRA, American women are only interested in outlaw bikers, and also according to MRA, they themselves only want to date Asian/Russian/Brazilian women.

I have never wanted to punch my computer screen as much as when I saw this MRA video:

The Post-feminism Man

The fact that it has so many likes and so many positive comments hurts my head even more. The salt is too strong.
I have never wanted to punch my computer screen as much as when I saw this MRA video:

The Post-feminism Man

The fact that it has so many likes and so many positive comments hurts my head even more. The salt is too strong.

I made it one minute in and had to shut it down. Jesus H.Christ that is some hateful, hateful stuff. I imagine a "man" like this really enjoys telling "his" woman what her role is.


I have never wanted to punch my computer screen as much as when I saw this MRA video:

The Post-feminism Man

The fact that it has so many likes and so many positive comments hurts my head even more. The salt is too strong.

Stopped at Marxist Feminism.

That guy has no idea what he's talking about. "Gonna put feminism next to this word that people think means high brow fascism and make it sound smarter." Get fucked.


Stopped at Marxist Feminism.

That guy has no idea what he's talking about. "Gonna put feminism next to this word that people think means high brow fascism and make it sound smarter." Get fucked.

He has no idea what he's talking about, but Marxist Feminism is a real philosophical doctrine...
One more thing - I actually kind of like the Saddest Turtle comic above. I know it's not what the author was going for, but with the way the line of his face curls up in the back, it kind of looks to me like he's smiling. He made a nice dinner, had it with himself, and realized that he was all he needed to be happy. Again, not what the artist probably intended, but I like my message.

That's exactly what I took out of it too. Never occured to me the turtle isn't smiling. (And left the dirty plate out, because who likes doing the dishes?)
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