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Dems point fingers after GA-6 loss

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Much blame was put on Nancy Pelosi.

"As one of his first moves after declaring his candidacy against Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC), Democrat Joe Cunningham tweeted, "If elected, I will not vote for Nancy Pelosi for speaker. Time to move forward and win again.”

“We’d better take a good, long, strong look in the mirror and realize that the problem is us; it’s the party,” Rep. Tim Ryan (Ohio) said Wednesday morning as he left a closed-door meeting of the Democratic Caucus in the Capitol.

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) echoed Ryan’s argument.
“We need to have a plan; we need to have a vision; we need to tell Americans why Democrats will be better, not just why Trump is bad,” Moulton said. “And I don’t think we’re doing enough of that, and I think that’s evident in this [Georgia] race.”

“Those are still effective ads that hurt our candidate,” said Ryan, 43, who had challenged Pelosi for the Democratic leader spot after last November’s elections.

Rep. Kathleen Rice, a second-term New York Democrat, told CNN that she’d like to wipe clean the Democrats’ entire leadership slate.
“We need leadership change,” Rice told CNN. “It’s time for Nancy Pelosi to go, and the entire leadership team.”

More at link.


I don't even know who to blame anymore. American voters are straight up dumb as shit and I have zero clue on how to reach them.

It's easy to point at Democratic leadership but it's also profoundly mindblowing how little people do their own research and instead have to be swayed by messaging for the most basic of facts
I don't even know who to blame anymore. American voters are straight up dumb as shit and I have zero clue on how to reach them.

It's easy to point at Democratic leadership but it's also profoundly mindblowing how little people do their own research and instead have to be swayed by messaging for the most basic of facts

Republicans have a propaganda network in Fox News that won't talk bad about Republicans. Plus they thrive on fear which works on old people that sit at home all day with little to no contact with the outside world.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Sounds like he cares more about winning than standing for what's right.
He sounds like the worst kind of politician. He should apply for a republican seat. People like him have infiltrated the democratic party and are sabotaging it.


I wasn't really steeped in the campaign rhetoric, but it didn't seem like Ossoff was running on "Trump is bad."
Oh my god fuck off and realize you motherfuckers have to stick with each other through thick and thin. None of this blame game bullshit.

If we lose in 2018 and 2020, it's because of chucklefucks like these.


I don't even know who to blame anymore. American voters are straight up dumb as shit and I have zero clue on how to reach them.
That's what unregulated media and a poor education gives you.
America fell into the trap of having news outlets spinning fake news without any oversight to punish them for lying.
Because there's a power vacuum and people like Tim Ryan are trying to take it

Yeah, with Obama done as a politician and Hillary losing, there's no recognized "true" leader of the Democratic Party. So what you're going to have from now until basically 2020 is people trying to jump up and fill that spot.

Republicans unite as one? They have complete control and cannot agree on anything.

They can agree to campaign and vote for other Republicans to get into office.


Republicans have a propaganda network in Fox News that won't talk bad about Republicans. Plus they thrive on fear which works on old people that sit at home all day with little to no contact with the outside world.

I agree. Fox News is basically a propaganda network that brainwash the conservatives to hate Democrats. I don't think Pelosi is the issue, even if she resigned Republicans will just find some other Democrat to demonize, Fox News will spread the message, and it will go round and round again.


They need a clear vision and a story that exites people. A big problem and a clear way of how they're going to solve it. I feel like we keep getting lost in the confusing times we live in and everything turns into making sure every demographic is checked off the inclusivity list when the real problem is that there are forces and systems so large that they're actually driving a lot of our issues around race, sexuality, the environment, the economy, and our division. Inclusivity is SO important, but I think the Democrats are failing to see the biggest strings that already unite all of us.

Sanders was able to touch on this by essentially creating an entire platform around "The richest of the rich are responsible for these problems and I'm going to help you fight back." And look at how he took off (whatever you think of him) with a message that simple.

Get your story straight, get some fresh, young voices, and do the work of politics by getting down in the muck and having hard conversations with people.

I'll probably always vote Democrat and I know plenty of conservatives who seem to agree with me on pretty much every issue aside from one or two after I have a plain conversation with them. People want what you have to offer. You just have to show them.
So the political drama this week has little to do with Trump and a lot to do with Dems not getting their shit together. Got it.
They can agree to campaign and vote for other Republicans to get into office.

Yup. They may be bickering chickens when it comes down to actual ruling, but when it comes to getting elected, they're damned good at it and will even tell people to vote for someone they personally hate.
Sounds like he cares more about winning than standing for what's right.
He sounds like the worst kind of politician. He should apply for a republican seat. People like him have infiltrated the democratic party and are sabotaging it.

Winning is pretty important if you want to pass liberal laws, yes.
OP, your thread title and summary is at little at odds with the article, don't you think?

"Much blame was put on Nancy Pelosi."

The article:
Some Democrats were quick to blame party leaders...

Some of the quotes you selected were not even directed as criticisms @ Pelosi, but Ossoff himself!

“We’d better take a good, long, strong look in the mirror and realize that the problem is us; it’s the party,” Rep. Tim Ryan (Ohio) said Wednesday morning as he left a closed-door meeting of the Democratic Caucus in the Capitol.

He described Ossoff as a “great” candidate who simply “couldn’t carry the national baggage of the Democratic Party.”
You left the last bit off, leaving the quote in the OP to appear directed at Nancy. According to The Hill, the response from most Dems has actually been the exact opposite of finger pointing. Again, from the same article:

Many Democrats, including top leaders, quickly pushed back against the internal criticism, noting that Georgia’s 6th District, before this year, was safely Republican. While disappointed with Tuesday’s loss, they said they’re thrilled that victory was within their grasp and optimistic about the message that sends ahead of the 2018 midterms.

“In a normal year, we wouldn’t even have any shot. We have closed the gap dramatically,” said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

“I mean, they’re the ones that better be worried.”

And a sentiment that has been echoed here on GAF:

“Since Gingrich, the politics of personal destruction has been a GOP hallmark,” Hammill added, referring to former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). “They will do this to any and every Democratic leader, because the only thing sustaining their majority is desperation.”

Republicans will demonize anyone opposed to them. If there are arguments for why she needs to go, make them. But citing how the people who voted for Donald Trump might feel about her is not a good starting point, I think.


There is no clear cut answer to take away from it all. The Candidate that ran would be best described as a Blue Dog. Yet somehow the Hard left think its a sign that its time for Hard Left candidate because a Blue Dog was competitive. A Hard Left Candidate would have been blown out. Blue Dog and Hard Left are not even close to similar
Why are so many fingers being pointed after losses in seats that were vacated in the first place because they were considered safe by the GOP

This was my thought as well. It was a long shot in those races. The fact that the republicans won/maintained those seats in a deeply red area by narrow margins says way more than the actual loss.

The loss wasn't unexpected. The closeness of the races were. People need to get a grip and have some perspective FFS. Sounds like the same assholes that thought Texas would turn blue in November.
There is no clear cut answer to take away from it all. The Candidate that ran would be best described as a Blue Dog. Yet somehow the Hard left think its a sign that its time for Hard Left candidate because a Blue Dog was competitive. A Hard Left Candidate would have been blown out. Blue Dog and Hard Left are not even close to similar

Yes. A fifty-state strategy means you select a candidate tailored to the district or state. You run blue-dog fiscally responsible Ossoff in rich, white, suburban Atlanta; you run coal-loving Joe Manchin in coal-loving West Virginia; you run hard left organic pumpkin populist in Hawaii or California where he or she can win. (I actually wish someone farther left would primary actual Blue Dog and not really liberal Tulsi Gabbard.)


Professional Schmuck
Democrats are panicking because they refuse to believe there are that many people who don't automatically reject every GOPer who hasn't explicitly disavowed trump.

I mean, maybe it's time to panic.
Maybe stop pushing Corporate Democrats? But I agree, Dems need new leadership, or else we'll keep on losing.

What is a corporate Democrat?

Does being a corporate Democrat preclude one from being a progressive?

If yes, how do you reconcile that opinion with the fact that corporations have been on the progressive side of issues in recent years (e.g., North Carolina and the bathroom bill)?
What is a corporate Democrat?

Does being a corporate Democrat preclude one from being a progressive?

If yes, how do you reconcile that opinion with the fact that corporations have been on the progressive side of issues in recent years (e.g., North Carolina and the bathroom bill)?

Because they don't want to lose money? Nothing precludes them from being progressive, as long as they don't upset their corporate sponsors.

Most successful Democrat in these special elections was the corporatiaist of them all.

So not really the clear answer

What do you suggest we do then? Something's gotta give.
Because they don't want to lose money? Nothing precludes them from being progressive, as long as they don't upset their corporate sponsors.

What do you suggest we do then? Something's gotta give.

Well not automatically disqualifying someone because they're a """"corporate democrat"""

Can someone explain to me what this "baggage" is?

Tim Ryan wants Pelosi's job.

Tim Ryan will shit on his fellow Dems to get Pelosi's job


Fucking ridiculous and stupid overreaction. Dems continually disappoint with all this blamegame bullshit.

And seriously, the answer isn't to fucking run Bernie-centric candidates everywhere, that's just dumb. You replicate the 50-state strategy and the success of 2006. Match the candidate to the district, hope for the best and fuck outta here with the purity tests. Everytime I see the word corporate democrat, it screams of someone who just started to pay attention a few years ago.
Democrats are panicking...
...Is a narrative that is being pushed, for sure. Head over to Breitbart and you'd think the Democratic Party is utterly humiliated right now. But that's not really the case, is it? There is disappointment in the GA loss, sure, but there is also a hell of a lot of excitement over the fact that it was even a close race to begin with. It should not have been, at all. The GOP just had to fight tooth and nail to save a seat that has been theirs for decades, longer than I have been alive. Right wing media right now is gloating, but it's superficial. They want to change the topic to "look at how the Dems just lost AGAIN, SAD" so no one notices them sweating after having to defend some shit that should have been as safe as a snowball in Antarctica.

Fuck that noise, and the mouths echoing it. I'm feeling pretty fired up right now, because if we can make a seat that red competitive there is a good amount of hope for 18/20.


So the political drama this week has little to do with Trump and a lot to do with Dems not getting their shit together. Got it.

More like losing their shit because despite closing 18 points in a over 20 point gap in that election, they are having tantrums because they didn't hit the powerball. Nobody thought they'd win that election, but they also thought they wouldn't come close either.


I dunno, I think there are more options than just running "Bernie Sanders" in every district or running bland dudes who stand for nothing.


I don't even know who to blame anymore. American voters are straight up dumb as shit and I have zero clue on how to reach them.

It's easy to point at Democratic leadership but it's also profoundly mindblowing how little people do their own research and instead have to be swayed by messaging for the most basic of facts

Republicans run on hatred. A huge number of Americans are evil and that message resonates with them.


why are they melting down they lost an R+20 district by only 4 points get some fucking perspective you chowderheads


why are they melting down they lost an R+20 district by only 4 points get some fucking perspective you chowderheads

I think they'd feel better if they had won ANY of these contests. For all of Trump's mishaps and shenanigans, Democrats have yet to convert on any of it. Right now it's hard to believe they can win anything.

The fact they didn't win also shows that these Republicans can't be swayed. Trump can literally be, well, Trump, and it's still better than voting for a Democrat.
Can't vote for the party that tolerates minorities.


I think they'd feel better if they had won ANY of these contests. For all of Trump's mishaps and shenanigans, Democrats have yet to convert on any of it. Right now it's hard to believe they can win anything.

The fact they didn't win also shows that these Republicans can't be swayed. Trump can literally be, well, Trump, and it's still better than voting for a Democrat.
Can't vote for the party that tolerates minorities.

The fact that they went from -20 to -4 shows that ~8 percent of the electorate has already been swayed


we're six months removed from a 2 term incumbent. the pendulum isn't swining back any time soon regardless of how much of a dumpster fire trump is. not in fucking GA at least
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