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Dear math/programming geeks, please learn English

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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
When people first started using the "This > That" thing I always thought of it as the order of things, but I soon realized most took it in the "greater than" sense. Since then people have often used "This = That" or "This =/= That" and then even some computer programming terms that make absolutely no sense to me. Just now on the gaming forums someone said...

Also, WLAN <> Online play. Nor do Internet Scoreboards. But, it's a start.
And I have absolutely no idea what the crap that is supposed to mean. So I must ask, why can't we just speak english? If you are intelligent enough to learn math and programming stuff you should be intelligent enough to use the proper words and grammar to articulate your points.


On a side note one of the stupidest things I ever read on GameFaqs came from this kind of usage.
Someone used != and another poster replied with
"Sorry, on gamefaqs we use =/= not !="

I really hate most CS people.


Dice said:
If you are intelligent enough to learn math and programming stuff you should be intelligent enough to use the proper words and gammar to articulate your points.

It's actually been my experience that most engineers, programmers, and math "geeks" have a bit of trouble with writing in, you know, any kind of cohesive, sensible manner. It's not a rule that's set in stone, but I've seen shit that honestly makes you wonder how they got through high school.


If you can't tell what it means from context, it's probably not worth knowing anyway.

And snooty requests that others change their writing to better suit you *always* work out great.


We should stop using FHUTA and IAWTP and IBTN while we're at it, because acronyms confuse anyone who has never worked at the government or a big corporation.


they call me "Man Gravy".
xsarien said:
It's actually been my experience that most engineers, programmers, and math "geeks" have a bit of trouble with writing in, you know, any kind of cohesive, sensible manner. It's not a rule that's set in stone, but I've seen shit that honestly makes you wonder how they got through high school.

I've actually noticed most technical people write in a more clear, precise manner than English majors. It's just that in the English world the capacity to decipher Joyce seems to be more important than the ability to write effectively.


It should be standardized that all symbolic speech on the internet must use C or C++ syntax in order to foster understanding amongst net denizens.


teiresias said:
It should be standardized that all symbolic speech on the internet must use C or C++ syntax in order to foster understanding amongst net denizens.

Saying something like that could open a can of worms big enough to make me want to run and hide.

White Man

It's just that in the English world the capacity to decipher Joyce seems to be more important than the ability to write effectively.

The ability to decipher Joyce and to be a clear writer are not mutually exclusive. Also, not all students of literature are gaga for Joyce. Most programs don't require you study his works unless you want to specifically take a class on him. I'd recommend it, however. I <3 Joyce.


Don't make me post the Lindsay Lohan ascii nude I found in some guys bootleggers profile the other day.



6.8 said:
We should stop using FHUTA and IAWTP and IBTN while we're at it
Agreed - you want the arithmetic operators abolished, the acronyms will have to go as well.
Don't count on that happening around here anytime soon.

And for the record, I'm a programmer. :D


I'm a perfect example of good programmer, pathetic english skills. Just look at any of my post or even my tag. It's just one of those weird thigns about people. People are like RPG characters you only get so many points to spread around.
Dice said:
And I have absolutely no idea what the crap that is supposed to mean. So I must ask, why can't we just speak english? If you are intelligent enough to learn math and programming stuff you should be intelligent enough to use the proper words and gammar to articulate your points.

> as a way to show something is greater than something else is simply a lot simpler, snappy, and not that difficult to understand. It's nice with someplace like this, where a higher-than-average number of people understand such shorthand.

If I care about making a passionate and articulate point, sure I'll be more verbose and use less specific slang.


The ">" bullshit is just stupid because it allows people to troll while contributing absolutely nothing. They don't even have to think up a complete sentence to piss people off. I don't think people do it because they are interested in C programming, they just pick it up because they don't want to put any effort into writing a post, but still need some way to shout their lame opinions.

"IAWTP" should go because it's similarly a non-contribution. If you agree, then great, but don't bother posting just a one-line acronym.

"FHUTA" should go because it wasn't that funny to begin with, and has just been totally run into the ground. "Someone mentioned a girl in their message so I will say 'FHUTA!' Hyuck hyuck, what a brilliant jokester I am!"
calder said:
If you can't tell what it means from context, it's probably not worth knowing anyway.
How are you supposed to figure out a cryptic symbol from context?

calder %^ merry-go-rounds


How are you supposed to figure out a cryptic symbol from context?

calder %^ merry-go-rounds

Er, you can usually tell contextually if someone is pro or con the subject matter except in the most extreme cases... but regardless what I'm saying is that if you *can't* figure out their point because they didn't bother to express it enough that you can tell what they mean with or without the lazy shorthand then it's probably not worth puzzling out anyway. You point out why in your first paragraph.

If I say "GTA only sells to the masses because $&, Vice City *o>?: Driv3r" you don't need to know what the shit means to know it's just a stupid troll.
RevenantKioku said:



Dice said:
So I must ask, why can't we just speak english? If you are intelligent enough to learn math and programming stuff you should be intelligent enough to use the proper words and gammar to articulate your points.
Also let us ban contractions and acronyms. They might confuse someone for several seconds. We do not want to make them have to ask, do we?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I never called for a ban on these things, I was just making a simple request. If you really don't want to you don't have to, I was simply asking. Though I do agree with border.


Dice said:
If you are intelligent enough to learn math and programming stuff you should be intelligent enough to use the proper words and grammar to articulate your points.

It's comments like this that annoy me. If you can learn english with all it's bullshit rules. Learning to program should be a cake walk.


Hey man, terms such as "!=" and "<>" are English. There just shorthanded ways of writing the language. I really don't understand what the problem is. If there's a term you don't understand just ask what it is.
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
Is there any language that uses =/=?
Not that I know of. I believe that's supposed to simulate the "equal with a slash through it" used often enough in math, but due to using multiple regular-sized equals it's just abnormally wide.

border said:
The ">" bullshit is just stupid because it allows people to troll while contributing absolutely nothing. They don't even have to think up a complete sentence to piss people off. I don't think people do it because they are interested in C programming, they just pick it up because they don't want to put any effort into writing a post, but still need some way to shout their lame opinions.
> don't troll topics, trolls troll topics. Whether it's "JoshuaJSlone > border" or "JoshuaJSlone is greater than border" or "JoshuaJSlone is undoubtedly a better human being than border." it's just the same attitude wrapped into a different number of characters.

Me, I'm still waiting for parentheses to become more commonly used in math/programming ways. That way we can more easily tell the difference between:

My neighbor ate (bologna sitting on a chair).
(My neighbor ate bologna) sitting on a chair.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I'm a "geek programmer" and I pride myself on my ability to write and articulate well. I was in the top 0.5% in the country in honours English leaving secondary school. Good writing skills are also emphasised in my college course, so I wouldn't say that geeks can't write well. If they choose not to write properly, with obscure symbols and so on, that's another issue :p


xsarien said:
No, they're not. They're mathematical descriptors that, like anything, can be described in language.
What I was trying to say is that when you see them, you read them as if they were written in English, so what difference does it make?


lot of the techies in america are also foreigners, indians and asians mostly. and a lot of them just dont have a good grasp of english. doesnt mean they cant read/write well in their native tongue though.
nitewulf said:
lot of the techies in america are also foreigners, indians and asians mostly. and a lot of them just dont have a good grasp of english. doesnt mean they cant read/write well in their native tongue though.

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG on a kazillion levels. Many times they have better written skills and syntax than most Engilsh speakers. They write like they are taught, English speakers write how we talk.


no i actually met a few who couldnt read or write english well, as they just came recently and did not have a good background in english. doesnt mean they arent adept reading/writing in their own language however.
on the other hand most indians do have better writing skills than americans as far as grammar goes, india was a british colony for 2 centuries, the school system is british.


Boogie9IGN said:
Yeah, me too, =/= looks gay

And what the FUCK is XD supposed to mean?

CS sucks.

XD is a smiley as far as I know...right?

And stuff like ">", "<", "!=" aren't so bad. If you go to school, you should know what they are. Just because someone uses them doesn't mean they're dumb, they're just getting their point across efficiently, assuming you're on their level.


needs to show more effort.
border said:
The ">" bullshit is just stupid because it allows people to troll while contributing absolutely nothing. They don't even have to think up a complete sentence to piss people off. I don't think people do it because they are interested in C programming, they just pick it up because they don't want to put any effort into writing a post, but still need some way to shout their lame opinions.

"IAWTP" should go because it's similarly a non-contribution. If you agree, then great, but don't bother posting just a one-line acronym.

"FHUTA" should go because it wasn't that funny to begin with, and has just been totally run into the ground. "Someone mentioned a girl in their message so I will say 'FHUTA!' Hyuck hyuck, what a brilliant jokester I am!"How are you supposed to figure out a cryptic symbol from context?

calder %^ merry-go-rounds
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