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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth |OT| The Prodigious Mon Returns (Courtesy of a Petition)

Other than ability you can boost all stats with farm items that you can get from dungeons or quests. They're really rare though so don't count on them.
the ability shit is really annoying to me. there's no way to increase ABI except for dedigivolving correct?


Am I supposed to keep changing the Digimon in my team and keep evolving them and de-evolving them into different species that often? I found a team of Digimon that I really like and they work on the battlefield, so I keep training them.

Also, is it normal to take that long (more than an hour sometimes) for the DigiFarm activites to be fulfilled? How does the leader Digimon affect the farm?


Have you played in the online colosseum yet? Once you face off against a few Japanese players you'll experience the crushing difficulty you crave. :p

Nope. I feel that it's less balanced than Pokemon though so I'm kinda worried about jumping in.

I got three of those on chapter 6 or 7.

I think those are the only ones you're given in game. I'm at chapter 19 and still only have those three.

Am I supposed to keep changing the Digimon in my team and keep evolving them and de-evolving them into different species that often? I found a team of Digimon that I really like and they work on the battlefield, so I keep training them.

Also, is it normal to take that long (more than an hour sometimes) for the DigiFarm activites to be fulfilled? How does the leader Digimon affect the farm?

You'll be changing them more often after chapter 10 to raise abilities and gather skills. You can go back to your original team (only better) once you do that.

As for the farm, that depends on the personality. Builders and Searchers effect development and investigating time, the more Digimon in a farm that has the right ability the shorter the time it will take for the task to finish. Leader doesn't matter with those two. All other personalities effect stat boost when training. Digimon gain stats based on their personality and the personality of the leader. So if you have Fighter Digimon in a farm and a brainy leader all Digimon its attack and intelligence is raised, while leader only has its intelligence raised.
Just beat the story, kinda teary eyed.
I hope MediaVision makes another Digimon RPG.

Well, now to head towards that Platinum, only have a few trophies to get.
Ah what the hell? I decided against doing the purple quests on the board in Chapter 17, come back to the board in Chapter 19 and they're gone? Not cool.

Is there anyway for me to make these show up again? They're DLC quests right? Fuck.

True Fire

Very happy with those sales. Hopefully Next Order doesn't turn fans off too much, because the next Media Vision Digimon game (if it happens) will probably be amazing.
Ah what the hell? I decided against doing the purple quests on the board in Chapter 17, come back to the board in Chapter 19 and they're gone? Not cool.

Is there anyway for me to make these show up again? They're DLC quests right? Fuck.

I'd like to know as well.

I didn't realize any of them could expire. I think that you are only missing the cases from Mission Pack 1. If I remember correctly, the rest don't unlock until the end of Chapter 19.
Just dropped to 51 on Amazon. Still not as cheap as it would be with Best Buy's GCU.

I'm having to resist buying this game so incredibly hard. I check its price and deals for it almost every day.


Got to Chapter 16 yesterday. I'm really surprised how much random stuff the plot is just throwing out right now. Battles between Royal Knights, dimensional travel, the whole Hackmon thing, and then Arata's.... "thing"....

It's hilarious how one moment it feels like a pure Digimon plot, and the next moment it snaps back into SMT-lite, and then next it can be something else entirely instead. Story meetings for this game must have been fun. :p


Why does "Eater" becomes "Bakemon" halfway through the game?
He does actually say Bakemon in the original Japanese script too, バケモ ン.

It's a weird situation, since he's obviously making a reference to the Digimon because lolhacker lingo or something, while also calling the Eater a monster.


So far I've noticed the only characters who use Bakemon are Date and Matayoshi. They don't seem to know what to call the Eaters, so it's a pun on monstermon. The problem is... is there's an actual Digimon called Bakemon too, so it's kinda... confusing?

Edit: Huh, Arata says it too eh? Weird.


Any tips for passing the Legendary cup?
The stupid angel trio are pissing me off with this constant heals.

BlackWarGreymon who absolutely wrecks their house cant keep up with their healing

EDIT: I also don't think they're referring to the actual digimon "Bakemon" I think they're calling them monster, or "Bakemono" as it's commonly said in japanese
so I smoked a little bit and
started up a remote play.

maybe that's why, but the story coincidentally got so much more interesting for me there,


and then after that, the weird scientist guy shoes up...and I always sorta trusted him but as of late I felt like I couldn't, but now I feel like I do!

so this story is really really great. I like games with a good story. That's why I think tlour is the greatest game I ever played, that's why I love uncharted, mass effect, and yakuza.

I think this game along with Uc4 is a contender for my GOTY!


Are the Lost Property cases neccessary for 100% completion? I've doing all of them for the medals but they're absolutely terrible and boring to grind so if possible I'd like to skip them. I did read some stuff a few pages back about grinding for the Black Agumon lost property quest. Is that the only medal you can only get through the Lost Property quests or something?


Are the Lost Property cases neccessary for 100% completion? I've doing all of them for the medals but they're absolutely terrible and boring to grind so if possible I'd like to skip them. I did read some stuff a few pages back about grinding for the Black Agumon lost property quest. Is that the only medal you can only get through the Lost Property quests or something?


If i recall there is only one medal which is exclusive to those property cases, and thats the metalgreymon (blue)

I cant remember if you get any special rewards though like farm extensions.



If i recall there is only one medal which is exclusive to those property cases, and thats the metalgreymon (blue)

I cant remember if you get any special rewards though like farm extensions.
Thanks, I'll just keep doing investigations and look out for the Blue Metalgreymon quest then :)


It's really quite amazing for me to think how the game started with a hacker invitation into a virtual world. And now 35 hours later there's an actual giant dragon hovering over skyscrapers in Odaiba. This game sure is something. Lol.

True Fire

Got the Platinum! It took me 100 hours, and 40 hours after beating the main game. I can't wait to replay this game without worrying about medals... lol


I don't know what to do with my farms anymore. Does anyone have any tips for that?

If you already have a Development (for dem Tactician USBs) and a Investigation (to get fetch and hacker hunt quests) farms, you can use the other three to train specific stats - like, one for int training, one for atk and one for spd. Or maybe leave one farm just to place digimons you need to feed with best meat to boost CAM.

If i recall there is only one medal which is exclusive to those property cases, and thats the metalgreymon (blue)

I cant remember if you get any special rewards though like farm extensions.

Thanks, I'll just keep doing investigations and look out for the Blue Metalgreymon quest then :)

There's Agumon (black) as well.

Either way, you have to clear the ones already on the board for new ones to pop up, so the only reasonable way to do it is to clear them all, set your farms to investigate and save just before the timers run out. Then just keep quitting and reloading until one pops up.


I have a LadyDevimon and I want a Lilithmon. How can I get her MAX SP and INT to reach the requirements for the digivolution?
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